Monday, February 2, 2009

A Lesson From a Suit

When I met my wife I didn't own any professional suits. She bought me my first blazer when we were dating so we could go to a wedding and I wouldn't have to wear my Army uniform. That was over 10 years ago. Now, I own about 20 or so suits. When I used to work in outside business to business sales, I wore a suit 5 days a week, and one on Sunday, so I kind of acquired a few over the years. By the way, we're not talking Oscar De la Renta or anything here. Most of my suits are Stafford from JC Penney. I buy them on sale and usually pay between 50-100 dollars. They're nice suits for the price!

Anyway, I have this brown suit that I got a few years back and I wouldn't say that I look fantastic in it, but people around me seem to always tell me how great it looks on me. Its a simple brown suit. Nothing overly special. I like the suit. It fits well, it feels well and of course, who doesn't like wearing something that gets a few shallow compliments... eh?

So yesterday morning we were getting ready for church and I pulled that one out to wear.

We got home to get ready to watch the game and I went in to take off my suit and put on my sweats, and you know what? I wasn't wearing the suit I thought I was wearing! How about that? I was wearing a completely different suit. As I was putting it on the hanger, I noticed it wasn't the brown one I thought it was. How weird is that?

My point? Sometimes we can go through our whole day thinking something that is completely wrong. We may think that we are a certain way, but it doesn't make it so. You may think that you have no value, or that you are unintelligent, or undisciplined, but that may not be the truth. People think wrong sometimes even though they may be sure that they are correct. I was convinced all day long that I was wearing that brown suit.

I like this verse from the book of Jeremiah "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". God has great plans for us!

When we begin to realize that what we have and who we are is directly connected to who God is and what He thinks about us, not to what we are or who we think we are its freeing. When you realize that God thinks more of you than you think of yourself.

You can spend the whole day thinking one way about yourself or your suit and be completely wrong. Its possible. It happened to me.

Double check your outfit!



  1. Thanks brother I needed that today. I woke up wearing a bad funk suit but upon closer inspection it's just a suit, the funk is self inflicted.

  2. I don't own a suit, just my birthday suit.
