Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Blessing Of 24 hours

We've all been there- having a no good day. You know what I'm talking about? One of those days when your shoes don't fit right, the hair isn't cooperating? Its usually on days like that when I get annoyed at the simplest of things, like, my wife eating her apple to loudly or something to that effect. Its one of those days that in our house, we categorize as "blah" days.

Its not as if anything is specifically wrong, or that we're mad at someone. There hasn't been a traumatic event, or a stressor that's weighing us down. Its just a day that is just what it is- a day.

I had one of those yesterday. My skin felt too tight, nothing I ate satisfied me. It just wasn't my day. I can't put my finger on why, it just was. I prayed, I went to church, I preached. It went well, I just didn't feel well. I know you know what I'm talking about?

This morning though- different day. The sun is out, Ranger and I went for a brisk walk/jog and I'm feeling great. As I was out this morning I was thinking- How awesome it is that God created the earth in such a way that our days always have an end.

No matter who you are, or what you're going through, every day ends eventually. It might be a long day, but its always going to stop at 12am, and you'll get a fresh start the next day. How great is it that we get to start over every single day. Yesterday is gone, finished. You don't have to deal with it anymore, you can move on to the next day.

Thank God today that each day you live is only 24 hours. That every day ends. That those days you have that aren't the best are usually confined to that one day. Take the time to reflect on that, knowing that even the best of us have days that aren't the best, but God is still on the throne, blessing us, with another 24 hours.

Be blessed... and have a great day today!

1 comment:

  1. I had the same type of day yesterday.It is a blessing to have 24 hours in a day. Today started where yesterday ended. It is getting better.Praise God! God has given us people like Matt who shares with others and shows that we all go through these times, God give us wide open spaces to see His glory if we would take the time too. Thanks Matt!
    Blessings, keep writing and I will keep reading.
    Marilyn A.
