Friday, October 29, 2010

It Must Be Someone Else's Fault- Sue Them!

It is becoming more and more clear that personal responsibility is quickly fading. It used to be that if something happened in a person's life, the responsibility rested on their shoulders, and they admitted it. It doesn't appear to be that way in America today. Now, it seems that whenever something goes wrong in some one's life, there has to be someone else to blame besides the person who is involved.
People claim that the problem is their genetic makeup, their seemingly uncontrollable circumstance, or some other cosmic influence out of their control that guides their inability to make wise decisions. I understand that these are broad strokes that I am using to paint this picture, but I'm sure you can partly agree with what I am saying.
Let me use an example from my own life. When I used to work as a manager at my former employer, we always had a 7:00am meeting on Monday mornings. It was every Monday. It was always at 7:00am, and we always had people who showed up late. The excuses that people came up with for why they were late ranged from the believable- 'traffic was so bad' to the lies " I had to scrape the frost off my windshield" (when the person parked their car under a car port)
Here's what the excuses lacked- personal responsibility. Here are some good excuses that are truthful and paint a more adequate picture of what truly happened.
1. I chose to sleep in later and hope that traffic wouldn't be as bad as it is every other Monday for the past year, but my guess was wrong, so I was late.
2. I waited until the last minute to do my report and by the time I got to it the night before, I realized it was too late to call and ask for help, so now I'm going to say that I didn't understand the assignment.
3. I don't care about being on time. I leave at the same time everyday regardless of weather or traffic conditions.
4. I didn't plan the night before, so when I woke up at my regular time, I realized I didn't have a clean shirt or socks and couldn't find my paperwork, so I was late.
There's always an excuse, the question is does the excuse match up with personal responsibility, or does the excuse place the blame on someone else and their apparent power over you?
Let me drive the point home with this article- Read it and ask yourself who is responsible in this story. I'm not saying that there are times when someone else is responsible for your malady, but in my summation, more often than not, people refuse to realize who is really at fault in their life.
Challenge the excuses in your own life today. The excuses about the things that you do or don't do. The areas of your life where you blame someone else for your circumstance. Then do this- declare that it was your fault. You did it, and then choose to make other decisions. Or at least be truthful about where you are at in life and admit who did what.
Am I being a bit harsh? Maybe a tad bit- but here's the deal- if you want to see powerful change in your life you have to go after where the problem is, and usually I find that the problem starts with me, not with someone else.
Here's the best part- when we truthfully admit our faults or admit our shortcomings to God, and ask for forgiveness His work begins. When we don't admit our ownership over our situations, and blame someone else, we never truly heal or move forward in our lives. We just simply pass the blame to someone else, hoping that in some way our life will be different.
Own up. Fess up. Ask for forgiveness. Move on.
Be blessed

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Did You Do With Your 1440?

I've been working on a project in my garage for the past week or so, I've been trying to add some new circuitry. If you read yesterdays blog, you heard about the 60 amp breaker talking to me, somehow, those wires keep a talkin' to me!
Yesterday was no different. I had some time in the middle of the day yesterday that I had set aside to do another small part of the wiring project. In my calculation, it would only take me about 30-45 minutes to do what I wanted to do, so about noon, I decided to get in there and work on it.
With good Matt fashion, the project went wrong, I got nothing accomplished when I thought it would and I became very frustrated.
Very frustrated. I don't know why this seems to be a common theme in my life, but whenever I try to do a project it always goes wrong, and takes much longer than I anticipated, and then I get very angry. Livid would probably be a better word to describe me at those times. When things happen in my life when I feel like I'm wasting my time, or my time is being lost, I get completely beside myself. I can't stand it.
I don't know what it is, but I value my time. Its one of the things I value most. There are one thousand four hundred and forty minutes in one day, and I like to use each and every one of them in the way I think they should be used. I don't like to wait. I don't like to do fruitless things. I don't like to spend time doing something on a project that accomplishes absolutely nothing.
I do not like to waste my time.
Is it really my time though? I think it was the great philosopher Spicoli who said "If I'm here, and you're here, doesn't that make it 'our' time?" Now, Spicoli was talking about classroom time with his teacher Mr. Hand, but I think it applies in this sense also. For me, because I am a person who has decided to follow Jesus, my time is no longer my time. It truly is 'our' time. Meaning, Jesus and I's time.
Let me explain- God created me. God gave me breath. Jesus died for me, I live for Him. He wants to have all of me, not part of me. He wants to change me into his likeness and mold me into a new creation. He wants me to have the fruit of the Spirit and not the lusts of the flesh. Everything I have is His. I've relinquished my ownership. He owns it all. Including my time.
It doesn't feel like it all the time though. I have to constantly remind myself self of this truth. I realize that God doesn't take every moment of every day, but He is in every moment of every day. When I have a good day or a bad day He is there. When I am productive or destructive with my time, He is there. He owns the days, hours and minutes, the question is whether or not I will realize it and walk in it, or I will fight it all day long. If I will always think that it is MY time not OUR time.
God can and will use every moment to glorify Him if I will let Him. The issue is if I will realize what He can do with each of the minutes that I have, and then allow Him to help me grow. In moments like yesterday, to realize that God can use it to refine my character once again. To bring out the fruit of patience in my life in new measure to bring Him more glory.
Do you struggle with ownership of the things in your life? Do you constantly think of things as 'mine' and not 'ours'. None of it is yours. Its all His. Together it is 'ours'.  Think about that today. Reflect on the struggles that you have with the things you have, and maybe you can realize that what you have is co-owned by the Creator.
It will change your perspective, and the way you view what you think you have.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Vote For Gabe! Don't Vote For Those Other Chums!

It starts pretty young I guess. My son, Gabriel is running for political office at his elementary school. Its a position called "publicity officer". I'm not exactly sure what they do, but he is running for it, and hopes to win.
This past weekend, the family was helping him put together some signs to put up in the school. The rules are, no more than four 18 by 24 inch signs. Gabe was working on the practice signs and came up with this slogan- "Vote for Gabe! Don't Vote For Those Other Chums!". I thought it was funny, because he came up with it on his own, but clearly it was inappropriate.
It made me think though. How is it that even at 10 years old, the kid has learned that mudslinging is the way to win a political race? Its for an elementary school position and already these kids are clamoring for political clout. Its the way of the world I guess, but i don't agree with it. But how can I blame him? Look at all the political ads that are running on the television today. Its nothing but slam ads. Sure, there may be a few that aren't but the bulk of them are very negative.
I'm tired of it. It seems as infantile as my 5th grader doing it.
Why do grown people think that their negativity of another person in some way is going to endear me to them? Do they think that I will magically come over to their side simply because of some obscure news bite from 15 years ago that paints a negative picture of the person? I don't think so, but they must think so, because they keep doing it.
Here's the deal. I know that politics are a necessary evil. The Bible talks about governments and leaders and the importance of them. But when I think about politics, there is one verse that always sticks in my head-
 Isaiah 9:7 Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.
The verse is talking about the coming Messiah and his rule as the King of Israel, but it makes me think about modern day politics. It comforts me to know that in spite of the political climate of the day, that God still reigns on His throne and that there is no end to His peace. Even though some politician may vote a certain way, or conduct themselves in a certain way it is inconsequential when it comes to eternity. I will not be an American forever, but I will be under the governing power of the ultimate King forever.
Rest in that today. November 2nd will come soon, and this will all be over. Be comforted with the fact that even if your party doesn't do well in the elections, God has your best interests in mind, and you will be taken care of regardless.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A 60 AMP Circuit Box Spoke To Me Yesterday

When we moved into our house 6 years ago, there was only one electrical plug-in outlet in our garage. Did you get that? Only one! Now, I'm not sure what the contractor was thinking way back in 1977 when they built this split-level palace, but what in God's green earth can you do with only one outlet in a garage?
Its been a frustration for me since we've been in the house. I can't run power tools in there. I can't plug in anything. I have my extra refrigerator and freezer plugged into the one outlet that I have, and during the summer, the circuit always trips because of the garage door opener, and the bathroom light, and all this other stuff.
The lack of power going to my garage kept me from doing what I wanted to do in there. It was frustrating.
What I had tried to do over the years was plan when and where I would plug in whatever I needed to, depending on how much power that it drew from the system. Knowing a little about electrical, I knew that if I sucked too many amps from the circuit, it would trip it, so I got my power from other places in the house using extension cords and such.
It wasn't perfect, but it worked.
Yesterday the problem was finally solved. With the help of a friend, I was able to run a new dedicated 60 amp circuit to my garage for whatever power tools that I need. I can run a compressor, my freezer, a power saw, whatever I want to run in there. Its awesome. I keep going out into the garage and looking at the new box. Its amazing. I can't wait to start using my power tools again!
As I was standing my my PJs last night in my garage marveling at the shiny new box on my wall it spoke to me- not really, but I thought about this- Many times in our lives we have a lack of power, and we go every where else to try to find more power except directly to the power source.
Let me explain- when I was having power problems in my garage, it wasn't because there wasn't enough power coming into my house, it was that I hadn't connected with it correctly. As soon as I got the right connection, the power that was already available to my home, became usable when I connected correctly.
Are you with me? In your spiritual life, typically the problem isn't that God lacks the power necessary to change you, its that you haven't made the right connection. God doesn't have a power problem, we have a connection problem. Many times we don't connect with God because we go about it wrong, or go through people, or processes, instead of going directly to the power source.
God's power is unlimited. His ability to empower you is amazing- but you must connect directly to him through prayer and the Bible. When we make the right connection, we always get more power, and with that power, are able to do more things through His power, and not our own.
Make the right connection today. Go directly to the power source and watch what happens in your life.
Be blessed.
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Friday, October 22, 2010

Attacked By A Flesh Eating Spider?

I hate spiders. Now, when I say hate, this isn't a "I hate Lima beans" kind of hate, this is like a, I hate getting stuck in the eye with a sharp stick kind of hate. I know they are a part of the ecosystem that God has created, but I wouldn't care if they were eradicated from the earth. I HATE them.
They are so creepy crawly hairy little urchins, and for some reason, they've been everywhere lately. I've seen big ones, and small ones, and everything in between. I've been walking through spider webs outside. It seems like my life is being infiltrated with the little buggers. They just give me the heebie jeebies.
When I see them, I get a bit worked up. I am always reminded of movies like Arachnophobia when I see them, and think about their ability to kill at will. I don't know if you know this, but all spiders are highly venomous and regardless of size, can attack from far distances, put venom in your eyes, and then render you incapacitated, at which point, they began to feed on your flesh until you die. Or at least that's how I feel about them.
Here's what is crazy though- as scared as I am about spiders, I have never been bit by one. Ever. I've been stung by bees many times, but I'm not afraid of them. Why is it that I am deathly afraid of a spider, when I have never been bit by one?
Perhaps I have an irrational fear of something in my life that isn't connected with reality. Maybe they aren't as dangerous as I think.
What about you? What is there in your life that is an irrational fear? Something that you are afraid of that isn't grounded in reality? Something that you allow to consume you that has never come to pass, that keeps you in bondage? Sure, it may not be  spiders, but there is probably something that you fear that you shouldn't that keeps you from growing. A fear that isn't grounded in reality.
I know I shouldn't be afraid of spiders, but I am. Yesterday I had to get under my stairs, and there were some spiders in there. I saw them, I didn't want to go in there. I even went so far as to ask Crystal to go in there for me, but she told me to man up and get in there and do it myself. So I did, and I lived.
Today, ask the Lord what irrational fears that you have in your life. The things that you are afraid of that have never happened, that are not grounded in reality. The things that consume your mind that keep you from doing what you need to do.
Pray and ask him to be with you as your face that fear and move forward in your life. Let today be the last day that you stay in bondage to that fear. Spiders are one thing, but if you have a fear that keeps you from being in relationship with other people, or from growing spiritually, you can't live. God never intended for you to walk in fear.
God has not given you a spirit of fear, but a sound mind. Don't walk in fear. Walk in victory!
be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I Found Out if You Ride the Carousel You Get Arrested

I'm sure you've thought about it before. I sure have. Every time I am at any airport anywhere in the world. When I am at baggage claim, and I see the carousel moving, I want to get on it and ride it. It looks fun! I remember there was one of those Airplane! movies way back, when there was a scene with a bunch of people riding the baggage claim carousel, and since then, I always wanted to do it.
There have been times when I almost did it. If it weren't for Crystal I probably would have, but I always ended up chickening out.
I'm glad I didn't do it. Turns out you go to jail for things like that- Check out this article- some guy at Miami International airport hopped the carousel, and it ended him in jail. Whoops. I guess you can't ride the baggage claim, no matter how fun it may look.
I give the guy some credit though. He isn't going to spend the rest of his life wondering what riding the baggage claim carousel will be like. He did it. He didn't talk about it, he didn't plan on it. He went and he did it. Granted, he may have been an Al Qaida operative trying to infiltrate the baggage area, but more than likely it was a guy who just wanted to experience a part of life that he had always dreamed about. Now, he never has to wonder about it. He did it.
Now, I'm not encouraging you to go out and break the law today, but I want to ask you, what type of person are you? Do you think about stuff, or do you do stuff? Do you talk about doing something or do you do it?
Here's the word of the Lord for you today, straight from the Victory blog-- step out in faith and DO something. Not something illegal, not something that will cost you your life or livelihood. But something that you've never done that will change your life.
Maybe you've never been the one to apologize first, the one to work harder, the one to give more. Maybe you talk about going and doing something nice for someone, but you never move past the 'talk' phase. Is your life a life of talking and not doing? Do you talk about going to the gym, cleaning your house, building relationships, going to church, or going out with friends?
One day, you are going to reflect back and look at your life and think about the opportunities that you had and you are going to think one of three thoughts- either you did something and were glad you did, you did something and wished you hadn't or you did nothing and wish you had. I'll take number one or two. At least then, I know the outcome.
God loves you. He wants good things for you. (Good legal, moral, ethical things). But somehow, he has set this thing up that we are supposed to take action in this life to see things come to fruition. The question is, how much longer are you going to think about it before you do it? How much longer are you going to leave your dream on a shelf and think about it?
Don't stand there are and wonder. Do it. Pray and ask God for the strength to be able to do it. He will help you. He will be with you. Don't be afraid. You can do it with his help.
But, I wouldn't recommend getting on the baggage claim carousel.
Be blessed today
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Almost Got Shot On I-405 (Maybe)

Crystal came home last night. The original plan was for our friend to pick her up from the airport, because our small group was meeting at our home. On a whim, I decided to ditch the small group and surprise Crystal at the airport. She texted me earlier in the day, and told me to check her flight time, but I didn't. She was supposed to come in at 7:55, so when she called the house at 6:55 and said that she had just landed at SeaTac, I felt a bit rushed.
Going forward with the plan, I told her that our friend was leaving small group to come pick her up, and that they would be there shortly. I could tell in her voice she was a bit upset that I hadn't checked the flight info. I know. I'm a complete failure in the airport pickup department. Oops.
I get in the vehicle, kids jump in, and we're on our way. We start to drive towards the airport, and are making pretty good time (we live about 35 mins from the airport), and end up at the interchange of Highway 169 and Interstate 405.
Hopefully I can paint an adequate picture here, its hard with words, but I'll try. As we were merging onto the Interstate, there were three lanes, the farthest of which was an HOV lane. As I came into the first lane, I entered behind the car in front of me that was also merging, they went behind a truck in the far right lane pulling a boat that was going well below the posted 60 mph speed limit. That car had on their blinker to continue left, but was not moving, so I accelerated to the left, next to the car behind the boat.
Apparently the car didn't see the big white GMC Yukon XL SUV, because it came over into my lane and was about to hit me, so I tapped the horn.
This is when it started to go very wrong. Whomever it was in that car with the tinted windows then came up alongside me, repeatedly honked their horn and started gesturing with their car as if they were going to ram me from the right side of the vehicle. They got behind me and got up on my rear bumper and were honking and flashing their lights.
To be honest, I was a bit unnerved by the experience. I had visions of getting shot up with AK-47s and being surrounded by a gang of thugs. I wondered if they would follow me to the airport and rough me up at the terminal. You read about this stuff all the time! "Pastor and kids slayed on freeway on way to pick up at 11".
Of course the kids were oblivious to what was going on, but for the next few miles, until my exit to the airport, this person continued their vehicular assault. It wasn't fun.
I was thinking about it this morning, and trying to figure out who's fault it was. Should I not have came to the left? Should I not have honked the horn? Did my driving not coincide with my Christian morals and values? I don't want to be guilty of someone not wanting to know who God is because I can't drive like a person of faith.
But here's the dilemma, right or wrong, I wanted to apologize to that person and let them know that I meant them no harm. I wasn't trying to disrespect them or try to shove them around. I simply just didn't want to get hit so I used my horn. Sure, I may have made a poor choice of timing on when to change lanes and accelerate and for that, I'm eternally sorry. Regardless of where they are at with their life, I had a role to play in what happened, and I never intended for it to go past where it went.
This stuff happens all the time, and I think I know why- there are people out there that turn every last interaction in their life into a win or lose battle. At home, at work, on the freeway. Someone is going to win, someone is going to lose, and its not going to be them.
Are you that way? Do you battle everyone and everything? Allow God to change you today. Realize that everything in this world is not worth fighting over. Sure, there are things that are worth fighting for, but not everything everywhere. Sometimes its OK to just let stuff go. Myself included. People who get amped up over every last thing in their life need to get a bit of perspective to understand that just because someone got ahead of you on the freeway or in life, that they are not a loser.
Yes, there may be times when we seem to lose and that's fine. It doesn't make us losers though. Honor God and let Him sort out the details, everything doesn't have to be a battle.
Be blessed today.
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How To Get a Toilet Really Clean

I spent 6 hours cleaning the house yesterday. The wife is coming home today after being gone for two weeks, so I figured I should clean it up a bit. It wasn't messy, or overly dirty, I just wanted to make sure when Crystal comes home today, its to a really clean house.
Crystal is typically the one who does the lion share of the cleaning around the house, so yesterday was a quick education for me. She does a fantastic job of keeping the house very clean, so for me to clean up yesterday and have her notice, took drastic measures.
You can't just pick up the front room and vacuum and expect that she'll notice when our house is clean already.
So what did I end up doing? Cleaning the hanging light fixtures, the ceiling fans, the ovens, windows, the top of the valances. I'm a military guy, and we were taught to clean every last nook and cranny. We can't do "once overs". So when It came to cleaning the toilet, I figured the only way to clean under the seat was to remove it from the bowl and run it underwater. I know, its a bit excessive. Welcome to my world.
I kind of like cleaning. It gives you immediate satisfaction to see something change before your eyes. To look as something when it was dirty and then look at it when it is clean, gives me a sense of personal accomplishment. Who would have thought that a clean oven could be so wonderful?
I can appreciate that there are a lot of people who don't enjoy cleaning. People who don't care that their house is dusty or cluttered. That's not me. I love a clean house. It got me thinking yesterday though- when it comes to our spiritual lives, are we as diligent at keeping it clean?
Let me explain- I believe that the biggest cleaner of our spiritual house comes when the Holy Spirit indwells within us. But isn't there a personal responsibility on us to inventory our lives and search out that which is not beneficial in our lives and then clean it up? Its not an easy exercise, but it is something that we should do. When we take the time and go through our lives and find that which keeps us from growing, we should clean it up and get it out.
It kind of like my house. Its easy to clean up the big stuff, its the small stuff that is hard to get rid of that most of us ignore. No one likes cleaning furnace vents. No one likes searching out their soul for unresolved spiritual dust bunnies that need to be vacuumed up. It not fun. Its necessary though.
Take some time today to reflect on your own life. Where you are at, what you're doing. Ask, "God, is there something in me that you want to clean up or change?" Its not an easy exercise, but here's what will happen- God will reveal to you what you should clean up, and here's the best part- He will help you do it. He wont leave you alone for the task. He will be there with you the whole time and do most of the work for you.
But you have to ask.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Friday, October 15, 2010

Is This Difficult For You?

As many of you know, my wife has been out of town for the past week or so visiting family in Texas, so I've been front and center for everything pertaining to the house since she's been gone. Including referee for the children.
We have two kids, and for some reason, my son, the older one, absolutely loves to torment his little sister. I do not know why, but he seems to really enjoy making her life miserable at times. I don't know if its a big sibling thing or what, but he loves to do it. Its as if he goes out of his way just to make sure that at some point during the day his sister can yell, scream, or cry.
It bothers me to no end. I can't stand people picking on people, so when it happens at our house, it doesn't last very long.
Yesterday my son was in rare form and was unleashing on his sister. So he and I were sitting down to one of our talks about what he did, why he did it, and why he shouldn't do it again. When we were done with our talk, I asked him what he should do, now that he knew he had hurt his sisters feelings.
He wouldn't look at me, and then, in a very garbled tone said 'i shubd uplgized'.
I can't hear you? What did you say? 'i should apologize' he said very very quietly.
I can't hear you son, what did you say? " I SHOULD APOLOGIZE" he said defiantly.
As we were sitting at the kitchen table, I asked why it was so hard for him to admit that he needed to apologize to his sister and why he should do it. He said, and I quote- "Dad, I don't know what it is, I know I need to apologize, I just don't like to do it"
Know anyone like that? I do. Quite a few in fact. I know a lot of people who don't like to apologize for anything, ever. It never their fault, its always someone else and they love to lay blame at the feet of everyone else.
Its annoying if you know someone like this, because for some reason they have the inability to see how what they do and say affects the other people around them. To them, it seems, everyone else is the one who got it wrong, not them. Even at the point of being shown the responsibility of their actions, they refuse to admit that they hurt someone, or did something wrong.
This should not be so. If you have done something either unintentionally, or intentionally to another person, you should apologize. Its the right thing to do. Its not the easy thing to do, but its the right thing. I think I know why its so hard for some people- pride. They don't want to be perceived as weak, or that someone else has the upper hand on them. They want to make sure that they are in control and that no one else is.
If you're like this, you should stop. Be the type of person that is quick to apologize and take responsibility for your actions and see how the world around you responds. People respect people who apologize. It endears them to the person. It shows one of the biggest aspects of humanity- our brokenness. That we are broken people who make mistakes and get it wrong. That we're not perfect and we don't always get it right. When we apologize, we affirm the other person, and let them know that we value them and care about their feelings.
Seems basic doesn't it? But you know as well as I do, that there are many people who have not moved past my 10 year old son, and still live like a child who doesn't want to apologize.
Don't be that type of person. Be the type that apologizes.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, October 14, 2010

99 Bottles of Beer on The Wall, 99 Bottles of Beeeer

You take one down you pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall! If you don't know that song, I'm not sure if you were born in America. I don't think my kids know it, but everyone in my generation knows it. Many a school bus driver has quit over that song. Does this song have anything to do with the blog today? Sort of. I have a story about 99 chairs, and I couldn't help but think about that song.
In 2004 when our church moved from the school we were meeting in to our current facility, we needed some chairs. My pastor in Texas lovingly bought our church 100 grey padded chairs. We've had them for 6 years now, and they have served us well.
At our church we have classroom and small groups, so our chairs are constantly being moved around or used off site for various ministry needs. As of late, our church has been growing, and we have needed every last chair we could get our hands on, so in addition to purchasing more chairs, we called back all of our chairs from the various places they have been.
As long as I can remember for the past 5 years, I have only been able to count 99 of our padded grey chairs. Every one I talked to had no idea where the chair was or what happened to it. I searched all over the church numerous times, and constantly was asking church people where that last chair was. I had my suspicions on who had it, or where it ended up, but I was never able to find it.
Things like this bug a guy like me. Inventory control is a big deal. Especially when you have a solid number to go off of. Lets be honest, what kind of man would I be if someone was going to come to our church and asked me how many grey padded chairs we had, and I had to say 99. 99? They would probably think horrible thoughts about me and the church! The world would stop spinning on its axis, mayhem would happen in the street and dogs and cats would start living together. It would be the end of life as we know it.
Not really, but it just kind of bugs me.
Yesterday the heavens opened and the 100th chair was returned! It turns out another tenant in our building somehow got possession of the chair 4 or 5 years ago, and didn't know where it had come from. They asked me yesterday, "oh, by the way, is this your chair"? Uh, YES!! I was elated! The chair which was lost was now found! No more counting and worrying about the lost chair!
I said to the guy as he handed me the chair- here's my blog tomorrow!
Now the spiritual implications of a lost chair seem to be lacking, but it just seems to be that way. Jesus told a story about a guy who had 100 sheep and lost one and how happy he was when he found the 100th sheep.  In the story God makes it clear that he cares about things that are lost.
Here's some encouragement today. Maybe you haven't lost a chair, but maybe you've lost something else that is far more important than a chair. Perhaps it was a relationship or something that mattered to you.
I want to encourage you with two things today.
1. What you lost may not be gone forever.
2. God cares about your loss.
The creator of the universe knows exactly what you lost and where it is and he cares about it and you. Nothing about you is insignificant, everything matters. Open yourself up to Him today and talk to him about your loss and see what he does with it. Have faith to believe that God can either return or repair or comfort you in your loss. He loves you.
He cares about sheep. He cares about chairs. He cares about you.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rescued After 2 Months? How about 15 Years?

I'm sure you've seen the news stories about those miners who have been stuck in the ground for the last 2 months in Chile. Its a pretty amazing story that these 30 or so men have been in a mine, 2000 feet underground, and are now being rescued from the depths of the earth. I can't imagine what it must have been like for those guys. In the dark, no fresh air, no ability to move around. Wondering when death would consume them. What a dire existence.
How they must be feeling today after being set free from the depths. The air is clean, the sky is wonderful, life is good. I'll be interested in the stories that come out of this experience in the coming months.
As compelling as the story is, it makes me think about all the people I know who have never been stuck in a mine for 2 months but live their life every single day like they are trapped in one. 
Its not that hard to find someone who lives their life like they are stuck in a mine. They complain all the time that they are stuck. They act like there is nothing they can do about their situation. They live in an emotional pit of despair from which they believe is no escape. They blame their problems on their circumstance, as if somehow their life is trapped by 700,000 lbs of rock and stone. They believe and act as if they are stuck in a hole and doomed to die. That they believe that their situation is hopeless and they will never be rescued.
How many of those miners do you think turned down the offer to get into that escape capsule and be brought up into the light? How many of them do you think said that they would rather stay where they were at, because as horrible as it was down there, they had gotten comfortable with their situation and wanted to remain in the mine.
I'm pretty sure that the number was really close to zero.
Here's the deal, do you realize that you can be rescued from whatever pit of trouble or helplessness that you are in? You just need to get in the escape pod. God provides these for us everyday, but people hardly use them. Through Jesus, God provides an emotional, spiritual, and tangible escape from any bondage that we all find ourselves in. The question is, will you get in, or will you stay in the depths of your despair?
Don't let one more day go by without getting in the capsules of escape that God provides. He has capsules of prayer, comfort, deliverance, and encouragement that wait for those who will get in. The only question is, who wants to go first?
Remind yourself of that today. If you feel trapped, call on God, he'll send a capsule that will rescue you from the bottom of the pit of anywhere.
You wont even need special sunglasses when you come up.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Got Electrocuted Yesterday

As some of you regular blog readers know, my wife is currently out of town, and I am responsible for taking care of the kids and the house in her absence. Its not a huge deal, its just that the two of us have a sold partnership and understanding of who does what, so when the other person is gone, it throws a wrench in the works. I've been doing fine, its just new.
My plan has been while she has been gone to get a few projects done around the house so that when she returns, it looks like I did more than sit around a grow a beard (which I'm doing). I'm honoring Michael Keaton from Mr. Mom (80s movie) Beard, bathrobe, soap operas etc. you get the picture.
Based on the title of the blog, I'm sure that you know where this is going before I even get there, but indulge me for a moment. Yesterday, I decided to tackle a small problem that has been at our house since the day we moved in. There was a portion of drywall in our garage that looked like it had been kicked in. It wasn't huge, a 1 by 2 foot section maybe. Well, it had been there for 6 years, so yesterday was the day it was getting fixed.
Since I was replacing a section of drywall, I had to remove the affected area, which required exposing a stud, so I would have the ability to secure the drywall. To assist myself in this endeavor, I thought it would be good to use my reciprocating saw to make it faster. It did go faster. Quite faster. Fast enough to cut through two wires behind the drywall.
It was pretty exciting the sparks and the smell of burning rubber that permeated the garage. Needless to say,  I had a few choice words that aren't blog appropriate. Ugh. It was so frustrating.
As soon as it happened, I knew that this small 30 min job was now going to take the better part of the day, and it did. I spent 2 hours fixing what I did. It ended up blowing out the receptacle on the other side of the wall, so I had to replace it and rewire some stuff. It wasn't fun.
Then it happened. Dumb ol' me was pushing the new outlet back into the wall, with the power on, and I touched a live electrical wire.
It doesn't take very long to realize that you're being electrocuted. Oh my goodness did it hurt. It only lasted probably half a second, but it felt like a minute. If its happened to you, you know what I'm talking about. It hurts.
As I was sitting there realigning myself, it made me think about a lot of things. Mostly I was thinking why so many times little projects that I undertake seem to always turn into bigger ones, but that's not the main one. I was reminded yesterday that God never promised our lives wouldn't be without some momentary troubles.
Sure, I can appreciate that the Bible never said that we were going to be electrocuted, but that's not the point. The point is that life was never intended to be without the occasional challenge or setback. I'm not the guy who believes that God sits around looking for calamity to put on us to teach us something. I believe that things happen in our life, usually of our own doing, that we can learn from if we pay attention.
What did I learn from being shocked yesterday? Again, the recurring theme of my life- patience. It happened because I didn't think things through all the way. I was rushing, because I like to get things done as fast as possible, The lesson? Slow down and take the time to think things through, and you'll probably not get burned as often.
Are you a person who doesn't think things through all the way? Do you rush through things? Perhaps you should slow down and think before you act. You could save yourself a bit of trouble. You don't have to be electrocuted to learn this lesson today. I took care of it for you.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Huge Hill of Beans?

Does it really matter? I ask myself this question often. I probably should ask it of myself more frequently than I already do. Sometimes I 'lose it' with my kids over things that are really not that important, but for some reason, because of my own pitfalls, I get upset. Or should I say, I allow myself and choose to get upset.
A good example would be last night when the kids spilled the mouthwash in the bathroom for the second consecutive night. Yes, the world did not stop turning on its axis, it was just mouthwash, but for a guy like me, it set me off a little bit. Not a lot, but enough that if you were standing there watching me you would think, "Seriously Pastor Matt?".
Yes. Seriously. I have been known to 'lose it' over mouthwash, dog slobber, un-attended glasses of ice water, unclosed bags of cereal, and lack of urgency to think of a few. I pray and ask constantly that I would not be this way, but alas, at times it seems that I am doomed to a life of annoyances that bother only me.
The interesting part is that because of this glaring personality pitfall of my own, I have become very adept at pointing out this character flaw in my fellow man. Its curious how the things I hate most about myself I am so wonderfully able to see in others and condemn them for the same acts that I abhor about myself. I don't think I'm alone on this one. There are many people who have the ability to point out flaws in others. Sometimes they realize its their same flaw, other times they don't. Watch the world around you, we all do this constantly.
When I fly on a plane, there is always someone who gets upset about the process. I often think about going up to that person and reminding them that we are traveling at 600mph in the sky, not on covered wagon, hence, they should get a grip, get some perspective. When I'm in a checkout line I always want to tell the angry person behind me in line that if they had somewhere to be, they shouldn't have came to the store. When people get upset they have to wait in a long line at the all you can eat buffet, I want to tell them, well, you get the point.
This has been a interesting week for me. Its given me some more perspective into what truly matters. What I should care about and what I should not. The things I get upset about have no bearing on who I am, who I love, and who loves me. They are my issues and no one elses. Therefore, I should get a grip and quit being such a tool box.
Do you lose it? Do you get upset over dumb stuff? Do you allow yourself to get worked up over something that if you really thought about it quite pointless and stupid?
Join the club. So do I. But today, and days after this, I don't want to be this way. I don't want to 'lose it'. I have a great life. I am blessed. Getting upset over something that doesn't matter because of my own issues benefits no one.
I'm positive that God doesn't look down on me and get upset that I wasn't on time, the dog ran over my new grass seed, the kids were not in bed at a reasonable hour, I missed my workout, or that the iron was left sitting on a wooden table laying flat and water leaked all over it.
Lets have some perspective today. Lets catch ourselves before we 'lose it' and choose to not get upset. Most of what we get upset about doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
Be blessed
ps. For my Facebookers- what pointless thing do you get upset about that you wish you didn't?

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Had a Better Day Yesterday (sizes of family included)

Yesterday was better than Tuesday. This whole following Jesus thing can be a trip at times. I think that the hardest part for me in it all is that I actually care, and it makes it painful for me at times. If you've ever wondered what being in the ministry is like, let me tell you- its often an emotional can of worms. Those things that you least expect would throw you for a loop do, and the things you thought would, sometimes don't.
I'm talking about that Sudanese family again. Yesterday was awesome and emotionally draining all at the same time. The response I got from that blog was overwhelming. Dozens of people came forward and wanted to help. Interestingly enough, it was the people who had a some point in their life experienced somewhat of a same situation. Its amazing how God uses the pain of our past to prompt us to love in the future, isn't it?
People showed up at church with food, blankets, toys for the kids. I have 3 people that are working on getting them vehicle. Other people are going to help them navigate the social services stuff. We've got a couch and some tables on the way. This has only been in the past 24 hours.
Why am I telling you this on the blog today? Because I think its important for all of us to realize how many people still exist that have a heart. Yes, there are still scores of evil people in this world, but I am glad that I have a church and an extended network of friends who have a heart to help people. Its a great thing. I know that this is one family of thousands who need help, but the fact that we can't help everyone doesn't mean that we should help no one.
There is a lot of wiggle room between everyone and no one. If I was the one person out of everyone being helped, I would be ecstatic.
Here's the nugget for the day- expect a little bit more of out people around you. There is still a measure of hope in this world. A contingent of people that exist that truly love God and love others. How should that change us?
We should be nicer, caring individuals who are not self-indulgent and completely focused on our own wants and needs. God has not placed us on this earth to only satisfy ourselves. We are confronted with opportunities to love and care for people every day. We should maximize those opportunities and discern which of them are of God, and act.
Be blessed- hug someone today.
pastor matt
ps. The families sizes are
Dad- L shirt, 36x32 pants,
Mom- dress size 10, 34w, 9.5 shoe,
Daughter 10-12 Youth sm, size 2 shoe,
Son, 4T Top and bottom, shoe size 10
If you want to donate any clothes or cash, please let me know. We're trying to get them hooked up with some state assistance, but its going to be slow moving and they have to pay rent this month. Please let me know if you can help.

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Had a Bad Day Yesterday

Yesterday was pretty emotional for me. I usually don't let things get to me, but yesterday they did. I think it was a good thing that I was upset, but it still wasn't fun. My friend Michael said to me " You feel helpless, don't you? and I know you don't like feeling that way". He's totally right. I don't like feeling helpless. Honestly, I pride myself on being able to help. I put my cape on and save the day. Its what I do. Some people call it a "superman complex". I'm not saying its right, its just the truth.
The cape didn't really work today, or at least it hasn't fully worked. Apparently I'm going to have to bow my pride and supplicate to a higher power on this one, because I did what I could do, and it doesn't feel like it was enough. I hate feeling this way, but I know that I need to trust God on this one. Its the only route I've got.
We had a family visit our church this Sunday for the first time. Nice family. Husband, wife, and two kids. They came in, and were active participants in the worship service, the kids took part in Sunday school, it was great. We love new visitors and were excited that they came to church. Afterwards, they inquired about Bible Study on Tuesday and his wife decided that she would come.
At Bible study, Crystal found out that the wife and kids were new to the area and had only been in Auburn since September first, so she asked them if they needed anything.
They needed everything. They have nothing. No car. Hardly any clothes, no furniture except beds, one pot in the kitchen and a some plates. Crystal asked if we could come by their apartment after Bible study, and we saw the place. Its nice and clean, but a 500 sq. ft. apt for a family of four isn't very big. And it was true, they had next to nothing. The fridge had ketchup and Sunny d and that was it.
Bless God, our church was in a financial position to bless them this month. It doesn't always happen that way, but this month it did. We were able to go today and fill their pantry, buy some stuff and get them set up. We took it to them and I can't describe how excited they were to get all the food and other items we got for them. When she saw the dish soap she was glad that she could finally wash what little dishes they had!
I wish I could describe how I felt the rest of the day, but I can't. Ashamed for what I have. Ungrateful for not appreciating what I have. Shameful for worrying about stuff that doesn't matter. Upset because my kids don't realize how good they have it. It was a big ol ball of emotion.
This family is from the Sudan. The dad has one leg and is on crutches because the other one was shot off when he wouldn't deny his Christian faith to the men who pulled him out of his home in the middle of a war. He has been here for 3 years working to bring his family, they are finally here, and his job is only able to give him 20 hours a week. He brought home 850 dollars last month, is borrowing a friends car, and wont be able to use it after November 1st.
Denied state assistance, denied financial support, denied any help. I want to help, but don't know exactly how to help. I want to help him navigate through the programs and systems, but I just don't know how. I'm a college educated man with control of the English language. I can't imagine what it must be like for a man from the Sudan who speaks broken English.
What's the point of the blog? Keeping it real. Keeping it honest. I don't know what the action point is, but if you've got any ideas, cars,couches, tables or clothes, I'd be interested in talking.
Here's a take away- have some perspective today. Most of the stuff we complain about is a bunch of crap that doesn't matter. I complain about my grass that doesn't grow in my sprawling 1700 sq ft. 1970s split level. I am concerned about the dog hair on my suit and running out of creamer for my coffee.
Get a grip Matt, seriously.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Want To Look Like A Greek God?

I don't really want to look like a Greek god, but I know that's what a lot of people desire when they go to the gym. When I go to the gym, I have a few simple goals-
1. Go to the gym. It doesn't matter to me what I do there or how my workout goes. Simply showing up and doing something is 100% better than sitting at home and doing nothing.
2. Stay in the same size pants. I've been in size 40 pants for about 10 years and I don't ever want to go up from there. The motivation is to not have to go up a pants size and loose the dozen or so suits I've acquired over the years.
This morning, I was at the gym with my friend, and we were doing some bench press and some pull-ups. I don't really enjoy the pull up part, but the bench press part, its sort of fun. This morning I was just doing some reps with 225. I know, its not a huge amount of weight, but I'm just getting back into the bench press.
I've got to be honest. This morning I tried to bench 275 and I wasn't able to do it. It was close, the bar was moving very slowly, but it really wasn't a lift that anyone would say that I accomplished. When I got done, after the failure, I thought about how in 2002 I benched 365 for 2 reps. Why am I telling you this? Because every person that has done any sort of weightlifting knows this phrase- muscle memory.
What is muscle memory? Basically its the idea that if your muscles have performed at a certain level of fitness, they will 'remember' and be able to do it again based on past performance. It means that when you don't do an activity for an extended period of time, the next time you do it, the muscle won't have to work as long to get back to the same level of fitness. Hence, muscle memory.
This morning I was wishing that my muscles would have remembered how to lift 275 so I wouldn't have to had eaten the barbell.
But here's what I did think about while I was at the gym- how awesome it is that as much as our muscles have a memory, our past shouldn't have one. What do I mean? Well if you've ever been a part of something, or done something you weren't proud of, more than likely you've thought about it long after that time had passed. If you're anything like me, you probably felt guilt or shame about it and wished that it hadn't happened.
But here's the deal- if you're a follower of Jesus, a person who believes that Jesus died for the stuff in your past you shouldn't have done, you shouldn't be concerned with that past. Why? Because its in the past. Its been covered. Jesus dealt with it on the cross.
Do you allow the devil to torment you? Do you dwell too much on your past sins? The Bible says that God doesn't remember our sins after we ask for forgiveness, and you shouldn't either. Its a downward spiritual spiral that you don't want to be part of.
Let go of the past today. Don't remember it. Don't dwell on it. Don't bring it up. The greatest tool that the devil has in his arsenal is discouragement, and for some reason, he always seems to use our past sins to get at us.
Muscle memory = good. Sin memory = bad.
Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Friday, October 1, 2010

Should You Pass on Grass?

When I was child, I lived in North Seattle near the neighborhood of Phinney Ridge. On the corner of 65th and Greenwood there was a house that we would pass every so often that I was thinking about this week.
In front of that house, in the place where people would usually plant grass seed, the owner had poured concrete and painted it green. As a child, I thought this was a really cool thing. I remember saying to myself that when I was an adult, that was what I was going to do. Have green painted concrete in front of my house instead of grass. Apparently when you're 9 years old you don't have the foresight to realize that one day you'll be married, and that your wife won't agree with something dumb like that.
So what do you do? You end up planting grass seed like I did last Monday. We had an area of our lawn that was a planting area, and we wanted grass there, so I had to get a 1/2 yard of dirt, put it in there, and plant some grass seed. I don't know the last time you schlepped some dirt, so let me remind you, it is not easy work. Its dirty and painful. With every shovel full, I thought about that green concrete and how much easier that would be than worrying about some grass.
That being the situation, all week long I've been focusing on that patch of dirt that has a bunch of grass seeds buried in it. Every morning and night I'm wetting it and watching it for any signs of growth. I know, its been 5 days, so I shouldn't be expecting much, but welcome to my world.
Patience isn't my strongest suit.
In my world, if you plant something it should start to grow before the day is over. I've done the work, set it in place, so I should see some results, right? Wrong. The way God set it up is that when you plant anything in the ground, it always takes time to see results. Its never immediate and always requires a measure of patience.
I don't like waiting. I don't like wondering. I want things to happen fast and my grass is no different.
But here's the deal- God has a way of teaching me something about myself during times such as these. I know that grass isn't earth shattering, but there is a life lesson in it for me. God is teaching me patience as I wait for the grass to grow.
Looking back, I can see now that more than likely that guy with the green concrete took the easy route- he didn't plant any seed. He probably wasn't willing to do the work necessary to work at getting some grass growing, or having the patience to watch it grow, and in the process might have missed out on something that God could have taught him through the process. Too bad for him.
Is there something in your life that you're taking the easy route and putting in painted green concrete instead of planting seed and letting God take his time? Have you gotten frustrated because things weren't happening fast enough, so now your pushing to make it your way faster?
Green lush grass wins over hard green concrete every time. The question is if you're willing to pay the price of patience to get that reward.
I am, and apparently the new owner of that house in North Seattle is too. I drove by there recently. No more concrete, now there is grass.
Be blessed.
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog