Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why It Is Important To Ask.

Some of my family think I'm different. Why? Because I'll ask anyone for anything. Literally.

There have been times when we are in restaurants and I have asked to substitute when it says "no substitutions". One time I looked for the manager in the Home Depot and asked for a price off a cabinet because of a scratch. Two days ago I asked for the manager of the Rack and negotiated a 2 shoe deal that wasn't advertised. I ask for different seating, a lower price, a chance to get something for a deal.

When we were in Ghana, I met the Prime Minister of Papa New Guinea because I asked. Yesterday I asked someone if I could have their truck, and they gave it to me. I'll ask anyone for anything.

I'm not sure where that trait comes from, maybe my mother or something. Maybe its because I figured out a long time ago that if you never ask, you'll never know. I rarely think " I wonder what would have happened if I would have asked", because I ask all the time.

How did I meet my wife? I asked her out. And then I asked her to marry me 2 months later. How did I get the job I wanted in the Army? I asked for it even though it wasn't available at the time. Ask ask ask.

The Bible says "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened".

That's a great verse and completely applicable in our lives as Christians, but sometimes I don't think we ask frequently enough. God wants to hear our requests. Sure, He may not grant them all, but He does want to hear you. It says so in the Bible.

Is there something that you've been afraid to ask for? Something that you'd like to see changed or improved. Try this today- Let God know your request and see what happens. Ask that person for what it is that you need or want and see what happens.

You'll never know if you never ask.

Be Blessed.


Ps. Special shout out to my friend Will Davis. The ultimate asker.


  1. Good Morning Pastor. I found your Biog. I realized that every time you asked if anyone had read your blog you were asking us to read Your blog. Quite amazing how this Asking works, but your absolutely Correct in asking for what you want. Be Blessed, tell Crystal hello from TC

  2. For someone who is afraid to "ask" - this blog was really a great reminder! Thanks for the time it took to write it! Kim
