Matt of Faith and Victory in Auburn Wa ( shares insights, thoughts and periodic ramblings. This blog address has been somewhat discontinued, to read current blogs, please go to
Friday, May 28, 2010
These Donuts are To Die For!!!
I hope the title of the blog enticed you. I'm sure it did, because, well, you're reading this. "To Die For". I've heard people say that phrase for a really long time. I'm sure you know people who say it also. I've got news for you though- I don't say it. I never have.
Actually I think its a pretty horrible phrase. An all out lie if you ask me. I really don't know anyone who would die for a donut, a salad, a piece of chocolate. If I gave you the option to have or do something, but the exchange for it was death, I would be sure that none of you would take me up on it. In truth, there is nothing that I could give you to eat that would be "to die for".
Now don't get me wrong, I think that there are things out there that are worth dying for. Death is the ultimate price that someone can pay for something, either good or bad. Our life is only one, and when we give it up in death to someone, we have given the ultimate sacrifice.
It was Nathan Hale that said- "I regret that I only have one life to give for my country". That's a bold statement, and one that we as Americans should take to heart this Friday as we move into Memorial Weekend.
Monday isn't a day off from work so you can go shopping for a new mattress. Its a day set aside for us as a nation to honor those who have died in Military Service.
I found a link that lists the American Casualties in war. You can see it here take special notice of WWII and The Civil war. These two wars combined had 1 million deaths.
What you feel about war is irrelevant in this case. The truth is that there have been over 1 million service members that have died in defense of our way of life as Americans. Most importantly, they died so that we can worship God freely.
So what to do? Take a moment this weekend and reflect on it. Realize that what you have as an American came at a cost to those who died, and the families that suffered the loss. Thank God for their sacrifice and do not take it for granted. Use that opportunity to deepen your relationship with the savior of the universe who died for you- so that you could live a life of peace and freedom.
Be blessed
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Is This Object Lesson a Stretch?
I write this blog quite religiously. I try to do it 4 times a week. Its difficult sometimes because it feels like I often get in a 'lull' where the blog isn't really earth shattering. But, seeing how I'm committed to it, and my friend Anthony in Spokane calls me if I don't write it, I come back to it day and day again.
Its beneficial to me. I know there is usually only about 50-80 people who read it a day, but for me, just sitting down and reflecting and thinking about what the Lord is teaching me is always good. If anything, it keeps me focused. It reminds me of things.
Like today. I went to the gym this morning and my friend Chad was late. Yea, that's right, I threw him straight under the bus. That's what he gets for being 20 mins late. Being called out on the blog is his penance. Well anyway, when I got out of the gym, my 'low tire pressure' light was on in my SUV.
Great. This thing has been going on for about a week. I've been putting it off. Its always a chore to get some air in those tires. I have to get my compressor, and put on the attachments, and bend down and take off the air caps and all that. Its not a huge chore, just not a fun one.
This morning I decided that I was going to put air in the tires. I know. Earth shattering.... right? Its 730am, I'm in my garage, compressor blaring, on my knee, pumping air into tires. In the process, I thought- there is nothing that goes in tires that fills them up properly other than air. Sure, you purists would say that there is nitrogen and other stuff, but 99.9% of us use air, so get over it.
Here's the point- air in the tires doesn't seem like a big deal. But it is. When your tires are properly inflated in increases gas mileage, efficiency, and longevity of the tire. Staying on top of this minimal task can have far reaching implications when it comes to the life and function of your tires.
As I was doing this the Lord quicken my spirit and I thought- are we that diligent in the simple things of our spiritual life, such as prayer? As I was putting that air in the tires, I realized that prayer is the air in the tires of our spiritual life. If you don't pray, you don't get very far.
This is the encouragement I want you to get today- Pray. Just like my boy MC Hammer used to say "We got to pray just to make it today". Ask yourself how much you pray and then realize that you should do more. Spend some time talking to the Father and see how much better mileage you get throughout the day. He wants you to talk to Him. He wants to be in relationship with Him.
Be blessed
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
What Do Hell and a Sandcastle Have in Common?
Have You ever been to a beach and built a sandcastle? We live outside the Seattle area and the opportunities to build sandcastles are far and few between. We have been to the coast with the kids and done it, but its not an every day activity that's for sure.
I can remember one time when I was at the beach as a kid and was building a sandcastle with my brother. We were in Hawaii at the time and took great care building the largest sandcastle that either of us have ever built. It was huge, and took us many hours to complete.
At the end of the build, we stood there and just kind of looked at it and wondered what to do next. I mean, its a sandcastle, so no matter what you do, you can't take it with you. Sandcastles are temporary in nature, they always go away. As we were standing there admiring our handiwork, a huge wave came in and washed over our creation.
It was lame. I had worked on this thing for a few hours and now it was destroyed because of some waves. As a kid, I was a little upset. I didn't want to see something that I had created be destroyed. I had tinge of sadness.
I was thinking about that this morning when I came across this verse- "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”- John 3:17. It made me think about some people who are out there that have this idea that God created people with the plan to send them to Hell.
According to the Bible I'm created in God's image, which means that I share kinship with God, and when I create something, I get sad when I see it destroyed. Even a small sandcastle has value to me. I wanted to see that thing live forever. If I feel that way about the value of a sandcastle, how much more value does God place on me?
Here's the deal- God loves you. He wants relationship with you. He did not send Jesus into this world so that He could ensure that the most people possible would be sent to Hell. Quite the opposite in fact. The plan in sending Jesus to this world was so that everyone in the world could live for eternity if they would come to Him.
I know this is a deep blog this morning, but its important. There are scores of people who believe that God created some people just so they could go to Hell.
I don't agree. God's hope for all creation is that we would all turn from evil deeds and turn towards Jesus.
You have value. You matter. God doesn't want to destroy you. He wants you to live.
Be blessed
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Learn This One Word and It Will Change Your Whole Life
Everyone wants to be successful. How you define success is up to you, but to all of us, we have an idea of what successful is to us. For one person it may be to sit at home and not have to work, for another they may want to have a job where they work 60 hours a week. Success is what it is to the individual. I get that.
Here's the truth though- next to no one would say that they want to be financially destitute, in bad health, spiritually dead, and to have a life of meaningless relationships. Most people want some measure of achievement in those areas. Yes, the level of success may be different, but everyone wants it. Or at least in my experience most of the people I meet want to achieve in those areas.
Would you like to not have a financial life that isn't month to month? To be able to minimize your health risks by staying physically fit? To be able to connect with God on a deeper level and have relationships with those around you that are robust and passionate? I hope the answer is yes.
How to do it? Here's the word- Discipline. Its not a fun word, but its an important one. It is impossible to be successful without discipline.
What is my working definition of discipline? A constant attention to the things that matter most in my life.
For me I find that when I neglect the things that are most important in my life, they do not become better, they become worse. When I pay attention to them, and give them my energy, they improve and grow.
Its like my lawn- its not a great lawn- because I don't pay close attention to it. I water it periodically, but I don't focus on it. I don't care that much about my lawn.
Where's this coming from? I'm a pastor and I spend time with alot of people who tell me they want things in their life, but wanting it and having the discipline to get it is two totally seperate things.
Here's the deal- you may have an area of your life that you feel is not where you want it to be, so I ask you- are you giving it the attention it needs to be successful? Are you making the main things the main things or are you allowing the little things of your life to consume you in such a way that you've lost focus?
Here's the nugget for the day- Sit down. Today, write out a few things that are the most important to you in your life and then look at your schedule and see if your schedule fits in with your priorities. You may find that you are spending too much time on stuff that doesn't matter and in the process realize that you may be neglecting the areas that are most important.
be blessed
Friday, May 21, 2010
Crocodile Dundee, Jesus and a Ninja All Walk Into a Bar....
I've never been mugged. One time I was in downtown Seattle when I was a high schooler and someone grabbed the chain around my neck and was going to rip it off, but he didn't. Other than that, I've never been held up or accosted in a robbery.
I found a story today that I want to share with you. In Australia, some guy got mugged outside a school for Ninjas and the students saw it and took off after the guy. You can read about it here- . This story is so cool on so many fronts.
1. There is a school for Ninjas? Unbelievable. I think I just might enroll. I thought that they were super secret Illuminati type warriors that are only heard of and never seen. I didn't know that I could be one of them.
2. Can you imagine what this guy was thinking while he was getting mugged? Maybe something went through his mind like "Man, where is a Ninja when you really need one?" and voila, a Ninja comes out of nowhere to save him.
3. Think of this criminal! I'm sure at no point in his day did he ever think that when he mugged someone that he would be attacked by Ninjas! At best he probably figured the police would get him, but a Ninja? Probably never crossed his mind.
I could go on for days about Ninjas. They're cool.
Here's what I was thinking though. The similarities to Ninjas and God in this story are somewhat similar. Yes, it may be a bit of stretch, but stick with me here. If I can draw a parallel with Ninjas and the Lord this morning, that would be sweet.
Here it is-
First, as much as you think that Ninjas are not real and never seen, they are. People think God is not real and never seen. This is not true. God is real. You can see his power.
Also, people in trouble call out. Sometimes you may think as though you're calling out to some unknown force that will never help- like the man who didn't think a Ninja would show up, God shows up and helps. All the time.
And lastly, much like the mugger caught by the Ninjas, people assume that God doesn't know what they're doing. This is not true. God is like an ultimate Ninja. He's always there, always knows what you're doing.
So here's the nugget- God is not a Ninja but you can learn from the ways of the Ninja today to understand a bit more about God. He is always there. He always shows up on time. He knows what you're doing. Remember that today as you go around. Remind yourself of it and live like it.
Be blessed
Thursday, May 20, 2010
What Would You Do if A Cop Pointed His Gun At You?
I'm not afraid to admit it, since I don't believe in jinxes or anything like that, but I've never got a ticket from a police officer before. Been pulled over a bunch of times, but never been given a ticket. This is a good thing. I don't think getting a ticket would be fun.
Do you know what else wouldn't be fun? Having a police officer pull out their gun and drawn down on me. I don't think that would be fun either. If a police office pulled their gun out and pointed it at me, I would do exactly as they told me to do. Come to think of it, even if they didn't pull out their gun, I would do exactly as they told me.
I'm always amazed when I watch television shows like COPS and see these people who have a really hard time following simple directions from police officers. Things like, stay in the car, keep your hands where I can see them, keep your face in the ground, simple commands like that. It appears to me as if the criminal populations largest problem is hearing impairment in that they can't seem to hear what these officers are saying to them.
Even more so, once they are in handcuffs, quite a few of them continue to to struggle. So much so that they have to be hog-tied and laid down in the back of a police car.
I've often though- wouldn't it just be easier to just give up? No one ever wins a fight with the police. The more you fight, the more you get in trouble. The odds are stacked against you. The police always win. When they say 'surrender' you do it. You give up and do what they say.
It got me thinking- people do this all the time with their relationship with God. They fight Him every step of the way. He is asking them to surrender and they keep fighting. Keep trying to hold on to their rights. Keep trying to make things their way instead of His way. Thinking that fighting Him is in some way going to work out in their favor.
God is not a police officer and you are not a criminal, but the point today is surrender.
How surrendered are you? Half way or all the way? Have you really given up or are you trying to hold on to your own agenda?
Here's the nugget for the day- the level of intimacy with God that you will have depends on your level of surrender. Give it all up. Quit fighting it. Let Him control your life.
Be blessed.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Would You Be Surprised To Find This In Your Back Yard?
Picture this- you live in a metropolitan city, you go out in the morning to put out the trash, and you find a bear digging in your trash. I'm not sure about you, but if that happened to me, I would be a bit surprised. It would surprise me quite a bit in fact.
I'm not sure what I would do. Probably run and scream, if my past interactions with things like cockroaches is any indication. Or, I would respond like I did in the Army and was faced with a skunk. I would just freeze up and hope it went away.
Here's a story from the Seattle Times today- looks like there is a bear on the loose in Tacoma Washington. Amongst many other interesting things that happen in Tacoma, you can add this to the list.
You'll notice in the story that the 'authorities' are doing whatever they can to track the animal down, tranquilize it, and remove it from the city. They see this bear as a threat to the safety of the city. The last thing that they want is for someone to get hurt by this bear.
I can understand their concern. When there is something dangerous in the city, you should do whatever it takes to remove it. I just think that sometimes when it comes to things in our own lives that are destructive or dangerous, we wait far too long to remove them. For some reason we seem to think that the things in our life that are negative or destructive will somehow magically be removed. We ignore them and hide them and somehow believe that one day they will be gone.
That process doesn't work with bears and it doesn't work with destructive things in our lives. If there are things that you don't like about your life, or things that you think are destructive, you need to get serious about it. Get together a search party. Grab some tranquilizer guns and get after it.
Here's the deal- God has a lot of grace for all of us. He loves us and wants to see us living well. The last thing He wants for our lives is for us to be demolished by something that could easily be removed with a bit of directed investigation and intensive attention. Get serious about the destructive things in your life. Ask Him to remove those things from your life that are destructive and or dangerous. Give them up to Him and release them from your life. You will find that when you give something up to Him, He'll take it, and your life will be better for it.
Don't let the Bears continue to roam around in your life.
Be Blessed today
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What To Do When Someone Apologizes
I'm a nice guy. Well, most of the time I think. I'm not trying to be a self promoting wind bag here, I'm just openly reflecting on the fact that for the most part, I think I'm a nice guy.
I don't kick random dogs. I don't throw trash out of moving cars. I put my shopping carts back. I smile at people whom I do not know. I engage people at parties. One time I gave a ride to a guy standing on an off ramp. Yeah, I'm a nice guy.
Here's another thing I do that I think makes me a nice guy- when it has come to my attention that I have wronged someone, or hurt some one's feelings, I try my best to go and apologize.
Let me explain- with as little details as possible. Yesterday it came to my attention that due to circumstances out of my control, I had inconvenienced someone. I wish I could tell you what it was, but this detail would quickly reveal whom I am talking about, and I don't want to do that. What I did and whom I was talking to is insignificant, the action is where the significance is today.
So anyway, when I found out, I immediately went to the person and apologized.
Now, typically when someone goes to a person to apologize, you would expect that it would bring the person's guard down, and cause them to engage you in the interaction of the apology.
It usually goes like this-
Person one: Hey I wanted to apologize for (insert horrible deed here).
Person two: Its okay, I forgive you, I understand that people sometimes do that.
Person one: Thank you, again, I'm sorry, it was my fault, is there a way to make it up to you?
Person two: No its OK, just please don't let it happen again.
No such luck for me yesterday. It went more like this
Me: Hey, I just wanted to apologize for (insert horrible unintentional deed here). I'm really sorry. How can I fix it?
Them: Yeah, what happened was horrible. I'm mad. You're bad. I know you did it on purpose. Its clear that you hate me and wanted to hurt me. I'm not going to let you apologize I'm going to attack you and make you feel worse for apologizing and let you know that every time you try to apologize I'm not going to let you. I'm going to make you feel worse and loathe the day you ever hurt me. Whether it was unintentional or intentional is irrelevant, I know you did it on purpose so you don't deserve forgiveness. You deserve judgement, and I am the one to deliver it.
Or something like that.
Here's the deal- we all mess up. Either intentionally or unintentionally. When this happens, the first thing we need to do, is apologize and ask for forgiveness from those whom we have wronged. Here's the other part though- when someone wrongs you, and is trying to apologize, let them. Don't bite their head off and make them feel worse. Typically when a person has come to a point of admitting fault and asking for forgiveness, they truly are trying to repair the relationship.
If they are asking for forgiveness, it is because they care about you and the relationship. If they didn't care, they wouldn't say anything.
Forgiveness is something that God extends to us through Jesus Christ. We should forgive because he forgave us. Don't attack people who are trying to apologize to you.
Be blessed
Friday, May 14, 2010
One Way To Improve Relationships
We were at someones house last night. My daughter had an event at school, and afterwards, we went to see some friends who were having a quasi-bbq. We ended up sitting around the fire and talking a bit.
I love sitting around a fire talking. There is something magical about the flames that seems to get people to open up a bit. I'm not sure if its because of the darkness, the smoke, or the flicker of the flames, but people do open up more around a fire.
As we were talking, we started to discuss relationships and how difficult they are. If you're human, you probably agree that they are difficult. Its not easy being in relationship with people. Sometimes its downright difficult. Its hard to be in relationship.
One of the reasons that it is so hard to be in relationship, and something that hinders them most is vulnerability. People do not like to be vulnerable with their thoughts and feelings, and that is why it is really hard for some people to be in relationship.
What do I mean? Vulnerability is opening up about what you truly want, need and think. Its being willing to 'put yourself out there' and share what you are truly feeling. Its not bottling up. Its not holding back. Its being willing to open up who you are to the other person and risk being hurt. Clearly, most people struggle with this.
Its hard to tell another person that your feelings have been hurt. Its painful to let someone know that you have an emotional need that isn't being met. Its daunting to think about explaining your past to someone so they can understand who you are today.
Vulnerability pays the bills in relationships. If you don't pay it, bankrupt relations will be your payment in return.
Ask yourself- how vulnerable are you with those whom I want to be in relationship with?
What's the nugget? Be willing to be vulnerable. Be willing to be honest and open up to people. Yes it will be hard. Yes you will be hurt. But here's what will happen, in the process you will find that there are people out there that actually care about you. People who can handle raw emotions and aren't afraid of being real. People who will love you for who you are.
God never intended for us to be anything less than authentic. He desires it for us. In our relationships with others, and especially with Him. He wants us to be open and vulnerable with Him most of all.
Be open. Be vulnerable.
Be Blessed
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I Almost Died At The Gym This Morning
I've been going to the gym in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I meet my friend Chad there. I got there a few minutes earlier than him this morning (as it is most mornings) and was standing on the curb across from the entrance to the gym waiting.
As I was standing there, this person walked out of the gym, went to the back of their vehicle, and put their gym clothes in there and got in the drivers seat. Did I mention they were parked in the 'Handicapped' spot? I was standing there, and thinking to myself "they don't look very handicapped" seeing how they just came out of the gym and such.
This guy walks by me and says "You're thinking about how they don't look very handicapped, aren't you?". I said to him, " What are you, some sort of mind reader??" and then he laughed over his shoulder as he walked away.
Just at that moment, my friend Chad walked up, so we started our way to the entrance to the gym. The person in that vehicle, shifted into reverse right as we were right behind the vehicle, and I thought to myself that they had to see the two 6 foot plus individuals behind the vehicle.
Nope. Without a look, without a pause, the vehicle came back at a high rate of speed in reverse straight at us. I jumped out of the way and hollered as they almost took me out. You'd think they would have applied the break a bit as I was hollering, nope. No such luck.
I wonder if I was pinned under their vehicle screaming they would have stopped?
The same guy who read my mind called out from the door and said "No question if they're selfish or not, eh?"
The whole interaction took about 1 minute.
In addition to immediately becoming the topic of the blog this morning, I also thought to myself what kind of life this person must lead to be so utterly concerned with what was going on with them, and in my case, completely oblivious to what was going on around them.
I think I may be like that sometimes. So consumed with myself that I forget those around me that may be in need also. I think its something about the human condition that we get tunnel vision when it comes to dealing with our own problems.
Here's the deal though- that's not what God calls us to do, or to be. Even though we may be going through something, or be dealing with something, it doesn't give us an excuse to take it out on someone else, or be oblivious to the people around us who may be in need.
Think about it today. You may be going through something, but that doesn't mean that you can become self absorbed. Make the choice to focus on those around you that may be in need, and help them out a bit. You'll find that your problems aren't as big, and that you bless someone else in the process.
Be blessed
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Want To Go Back To High School and Relive the "Glory Days"?
High school for me was, well, High School. Like most kids, I think that my remembrance of it doesn't quite coincide with the reality of what it was. More than likely other people's perception of who I was and the life I lived in my head in High School is very very different also. High school was what it was.
You have to admit that there is a certain aura associated with it though, isn't there? Countless movies about it confirm that we all, at some point, think about who and what we were in those days. Some of us, probably think about it and wish we could go back and do something different. That in someway if we could go back to that day, and do something different it would change the outcomes of our life today.
What's my biggest regret from high school? Not trying harder and training more diligently for sports. Especially football. It still pains me at times to think about what I "could have been" if I applied myself in sports. Would it change who I am today? Probably not. Except I wouldn't have as many regrets, and maybe a few more positive experiences to look back on.
I found an interesting article today about a young man in Texas. You can read it here A young man in Texas who was 22 years old got found out playing for a high school basketball team.
Really? Sure, it was breaking the law, but my heart kind of went out to the guy. I don't know what was going on in his head, but I can assume that he was reliving something about his past, or he really didn't want to grow up. Either way, I'm not mad at the guy, I am a bit intrigued.
Here's the deal- we all have regrets. And none of us can go back. There is only one option- learn to live with the past, try to make amends, and move on.
Here's the biggest part I want to make clear in today's blog- Do you realize that you may look back on the time you are living in right now and have regrets about it in your future? You may not be in high school right now, but 5 or 10 years from now, you may look back at 2010 and think "I wish I would have done it differently".
What's the nugget? Live today how you think you should live so that in the future you won't have any regrets about what you have done or not done. Years from now you will not be able to come back to today and relive it. You can only live in the now. So live your life today in a way that you won't ever have any regrets.
Be blessed.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Blog- I Am Probably The Only Person Who Has Never Seen This Movie
I watched a movie this weekend that most of you have probably already seen. I've been fighting it since birth I think. My mom used to watch it when it came on TV when I was a kid and I vaguely remember the songs, and not wanting to watch it. I guess most young boys don't get really excited about musicals and such.
The movie? The Sound of Music with Julie Andrews. Yes, I must admit. I watched that movie for the first time this weekend.
My daughter had been singing a few of the songs lately that she had learned in Music class, so she really wanted to see it. I put it in the queue on Netflix, and so it showed up and we watched it. I was a bit reluctant at first, because in my mind, I figured it was going to be stupid and boring and emasculating to watch a movie such as this. I mean, come on, any movie that starts with a lady in a drab dress singing by herself on top of a mountain sets the stage as pretty pointless movie...right?
I'm not sure if you've seen it, so if I spoil it, I'm sorry. But here's the movie in a nutshell. This lady is living in a Nunnery and on her way to be a Nun. She gets a job as a nanny to 7 kids and falls in love with her employer who is a widower. The movie takes place in Austria during WWII, with the backdrop of Nazi Germany.
The movie has quite a bit of layers. Love, intrigue, nationalism,family, good and evil, truth. Its got it all. At first glance it appears to just be a movie with singing kids in nickers, but it was quite different than I assumed. I loved the movie. It was great. I'll watch it again.
What's the point?I had a ton of assumptions about something I knew something about based on very limited information. Furthermore, I also had reservations based on what I thought other people thought about this movie, and how others would view me if they knew I had watched it, or even worse liked it.
What's the nugget? I am sure there are things about God, the Bible, or the Church that many people have assumptions about with very limited information. More than likely these assumptions come from what they have heard from other people and how they perceive the things of God to be or not be.
Upon deeper investigation and a real life experience with the things of God, one may find themselves, as I have, regarding the Sound of Music, to reassess their preconceived notions, and change their viewpoint.
If you're in complete understanding of who God is, and what he's about. That's great- but realize that there are a bunch of people out there that are making assumptions about God based on limited information, not on the truth of His character as revealed in the Bible. Perhaps you can make an impact in their life by sharing with them what you know to be true, and changing their perceptions.
Be blessed
Friday, May 7, 2010
Do This When You Meet Someone New- You'll WOW Them!

I meet people. Its what I do. Out and about, at church, at functions. Whatever it may be, I seem to be meeting people wherever I go.
I met someone yesterday. I wont say where, or in what context, as much as I will tell you the initial greeting that I had with them, was, well, lacking.
Here's what happened- I was at this place, there was someone whom I knew, and they introduced me to their friend. As I reached out to shake this persons hand, I was given an almost fully extended arm, that was rigid in nature, and only the finger tips of their hand. This is what that hand shake told me- I'm a a distance. I don't want to meet you. Here, I'll let you try to half way grab onto my fingers as an attempt to make it seem as though I'm being cordial.
I thought about it quite a bit yesterday and here's why- in my world, I think you only have one chance to make a first impression, and its made largely through the handshake.
There are some handshakes that really bug me-
The "over the top"- When someone shakes hands with theirs completely over yours, their palm facing down- to me it says dominance.
The "wet noodle" When someone gives you a limp collection of phalanges and expects you to cradle their broken hand- to me it says weakness.
The "grab you first" When someone someone clasps too fast, and doesn't give you the opportunity to get your hand in there. to me it says distrust.
The "break your hand" Very common among men- Its when you squeeze as though your life depended on it, but with no grimace. The goal is to make it seem as if this is your natural strength. To me it says shallowness.
Now when I say hand shake, this is what I mean- a fully embraced, all the way to the palms, not too hard, completely clasped handshake. No one's hand is farther in the shake than the other, no one's hand is more on top. Its a fully equal shaking of the hands that signifies the openness of the beginning of the relationship. Its firm, but not too hard. Its long enough to signify a connection but not too long to say that you're creepy. Its a just a good handshake.
Think about your handshake today. It says alot about who you are. Look for opportunities to have a good handshake with someone. Its the beginning of a relationship and a means by which you can start a relationship.
What the spiritual significance? God doesn't want you to be a dominant,weak, distrustful or shallow hand shaker. He wants you to be a person who is confident and can convey the love of God in any way shape or form. In America, that way can be through a handshake. Think about it. It can be a great ministry to people's souls.
Be blessed today. Go shake some hands
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Here is 4 Things You Should Love
Love is an important emotion. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, you want to be loved and want to experience love. Its normal. We're wired that way.
I was preaching on love last night at church, and figured I could give you guys a condensed version. Here's the four loves you need to have-
1. Love for God.
I know this is a simple concept, but its a bedrock one. We need to have a deep love for God. Love for who He is, what he has done and what He is about. Our Passion should be to love Him with all of our heart, soul, and mind. This love should change us. The way we live, the way we act and the way we see the world. Love changes us.
2. Love for Family.
The Bible says that someone who doesn't care for his family is worse than a heathen. There are alot of people who say they love their family, but when it comes to their actions, it doesn't seem that way. When you love your family it shows in how you talk to them, interact with them, and serve them. If you are an angry person who lashes out at the people you love, its really not that loving.
3. Love for Enemies.
This one isn't that easy to do, but as Christians, we are called to love those who hate us. Think of the person that annoys you or hurts you constantly- that is the person that you're supposed to Love. Jesus said that if you love those who love you, its no good. We need to love the people that hate us. They need our love the most.
4. Love for Ourselves.
Probably the hardest one of them all. For some reason people think that a self-depreciating mindset that constantly tears themselves down is doing God a favor. God doesn't make junk. When you look in the mirror in the morning love what you see and thank God that he made you. The Bible says to love your neighbor as yourself. Meaning, being able to love others depends on being able to love yourself. Do it. It will change your life.
There you go. 35 minute sermon in 3 mins. Not nearly as exciting as a full sermon, but you can get the small edition today.
Be blessed today. Go practice some love.
I was preaching on love last night at church, and figured I could give you guys a condensed version. Here's the four loves you need to have-
1. Love for God.
I know this is a simple concept, but its a bedrock one. We need to have a deep love for God. Love for who He is, what he has done and what He is about. Our Passion should be to love Him with all of our heart, soul, and mind. This love should change us. The way we live, the way we act and the way we see the world. Love changes us.
2. Love for Family.
The Bible says that someone who doesn't care for his family is worse than a heathen. There are alot of people who say they love their family, but when it comes to their actions, it doesn't seem that way. When you love your family it shows in how you talk to them, interact with them, and serve them. If you are an angry person who lashes out at the people you love, its really not that loving.
3. Love for Enemies.
This one isn't that easy to do, but as Christians, we are called to love those who hate us. Think of the person that annoys you or hurts you constantly- that is the person that you're supposed to Love. Jesus said that if you love those who love you, its no good. We need to love the people that hate us. They need our love the most.
4. Love for Ourselves.
Probably the hardest one of them all. For some reason people think that a self-depreciating mindset that constantly tears themselves down is doing God a favor. God doesn't make junk. When you look in the mirror in the morning love what you see and thank God that he made you. The Bible says to love your neighbor as yourself. Meaning, being able to love others depends on being able to love yourself. Do it. It will change your life.
There you go. 35 minute sermon in 3 mins. Not nearly as exciting as a full sermon, but you can get the small edition today.
Be blessed today. Go practice some love.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
What You and The Times Square Bomber have in Common
This past week, a guy drove a SUV into times square and attempted to detonate a bomb. News flash- he failed. The bomb didn't go off. The people around tipped off the police and no one was hurt. Beautiful.
Did you notice what happened next? It took just over 50 hours for the dragnet of the NYPD and the supporting three letter agencies to apprehend this guy. They used military technology to track his cell phone and his whereabouts. They put him on the no-fly list and at the last minute, he was pulled off a plane that was bound for the middle east.
It was textbook police work that got this guy. I'm glad they did. Terrorists get no love in my book.
This guy, on some level, thought that whatever he did wouldn't be found out. That he could go and try to kill a bunch of innocent people and then go on with his life. He didn't seem to care about anyone else but himself and his cause. But here's the truth- he was found, and is going to be brought to justice.
Here's what I was thinking- the US Government was able to find this guy in about 2 days. What do you have in common with this guy? God can find you also. Its not as if you've done something bad, and that you need to be caught. The connection that I want to put out there today is this- God knows who you are and where you're at.
I want to encourage you with that truth- God knows. I realize at times it may not seem that way in the midst of your circumstance. It may seem as if God is not there, or that he is not working in your midst, but it only seems that way.
Right now. Today, the God of this universe is concerned with who you are and what you are doing. Yes, you may be going to through circumstance, but realize that circumstance has a way of developing character and fruit in your life that God can use to refine you into who he wants you to be.
Just because you're going through something doesn't mean that God has forgot about you.
Be encouraged today. Sure, there isn't a UAV Drone flying over the sky tracking your cell phone calls, but there is a God in the heavens that knows who you are and where you're at.
Be encouraged today. Be blessed.
Did you notice what happened next? It took just over 50 hours for the dragnet of the NYPD and the supporting three letter agencies to apprehend this guy. They used military technology to track his cell phone and his whereabouts. They put him on the no-fly list and at the last minute, he was pulled off a plane that was bound for the middle east.
It was textbook police work that got this guy. I'm glad they did. Terrorists get no love in my book.
This guy, on some level, thought that whatever he did wouldn't be found out. That he could go and try to kill a bunch of innocent people and then go on with his life. He didn't seem to care about anyone else but himself and his cause. But here's the truth- he was found, and is going to be brought to justice.
Here's what I was thinking- the US Government was able to find this guy in about 2 days. What do you have in common with this guy? God can find you also. Its not as if you've done something bad, and that you need to be caught. The connection that I want to put out there today is this- God knows who you are and where you're at.
I want to encourage you with that truth- God knows. I realize at times it may not seem that way in the midst of your circumstance. It may seem as if God is not there, or that he is not working in your midst, but it only seems that way.
Right now. Today, the God of this universe is concerned with who you are and what you are doing. Yes, you may be going to through circumstance, but realize that circumstance has a way of developing character and fruit in your life that God can use to refine you into who he wants you to be.
Just because you're going through something doesn't mean that God has forgot about you.
Be encouraged today. Sure, there isn't a UAV Drone flying over the sky tracking your cell phone calls, but there is a God in the heavens that knows who you are and where you're at.
Be encouraged today. Be blessed.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I Haven't Showered In Two Days
Its Tuesday Morning. I'm sitting at my kitchen table working on my laptop writing my blog. I got up this morning at 6, went to the gym, had some oats, started going through emails, and now I'm writing my blog. I haven't showered since Sunday morning before church.
I've got more emails to go through, phone calls to make, studying to do, people to see. There is going to to be a fellowship at our house tonight, and then I'm going to meet someone at 930 tonight for some coffee. I've got a pretty full day ahead of me.
So here was my day yesterday- I got up, put on my sweats, took the kids to school. Played video games most of the day, picked up the kids. Spent time with kids and wife. Stayed in sweats. No shower. No phone calls. No people. No email. I only got on Facebook one time.
Why am I telling you this? Because in all honesty, yesterday was a painful day for me. Why? because in my eyes, I was totally and completely unproductive. I sat around all day and the only thing I was able to accomplish was finishing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. In my sweats.
Not 'doing' is something that I struggle with. It pains me to do nothing. I feel guilty. I feel worthless. If I'm not actively engaged in productivity, it seems to me as if I am wasting my life away. That the clock is ticking and I'm being watched and judged on my outcomes. Most days I feel like this. I know. Its kind of weird isn't it?
Or is it? I'm sure there are some other 'productivity junkies' out there. That can't relax. Refuse to do nothing. Who on any given day can be found either working or finding something to work on around the house. Its 'in our blood' so to speak. We're hardwired to work, and when we don't do it, we feel lost.
But here's what I was thinking about yesterday- Even God rested. Yep, its in there, he created the heavens and the earth, and on the 7th day he rested. He didn't do anything I guess, probably went and did a round of golf with some of the angels or something. He just rested.
It got me to thinking, if God rested, so should I. I shouldn't feel guilty about hiding away in my sweats and doing nothing. When I have a day that I don't even shower, or shave, or do anything that resembles an outcome, its okay. I don't have to be defined by, or controlled by some sort of notion of a required outcome. Sometimes, its okay to just rest, and be.
Do you struggle with this? Here's the nugget for the day- every once in a while, you need to do nothing. Nada, zilch, bupkis. Just sit around and veg. Its oddly revitalizing to unplug and rest. I find that when I do it, I come back to my tasks with a renewed vigor and enthusiasm. Maybe God knew this, that's probably why he tells us to do this once a week.
If you spend most of your time doing nothing then this blog probably isn't for you. If you're a workhorse like me, hopefully this will strike a chord.
Be blessed.
I've got more emails to go through, phone calls to make, studying to do, people to see. There is going to to be a fellowship at our house tonight, and then I'm going to meet someone at 930 tonight for some coffee. I've got a pretty full day ahead of me.
So here was my day yesterday- I got up, put on my sweats, took the kids to school. Played video games most of the day, picked up the kids. Spent time with kids and wife. Stayed in sweats. No shower. No phone calls. No people. No email. I only got on Facebook one time.
Why am I telling you this? Because in all honesty, yesterday was a painful day for me. Why? because in my eyes, I was totally and completely unproductive. I sat around all day and the only thing I was able to accomplish was finishing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. In my sweats.
Not 'doing' is something that I struggle with. It pains me to do nothing. I feel guilty. I feel worthless. If I'm not actively engaged in productivity, it seems to me as if I am wasting my life away. That the clock is ticking and I'm being watched and judged on my outcomes. Most days I feel like this. I know. Its kind of weird isn't it?
Or is it? I'm sure there are some other 'productivity junkies' out there. That can't relax. Refuse to do nothing. Who on any given day can be found either working or finding something to work on around the house. Its 'in our blood' so to speak. We're hardwired to work, and when we don't do it, we feel lost.
But here's what I was thinking about yesterday- Even God rested. Yep, its in there, he created the heavens and the earth, and on the 7th day he rested. He didn't do anything I guess, probably went and did a round of golf with some of the angels or something. He just rested.
It got me to thinking, if God rested, so should I. I shouldn't feel guilty about hiding away in my sweats and doing nothing. When I have a day that I don't even shower, or shave, or do anything that resembles an outcome, its okay. I don't have to be defined by, or controlled by some sort of notion of a required outcome. Sometimes, its okay to just rest, and be.
Do you struggle with this? Here's the nugget for the day- every once in a while, you need to do nothing. Nada, zilch, bupkis. Just sit around and veg. Its oddly revitalizing to unplug and rest. I find that when I do it, I come back to my tasks with a renewed vigor and enthusiasm. Maybe God knew this, that's probably why he tells us to do this once a week.
If you spend most of your time doing nothing then this blog probably isn't for you. If you're a workhorse like me, hopefully this will strike a chord.
Be blessed.
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