Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pool Water In The Bong

I'm sure you've probably seen it by now haven't you? Bad news travels fast in this day and age. I'm talking about that picture of Michael Phelps with his mouth up to a Marijuana smoking device. His hat is on backwards, the picture is from behind and he has some facial hair, but there is no question. Its clearly Him.

Do you remember last summer? I do. I can remember laying in bed with my wife late one summer evening, watching the Summer Olympics swimming competition. I remember how we were laying there, and when Michael won jumping out of our bed with elation! We were so excited for that guy!

After the 8 medals were awarded, we all watched the interviews, loved the smile, adored his mother and watched him on SNL. We all talked about him to our friends, we laughed about his 10,000 calorie diet, we read the articles about his win. Summer of 2008 had a glow about it because Michael Phelps was a winner and that made us all feel like winners.

And then, He gets his picture taken smoking a bong and everyone lines up to start casting stones. This week people are finally figuring out that Michael swims in the water he doesn't walk on it. He's human, not super human. He makes mistakes. He makes wrong choices. We put him on a pedestal to be a super human example to us and he failed us. And now, his punishment for doing us wrong shall come in the form of our disdain and removal from the pedestal from which he sat.

I'm sure you've all heard that saying "he without sin cast the first stone" did you know that's from the Bible? John chapter 8. Its a story about how Jesus challenged people who were so quick to condemn another when they had areas of their own life that need examination.

Sure, He shouldn't have done it, but who is really at fault here? There are people all over the world that are smoking Marijuana everyday and they are not on the front page. We're mad because we elevated someone who simply swam fast in a pool to super human status and now he has failed us, therefore we must stone him.

There was only one person without sin that ever lived. It wasn't you and it wasn't Michael Phelps. If you put your faith in people they will fail you, and Michael Phelps is no different. He's human.

Put down those stones.



  1. Amen to that!
    Thanks for your great blog!

    Pam Reuhl

  2. This is so true. We as a country put athletes and celebrities on a pedistal but they always disapoint, they all fall short of the glory of God. God will never disapoint because he is perfect!

  3. We don't have to stone him. He's already stoned! OK, I couldn't resist. Great point and so true. Makes me think of being less judgmental, quicker to forgive, keep God on the pedestal and not man.

  4. I agree we shouldn't put people on pedestals - and worship them as earthly idols- yes, they will disappoint us! Just look to Hollywood for proof of that! Call me cynical but nothing really surprises me so it wasn't a shock to see this on the news - unfortunately... :D But, the good that i see in this story is that some Americans are still willing to admit that using Marijuana is morally wrong.

  5. Matt- we might not agree most of the time, but you were right on with this one... I will keep reading 31

  6. I agree. Think about this way : When you point a finger, you have three fingers pointing back at you. This world is harsh. It seems that any thing or one that shows good, it the (world) wants to find something wrong and shows the evil in this world. Keep your eyes on God and the world will be better.

  7. If the Bong don't fit U must acquit! ok, I couldn't resist either! My hat's off to a man who never gave up; quit, or procrastinated in personal accomplishment. Too bad the media Cannot make more money Reporting on Scouting Month.GOD Bless Tannya

  8. Just Because Micheal Phelps put a bong to his lips doesn't remove the fact that his achieved something great! Isaac
