Monday, January 12, 2009

How Many Text Messages Do You Send?

Me? I usually send about 5-20 text messages a day. Some days, it might go up to 20-30 depending. I like to send text messages for a few reasons.

1. They are quick. If you want to just get a phone number from someone, you don't have to talk to them for 10 mins when all you need is a phone number.

2. They don't use up your cell phone minutes. If you have an unlimited texting plan, you can text all you want, without soaking up all of your plan minutes.

3. You can do them anywhere, anytime (except while driving in Wa. State). This can get you in trouble sometimes. I was at a Christmas concert my mother was singing in and was texting and she noticed. Not good.

I'm sure there are downfalls of them, such as the level of personal touch that they lack or how they can be easily misunderstood or misconstrued. But, like it or not they have become the "post card" of the 21st century.

Why all this about texting? here's an article that you may find amusing. Its about a kid who sent 14500 text messages in one month. Even for me, that seems like alot.

What's the point? Anything in your life can run the possibility of becoming to excessive. When do you know when something is excessive? When it is controlling you, or alot of your time.

God has created us all with the ability to be fully engaged in something or someone, but if we spend all of our time on one thing, we neglect those other areas that deserve our attention. Prayer, relationships, work, friends, kids, recreation and the like. They are all important, but you cannot only focus on one. We need to have balance in them all.

Except prayer. Do that all the time.

Be balanced and blessed this week, and send me a text if you get a chance.



  1. So, I've never personally sent a text message. Like my folks, I don't have a cell phone. I'd rather people send me an email, or at least not call me when I'm out at Wal-mart.

    I can, however, say something in defense of the kid. I don't know about his company, but the cell phone company I take customer service calls for bills for incoming and outgoing text. Chances are, he sent way less than half of those messages. If you're on the forward list for everyone at school, they add up fast.

  2. Sounds like Becca 200 in one day. I will send her this one. Thank you for this daily note. It helps get through the day.
    Big sister Tammy
