Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Have you ever had someone put a knife to your throat?

I did. Yesterday. I was walking through the mall.... just kidding. Actually I was at the Chiropractors office. As some of you may know, we were in an accident last week, so we've been doing some physical therapy.

So there I am, on my back on this crazy up and down table and the Doctor pulls out this blunt instrument with a hook on it. Think of a real big butter knife that has an end like a huge eagle talon, except it is blunt. And he says, "I'm just going to stimulate your neck muscle" and I was like, "you're what?"

So he has me lay on my back, turn my head all the way to the left and he proceeds to take that thing and stroke some muscle in my neck. OUCH. I'm laying there thinking, I just met this guy last week, and now I'm on my back, with him taking a hook and jabbing it into my throat.

What he did to me next with his manipulations of my body should not be included in a family blog like this. It was insane. It was painful. Literally, I had tears coming out of my eyes and I was whimpering like a wounded dog.

I said to him "Doc, people have to really trust you, don't they?"

Trust is a special thing. And sometimes we have to trust that there are people around us that know things that we do not know that are doing things to us that in the long run may not seem as though they are helping.

Its somewhat like that in our relationship with God. Sometimes He allows things to happen to us, or lets us go through things that at the time we may not understand. But if you learn to trust Him, you'll find out that no matter how painful, he'll find a way to turn it to good.

Usually, He wont use a hook in your neck either.

Be blessed today.



  1. Amen Matt. I love how honest and open you are - it is refreshing. Even with the bad news I received today, some crying and anger then wiping off the tears and laying it at God's feet, I know that everything is going to be okay. I know that our God will provide.

  2. allowing the Great Physician deal with our wounds, although it may be painful, and we start to wonder, is it worth all of this? If we stick it out and choose to allow Him to "stick us in the throat", we we heal more fully and with much less scarring!!!

  3. The great thing of letting the Master Physician work upon us is that he has been there and knows intimately what we are going through in all aspects of our life. The process is painful at times but helps us learn, and would be much more painful if we had to take that load all on our own. What a blessing to have him in our lives, plus when we have other physicians we feel better too! Thanks for the trust! Dr.P (maybe that's for pain) lol!
