Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I can't lift my arms-Thank you Crossfit

How do you respond when someone is trying to encourage you to do something? Are you the type that welcomes it? Or are you the type of person that digs your heels in and refuses to budge. I think that usually people fall into either one of those camps. Accept, or dig in.

So last Thursday morning my friend calls me to tell me that he wants me to come join a gym with him. Apparently he has caught wind of this 'new' workout that 'everyone' is doing, from the Navy Seals to your local Firefighters, and he's going to do it, and he wants me to do it with him. That day. Thursday. Lets start today.

I am not an overly impulsive person when it comes to things like this. I am usually methodical and planned. I don't jump into new workout programs or make long term commitments on a whim. These are my exact words I said to him- "Chad- there is no way in God's green earth that I am going to the gym today".

So Thursday afternoon I'm in the gym asking myself "how did I let this guy convince me to start this work out regimen?". The answer is quite simple- I allowed him to convince me because somewhere deep down inside me, I knew that it was good for me and I needed to do it. But that wasn't my first response. My first response was resistance to the change.

Do you have people around you that are trying to push you to change or improve? Do you feel sometimes that God is asking you to do something that you don't want to do? Sometimes, peer pressure is good. If its moving you towards something that will benefit you.

There is nothing wrong with giving in to the pressure of someone who is trying to help you. Especially God, because He always has your best interests in mind. Sometimes you have to let yourself be convinced.


ps. I cant lift my arms because they are so sore. So many push ups, pull ups, and body weight squats.... if you're interested in the workout its

1 comment:

  1. I can't straighten my arms and haven't been this sore in I don't know how long...I started crossfit on Monday. I think I need to ease into it a little more. It was the 100 pull ups that toasted me - hang in there, DAn
