I'm doing this blog from my blackberry today. Crystal is driving while I'm doing this. I was up late last night and had to get up early for a breakfast, so I wasn't able to sit down and do it from home. But I made a commitment to do this blog, so I'm finding a way.
Did you know its like that for most things in your life? If you really want to do something you can find a way to do it. It may not be easy or conveinient but if you really want to do it you'll find a way.
Don't let circumstance or apathy keep you from doing what you know needs to be done. Make a commitment. Find a way. Make it happen.
Matt of Faith and Victory in Auburn Wa (www.faithandvictory.com) shares insights, thoughts and periodic ramblings. This blog address has been somewhat discontinued, to read current blogs, please go to faithandvictory.com
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Mirror Mirror On The Wall
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. Its a day for Christians that marks the beginning of Lent, which is the 40 days (not including Sundays) before Easter Sunday.
I understand that there are people who read this blog that aren't overly "churchy". I get that. But I thought you would benefit from knowing something about this Lent season.
A important part of Lent is having a mindset of reflection. A spirit that looks inward and asks "where am I at right now?". It reflects on the past year and looks at ourselves and where we are at spiritually.
I don't think people spend enough time reflecting. I think most people grind through their days doing what needs to be done and not spending time looking back. Of course there is a danger in reflecting, in that if you spend all of your time dwelling on the past, you can never get to your future. But what I am advocating here is simply taking some time to look back and gleam some sort of insight that could help you in the future.
When you look back at the past you can see patterns in your thoughts and actions. You can see victories and defeats. Hopefully you can decide to make some changes and do things differently.
Spend some time reflecting over the next 40 days. Think a bit about where you've been. See what areas you did well and where you could improve. You never know what God could reveal to you during those times. It will help you grow.
Happy Reflecting!
I understand that there are people who read this blog that aren't overly "churchy". I get that. But I thought you would benefit from knowing something about this Lent season.
A important part of Lent is having a mindset of reflection. A spirit that looks inward and asks "where am I at right now?". It reflects on the past year and looks at ourselves and where we are at spiritually.
I don't think people spend enough time reflecting. I think most people grind through their days doing what needs to be done and not spending time looking back. Of course there is a danger in reflecting, in that if you spend all of your time dwelling on the past, you can never get to your future. But what I am advocating here is simply taking some time to look back and gleam some sort of insight that could help you in the future.
When you look back at the past you can see patterns in your thoughts and actions. You can see victories and defeats. Hopefully you can decide to make some changes and do things differently.
Spend some time reflecting over the next 40 days. Think a bit about where you've been. See what areas you did well and where you could improve. You never know what God could reveal to you during those times. It will help you grow.
Happy Reflecting!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Fairness- The Art of Even
Kids are interesting. At least, my kids are. I'm sure that if you have kids that yours are interesting in their own way. Do you know what I am recently noticing about kids? They seem to always want things to be fair.
What is fairness? I think to most people that fairness means that things are equal. To my kids it means equally distributed. As in, "he has more cereal that I do" or "she is getting to take a longer shower than I am" or "why does she get to watch 2 more minutes of TV than I do". Basically it appears to me as more of a mental score card of who is getting what. Of course if one is getting more than the other, then its not fair.
I'm curious where this notion comes from. Do they teach this at school? Have we ingrained this in our children? Is it an innate trait to want to see fairness in this world?
Sometimes, things just aren't fair and there isn't much you can do about it.
Its funny, my daughter has this saying: "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit". I think she learned it from school. She usually says it to my son when He gets slighted. She shares it with him to let him understand that sometimes its the way that it is.
I'm sure there are areas in your life that you think are not fair. Let me encourage you with this today- Matt 5:45 He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Meaning, that sometimes things in this life are not seemingly fair, and there is not really a great explanation for why. God blesses the righteous and the unrighteous.
Don't compare yourself to others today. Don't worry about their situation or why you don't have the same possessions or life that they do. You live your life and enjoy it. Don't worry if the guy across the street is making .25 cents more an hour than you.
Let me be clear today- I'm not talking about racial equality. I'm not talking about social injustice. I'm not talking about repealing the Americans With Disabilities Act. I'm talking about the thought of fairness that is found in the seemingly benign areas of our lives- "why did the waiter go to their table first" or "why didn't I get the extra piece of chicken".
I'm not advocating social inequality in any way as much as I'm declaring that we can be satisfied where we are at and not mad at God because we didn't get what we wanted.
God is blessing you where you are at. Thank Him for it.
Be blessed
What is fairness? I think to most people that fairness means that things are equal. To my kids it means equally distributed. As in, "he has more cereal that I do" or "she is getting to take a longer shower than I am" or "why does she get to watch 2 more minutes of TV than I do". Basically it appears to me as more of a mental score card of who is getting what. Of course if one is getting more than the other, then its not fair.
I'm curious where this notion comes from. Do they teach this at school? Have we ingrained this in our children? Is it an innate trait to want to see fairness in this world?
Sometimes, things just aren't fair and there isn't much you can do about it.
Its funny, my daughter has this saying: "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit". I think she learned it from school. She usually says it to my son when He gets slighted. She shares it with him to let him understand that sometimes its the way that it is.
I'm sure there are areas in your life that you think are not fair. Let me encourage you with this today- Matt 5:45 He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Meaning, that sometimes things in this life are not seemingly fair, and there is not really a great explanation for why. God blesses the righteous and the unrighteous.
Don't compare yourself to others today. Don't worry about their situation or why you don't have the same possessions or life that they do. You live your life and enjoy it. Don't worry if the guy across the street is making .25 cents more an hour than you.
Let me be clear today- I'm not talking about racial equality. I'm not talking about social injustice. I'm not talking about repealing the Americans With Disabilities Act. I'm talking about the thought of fairness that is found in the seemingly benign areas of our lives- "why did the waiter go to their table first" or "why didn't I get the extra piece of chicken".
I'm not advocating social inequality in any way as much as I'm declaring that we can be satisfied where we are at and not mad at God because we didn't get what we wanted.
God is blessing you where you are at. Thank Him for it.
Be blessed
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Are You Scared Of The Economy Yet?
Its been a rough couple of months for Uncle Sam's economy hasn't it? I'm only 34 years old, so this is the first time I've been through something like this, so I don't really have anything to compare it to, but it seems a bit rough to me.
Stocks yesterday hit a low that brought us back to the year 1997. The year I graduated from college. Macy's, Office Depot, and Target reported double digit losses last quarter. People are losing jobs, no one is getting raises and most of us have seen our equity in our homes either seriously dip, or be gone all together.
Its a rough time. No doubt. But do you know what? I'm not worried. I refuse to be worried, because worrying isn't going to change one thing about this economy. Its not going to make anyone better off, or improve any one's situation. The only thing it will do is make my life more miserable because I'm the one who is worried.
There are a few scriptures that continue to comfort me right now that I want to share with you.
Psalm 37:24-25 though he stumble, he will not fall,for the LORD upholds him with his hand. I was young and now I am old,yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread
Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
I'm sure you know the Lord's prayer. That part that says "give us this day our daily bread"- To me that means that God provides for us daily. Our DAILY bread. I cannot see into the future about what will happen next year, but I know that right now. Today, there is food in the cupboard, gas in the tank, and the bills are paid.
This economy will turn around. It always does. Its a rough time right now, but we don't need to be scared. He knows where were at, what we're doing, what we're going through, and He's going to see us through this. I know He will. He always does.
Be blessed today.
Pastor Matt
Stocks yesterday hit a low that brought us back to the year 1997. The year I graduated from college. Macy's, Office Depot, and Target reported double digit losses last quarter. People are losing jobs, no one is getting raises and most of us have seen our equity in our homes either seriously dip, or be gone all together.
Its a rough time. No doubt. But do you know what? I'm not worried. I refuse to be worried, because worrying isn't going to change one thing about this economy. Its not going to make anyone better off, or improve any one's situation. The only thing it will do is make my life more miserable because I'm the one who is worried.
There are a few scriptures that continue to comfort me right now that I want to share with you.
Psalm 37:24-25 though he stumble, he will not fall,for the LORD upholds him with his hand. I was young and now I am old,yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread
Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
I'm sure you know the Lord's prayer. That part that says "give us this day our daily bread"- To me that means that God provides for us daily. Our DAILY bread. I cannot see into the future about what will happen next year, but I know that right now. Today, there is food in the cupboard, gas in the tank, and the bills are paid.
This economy will turn around. It always does. Its a rough time right now, but we don't need to be scared. He knows where were at, what we're doing, what we're going through, and He's going to see us through this. I know He will. He always does.
Be blessed today.
Pastor Matt
Monday, February 23, 2009
Move Past Threshold
Threshold. The dictionary defines it as " the point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced ", basically the point at which you start to get things done.
Most people only start to get things done when they reach this point. The pants don't fit, the house is a mess, the job is too hard, whatever. We've all done it, its the point at which we've had enough.
Did you know you don't have to live your life this way? Only responding when you are at the point of pain? The way to do it is to have a lifestyle change that gets you to make decisions that are going to be positive for your life, and not just a response to when things are going really bad.
How do we do that? I preached a message about this yesterday from the book of Joshua.
1. Decide- You have to decide that you want to change something about your life. Write it down, speak it out, tell someone about it. Decide that you're going to change something.
2. Plan. The Bible calls this "counting the cost". Make sure you have a plan on how you are going to get this 'life change' into your life.
3. Do it. Sounds simple, but this is where most people stop. Its hard to take that leap of faith and actually do what you know you need to do. Of course you may fail, but that's okay. God doesn't want you to fail, so step out knowing that He is going to help you.
Do you know what I found in the 24th chapter of Joshua? When the people of Israel finally decided and stepped out in faith, they all received their inheritance- the great things that God had prepared for them in the promise land.
Do you want an inheritance today? Step out in faith and do that which you know you need to do and watch how the Lord will bless you in it.
Be blessed.
pastor matt
Most people only start to get things done when they reach this point. The pants don't fit, the house is a mess, the job is too hard, whatever. We've all done it, its the point at which we've had enough.
Did you know you don't have to live your life this way? Only responding when you are at the point of pain? The way to do it is to have a lifestyle change that gets you to make decisions that are going to be positive for your life, and not just a response to when things are going really bad.
How do we do that? I preached a message about this yesterday from the book of Joshua.
1. Decide- You have to decide that you want to change something about your life. Write it down, speak it out, tell someone about it. Decide that you're going to change something.
2. Plan. The Bible calls this "counting the cost". Make sure you have a plan on how you are going to get this 'life change' into your life.
3. Do it. Sounds simple, but this is where most people stop. Its hard to take that leap of faith and actually do what you know you need to do. Of course you may fail, but that's okay. God doesn't want you to fail, so step out knowing that He is going to help you.
Do you know what I found in the 24th chapter of Joshua? When the people of Israel finally decided and stepped out in faith, they all received their inheritance- the great things that God had prepared for them in the promise land.
Do you want an inheritance today? Step out in faith and do that which you know you need to do and watch how the Lord will bless you in it.
Be blessed.
pastor matt
Friday, February 20, 2009
How Great it is to Help
Yesterday I got a call from a person in our church who is going through radiation treatment for cancer. You may remember the post about them from earlier. Well, they are doing fantastic. The surgery to remove the cancer appears to have worked, and now the process has moved to radiation treatment.
As we talked on the phone they shared with me that another person from the church was coming by to bring some wood into the house for them. It wasn't a big deal, it was just something shared in passing, but to me, it was a huge deal.
The Bible talks about the church being the "Body of Christ", and to me that means that we all have a part of what God does on this earth through people. It may be preaching, it may be singing, or it may be helping someone going through radiation treatment keep warm.
I love people who help people. And I know happens outside the confines of a church. But for me, and my sphere of influence, its exciting to see when people are helping other people in the church. Being inconvenienced. Taking time out of their day to help someone else out for no other reason than they just need the help.
Go out of your way to help someone today. Be intentional about it. Know that what you are doing is important and blessing someone else.
Have a great weekend.
pastor matt
As we talked on the phone they shared with me that another person from the church was coming by to bring some wood into the house for them. It wasn't a big deal, it was just something shared in passing, but to me, it was a huge deal.
The Bible talks about the church being the "Body of Christ", and to me that means that we all have a part of what God does on this earth through people. It may be preaching, it may be singing, or it may be helping someone going through radiation treatment keep warm.
I love people who help people. And I know happens outside the confines of a church. But for me, and my sphere of influence, its exciting to see when people are helping other people in the church. Being inconvenienced. Taking time out of their day to help someone else out for no other reason than they just need the help.
Go out of your way to help someone today. Be intentional about it. Know that what you are doing is important and blessing someone else.
Have a great weekend.
pastor matt
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I Really Shouldn't Be Telling You This.....
So I've got this friend. And they've got this problem. They've been talking to me about it, because I'm a pastor. I've got to tell you, you would be shocked to know what is going on with this person. They really have some stuff going on. Man, I really shouldn't tell you this, but I can't keep it to myself. This is some GOOD dirt.
Sound familiar? Know someone who shares stuff with you like this often? Do YOU share stuff like this often? Chances are you or someone you may be friends with is a gossip.
What is gossip? Its idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. Americans are addicted to it. We have scores of magazines and TV shows about people's lives. For some reason we love to know what horrible things are going on in other people's lives.
I heard someone say one time that someone talking bad to you is like a knife to the chest. Gossipping is like a sniper rifle. You get hurt by it, but you don't know where it came from. The end result is the same. You get hurt by what someone says about you.
Why do people do it? I think its because for some reason it makes them feel powerful. It brings you down to their level. They feel as though if someone else is worse off then them, then they must be doing OK.
But its wrong. Gossip is not good. It helps no one. It builds nothing. It tears down.
You might say that you don't gossip, but did you know that about 99.9% of the time when a gossip gossips to you that they will gossip about you?
I like what the bible says "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs" (Eph 4:29). Its not that hard to do. All you have to do is speak nice about people, and not share things about someone that puts them in less than a positive light.
Be blessed. And keep it to yourself.
pastor matt.
Sound familiar? Know someone who shares stuff with you like this often? Do YOU share stuff like this often? Chances are you or someone you may be friends with is a gossip.
What is gossip? Its idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. Americans are addicted to it. We have scores of magazines and TV shows about people's lives. For some reason we love to know what horrible things are going on in other people's lives.
I heard someone say one time that someone talking bad to you is like a knife to the chest. Gossipping is like a sniper rifle. You get hurt by it, but you don't know where it came from. The end result is the same. You get hurt by what someone says about you.
Why do people do it? I think its because for some reason it makes them feel powerful. It brings you down to their level. They feel as though if someone else is worse off then them, then they must be doing OK.
But its wrong. Gossip is not good. It helps no one. It builds nothing. It tears down.
You might say that you don't gossip, but did you know that about 99.9% of the time when a gossip gossips to you that they will gossip about you?
I like what the bible says "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs" (Eph 4:29). Its not that hard to do. All you have to do is speak nice about people, and not share things about someone that puts them in less than a positive light.
Be blessed. And keep it to yourself.
pastor matt.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
One of The Reasons Some People Are More Successful
Do you know people who are successful? I know that's a pretty loose term, but by successful, I mean people who have accomplished what they have set out to do. These are the driven people around us who have made an impact on their own life and the lives of people around them.
Success can come in many forms, but to me, the greatest descriptor of someone who is successful is a person who has the ability to accomplish their goals. I like being around people like that. They make me want to accomplish my goals.
Yesterday Crystal and I had a meeting with a very successful person. They are the owner of a business with about 60 employees here in Auburn. She wanted to meet with Crystal and I so we could talk about some ways that She and her business can help us reach out into the community, partner with her company, and grow the church. Wow. Did I mention that she called us and wanted to have this meeting?
Why am I telling you this? Because what she did is one of the things that I think makes successful people more successful: They look for ways to make other people around them be more successful.
I know, it seems like everyone should be that way, but typically they're not. Most people figure out a way to be on top and keep the secrets to themselves. They don't want to help others, because they are afraid that in some way it would challenge their success, or keep them from accomplishing more. To these people success is something that exists in limited quantities, so they better not share, or it will run out.
True leaders know different. They know the more you help others, the more it helps you.
Help someone today. Share your expertise. Show someone a way to be more successful. All of your gifts and talents came from somewhere, and I would venture to say that it was from the man upstairs, not from you. Therefore, you should share it with those around you.
Be successful. Share your success. It will honor the other people around you, and most of all it will honor God.
Success can come in many forms, but to me, the greatest descriptor of someone who is successful is a person who has the ability to accomplish their goals. I like being around people like that. They make me want to accomplish my goals.
Yesterday Crystal and I had a meeting with a very successful person. They are the owner of a business with about 60 employees here in Auburn. She wanted to meet with Crystal and I so we could talk about some ways that She and her business can help us reach out into the community, partner with her company, and grow the church. Wow. Did I mention that she called us and wanted to have this meeting?
Why am I telling you this? Because what she did is one of the things that I think makes successful people more successful: They look for ways to make other people around them be more successful.
I know, it seems like everyone should be that way, but typically they're not. Most people figure out a way to be on top and keep the secrets to themselves. They don't want to help others, because they are afraid that in some way it would challenge their success, or keep them from accomplishing more. To these people success is something that exists in limited quantities, so they better not share, or it will run out.
True leaders know different. They know the more you help others, the more it helps you.
Help someone today. Share your expertise. Show someone a way to be more successful. All of your gifts and talents came from somewhere, and I would venture to say that it was from the man upstairs, not from you. Therefore, you should share it with those around you.
Be successful. Share your success. It will honor the other people around you, and most of all it will honor God.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Pictures of my new truck
Do you remember the blog post when I told you someone gave me a truck because I asked for it? I'm including those pictures today.
After we totalled our minivan in January, we decided to not buy a new vehicle right away and just get by with one vehicle. Well, our friends had a 1991 Ford Ranger that had been sitting in their driveway for about the last 5 years. It hadn't moved since I've known them. It wasn't running, but when I asked them if I could have it they said yes. This is what the vehicle looked like when I brought it home. I want you to know I had already started to rinse it off with the hose before I thought to take pictures, so keep that in mind.

Looking pretty good eh? We'll I got some help from a friend to get it started, and cleaned it up a bit. We put in a new battery, oil change, and new tires. I removed the racing stripes and hand buffed it with rubbing compound. Here's what it looks like now.

Quite an improvement isn't it? People who saw the truck before and after have been amazed. I don't think its because of what I've done to it as much as its amazing that you can take something that looks like its ruined and ready for the junk yard and bring it back to something beautiful.
I'm sure there are times when you've felt like you're ready for the junk heap. Times when you feel like everything is ruined, and that all hope is lost. With the Lord, its never over until He says its over. He can turn any life or situation around if you will let Him.
He turns our junk into treasures. I looked at that truck and thought that I could bring it back to a great thing and I did.
God looks at you and as the Bible says He "gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were"(Romans 4:17b). He calls the things of your life that are dead, alive.
Let him restore you today. Let him take those areas of your life that you thought were dead, and bring them back to life. Let Him restore your hope and give you peace. Don't listen to other people when they say that it is over and done.
God is the only one who says when its over, and He is in the business of restoration.
Be blessed today
ps. I know I have a truck now, but I'm busy the day you have to move :) You can borrow it if you want.
After we totalled our minivan in January, we decided to not buy a new vehicle right away and just get by with one vehicle. Well, our friends had a 1991 Ford Ranger that had been sitting in their driveway for about the last 5 years. It hadn't moved since I've known them. It wasn't running, but when I asked them if I could have it they said yes. This is what the vehicle looked like when I brought it home. I want you to know I had already started to rinse it off with the hose before I thought to take pictures, so keep that in mind.

Looking pretty good eh? We'll I got some help from a friend to get it started, and cleaned it up a bit. We put in a new battery, oil change, and new tires. I removed the racing stripes and hand buffed it with rubbing compound. Here's what it looks like now.

Quite an improvement isn't it? People who saw the truck before and after have been amazed. I don't think its because of what I've done to it as much as its amazing that you can take something that looks like its ruined and ready for the junk yard and bring it back to something beautiful.
I'm sure there are times when you've felt like you're ready for the junk heap. Times when you feel like everything is ruined, and that all hope is lost. With the Lord, its never over until He says its over. He can turn any life or situation around if you will let Him.
He turns our junk into treasures. I looked at that truck and thought that I could bring it back to a great thing and I did.
God looks at you and as the Bible says He "gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were"(Romans 4:17b). He calls the things of your life that are dead, alive.
Let him restore you today. Let him take those areas of your life that you thought were dead, and bring them back to life. Let Him restore your hope and give you peace. Don't listen to other people when they say that it is over and done.
God is the only one who says when its over, and He is in the business of restoration.
Be blessed today
ps. I know I have a truck now, but I'm busy the day you have to move :) You can borrow it if you want.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentines Day is Lame
It is. I've always thought that it was lame. OK, maybe not always. I did like it when I was in elementary school and we would have a class party and there would be cupcakes and stuff. I liked it back then.
But as I got older I realized that its kind of a scam. Its built up as this day when we are 'supposed' to buy something for the people that we love to 'show' them how much we love them. Basically, you're in trouble if you don't succumb to this 'holiday'.
It was funny, I overheard some people talking this week and they were talking about Valentines day. They had a good chuckle talking about how when you are dating that Valentines Day is a big deal, but as you get older, it doesn't mean that much. One of them said, and I quote, "when you're dating and you tell someone 'oh don't get me anything' it means 'I'm not going to tell you what I want but you better figure it out and surprise me, or that's it'". Wow. I wish I would have known that nugget when I was dating.
So whats the point? Buy a heart shaped card and a box of chocolates and call it good? We only have to tell people that we love them one day a year? If you don't get it done on this day you're a no good selfish rat? I'm not buying it.
Why? Because we're supposed to love people every single day of the year. We're supposed to tell them and show them that we love them all the time. Everyday is Valentines Day. Its days like this that mess society up because it trains people to think that you only have to do something on a specific day. Love only on Valentines Day. Be patriotic only on the 4th of July. Love your mom on Mothers day. Be thankful on thanksgiving. Go to church on Easter. Do it that one day and you're golden.
Don't give in. The Bible says in 1 John that whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.
Love people. Love love love. You will get hurt. You will not get as much back as you give out, but it doesn't matter. You're called to be a lover. To be a person that celebrates Valentines every day of every year. Be that person that loves everyone and shows it all the time and it will honor God and bless the people around you.
I love you.
But as I got older I realized that its kind of a scam. Its built up as this day when we are 'supposed' to buy something for the people that we love to 'show' them how much we love them. Basically, you're in trouble if you don't succumb to this 'holiday'.
It was funny, I overheard some people talking this week and they were talking about Valentines day. They had a good chuckle talking about how when you are dating that Valentines Day is a big deal, but as you get older, it doesn't mean that much. One of them said, and I quote, "when you're dating and you tell someone 'oh don't get me anything' it means 'I'm not going to tell you what I want but you better figure it out and surprise me, or that's it'". Wow. I wish I would have known that nugget when I was dating.
So whats the point? Buy a heart shaped card and a box of chocolates and call it good? We only have to tell people that we love them one day a year? If you don't get it done on this day you're a no good selfish rat? I'm not buying it.
Why? Because we're supposed to love people every single day of the year. We're supposed to tell them and show them that we love them all the time. Everyday is Valentines Day. Its days like this that mess society up because it trains people to think that you only have to do something on a specific day. Love only on Valentines Day. Be patriotic only on the 4th of July. Love your mom on Mothers day. Be thankful on thanksgiving. Go to church on Easter. Do it that one day and you're golden.
Don't give in. The Bible says in 1 John that whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.
Love people. Love love love. You will get hurt. You will not get as much back as you give out, but it doesn't matter. You're called to be a lover. To be a person that celebrates Valentines every day of every year. Be that person that loves everyone and shows it all the time and it will honor God and bless the people around you.
I love you.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Are you a Dog or Cat person?
I was raised a cat person. We had a cats named Morris (orange tabby cat-anyone remember those commercials from the 80s?), Opal, and another named Komo (as in KOMO radio- they were giving away kittens on the radio one morning). We always seemed to have cats. They scratched the furniture, they would wake me up in the middle of the night, they wouldn't let me pet them as long as I wanted to.
The funnest times we would have with that cat is when my brother and I would play this game with the cat. One of us would hold it, and the other would scream as loud as we could and the cat would go crazy and we would see who could hold the scratching writhing cat the longest. Fun.
Now I'm a dog person. I'm sure I'll get some flack on this, but I am. I love my dog. His name is Ranger. He's a 90lb lab. He's yellow. Sure, he barfs up his breakfast on the carpet every once in a while, and gets on our nice couches when we're away, but he's a good dog. You would like him. He's a funny dog. He loves to be pet and loved. He LOVES to eat and most of all he loves to go for walks.
Most mornings he comes in to the bedroom and lays his paws on my chest and wakes me up. He's a big dog, so it wakes you up, and he always looks in my eyes. I know what he wants to know. He wants to know if we're going for a walk today. Everyday he does this. He wants to spend time with me. And it doesn't matter what we did yesterday or what is going on with me. All that matters is that he wants to get some time with me, out walking together.
As I was laying in bed this morning with his 90lb paws on my chest, I thought that this is somewhat like God's nature towards us. He loves us unconditionally. He pursues us relentlessly. He wants to spend time with us daily.
Is it a coincidence that dog backwards is God?
Maybe God can teach us something about his nature with dogs. Or at least He did reveal something to me this morning with Ranger.
Here's a funny picture for you of Ranger at Christmas. He wanted to be a reindeer.

Be blessed.
The funnest times we would have with that cat is when my brother and I would play this game with the cat. One of us would hold it, and the other would scream as loud as we could and the cat would go crazy and we would see who could hold the scratching writhing cat the longest. Fun.
Now I'm a dog person. I'm sure I'll get some flack on this, but I am. I love my dog. His name is Ranger. He's a 90lb lab. He's yellow. Sure, he barfs up his breakfast on the carpet every once in a while, and gets on our nice couches when we're away, but he's a good dog. You would like him. He's a funny dog. He loves to be pet and loved. He LOVES to eat and most of all he loves to go for walks.
Most mornings he comes in to the bedroom and lays his paws on my chest and wakes me up. He's a big dog, so it wakes you up, and he always looks in my eyes. I know what he wants to know. He wants to know if we're going for a walk today. Everyday he does this. He wants to spend time with me. And it doesn't matter what we did yesterday or what is going on with me. All that matters is that he wants to get some time with me, out walking together.
As I was laying in bed this morning with his 90lb paws on my chest, I thought that this is somewhat like God's nature towards us. He loves us unconditionally. He pursues us relentlessly. He wants to spend time with us daily.
Is it a coincidence that dog backwards is God?
Maybe God can teach us something about his nature with dogs. Or at least He did reveal something to me this morning with Ranger.
Here's a funny picture for you of Ranger at Christmas. He wanted to be a reindeer.
Be blessed.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Title Change Worked- (dirty picture included)
So you've somewhat proven my theory. I must change the titles of the blog to get more of you to read them. We had a 30% increase in traffic yesterday, in part I believe because of the title of the blog.
Its somewhat surprising, but not really that much. Look at the news around us that gets the most attention. Its the stories about death and pain. When you watch the evening news, its always about some fire, murder, or scandal that is happening in the news. Every once in a great while there will be a human interest story, that is usually at the end of the broadcast, that lasts about 30 seconds that is an attempt to show that they news agency has heart. But as Michael Moore once said "if it bleeds it leads" (btw, I'm not a MM fan, but I do agree with that quote from Bowling for Columbine).
I don't watch the news much anymore because of it. It annoys me. It saddens me. It frustrates me. Some person will probably say "you need to know whats going on out there" and I do know. I read it in the newspaper and on the Internet, I don't need a newscaster glorifying it and showing images that cloud my mind. I find that when I don't watch the news I have better days and less anxiety about the world around me.
Mind you I don't live with my head in the sand, I live with my head in the clouds. The Bible says in Philippians 4:8 "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things".
You should try it. Think about the good things that are going on around you, not the negative things. I know that we are in a different economic time than a lot of us have seen in our lifetime, but you can still choose to focus on the good, and not be consumed with the bad.
Think about the goodness of God. Think about the goodness of people. Spend your time dwelling on the best things in your life and the people around you. You'll have much better days.
Oh yea. Here's your dirty picture-
Its somewhat surprising, but not really that much. Look at the news around us that gets the most attention. Its the stories about death and pain. When you watch the evening news, its always about some fire, murder, or scandal that is happening in the news. Every once in a great while there will be a human interest story, that is usually at the end of the broadcast, that lasts about 30 seconds that is an attempt to show that they news agency has heart. But as Michael Moore once said "if it bleeds it leads" (btw, I'm not a MM fan, but I do agree with that quote from Bowling for Columbine).
I don't watch the news much anymore because of it. It annoys me. It saddens me. It frustrates me. Some person will probably say "you need to know whats going on out there" and I do know. I read it in the newspaper and on the Internet, I don't need a newscaster glorifying it and showing images that cloud my mind. I find that when I don't watch the news I have better days and less anxiety about the world around me.
Mind you I don't live with my head in the sand, I live with my head in the clouds. The Bible says in Philippians 4:8 "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things".
You should try it. Think about the good things that are going on around you, not the negative things. I know that we are in a different economic time than a lot of us have seen in our lifetime, but you can still choose to focus on the good, and not be consumed with the bad.
Think about the goodness of God. Think about the goodness of people. Spend your time dwelling on the best things in your life and the people around you. You'll have much better days.
Oh yea. Here's your dirty picture-

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sex. Drugs. Rock N Roll.
I thought I would throw you for a loop on the blog today. I track blog hits with google analytics and more people click on the blog when there is some sort of inflammatory or viral title to the blog. Titles like "knife to the throat" and "pool water in the bong" seem to get more hits than "kitty drinks milk" and "rain falls from sky". So I'm trying a different approach and making a title that has nothing to do with what the blog is about. Hope you're not upset :). I think its funny!
Have you ever been wrong about something? Or, better yet have you ever been wrong and thought you were right?
Our daughter is in Kindergarten and is learning how to read and write. Its fun to watch because she is learning so much. Its amazing when someone learns. Well, anyway what is interesting about this process is to watch how they learn.
This morning it was pretty funny. Our daughter Faith had written on a piece of paper something about our phone number and she wrote " Faith is phone number". Well of course we corrected her and told her that the correct way to write it is "Faith's phone number".
Simple adjustment right? Drop the 'i' and put in a ' instead. You would think that she would give in and thank us right? Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. She got mad. Real mad. In her mind, she was right. She dug in. She held her ground. It didn't matter what was wrong or right, what mattered is that she thought that she was right.
But she was wrong. Even though she thought she was right.
Aren't we all that way some times? Don't we dig in about an issue or a way we see things and adamantly declare that we are right, even when faced with facts to the contrary?
Be aware of this. Open yourself up to think that you may have got something wrong. It may be possible that someone is not arguing with you, but actually trying to help you. Grit your teeth, and say thank you.
In the Bible, God used a Donkey to speak to someone. Is it possible that he could be using other donkeys in your life to speak to you?
Be blessed today.
Have you ever been wrong about something? Or, better yet have you ever been wrong and thought you were right?
Our daughter is in Kindergarten and is learning how to read and write. Its fun to watch because she is learning so much. Its amazing when someone learns. Well, anyway what is interesting about this process is to watch how they learn.
This morning it was pretty funny. Our daughter Faith had written on a piece of paper something about our phone number and she wrote " Faith is phone number". Well of course we corrected her and told her that the correct way to write it is "Faith's phone number".
Simple adjustment right? Drop the 'i' and put in a ' instead. You would think that she would give in and thank us right? Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. She got mad. Real mad. In her mind, she was right. She dug in. She held her ground. It didn't matter what was wrong or right, what mattered is that she thought that she was right.
But she was wrong. Even though she thought she was right.
Aren't we all that way some times? Don't we dig in about an issue or a way we see things and adamantly declare that we are right, even when faced with facts to the contrary?
Be aware of this. Open yourself up to think that you may have got something wrong. It may be possible that someone is not arguing with you, but actually trying to help you. Grit your teeth, and say thank you.
In the Bible, God used a Donkey to speak to someone. Is it possible that he could be using other donkeys in your life to speak to you?
Be blessed today.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Happy Gilmore- Have you Seen It?
I'm sure most of you have seen the movie Happy Gilmore. Its an Adam Sandler flick from a few years back. We own the DVD, and its usually on cable every once and a while. Its a funny movie. Relatively clean. I watched it last night for probably the 30th time.
Its a story about a guy who can hit the golf ball really really far. Not just kind of far, really far. The movie follows him on the pro golf tournament, while he tries to make prize money so he can buy his grandmothers old house back for her. Very simple plot here. We're not talking the Grapes of Wrath or 12 Angry Men. Its entertainment, pure and simple.
But what is it about these types of movies that make us watch it over and over? It may not be Happy Gilmore, but maybe its some other movie of that same genre. Its the genre of "Normal guy has special skills". Think of movies like 'Batman' and 'Rudy'. You may not watch these movies, but I know alot of people who do.
There's something about watching someone who is great. Someone who seems to be above the normal drag of everyday life. Its an escape to watch a movie about someone great, even if it is a comedy. For a few moments, we like to dream that we too could be great. We may not want to play golf, but we want to be great. To be recognized. To be admired. To be different.
You are different. You are admired. You may not have a movie written about you, but you're a miracle. There is not one other person on the earth that is exactly like you or has the same abilities as you.
I'm constantly encouraged by a verse from the bible, in Luke 12:7- Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
On days I feel less than significant, I remind myself that I am significant in God's eyes. He knows me. He loves me. He numbers the hairs on my head. I may not have movies about me, or special skills that make me stand out in a crowd, but I am special in God's eyes, and that's enough for me.
Be happy even if you're not Happy.
Its a story about a guy who can hit the golf ball really really far. Not just kind of far, really far. The movie follows him on the pro golf tournament, while he tries to make prize money so he can buy his grandmothers old house back for her. Very simple plot here. We're not talking the Grapes of Wrath or 12 Angry Men. Its entertainment, pure and simple.
But what is it about these types of movies that make us watch it over and over? It may not be Happy Gilmore, but maybe its some other movie of that same genre. Its the genre of "Normal guy has special skills". Think of movies like 'Batman' and 'Rudy'. You may not watch these movies, but I know alot of people who do.
There's something about watching someone who is great. Someone who seems to be above the normal drag of everyday life. Its an escape to watch a movie about someone great, even if it is a comedy. For a few moments, we like to dream that we too could be great. We may not want to play golf, but we want to be great. To be recognized. To be admired. To be different.
You are different. You are admired. You may not have a movie written about you, but you're a miracle. There is not one other person on the earth that is exactly like you or has the same abilities as you.
I'm constantly encouraged by a verse from the bible, in Luke 12:7- Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
On days I feel less than significant, I remind myself that I am significant in God's eyes. He knows me. He loves me. He numbers the hairs on my head. I may not have movies about me, or special skills that make me stand out in a crowd, but I am special in God's eyes, and that's enough for me.
Be happy even if you're not Happy.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Living Life Without Excuses
I went to college at Seattle Pacific University. Its in Seattle (duh) on Queen Anne hill just south of Ballard and Fremont. There are bridges that cross over the ship canal that enable people to cross over the ship canal. I don't know how long these bridges have been there, but they are both draw bridges. Do you know whats interesting about draw bridges? When they go up, you can't drive across them.
When in college, there was time that I would go out and do stuff with these 3 other guys. Three of us lived in the dorms, and there was another guy that lived on the other side of the ship canal. We would make plans to go out and do something and agree on a time, and every single time this guy would be late. I'm not exaggerating. Every time.
It was comical to see what excuses he would use to explain why he was late. Usually he couldn't come up with a good one, so he'd always stick with the old faithful excuse "Man, the bridge was up, that's why I'm late". We all knew that his tardiness had nothing to do with the bridge, but when you're in college, you don't challenge people on these things, because usually your plans are to go eat some burgers or go out and do nothing. Regardless, this guy lived his life with excuses and it was pretty annoying.
I'm sure you know people like this. People who always seem to have an excuse on why they are late, or couldn't accomplish the task, or be depended on. Its sad. Some people live their life with excuses upon excuses and usually no one steps up and tells them that they live their life full of excuses. If you can come up with an excuse why you're late, you'll come up with one for why you can't do something else or why you were unable to do what you were supposed to do.
I hope you're not that way. If you are, stop it. Reasons or results you can't have both. Plan ahead before you fail. Admit when you've missed the mark. Choose to get things done rather than procrastinate.
You have been created for greatness. God has put abilities and talents within you that no one else possesses. Its what makes you original. But if you never use those gifts, and live your life with excuses. You'll never experience the joy of effecting other peoples lives with the talents that you have.
Put the excuses away. Step up. Get it done. Honor God.
When in college, there was time that I would go out and do stuff with these 3 other guys. Three of us lived in the dorms, and there was another guy that lived on the other side of the ship canal. We would make plans to go out and do something and agree on a time, and every single time this guy would be late. I'm not exaggerating. Every time.
It was comical to see what excuses he would use to explain why he was late. Usually he couldn't come up with a good one, so he'd always stick with the old faithful excuse "Man, the bridge was up, that's why I'm late". We all knew that his tardiness had nothing to do with the bridge, but when you're in college, you don't challenge people on these things, because usually your plans are to go eat some burgers or go out and do nothing. Regardless, this guy lived his life with excuses and it was pretty annoying.
I'm sure you know people like this. People who always seem to have an excuse on why they are late, or couldn't accomplish the task, or be depended on. Its sad. Some people live their life with excuses upon excuses and usually no one steps up and tells them that they live their life full of excuses. If you can come up with an excuse why you're late, you'll come up with one for why you can't do something else or why you were unable to do what you were supposed to do.
I hope you're not that way. If you are, stop it. Reasons or results you can't have both. Plan ahead before you fail. Admit when you've missed the mark. Choose to get things done rather than procrastinate.
You have been created for greatness. God has put abilities and talents within you that no one else possesses. Its what makes you original. But if you never use those gifts, and live your life with excuses. You'll never experience the joy of effecting other peoples lives with the talents that you have.
Put the excuses away. Step up. Get it done. Honor God.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Have you ever felt like quitting?
I think its quite natural to feel like quitting. There is that saying, "when the going gets tough the tough get going", but I think it really means that when its tough, you GO. As in, GO AWAY from the pain and suffering of how tough it is. Most people when faced with adversity think of quitting.
I've been going to physical therapy lately because of my recent accident. When I first started, we would go to the office and get massages, and treatments from the doctor and it was great. Now, it appears I've moved into the "we're going to make you hurt so bad you're going to wish you were in an auto accident instead" phase. Its horrible. It hurts. I don't like it.
When I got done with therapy on Monday, I could barely walk. Apparently there is a muscle somewhere underneath the gluteus maximus that I never knew existed. We'll, this young trainer guy found it and had me work it until my eyes were watering.
Do you know what it feels like to cry from an exercise in front of someone 10 years younger than you? Its embarrassing.
So I'm talking to the trainer, and asking if all of this is really necessary, and telling them how much I hurt and how I think it would be better if we just went home and relaxed on the couch with a heating pad. Basically, telling them that I want to quit coming to therapy because it hurts. And I don't like to hurt.
She looks at me and says "In our line of work its our job to find the part of your body that is weak, expose it, and build it up and make it stronger". She said "When you have a part of your body that is weak, it affects the whole body. You may think that this small muscle may not matter, but it does".
And then here comes the kicker. She says "You're a pastor right?". "Of course" I said thinking to myself, here comes the zinger. And she says "when you're counseling someone don't you try to find the part of them that is weak, expose it and build it up? Cause if you don't it affects the whole person?"
Wow. Deepness from the therapy place. She's so right. When we don't face those parts of our self that are weak, it affects not only us, but all of those around us. Of course we don't want to face those things about us that are not wonderful, but we must if we hope to be a person that is healthy and complete.
Is there an area of your life that you are afraid to grow? Is there a weakness that you have that needs to be built up? Ask the Lord to reveal it to you, and then work on it. Ask Him to change you in that area knowing that it will bless you and the people around you.
When one small part of the body hurts, the whole body is affected.
Work that muscle.
I've been going to physical therapy lately because of my recent accident. When I first started, we would go to the office and get massages, and treatments from the doctor and it was great. Now, it appears I've moved into the "we're going to make you hurt so bad you're going to wish you were in an auto accident instead" phase. Its horrible. It hurts. I don't like it.
When I got done with therapy on Monday, I could barely walk. Apparently there is a muscle somewhere underneath the gluteus maximus that I never knew existed. We'll, this young trainer guy found it and had me work it until my eyes were watering.
Do you know what it feels like to cry from an exercise in front of someone 10 years younger than you? Its embarrassing.
So I'm talking to the trainer, and asking if all of this is really necessary, and telling them how much I hurt and how I think it would be better if we just went home and relaxed on the couch with a heating pad. Basically, telling them that I want to quit coming to therapy because it hurts. And I don't like to hurt.
She looks at me and says "In our line of work its our job to find the part of your body that is weak, expose it, and build it up and make it stronger". She said "When you have a part of your body that is weak, it affects the whole body. You may think that this small muscle may not matter, but it does".
And then here comes the kicker. She says "You're a pastor right?". "Of course" I said thinking to myself, here comes the zinger. And she says "when you're counseling someone don't you try to find the part of them that is weak, expose it and build it up? Cause if you don't it affects the whole person?"
Wow. Deepness from the therapy place. She's so right. When we don't face those parts of our self that are weak, it affects not only us, but all of those around us. Of course we don't want to face those things about us that are not wonderful, but we must if we hope to be a person that is healthy and complete.
Is there an area of your life that you are afraid to grow? Is there a weakness that you have that needs to be built up? Ask the Lord to reveal it to you, and then work on it. Ask Him to change you in that area knowing that it will bless you and the people around you.
When one small part of the body hurts, the whole body is affected.
Work that muscle.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Pool Water In The Bong
I'm sure you've probably seen it by now haven't you? Bad news travels fast in this day and age. I'm talking about that picture of Michael Phelps with his mouth up to a Marijuana smoking device. His hat is on backwards, the picture is from behind and he has some facial hair, but there is no question. Its clearly Him.
Do you remember last summer? I do. I can remember laying in bed with my wife late one summer evening, watching the Summer Olympics swimming competition. I remember how we were laying there, and when Michael won jumping out of our bed with elation! We were so excited for that guy!
After the 8 medals were awarded, we all watched the interviews, loved the smile, adored his mother and watched him on SNL. We all talked about him to our friends, we laughed about his 10,000 calorie diet, we read the articles about his win. Summer of 2008 had a glow about it because Michael Phelps was a winner and that made us all feel like winners.
And then, He gets his picture taken smoking a bong and everyone lines up to start casting stones. This week people are finally figuring out that Michael swims in the water he doesn't walk on it. He's human, not super human. He makes mistakes. He makes wrong choices. We put him on a pedestal to be a super human example to us and he failed us. And now, his punishment for doing us wrong shall come in the form of our disdain and removal from the pedestal from which he sat.
I'm sure you've all heard that saying "he without sin cast the first stone" did you know that's from the Bible? John chapter 8. Its a story about how Jesus challenged people who were so quick to condemn another when they had areas of their own life that need examination.
Sure, He shouldn't have done it, but who is really at fault here? There are people all over the world that are smoking Marijuana everyday and they are not on the front page. We're mad because we elevated someone who simply swam fast in a pool to super human status and now he has failed us, therefore we must stone him.
There was only one person without sin that ever lived. It wasn't you and it wasn't Michael Phelps. If you put your faith in people they will fail you, and Michael Phelps is no different. He's human.
Put down those stones.
Do you remember last summer? I do. I can remember laying in bed with my wife late one summer evening, watching the Summer Olympics swimming competition. I remember how we were laying there, and when Michael won jumping out of our bed with elation! We were so excited for that guy!
After the 8 medals were awarded, we all watched the interviews, loved the smile, adored his mother and watched him on SNL. We all talked about him to our friends, we laughed about his 10,000 calorie diet, we read the articles about his win. Summer of 2008 had a glow about it because Michael Phelps was a winner and that made us all feel like winners.
And then, He gets his picture taken smoking a bong and everyone lines up to start casting stones. This week people are finally figuring out that Michael swims in the water he doesn't walk on it. He's human, not super human. He makes mistakes. He makes wrong choices. We put him on a pedestal to be a super human example to us and he failed us. And now, his punishment for doing us wrong shall come in the form of our disdain and removal from the pedestal from which he sat.
I'm sure you've all heard that saying "he without sin cast the first stone" did you know that's from the Bible? John chapter 8. Its a story about how Jesus challenged people who were so quick to condemn another when they had areas of their own life that need examination.
Sure, He shouldn't have done it, but who is really at fault here? There are people all over the world that are smoking Marijuana everyday and they are not on the front page. We're mad because we elevated someone who simply swam fast in a pool to super human status and now he has failed us, therefore we must stone him.
There was only one person without sin that ever lived. It wasn't you and it wasn't Michael Phelps. If you put your faith in people they will fail you, and Michael Phelps is no different. He's human.
Put down those stones.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Free Breakfast At Denny's!!!!
Today is the day! Did you see the advertisement on Sunday? Denny's is giving away free Grand Slams from 6am to 2pm today in participating locations. I've never heard of anything like this before. How can they do it? I'm not sure how long the lines are going to be this morning, but I am going to go down there and get me some free vittles, that's for sure.
I love free stuff. Most people do. Yesterday I was at Costco and I had a bunch of samples of free stuff. I had some pasta dish, a waffle, a muffin, some chips, there were a bunch of free samples out yesterday. Do you love free stuff? I do.
Of course there's a always an expectation when you get free stuff. The expectation is that you will try it and that you will like it and then you'll want to buy some more. Its what they do to try to get you to buy more, they give you some free. Most people know this, so they don't like to take the free stuff, because then there is the expectation. People are so afraid of expectations. I'm not. I like free stuff.
Do you know what else is free? The love of God. Its sometimes incomprehensible to believe that you were created by Him and that He loves you, but its true. You were fearfully and wonderfully made for a divine purpose. God loves you more than you could ever imagine or understand. The love He has for you is unlimited and full of blessings and joy.
Do you know what is great about that love? Its free! Its not a limited time offer. Its not limited to quantities on hand. Its not only at participating locations. Its not for one day only from 6am to 2pm. Its all day every day for you.
So go on down today get you a free Grand Slam, eat it up and think about how much God loves you.
Be blessed today.
I love free stuff. Most people do. Yesterday I was at Costco and I had a bunch of samples of free stuff. I had some pasta dish, a waffle, a muffin, some chips, there were a bunch of free samples out yesterday. Do you love free stuff? I do.
Of course there's a always an expectation when you get free stuff. The expectation is that you will try it and that you will like it and then you'll want to buy some more. Its what they do to try to get you to buy more, they give you some free. Most people know this, so they don't like to take the free stuff, because then there is the expectation. People are so afraid of expectations. I'm not. I like free stuff.
Do you know what else is free? The love of God. Its sometimes incomprehensible to believe that you were created by Him and that He loves you, but its true. You were fearfully and wonderfully made for a divine purpose. God loves you more than you could ever imagine or understand. The love He has for you is unlimited and full of blessings and joy.
Do you know what is great about that love? Its free! Its not a limited time offer. Its not limited to quantities on hand. Its not only at participating locations. Its not for one day only from 6am to 2pm. Its all day every day for you.
So go on down today get you a free Grand Slam, eat it up and think about how much God loves you.
Be blessed today.
Monday, February 2, 2009
A Lesson From a Suit
When I met my wife I didn't own any professional suits. She bought me my first blazer when we were dating so we could go to a wedding and I wouldn't have to wear my Army uniform. That was over 10 years ago. Now, I own about 20 or so suits. When I used to work in outside business to business sales, I wore a suit 5 days a week, and one on Sunday, so I kind of acquired a few over the years. By the way, we're not talking Oscar De la Renta or anything here. Most of my suits are Stafford from JC Penney. I buy them on sale and usually pay between 50-100 dollars. They're nice suits for the price!
Anyway, I have this brown suit that I got a few years back and I wouldn't say that I look fantastic in it, but people around me seem to always tell me how great it looks on me. Its a simple brown suit. Nothing overly special. I like the suit. It fits well, it feels well and of course, who doesn't like wearing something that gets a few shallow compliments... eh?
So yesterday morning we were getting ready for church and I pulled that one out to wear.
We got home to get ready to watch the game and I went in to take off my suit and put on my sweats, and you know what? I wasn't wearing the suit I thought I was wearing! How about that? I was wearing a completely different suit. As I was putting it on the hanger, I noticed it wasn't the brown one I thought it was. How weird is that?
My point? Sometimes we can go through our whole day thinking something that is completely wrong. We may think that we are a certain way, but it doesn't make it so. You may think that you have no value, or that you are unintelligent, or undisciplined, but that may not be the truth. People think wrong sometimes even though they may be sure that they are correct. I was convinced all day long that I was wearing that brown suit.
I like this verse from the book of Jeremiah "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". God has great plans for us!
When we begin to realize that what we have and who we are is directly connected to who God is and what He thinks about us, not to what we are or who we think we are its freeing. When you realize that God thinks more of you than you think of yourself.
You can spend the whole day thinking one way about yourself or your suit and be completely wrong. Its possible. It happened to me.
Double check your outfit!
Anyway, I have this brown suit that I got a few years back and I wouldn't say that I look fantastic in it, but people around me seem to always tell me how great it looks on me. Its a simple brown suit. Nothing overly special. I like the suit. It fits well, it feels well and of course, who doesn't like wearing something that gets a few shallow compliments... eh?
So yesterday morning we were getting ready for church and I pulled that one out to wear.
We got home to get ready to watch the game and I went in to take off my suit and put on my sweats, and you know what? I wasn't wearing the suit I thought I was wearing! How about that? I was wearing a completely different suit. As I was putting it on the hanger, I noticed it wasn't the brown one I thought it was. How weird is that?
My point? Sometimes we can go through our whole day thinking something that is completely wrong. We may think that we are a certain way, but it doesn't make it so. You may think that you have no value, or that you are unintelligent, or undisciplined, but that may not be the truth. People think wrong sometimes even though they may be sure that they are correct. I was convinced all day long that I was wearing that brown suit.
I like this verse from the book of Jeremiah "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". God has great plans for us!
When we begin to realize that what we have and who we are is directly connected to who God is and what He thinks about us, not to what we are or who we think we are its freeing. When you realize that God thinks more of you than you think of yourself.
You can spend the whole day thinking one way about yourself or your suit and be completely wrong. Its possible. It happened to me.
Double check your outfit!
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