Friday, January 30, 2009

What It Means To Actually Listen

Do you listen well? I mean do you actually listen when people are talking to you? Most people would say that they do listen, but I think that most people just wait for their turn to talk. They don't really take the time to actually listen to what the other person is saying.

My friend Russ sent me quote earlier this week that I want share with you. Its awesome. "Listening is hearing with the intent to change your mind” (author unknown). Did you read that? That's a powerful statement if you can really wrap your mind around it. It means that when someone is talking to you, you have to be willing to change your mind into their way of thinking, or you are never truly listening.

I don't know why people are so afraid that if they actually allow someone elses thoughts into their consciousness that they run the risk of losing their perspective on the world. If your convictions are that strong, why should you be concerned with an opposing view? People who are good listeners allow the other persons perspective into their mind and then decide whether or not it should stay.

Why is this so important? Because God often uses other people to get you back on track to where you need to be. And if you are not listening when people are talking to you, you could possibly miss out on something that could change your life.

Mind you, there are some people out there that have no idea what they are talking about, so you want to make sure that they are morally grounded. Don't take advice on how to swim from someone who is drowning.

On the other hand, don't be afraid to let someone into your mind that is challenging your way of thinking. It may be possible that you're thinking wrong about something, and it needs to be challenged. Again, if your convictions are that strong, you shouldn't have much to worry about, but at least you will be actually listening to them, and that's a good thing.

People say God doesn't talk. I think sometimes we just don't listen well enough.

Listen up! And be blessed,



  1. I hear his when I was in the car accident 7 years ago...I heard his voice telling me to take my foot off the accelerator and felt a hand move my foot. I am alive because of being obiedient to his voice. I've also received his directions through dreaMS AND VISIONS...I believe that he does talk to us...If you can't hear him ask for your ears to be spiritually, and your heart to be opened to receive him. opened to him. It's important to be a good listener ...yes, Matt I agree with you about listening to others, since this is another way our Lord talks to us. Get above the distractions in life and learn to be a good listener.

  2. Matt....this is exactly what we talked about on the phone a couple of days ago. I listened to some good friends and was put back on track.


  3. This is so true. This happens to me all the time. I will be thinking something and God replies to me in the strangest ways. When the light bulb goes on, I laugh and say, "Thank you, God!"
