Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fairness- The Art of Even

Kids are interesting. At least, my kids are. I'm sure that if you have kids that yours are interesting in their own way. Do you know what I am recently noticing about kids? They seem to always want things to be fair.

What is fairness? I think to most people that fairness means that things are equal. To my kids it means equally distributed. As in, "he has more cereal that I do" or "she is getting to take a longer shower than I am" or "why does she get to watch 2 more minutes of TV than I do". Basically it appears to me as more of a mental score card of who is getting what. Of course if one is getting more than the other, then its not fair.

I'm curious where this notion comes from. Do they teach this at school? Have we ingrained this in our children? Is it an innate trait to want to see fairness in this world?

Sometimes, things just aren't fair and there isn't much you can do about it.

Its funny, my daughter has this saying: "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit". I think she learned it from school. She usually says it to my son when He gets slighted. She shares it with him to let him understand that sometimes its the way that it is.

I'm sure there are areas in your life that you think are not fair. Let me encourage you with this today- Matt 5:45 He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

Meaning, that sometimes things in this life are not seemingly fair, and there is not really a great explanation for why. God blesses the righteous and the unrighteous.

Don't compare yourself to others today. Don't worry about their situation or why you don't have the same possessions or life that they do. You live your life and enjoy it. Don't worry if the guy across the street is making .25 cents more an hour than you.

Let me be clear today- I'm not talking about racial equality. I'm not talking about social injustice. I'm not talking about repealing the Americans With Disabilities Act. I'm talking about the thought of fairness that is found in the seemingly benign areas of our lives- "why did the waiter go to their table first" or "why didn't I get the extra piece of chicken".

I'm not advocating social inequality in any way as much as I'm declaring that we can be satisfied where we are at and not mad at God because we didn't get what we wanted.

God is blessing you where you are at. Thank Him for it.

Be blessed


  1. Thank you for your insightulness everyday. It gives me pause to think and be grateful for all I have. You are truly inspiring... now go watch 2 more minutes of TV and we'll call it good :)

    pam reuhl

  2. Very insightful Matt. Kids are born with this trait it seems. They want to be treated the same, at least they don't want to come up shorter than a sibling or a friend or a neighbor. You captured this very well.
