Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Would You Be Surprised To Find This In Your Back Yard?

Picture this- you live in a metropolitan city, you go out in the morning to put out the trash, and you find a bear digging in your trash.  I'm not sure about you, but if that happened to me, I would be a bit surprised. It would surprise me quite a bit in fact.
I'm not sure what I would do. Probably run and scream, if my past interactions with things like cockroaches is any indication. Or, I would respond like I did in the Army and was faced with a skunk. I would just freeze up and hope it went away.
Here's a story from the Seattle Times today- looks like there is a bear on the loose in Tacoma Washington. Amongst many other interesting things that happen in Tacoma, you can add this to the list.
You'll notice in the story that the 'authorities' are doing whatever they can to track the animal down, tranquilize it, and remove it from the city. They see this bear as a threat to the safety of the city. The last thing that they want is for someone to get hurt by this bear.
I can understand their concern. When there is something dangerous in the city, you should do whatever it takes to remove it. I just think that sometimes when it comes to things in our own lives that are destructive or dangerous, we wait far too long to remove them. For some reason we seem to think that the things in our life that are negative or destructive will somehow magically be removed. We ignore them and hide them and somehow believe that one day they will be gone.
That process doesn't work with bears and it doesn't work with destructive things in our lives. If there are things that you don't like about your life, or things that you think are destructive, you need to get serious about it. Get together a search party. Grab some tranquilizer guns and get after it.
Here's the deal- God has a lot of grace for all of us. He loves us and wants to see us living well. The last thing He wants for our lives is for us to be demolished by something that could easily be removed with a bit of directed investigation and intensive attention. Get serious about the destructive things in your life.  Ask Him to remove those things from your life that are destructive and or dangerous. Give them up to Him and release them from your life. You will find that when you give something up to Him, He'll take it, and your life will be better for it.
Don't let the Bears continue to roam around in your life.
Be Blessed today

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

1 comment:

  1. Boy you said a mouth full there Pastor Matt,"there is a way that seems right unto a man but the end there of is death!" it is so much easier to lie to one self than to admit you have an issue that doesn't go down good or has never left you that carries unforgiveness in our lives, we are kinda like a pea-trap under a sink that filters out all the bad and ugly stinky stuff and allows the good stream of things (Gods Grace)to flow thru , sometimes it gets plugged up or stopped up and this keeps the natural flow of Gods Compassion and Mercy and "Grace"to flow thru us and out to others long story short with the grace of God working in our lives it allows us to live amongst the bears and not have to act like one when someone or something "rattles our cage" Thanks again for a good blog they always seem to help unclog our fleshly pea-traps and bring us home to the creator where we belong ,to Jesus. Good Job Pastor Matt
