Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm Not Going to Write The blog Anymore

This will be the last blog post I will write. Its been going well for about 3 months. I've averaged at least 4 posts a week consistently, but I think the time for writing it has come to an end.

I'm sure you're wondering why. I'll let you know. I just don't want to. Its a big commitment to come up with something to write everyday, and frankly, I'm getting bored with it.

No one reads this anyway. I rarely get comments or have anything poignant to say, so as they old, saying goes "what's the point"?

I'm probably going to spend more time sleeping, or eating breakfast earlier than usual. Its not going to be much of an impact since there aren't many people reading this anyway.

I'll leave you with one last nugget for the day- This morning my son called my mother on the phone. She loves to get phone calls from her grand children, especially in the morning, so this was a special day. Gabriel had something he wanted to tell her.


"Yes, Gabriel" She replied.

"Grandma, its snowing in Covington, almost three inches of snow"

"WOW! How amazing is that!"

"Grandma.... APRIL FOOLS!!!!!"

So... there you have it... I'm sure you get the joke now.. of course I'm going to to continue the blog... APRIL FOOLS!!!!

have a funny day! Love you guys!



  1. Dang Matt. you got me all excited just to let me down ;-)

  2. But, it REALLY IS snowing in Auburn.
    I'm glad the blog will still be here. I've got to have something to not read. :p

  3. But it IS snowing here on the West Hill in Auburn/Federal Way!!!!!

  4. You got me...I almost started to cry until I read it through...Love Ya..GG

  5. Every year someone gets me because I forget it's April Fools day! You got me good!

  6. You got me! I am so glad you are still going to write. I look forward to reading it everyday.


  7. I'm still not going to read it.

  8. butt head :)

    greetings from the OG stress buster V Daddy!

  9. Beautiful weather in Texas, Special K!

    Your voice guy,


  10. man!!!! got me! may you continue to be blessed my brother
