Thursday, March 5, 2009

Here We Go Again.....

It Happens ever so often... I sit here on my couch, laptop on my lap, thinking thinking thinking.... WHAT TO WRITE IN THE BLOG? I'm a bit frustrated today. I usually spend a few minutes in prayer, and scour the Internet looking for a fun or interesting story to share, but today, it just seems to be a bit of a block.

Here's some of the ideas I had that I was thinking about making a blog around-

1. Obama is apparently getting gray hair.
2. 10 Workers in the NE win 216m in Lottery.
3. US jobless claims are down.
4. My friend who is doing a mission in Pakistan is seeing miracles happen.
5. Gabe got his new skateboard last night.

So here's the idea for you my faithful blog readers- I'm putting Friday's blog in your hands. Place your vote by commenting on the blog, or for those of you who can't figure it out, send me an email. The one with the top votes will be the topic of the blog for tomorrow.

I apologize that there isn't a fantastic blog waiting for you today. But hey, even Superman took his cape off once and a while.

I love writing the blog. Its fun, and I love the feedback I get from it, but for some reason today, its just blocked. Stuck. Going nowhere. Its happened in the past and we got through it. Last time I wrote about how I didn't have anything to write about, so I didn't want to go that route again.

Make sure to check back tomorrow to see what the story is.

Hope you're having a great Thursday! Only one more day until the weekend!

Be blessed,