Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Would You Do if A Cop Pointed His Gun At You?

I'm not afraid to admit it, since I don't believe in jinxes or anything like that, but I've never got a ticket from a police officer before. Been pulled over a bunch of times, but never been given a ticket. This is a good thing. I don't think getting a ticket would be fun.
Do you know what else wouldn't be fun? Having a police officer pull out their gun and drawn down on me. I don't think that would be fun either. If a police office pulled their gun out and pointed it at me, I would do exactly as they told me to do. Come to think of it, even if they didn't pull out their gun, I would do exactly as they told me.
I'm always amazed when I watch television shows like COPS and see these people who have a really hard time following simple directions from police officers. Things like, stay in the car, keep your hands where I can see them, keep your face in the ground, simple commands like that. It appears to me as if the criminal populations largest problem is hearing impairment in that they can't seem to hear what these officers are saying to them.
Even more so, once they are in handcuffs, quite a few of them continue to to struggle. So much so that they have to be hog-tied and laid down in the back of a police car.
I've often though- wouldn't it just be easier to just give up? No one ever wins a fight with the police. The more you fight, the more you get in trouble. The odds are stacked against you. The police always win. When they say 'surrender' you do it. You give up and do what they say.
It got me thinking- people do this all the time with their relationship with God. They fight Him every step of the way. He is asking them to surrender and they keep fighting. Keep trying to hold on to their rights. Keep trying to make things their way instead of His way. Thinking that fighting Him is in some way going to work out in their favor.
God is not a police officer and you are not a criminal, but the point today is surrender.
How surrendered are you? Half way or all the way? Have you really given up or are you trying to hold on to your own agenda?
Here's the nugget for the day- the level of intimacy with God that you will have depends on your level of surrender. Give it all up. Quit fighting it. Let Him control your life.
Be blessed.

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

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