Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Gauntlet of Fire- Wal-Mart Christmas Week

If you are a glutton for pain and punishment- I'd like to make a recommendation- go to a retail store anytime between now and 10pm Thursday. It seems as though everyone in North America has waited until the final 48 hours of shopping time, to go and get some Christmas presents.

I can't blame them. Some people don't get paid til the end, or don't have time til the end, or some people just procrastinate. Whatever it is, they are out there in droves.

We live by a walmart- I shop there. I know, its a big massive retailer that takes out the little guy and is ruining America. I'd go get socks and light bulbs at the 'local guy' but the only 'local guy' around me is Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Fred Meyer, or Costco, so I'm kinda stuck here. I gotta get what I need.

Last night I needed something for today, so I decided to head out there to get it with my Father in law. Now, I'm an optimist, I had some visions of what it may be like inside of the store, with three fourths of the town there shopping. I had seen that commercial on TV that showed WalMart having all those check stands open, so I figured it would be okay.(FYI- 70% of checkstands closed).

Then reality hit- as I was pulling into the parking lot, parking farther from the door than I had ever parked, it hit me. It is going to be an absolute zoo in there.

There were a few emotional options that I could choose before going into the store-

a. Get annoyed, angry, and frustrated with the sea of ungrateful consumers snarling at their fellow man while buying presents to celebrate the birth of our Savior.

b. Decide BEFORE I went into the store to laugh it off and realize that it was just going to busy and take a while to get through there.

I chose b. What's the nugget? I'm sure you're already seeing it. We all have the capacity when going into situations to choose our attitude BEFORE we go into it. To take a moment to think about what we are doing, where we are going, and how it is going to effect us.

When we choose our attitude before the situation, we have the ability to better enjoy our selves, have less stress, and get less angry.

Is there a situation that you need to choose your attitude before you go into it? A family celebration or work issue that is coming up? Choose your attitude before and you will find that things go a whole lot better.

Be blessed



  1. I should have read this before going to my husband's work party. Even though I was polite and for the most part enjoyed myself, I don't really know how to involve myself with his employees. I got uncomfortable, however, I probably set myself up to be uncomfortable based on my feelings from last years' party. I molded a part of my attitude, rather than stepping up to the plate and creating my own conversations rather than expecting those that already knew each other to include me or (presumptiously)assume they would alter their form of humor to encompass mine! Well said!

  2. It is all about choices isn't it? Thanks for the reminder and good words. As the British would say "chin up and cheerio!"

  3. Thank you for the reminder. After all attitude is everything. I have to admit this Christmas season I have had a pretty negative attitude. I have decided I need to change that. After all I have a lot to be thankful for, why should I have a bad attitude. Thank you Pastor Matt for your wonderful blogs & your perspectives. I pray that you & your family have a blessed Christmas & New Year!! Dani
