Monday, March 2, 2009

I Can Save America 46 Billion Dollars

I'm not sure if you've seen this article HERE about weight loss, but its quite interesting. You can read it if you want to, but let me save you some time. This is what the article says: All diets are equal, the only thing that works to lose weight is to eat less and move around more.

There. The estimated 46 Billion dollars that Americans spent on the diet industry has now been debunked. Apparently all the fads are just that, fads. The most basic premise of weight loss continues to prevail- eat less, move more.

What is hilarious to me about this article is that there are a bunch of common knowledge things that exist in the world today that people don't seem to want to pick up on. Things that can change your life that are very simple. You don't have to go to a seminar, read a book, get a personal coach.

Here are some I came up with-

1. If you want to have money, spend less than you make.
2. If you want friends, be a loving person.
3. If you want to be healthy, quit eating junk.
4. If you want to get promoted, work hard.
5. If you want good kids, discipline them.
6. If you want to get better at something, practice.
7. If you want to learn something, study.
8. If you want to get over something, forget about it.
9. If you want to change your life, then change it.
10. If you want to grow spiritually, pray, read your bible, and go to church.

All very simple statements aren't they? I'm sure someone is going to say I'm being simple, but aren't the simplest things in life sometimes the hardest to grasp?

This is the point- don't over complicate things in your life. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy when it comes to doing the things we need to do. God created you a very complex person, that can be successful by applying very simple principles.

Read the list. Decide which one applies to you, and do it.

Have a blessed day!

I want to share with you my friend Heath and what he has been doing. Check it out. HERE

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