Friday, January 9, 2009

Do Something Small if At all

This is going to be a really quick post today. No editing. No re-reading, just whats going on in the noggin'.

Writing this blog everyday is a decision I made for the new year. Why? Because I really think that it has an opportunity to be a blessing to the people that read it. If you're like me you go online everyday, read some news or sports and then dont really know where to go from there... right? Well hopefully this can be something that you read daily to get you to maybe think a bit differently, or choose to do something a bit differently. To be encouraged to step out in faith and be who God wants you to be!

Here's the nugget for the day- Its 836am. 10 mins ago someone called me and wants to meet for breakfast at 900am. I dont know why, they're just reaching out and need someone to talk to. To be honest, I wasn't planning on this interupption. I just got back from my walk, and was about to do some more exercise and they called. I had a choice- not go and do what I wanted to go, or go and realize that God is going to bless me for being faithful. I'm choosing option two.

I want to share that with you for a reason. Its easy to not want to get interuppted by someone elses issues or wants, but that's not what we're supposed to do. Allow your self to get interuppted and watch how God will bless you.

Another thing- I couldnt do all of the exercise that I wanted, so you know what? I did it for 5 mins. its better than nothing.. isn't it?

839. Gotta go.

Be blessed... and interrupted.



  1. Thanks Pastor Matt. I think the blogs are great! Keep them coming.


  2. Hey Matt, I'm the office Administrator here at Young Life and I have to tell you that your blogs have been a hug help in my very busy, often interrupted, position here. Thanks for your faithfulness in taking the time to blog!

    DeDe Pree <><

  3. Thank you Matt for being the second person (first,Kasey) to remind me to practice what I preach to my childred. My husband and I are thinking of moving to WA and it is a bit scary at our age. We are praying daily but I am often a person who wants "the water to part" before I trust that voice is the Holy Spirit and not the little devil that is sometimes on my shoulder.
    Thank you, Bonnie

  4. Just what I needed to read this morning! thank you brother!

  5. Thanks for reminding us to listen to that wee small voice that calls us to serve and inspire others to believe in the greater power!!!
    God blesses those who are a blessing!!

    It is how you live your dash that counts!

  6. Amen, brother.

