Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blog- I Am Probably The Only Person Who Has Never Seen This Movie

I watched a movie this weekend that most of you have probably already seen. I've been fighting it since birth I think. My mom used to watch it when it came on TV when I was a kid and I vaguely remember the songs, and not wanting to watch it. I guess most young boys don't get really excited about musicals and such.
The movie? The Sound of Music with Julie Andrews. Yes, I must admit. I watched that movie for the first time this weekend.
My daughter had been singing a few of the songs lately that she had learned in Music class, so she really wanted to see it. I put it in the queue on Netflix, and so it showed up and we watched it. I was a bit reluctant at first, because in my mind, I figured it was going to be stupid and boring and emasculating to watch a movie such as this. I mean, come on, any movie that starts with a lady in a drab dress singing by herself on top of a mountain sets the stage as pretty pointless movie...right?
I'm not sure if you've seen it, so if I spoil it, I'm sorry. But here's the movie in a nutshell. This lady is living in a Nunnery and on her way to be a Nun. She gets a job as a nanny to 7 kids and falls in love with her employer who is a widower.  The movie takes place in Austria during WWII, with the backdrop of Nazi Germany.
The movie has quite a bit of layers. Love, intrigue, nationalism,family, good and evil, truth. Its got it all. At first glance it appears to just be a movie with singing kids in nickers, but it was quite different than I assumed. I loved the movie. It was great. I'll watch it again.
What's the point?I had a ton of assumptions about something I knew something about based on very limited information. Furthermore, I also had reservations based on what I thought other people thought about this movie, and how others would view me if they knew I had watched it, or even worse liked it.
What's the nugget? I am sure there are things about God, the Bible, or the Church that many people have assumptions about with very limited information. More than likely these assumptions  come from what they have heard from other people and how they perceive the things of God to be or not be.
Upon deeper investigation and a real life experience with the things of God, one may find themselves, as I have, regarding the Sound of Music, to reassess their preconceived notions, and change their viewpoint.
If you're in complete understanding of who God is, and what he's about. That's great- but realize that there are a bunch of people out there that are making assumptions about God based on limited information, not on the truth of His character as revealed in the Bible.  Perhaps you can make an impact in their life by sharing with them what you know to be true, and changing their perceptions.
Be blessed

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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