Saturday, March 7, 2009

Playing Out In The Front Yard

Gabe got his new skateboard. He's loving it. He's not grinding yet, but he is staying on it and not falling off as much, so he's improving.

This is what is great, Gabe is not a real 'outside' kid, he's more of an inside kid who likes to play video games and such, but his Tony Hawk video game on the XBOX 360 inspired him to get a board and start skatin'!

We live in a cul-de-sac, and we always are outside when our kids are playing. I'm not sure why, but that's what we do. When I was a kid it wasn't that way, but maybe times a bit different. So, this Saturday, was the first time that the kids were playing in the front of the house by themselves.

Mind you, I was on my laptop in the living room keeping a close eye on them, but they were outside skating and scooting about.

It made me think as I was sitting in the window, "I wonder if that's how God treats us". That he is always protecting us, but as we mature he allows us to venture out into different places when we're ready.

Sometimes we want to go and do things that we want to do, but it may not be our time. We may want it, and believe that we'll be okay and safe, but God knows better. He knows what we can handle and what we cant. He allows us to go along little by little because its easier if we don't rush into something that we're not ready for yet.

If your waiting for a promotion or new development in your life, don't be concerned if it hasn't happened yet. God knows where you are, and what you're doing. Be patient he'll let you out in the front yard when you're ready.

Be blessed

1 comment:

  1. Good one Matt, just what I needed to hear!
