Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Don't be crippled by fear

I did something yesterday that I have been thinking about for a long time- I emailed my blog to a bunch of people after I posted it. Seems like an easy task, but for me, it really wasn't. It was for one reason: Fear.

Its fearful to put yourself out there. To not know what response you're going to get, or how people are going to respond. The unknown is fearful, and it is something that can cripple you or keep you from trying something new, or reaching out to someone. People that know me would probably be surprised to know that I even thought twice about emailing out my blog, but it really was a step of faith.

I think that this happens to alot of people in a lot of different situations. We think about doing something that could change our life, or someone Else's, we play out the scenarios in our heads and then decide to not do it. Usually, its because of fear. I like what the bible says about fear-For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Yesterday was amazing. I got positive responses from people about the blog and the earth did not fall off its axis.

What are you holding back on? What have you been thinking about doing that you need to do? Make that phone call, apply for that job, make a life change. The creator of the universe has given you everything you need for life, but if you're constantly gripped by the fear of the unknown, you're never going to experience the fullness of life.

Be Blessed today. Try something new. You'll like it.



  1. Thanks for sharing Matt! Love to you, Crystal and the kids!! XOXO

  2. Thanks for e-mailing your blog to me. You are a great friend and an amazing pastor!! It's more important than ever that we share what God has put on our hearts.

  3. I wanted to say thank you for your blog, and all you do for my family. I know that we have only sat and talked once, but I reap the benefits of what you sow in my husbands life on a daily basis. We are blessed to have you and Crystal in our lives!

  4. Matt...awesome stuff...check out my blog at

    I only do a few posts per year, but it's fun.

    Please send your postal address so I can mail you a belated Christmas card.

    following Christ with you,


  5. Thanks Matthew...
    I enjoyed your blog. Hope all is well with you
    and your family...Tell aunty Cindy Hi for me
    And Marcus...
    Aunty Donna will be here in April For jens Graduation. Keep ya posted. Don't be a stranger.

    Love ya Cathi

  6. I wish you weren't looking for so much validation and would write what God empassions you with and let the other go. May your audience and applause come from Him and your own heart be most humbly honored with that! You can get can get off track from what God calls you to by your need for seeking mens approval. I wish the very best when God is in the limelight and no other. That's what we're supposed to be about and in the shadows. These blog things can easily become a personal pulpit to display oneself and rob God. I don't accuse you of that, but I surely don't see God front and center in this site. It seems more like a family praise a thon. Where's the meat?!
