Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Title Change Worked- (dirty picture included)

So you've somewhat proven my theory. I must change the titles of the blog to get more of you to read them. We had a 30% increase in traffic yesterday, in part I believe because of the title of the blog.

Its somewhat surprising, but not really that much. Look at the news around us that gets the most attention. Its the stories about death and pain. When you watch the evening news, its always about some fire, murder, or scandal that is happening in the news. Every once in a great while there will be a human interest story, that is usually at the end of the broadcast, that lasts about 30 seconds that is an attempt to show that they news agency has heart. But as Michael Moore once said "if it bleeds it leads" (btw, I'm not a MM fan, but I do agree with that quote from Bowling for Columbine).

I don't watch the news much anymore because of it. It annoys me. It saddens me. It frustrates me. Some person will probably say "you need to know whats going on out there" and I do know. I read it in the newspaper and on the Internet, I don't need a newscaster glorifying it and showing images that cloud my mind. I find that when I don't watch the news I have better days and less anxiety about the world around me.

Mind you I don't live with my head in the sand, I live with my head in the clouds. The Bible says in Philippians 4:8 "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things".

You should try it. Think about the good things that are going on around you, not the negative things. I know that we are in a different economic time than a lot of us have seen in our lifetime, but you can still choose to focus on the good, and not be consumed with the bad.

Think about the goodness of God. Think about the goodness of people. Spend your time dwelling on the best things in your life and the people around you. You'll have much better days.

Oh yea. Here's your dirty picture-

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