Monday, February 23, 2009

Move Past Threshold

Threshold. The dictionary defines it as " the point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced ", basically the point at which you start to get things done.

Most people only start to get things done when they reach this point. The pants don't fit, the house is a mess, the job is too hard, whatever. We've all done it, its the point at which we've had enough.

Did you know you don't have to live your life this way? Only responding when you are at the point of pain? The way to do it is to have a lifestyle change that gets you to make decisions that are going to be positive for your life, and not just a response to when things are going really bad.

How do we do that? I preached a message about this yesterday from the book of Joshua.

1. Decide- You have to decide that you want to change something about your life. Write it down, speak it out, tell someone about it. Decide that you're going to change something.

2. Plan. The Bible calls this "counting the cost". Make sure you have a plan on how you are going to get this 'life change' into your life.

3. Do it. Sounds simple, but this is where most people stop. Its hard to take that leap of faith and actually do what you know you need to do. Of course you may fail, but that's okay. God doesn't want you to fail, so step out knowing that He is going to help you.

Do you know what I found in the 24th chapter of Joshua? When the people of Israel finally decided and stepped out in faith, they all received their inheritance- the great things that God had prepared for them in the promise land.

Do you want an inheritance today? Step out in faith and do that which you know you need to do and watch how the Lord will bless you in it.

Be blessed.
pastor matt

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