Thursday, January 29, 2009

Golfing With Tiger Woods

I don't know where my kids come up with this stuff. Yesterday we were on our way to church and my son started in with his interrogation. For those of you with kids, you know what I'm talking about. Its those times when your kids are bored and they start firing off questions that are completely strange. Like right now, my daughter just walked up to me and said, "Dad, how does skin get on your lips?". Like I'm supposed to know or something.

So anyway, yesterday my son asks, "Dad, could you beat Tiger Woods in Golf?". I love my son. How awesome is it that He looks at His Dad with such adoration that I could actually beat Tiger Woods in golf. The reality is that if you know my golf game, I have the same chances of beating Tiger in Golf that I do in beating a Dodge Viper in a foot race.

But do you know what I love about that question though? Kids don't see the world in the same way that adults do. We set limits. We talk ourselves out of it before we try it. We decide before we even try that we will lose. We consider people better than us because they excel at a certain activity. We limit ourselves.

Jesus talked about children quite a bit. He used them for examples of how we should approach and understand God. I think that is because Children are not as jaded as adults are. They see the world differently. In my sons mind, Tiger is a person who golfs, therefore, if my dad Golfs, he should be able to beat him. No limits.

Regress a bit today. Go back to a time in your life when you were a child and you believed a little easier and didn't over think everything. Realize that sometimes the greatest mysteries of the world can be understood if we would come "as little children".

Regress, but still go to work.


1 comment:

  1. I have an ego... it's pretty big. As far as I'm concerned, I'm nearly the best at everything. Sometimes, there's not room in my head for me that thinks straight and me that knows everything. But I have a philosophy for managing it, especially when I meet new folks... every person I meet in the world, I'm "better" than at something... I can sure set up a blog website faster and better than Matt, and I can certainly out-fish Tiger Woods. If I were ever to have the opportunity, however, I keep it in check by reminding myself that that person also has something to teach me... Tiger could probably help improve my golf game just a bit, eh? As for Matt...? He's still the one motivating me to keep on going to work and inspiring me with his words every day!!! ;-)

    I'll add to Matt's advise to "regress"... regress, believe in yourself, and learn something from everyone else you meet!

