Monday, January 5, 2009

What To Do About Regrets

Regrets. We all have them. Things we wish we would have either done or not done. I think its natural to have regrets, especially if you're a person that attempts to improve in an area of your life.

This is the first full week of 2009. More than likely you've spent some time over the past week or so reflecting on 2008 and discovering that you may have some regrets in your life from 2008. Here's the greatest advice I can give you in this area: GET OVER IT. Literally and figuratively. I know, its kind of thoughtless to say something like "get over it" but if you think about it, its what you exactly need to do. You cannot live your life dwelling on the past or spending eternity thinking about what could have been. Decide today to start anew and 'forget that which is behind you'.

You probably had some fitness goals you didn't meet, or some financially goals that you forgot about. Spiritual goals anyone? What did you set out to do in 2008 that you didn't accomplish? Choose today to forget about the failures of 2008 and decide that they will not hold you back for 2009.

Did you know that this year could be the best year of your life? That you can experience God, and accomplish what plans he has for your life in a way that you never dreamed of? Here's a clue- you have to let Him do it, and its impossible if you're constantly dwelling on something from your past that you cannot change. Ask Him to forgive you from your failures, and move on.

Regrets. They're a part of all of our lives, but we don't have to let them control us.

Here's to a great 2009!


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