Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fight at Chuck E. Cheese

I'm floored. It seems as though common decency has gone the way of the do-do bird. I found this article today and was amazed. THESE ARE ADULTS!Not KIDS at a CHUCK E. CHEESE. Utterly amazing that it would come to this. I wish I could say that its a random event, but if you're in a metropolitan city, I'm sure you see stuff like this all the time.

What happened to please and thank you? What happened to the golden rule? What happened to can you use some help with that? Why don't people put away their shopping carts anymore? Am I the only person in America who thinks this way?

I saw a bumper sticker before, I'm sure you've seen it also- Practice Random Acts of Kindness. I'm changing that slogan starting today. The new slogan is "Practice A Deliberate Lifestyle of Kindness". Random acts apparently aren't working. People need to start making it a point to be deliberate in being kind to each other.

Its really no different than it was 2000 years ago. People back then were still mean and self-serving. You have a choice though. You don't have to be that way. You can break the cycle and choose to be kind and nice to other people. Here's a great thing about this change- You'll feel better and you'll be honoring God in the process. God shows His kindness to us, we should extend it to others also.

Here's to being kind-

Be blessed



  1. Well said as always!

  2. Bravo Matt!! I am so happy that someone else feels the same way I do. I get so frustrated with the world today being in such a rush, in such a me, me, me mentality that it's disheartening. You know, even a simple smile can change someone's day.

    We love your blogs Matt, keep em coming!

    Michael and Amber Webster
