Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My #Labrador Spoke To Me In The Night


My dog was snoring last night. 

It was pretty annoying. I'm a light sleeper as it is, but last night, that dog was 'sawing logs' so to speak. He's a big dog, about 90lbs and typically is not a snorer, but last night he was going at it. Maybe its all the stress from Christmas or something. 

He sleeps on the floor at the foot of our bed, so as he was snoring, I had a few options. One of them was to get up and pet him and rouse him and tell him to stop snoring. The other option was to call him to the side of the bed and wake him up, so I could get back to sleep. 

I chose option two. Since Crystal was asleep, I didn't want to be too loud, so I whispered "Ranger" and made a little kissing sound, and he got up and came to the side of the bed. 

As he was standing there in the dark, leaning up against the side of my bed, and I was giving him some good loving on his ears and neck I was amazed at how obedient that dog is. In the middle of the night, with no clear hope for a walk, treat, or trip outside, he came to where he was called. 

Total and complete obedience to his masters command. No questions. No hesitation. No agenda. That dog exists to do my bidding. He lives to please me and always comes when I call him.   He lives for me. He is my dog. 

In the middle of the night I thought, we should be that obedient with God. When he tells us to do something, or asks us to come to him, we should comply. Like my dog, we often don't know what it is that he wants from us, or where He is leading us, but that doesn't matter. What matters is obedience. Obedience to his voice and prompting of the Spirit. 

Are you obedient to God? Do you do what he asks you and follow His lead? I pray that in the middle of the night, with a whisper, if he calls your name, you'll get up and come to his voice and do what he asks you to do. 

If my dog can be obedient, I think we can be. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

ps. this is a pic of ranger on my fence going for squirrel. 

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, December 22, 2011

5 Ways To Have The Best #Christmas This Year


Christmas is this Sunday! I know, you probably didn't realize it, did you? Of Course you did! Everyone knows when Christmas is! I'm not sure how it happened, but some how, Christmas became a day that people seem to place a lot of importance on. The common theme I see around is that a perfect Christmas has snow, lots of presents, a lot of family, a lot of food, and sleigh bells in the snow. 

For most people this isn't the case. Christmas is a weird time of year. Lots of emotion. Lots of stuff going on. So, today I am going to share with you a few sure-fire ways to have a great Christmas this year. 

1. Remind yourself what Christmas is really about. About 2000 years ago, there was a miraculous event in the middle east where a young child was born. This child (Jesus) was born from a woman who was a virgin (she had never had sex before). This 25th of December, however historically inaccurate the day may be, is a day that we set aside to remember and celebrate that day. Take a few moments and remind yourself that that is the original point of Christmas- to celebrate the Mass (church service), of the Christ (baby Jesus). His arrival announced a completely different direction of the entire planet in regards to our relationship with God. It was a pretty big deal. 

2. Go to a church service. This year its kind of different how the day falls on the calendar, but make a decision and go to a church service on Sunday. Christmas on a Sunday doesn't happen that often, so take advantage of it this year and experience Christmas with a group of people who live for this Christ of Christmas. Its hard to explain, but bellowing out Christmas tunes with other tone deaf people seems to have an impact. Trust me on this. Go to church on Sunday. 

3. Expect nothing. That's right, expect that you'll get no gifts for Christmas and be OK with it. Seeing how that is not what the day is truly about anyway, having this mindset will do a few things- you'll have lower expectations, and if you do get a gift or two- it will mean even more. Setting yourself up to be showered with presents is a sure way to be let down. If you are blessed with a present, it will mean even more, because you weren't expecting anything. 

4. Savor the moment. No matter where you find yourself this weekend, savor the moments. If you're with friends, sit back and soak in the reality of their presence. Watch for a laugh or a meaningful touch. If you're alone, get around other people. You don't have to even know them, you can sit in a restaurant or public venue, and watch other people enjoying life and have joy in their joy. Trust me. Seeing people being happy makes people happy, if you savor it. 

5. Love people. The greatest gift you can give people is your love and attention. Tell those around you how much you care about them. Share a specific example of what they mean to you. Look them in the eye and give them a hug. Invite someone over that you know would appreciate it. 

I know its a short list, but just a few thoughts for you to ponder as you head into the weekend. Trust me. Try a few and you'll have a better Christmas than you expected. 

pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Note For All The #Christians on #Facebook

I struggled on whether or not I should write this post, seeing how the act of writing seems to negate the point I'm trying to make. Indulge me for a moment. I think you may see my point. 

I am a facebook guy. I spend a lot of time on there. I see the value of social media as a means for putting forth ideas, connecting with friends, fostering relationships. Its a great tool for interaction. At the same time, I think there are some very detrimental things that can happen from it. One I notice a lot is people who claim to be Christ followers throwing stones at other Christ followers. 

Let me explain- often times a post will include such things as attacking other churches, or pastors or schools of theological thought. I assume that these posters are well meaning in that they probably take to heart the call to "contend for the faith" and proclaim "sound doctrine" to those who are following their posts. More than likely they see it as a time to make sure that someone isn't being led astray by some whack job. 

Here's the issue- everyone who is my friend does not share my beliefs. Because they are my friends, I am aware that even before getting into the Calvin-Arminius debate or the Gifts-cessastionist debate that they don't even believe the beginning of the story- Adam or Jesus. That being said, any time I spend proclaiming doctrine or theology 'clouds the waters' so to speak and portrays our faith as divisive and contentious not unified and loving. 

Brothers and sisters this should not be so. 

Here's what I propose- if you have a theological difference that you would like to discuss- start a private group or send a private message. Don't put a post that attempts to put some doctrine down or prove some theological point. No one is being influenced or brought to your way of thinking by doing this. You are confusing those who do not believe and making following Christ more about getting the doctrine right and not the heart right. 

There is a scripture that changed my heart a few years ago- it comes from Philippians chapter one- the Apostle Paul was setting straight some people who were concerned about some other people who were preaching a Gospel they thought was false- this is what he said to them- 

"  It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."

He follows up by saying- "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ".

What is my point? Spreading the Gospel is not hurling stones at someone else's persuasion. Obviously they are fully persuaded in what they believe or they wouldn't be believing it. Spend more time spreading the love of God and His truth in a way that directs people towards the Cross and not towards the way that you think or the theology you believe. 

There. I said it. 

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My two cents about #Tebow #NFL #Jesus

Tebow Tebow Tebow. Man, its everywhere. Talk about Tebow. Videos about Tebow. Terms like "Tebowing". It seems like every where you turn there is a Tebow reference, or a Tebow Facebook post. This Tebow guy is getting a whole lot of press, with good reason. Tim Tebow is a recent Broncos football phenomenon that is surprising people with some unexpected comebacks and football wins. 

Tebow is the flavor of the week. 

Front and center in this Tebow talk is Tim Tebows faith. He is unashamedly a believer in Jesus Christ. Some may say that he grandstands it, or that he is to demonstrative about it. Recently he even got some negative feedback from the likes of Kurt Warner, another Christian athlete who asked him to tone it down http://www.theblaze.com/stories/kurt-warner-to-tim-tebow-dont-be-so-bold-with-your-faith/ . There is no denying that Tim Tebow is a Christian. He is not ashamed of it. He does not hide it. He doesn't make any excuses for it. He is a Christian. You can read Tim Tebows response to one guys view about his faith here- http://content.usatoday.com/communities/thehuddle/post/2011/11/tim-tebow-responds-to-jake-plummers-comments-on-his-faith/1

Let me throw in my two cents about Tim Tebow and what I think. 

I love that Tebow is a winner right now. I love that there is a guy who is a professing Christian who is winning. Often times the current trend in America is to characterize people who are passionately in love with Jesus as losers. They are viewed as people who couldn't hack it in the real world, so they decided to give Jesus a try. "Christianity is a crutch" they say. A means by which the losers of the world can rally around someone that gives them a sense of purpose. 

Tebow is no loser. 

I love that Tebow isn't weird. Often times Christians are portrayed as whack jobs who have odd prophecies and weird practices. They are the 'snake handlers and poison drinkers' of the world. I think that some people think that it is odd to believe in Jesus and try to live for Him. There are Christians all over the world that are just as normal as the next guy- what makes them abnormal is their belief in Jesus, not their actions. 

Tebow isn't weird. 

I love that Tebow is relentless about his faith. In this multi-cultural-accept everyone-melting pot-America that we live in it seems that it is acceptable to be anything but a person who is a Bible believing Christian, and Tim Tebow is putting Jesus loving Bible thumpers center stage. He loves Jesus and he refuses to back down. 

Tebow is relentless. 

This time right now is fleeting. Tebow will go away. His faith will no longer be an issue. But right now, its being discussed, and I like it, why? Because I think that faith in Jesus Christ is the most important thing in the world, and Tim Tebow is making it possible to discuss it, and for that I am thankful. Sure, it has been possible to talk about Faith before, but in this America in which we live, where we idolize winners and scorn losers, Tebow has demonstrated a faith that produces results that America rallies around- the scoreboard.

Is the hand of God of Tebow? I don't know. Is God giving Tebow favor over his enemies? Not sure. But of this I am sure- Tebow loves Jesus. He is winning, and I like it. 

pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Truth About #Santa and #Christmas... is he really Satan?


I'm a Christian if you didn't know that already. I believe in Jesus Christ and have given my life over to Him. Since I've been a Christian, there has always been a real contentious relationship with Christmas and Santa Claus. I think it stems from Christians wanting to make sure that the holiday remains a day that honors and celebrates the birth of Jesus as an important historic day that changed the course of humanity. Not a day that celebrates a fat man in a red suit coming down a chimney. 

The current situation is that you see more images of Santa than Jesus during this time of year. 

I was watching this program last night about the history of Santa Claus, and a few things occurred to me that maybe I hadn't really thought of before. Now, I'm not elevating SC at the expense of JC as much as I am just making a few observations about it. Please do not label me a heretic. I am no historian. These are just my thoughts. 

The modern day image and idea of Santa Claus comes from an actual person named Nicolas who gained Sainthood for a miracle he performed back in the 900s or so. He was a Christian man who followed the precepts of Jesus. According to this program, he came from a very wealthy family, and was known for his generosity. Who he actually was and who he is portrayed as today are not exactly the same, the process by which we got the modern day Santa was largely influenced by folklore, artists, and the Coca Cola corporation.

It got me thinking, its a pretty amazing feat for a flesh and blood person to have that kind of global influence. What are the chances that 1000 years from now, what you did with your life would some how translate into an iconic image like Santa? Sure, how he is represented today is not the same as who he actually was, but its connected. No sleigh, no reindeer, no "ho ho ho" but the name, the gifts, the giving, its connected. 

Whats my point? I guess its this- I used to be in the Santa is Satan crowd pretty strong- but last night I thought about it- its pretty funny that Christians say that meaning of Christmas has been lost and society doesn't want any images of Jesus around during Christmas. Why is it funny? Because if you really think about it- (I know this may be a stretch) Santa is a religious symbol, even if the world doesn't know it. 

How? It symbolizes that if someone truly allows the love of God into their hearts, it can change them in such a way that their generosity will be known for generations to come. I don't think that guy Nick ever assumed that one day who he was would be used to sell waffle makers, but he didn't care, he was doing what he knew in his heart was right- being generous. Being giving. Somehow who he was has carried on way past his life. 

So should we worship Santa? no. Is he the reason for the season? no. If you think about how we got Santa can it point to Jesus? yes. Why? because if Nicolas didn't know Jesus, I doubt who he was would have carried on for so long. 

Go be generous today in Jesus name. Maybe 1000 years from now people at some cosmic mall on Mars will be having kids sit on someones lap in your name asking for gifts. Heck, they might even write a song about Jolly ol' St. you!

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

3 Great Gifts To Get For Yourself This Year


Everyone loves gifts, don't they? Well at least we like the good ones, not the ones that are impractical like jewelry and stuff like that. I know people especially like gifts they can use. That's why I am getting my wife a blender for Christmas. I think she'll love it. She blends stuff all the time!

Seriously though, I was reflecting this morning on Christmas gifts this morning and thinking about how when people go shopping for gifts, they typically grab some stuff for themselves, while they are out. So I figured I would share with you some great gifts you should get for yourself this year. 

1. Get yourself the gift of forgiveness. Christmas time is a great time to be reminded that the cancer of unforgiveness ruins every relationship. I am sure that there are people that have hurt you and let you down. I am sure that it affects you. Give them a gift while you get one yourself- forgive them. It will bless God and you at the same time. Its a gift that God gives us to be able forgive. Receive it. 

2. Get yourself the gift of love. Love comes into our lives in so many forms. Look for it throughout your day and receive it. I've started hugging this greeter at wal-mart. Its a long story how it started happening, but now, every time I see them, we hug. Sure, I get low prices at wal-mart, but bless God, I've found another place in my life to get the gift of love!

3. Get yourself the gift of joy. This certainly is the most wonderful time of the year, and realizing it will bring you the joy of Christmas. Its not just the presents and the lights, it really is "God and sinners reconciled" when you reflect on it, it will truly give you joy. Receive that gift of joy!

Christmas isn't really about giving, its about receiving. That little babe wasn't born in Bethlehem for himself, he was born for YOU. 

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Do This One Thing and Your Relationships Will Improve! #relationships #imjustsayin

Relationships. We all got them. Some good, some bad. Some deep, some surface. Listen to the people around you, if you listen close enough, you will find that is what most people talk about- their relationships or the lack thereof. 

As a 'man of the cloth' I spend a generous portion of my time with people, and many of them struggle in their relationships. Often times it becomes clear that the struggles that they have would be manged more easily if they would put themselves in a position to have a greater opportunity to succeed. 

Let me explain- most people do not have a clear game plan for their lives, with that, they have no game plan for their day to day life. For a lot of people, life happens to them, they do not make their life happen. Setting yourself up to win is the beginning of relationship success, and if you're not setting yourself up to win, well, you're obviously going to lose. 

What is one of the greatest things you can do to help your relationships?

Here is the first and most important one- make time for relationships. If your life is so over scheduled that you do not have time for relationships, they will never happen and they will never improve. 

I had a wonderful pastor who told me one time that there is no such thing as quality time, only quantity time. Quality time happens while spending quantity time. What does that mean? It means you can't plan one hour on a Saturday to have a great interaction with someone you love. You block out the day, spend the whole day together and then turn around and realize that you connected at some point, and it wasn't planned. 

People are too busy. Too many activities. Too many responsibilities. Too many things they 'have to do'. The truth is that we often over schedule ourselves because we are afraid of having down time, when the down time is the exact time that you have the greatest opportunity to build relationship! 

Get relentless with your schedule. Tear off the stuff that soaks up your time and spend more time hanging out with people and find out that your relationships will improve and your life will be less chaotic. 

Less scheduled time means more relationship time. 

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

3 Ways To Improve Your Mood #dogood

Has the Turkey worn off yet? Its only been a few days since Thanksgiving, and for most people I would think that they are kicking the Christmas plans into high gear. Thanksgiving is over. Turkey and mashed potatoes and some pepper spray on black friday. Done and done. 

I want to encourage you today to not forget about being thankful. Thankfulness is an attribute that has the capacity to drastically influence our happiness and mood every day. Often times when people spend time thinking about what they do not have, instead of thinking about what they do have, their mood improves. 

Do you practice thankfulness on a daily basis? Here are some quick tips to increasing thankfulness in your life. 

1. Genuinely thank anyone for anything that they do for you. Make it a point to look them in the eye, send them a message, call them on the phone. Let people know that you appreciate whatever they did for you. Don't let anything slip by. 

2. Spend a few moments reflecting on things to be thankful for first thing in the morning. Thank God for these things. There are big things to be thankful for, and small things to be thankful for. I am thankful for my family, but bless God, I thank him every day for my hot cup of coffee in the morning!

3. Get excited about the little things. Maybe the load of laundry equaled up and no socks were lost. Perhaps you got the coveted front parking spot at work. Somehow your sandwich got an extra piece of meat in it today, whatever it is, be thankful for the small things, not just the big things. 

Hope that helps. Don't give up on Thanksgiving. Its not just for one week a year, you should do it every day. 

pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Friday, November 18, 2011

Guest Blogger! Todd Sommer and The Irrigation Pipe Dinosaur


This is the lesson that I have learned from my father.  We should never place limits on God and we should always be open to the opportunity to do something slightly crazy for God's glory. 

My father has always been a collector.  From the working stoplight, to a chair that has the shape of a hand, to the giant wooden marlin, you never quite knew what dad was going to bring home.  About a year ago however he started bringing home more and more fossils.  Maybe to some people that might sound strange but to my family that sounds perfectly normal.  You see dad has always had a passion for rocks, science, and archaeology.  

For some people science and God don't mix, but for my Dad it's always been a passion to make people realize that they do.  So as he was collecting rocks as fossils and thinking and praying he came up with the idea of creating a Creation Museum.  The idea is little crazy when you type it out on paper. 

My father is going to open a Creation Museum in Broken Bow NE (population 5000).  

Undaunted by such minor things my father has pushed forward and is not only opening this museum sometime in the spring of next year, but has also managed to construct a giant replica of a Tyrannosaurus Rex (made out of irrigation pipe) to place in the front just so no one could possibly miss what he was trying to do.  

When I asked dad what was the reason you decided to open the museum.  He said “To show that the bible is the authoritative word of God.  To do that,  I need to show that Evolution is not true.” 

I look at that and I think “wow” that is so cool.  He took his passion and his desire and transformed it into something that is supporting one of the bedrock principals of our faith.  The bible is true.  

This is the essence of what it is to be Christian.   You take your time, your energy, your money, your passion, your talents and you give it to God.  You surrender it all.  Granted most of us will never be able to open a Creationist Museum, but we can choose to glorify God with the things that we are good at. 

So whatever your talents are I hope that in the back of your mind your thinking, I wonder how God could use this to further his kingdom.  Also if you ever happen to make your way to NE stop on by the Boneyard Creation Museum and take a look at what happens when you are a little crazy about following God.  


Todd Sommer 

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, November 17, 2011

An #MMA Fighter In the #WalMart Parking Lot?

I don't get it. It happened again this week. Someone wanted to fight me. Seriously, I'm not joking. 

A couple of days ago, we were walking through the walmart parking lot ( I needed a new pillow for my big head) and apparently Crystal and I did something wrong as we were walking. Or at least that is what we gathered from the yelling. 

We got there and parked, and got out of our vehicle, and began to walk towards the door. As we walked, I did notice another vehicle with its engine running and its reverse lights on immediately as we began to walk down the line. So when we got to it, we didn't stop, we kept walking, because it hadn't begun to move. (it had been in the same position for 20 seconds).

I'm not exactly sure what parking lot etiquette is, but I think that in most cases, pedestrians have the right of way. 

Or maybe I am wrong, because a few moments after walking past this vehicle, what sounded like an irate man began to holler in our direction (there wasn't anyone around us) and berate us for not letting him out of his parking spot. He called out about what we were wearing and appeared to be encouraging me to interact with him. 

So I didn't what any 6 foot 5, 250lb pastor would do. I turned around, cocked my neck, and said "what did you say?" as I was walking towards him. Then, I proceeded to take him down to the asphalt and put him in a rear naked choke. 

How you like me now? Services at 9 and 11 sucka!

Okay, I didn't do that, but I thought about doing that. What did I do? Absolutely nothing. I just kept walking. I didn't turn around. I didn't look. I didn't speak. 

I have learned in my short life that turning around to confront an irate person that far from you makes it worse. It never goes well. 

Why am I telling you this? Proverbs 17:19 He who loves a quarrel loves sin.  

Sure, I'm sharing an altercation in a Wal Mart parking lot, but I am sure that you have interactions in your life that are quarrelsome. Times at work or at home when people try to get you to argue or fight with you. Here is my advice- don't even get into it with them. It never turns out well. 

When you are a person that walks away from a physical or verbal altercation, things turn out better. Getting involved with them rarely turns out well. Granted, you have to swallow your pride to be able to do this, but in the end you will end up honoring God, and not getting yourself into trouble. 

If you love a quarrel, you love sin. That's what the Bible says, and I'm sure you don't love sin. 

Walk away. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cancel The #NBA Season? #OccupyWallStreet

I think that the occupy people are slipping. According to a recent article about the NBA it appears that there are over 4 billion dollars in profit revenue available that they have not addressed. Some of them need to pack up their stuff and go to the NBA headquarters in Mid-Town. Its only about 5 miles. They could probably walk it in an hour or so. You can read the article here. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/e119fa50-0eff-11e1-b585-00144feabdc0.html

I figure that if these guys are all about going after greedy people that have too much money that aren't sharing it with the 99% and this is another stream of untapped revenue that they should seriously consider. There is no shortage of people who are making ridiculous amounts of money that they should be protesting in the NBA.

Do they realize that these people are making millions for bouncing, passing and throwing a inflated round ball? Furthermore, they have burdened the American people with higher taxes to pay for civic centers in which they play and they are making even more revenue selling licensed products to kids and adults alike. I tell you that if Freddie Mac was making money on $75 dollar jerseys that kids were wearing to school they would be protesting that lickety split!

Or maybe they aren't doing it because the know the reality- they don't have what it takes to play in the NBA. If LeBron quit tomorrow, there isn't a person in one camp at any occupy event that could fill those 200 dollar Nikes.

Here's the issue- I can completely understand that natural tendency that we all have to find someone or something to blame for our problems. Often times, we find a person or an organization that we decide is the reason for our problems and then we 'set up camp' and protest them. Either in person, or in our hearts. This search for a reason for our problems will always leave us empty, because the reality is that most of our problems have been created by ourselves.

Deep down inside a lot of people know that we don't have what it takes to be in the NBA that's why we don't protest them. For me, I don't have the level of dedication, or the natural ability to throw the inflated ball through the wire hoop. I can't jump. I know this about myself. I don't blame the NBA. I don't protest those guys.

So what do we do? Trust God in the midst of our challenges. Realize that he can take care of us. Do not be angry at people who seem to 'have more'.

What am I saying today? I'm not sure- but this is what I got- I love the story of the fishermen in Luke chapter 5. These guys were struggling to catch some fish and they listened to what Jesus said, and then they had so many fish that their boats almost sank. Part of that lesson was that Jesus wanted them to trust him for their increase and provision. Jesus didn't say "go and take someone else's fish" he said "trust me and you will get more fish".

The NBA can do what they want. I don't care. Jesus can fill my nets.

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Do You #Love Your #Money Too Much?


Money is an awesome thing, and by awesome, I mean that it has a whole lot of power over people and institutions. People feel as though money equals power, therefore they clamor to get as much of it as they can. They will do whatever it takes to get it. Think of all the news stories that center around money. Political clout attached to money. Books about money. Money money money. It truly makes the world go round. 

Take these guys-http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2011/nov/09/four-men-rob-barona-casino/ they tried to rob a casino for 250k and found out that the display case they tried to rob only had about 3k in it. Oops. Better luck next time. 

Money in and of itself is not inherently evil. Its just cotton fibers and paper with ink on it. We place the value on it, its not valuable for the substance that it is. There is the same amount of paper in a one dollar bill as there is for a hundred dollar bill. But people will still do anything for it. 

This should not be so. 

People who spend their life seeking after riches often find that it is not as satisfying as they had initially hoped. There is a bible verse that talks about  money that I think says a lot " People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction." (1 peter 6:9). Often times people who want more than anything to get rich find themselves in ruin and destruction because of the things that they were willing to do to gain money. It can destroy you. 

Why am I sharing this with you today? Because I think that people think about money a whole lot more than they talk about it. They worry about it, fret about it and focus on it. Money is a good thing in that it can pay some bills, put some food on the table and get some clothes on your back, but it is not everything that it is cracked up to be. 

I am writing this today to you as an encouragement if you are a person who focuses too much on your finances. Here's the encouragement- don't get so wrapped up in it. Its just money. You can't take it with you and it is not everything in the world. Your value is not connected to your bank account and your purpose is not to amass wealth. 

Be free from your love of money today. Sure, make money, pay your bills, but do not love it to the point that it brings your ruin and destruction. 

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Majority of #Democrats Seldom or Never Go to #Church?


The Gallup polling organization released its latest data yesterday and revealed that 52% of the democrats that they polled, seldom or never went to church. While this number is only 2 percentage points away from being half, and 3 percentage points away from being majority in the other direction, the number to me is still interesting. You can read all of the data here- http://www.gallup.com/poll/150611/Democrats-Liberal-Less-White-2008.aspx

As I was going over the data, a different number stuck out more than what a political group is doing. Of the United States Population, only 33% attend church weekly, and 46% attend seldom or never. Almost half of the US never goes to church. 

Almost half of the adults in the United States of America seldom or never attend church. 

That means that only one in three people go to church on a weekly basis according to this poll. So I ask the question- do you go to church? Actually, I ask that question to a lot of people that I meet. I think that they expect it from me, since I am a pastor. Often times, it is fun for me to watch them go through their mental Rolodex (I just dated myself) and try to come up with the name of some church in hopes that I will leave them alone and not invite them to church. 

It doesn't work. Its easy to see the people that are trying to act like they attend a church when they don't. 

One of the most common statements that people make in regards to church is that while they believe in God, they don't believe in 'organized religion'. And by organized religion, I am assuming, to them that means, they don't want to miss sleeping in on Sundays, or having to leave their house and commiserate with other human beings. 

I can understand and sympathize with people who don't want to go to church. There are hypocritical churches. There are charlatan preachers. There are whack-o churches. There are churches out there that shouldn't exist. But, just because that is true, doesn't mean that there aren't good churches also. 

Just because you got food poisoning one time you ate at a restaurant doesn't mean you will never eat out again. I'm sure of it. You'll just stay away from that buffet place. 

Democrat, Republican, Independent. You need to find a church and attend. 

Church is awesome. Its a place where the Spirit of God moves in the midst of the people that attend. God never intended for people to believe in Him on their own apart from other believers. From the beginning of time, God has always desired for people to be in community, and in that community, no matter how big or small, they are able to connect with God as a collective whole. Church is the place to do this. 

Do you go to church? If not, you should. I tell people that churches are like restaurants, you just have to keep looking, and you will find one that you like. The best church for you is the one that you will attend on a regular basis. Church isn't supposed to be a place you stop in, is a place that you become a part of. A place where you are able to connect. To give and receive love. To hear from God and worship Him. 

If you don't have a church, find one. If you have a church go to it. Regularly. 

I do not care if you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, and God doesn't either. He wants you to go to church. 

And so do I. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, November 3, 2011

#Obama Says That God Backs His Jobs Plan?


President Obama yesterday, while talking about a 'jobs' bill that he was trying to push through congress made the claim that "God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work". Carney, the White House press secretary followed up by stating "I believe that the phrase from the Bible is 'the Lord helps those who help themselves,'".

Clearly politicians. Clearly not theologians.

I can understand that desperate times call for desperate measures, and Mr. Obama is doing whatever he can to try to influence the members of congress to push through a bill that could possibly affect the unemployment rate, but more importantly affect his re-election campaign. It is no wonder that he has invoked the name of the most high as a top level endorser of his plan for America.

There is a problem with this tactic, and Mr. Carney's statement about the good book. God never said that he helps those who help themselves. Its a good idea, and it sounds really biblical and all, but its just not in there.

Here is a verse in the Bible that speaks about work that I would like to share with you this morning.

Proverbs 14:23 All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

I think that is a more important statement about work and one that is actually in the Bible versus making something up. I love this verse. Not in regards to the Jobs bill, but in regards to our own lives. I think it is a great idea to be people that work hard. Now, there is a point of working too hard, but we still were designed to get some work done. It was never intended for us to sit around.

There is a huge difference between talking and doing.

This verse specifically is not talking about a Congressional jobs bill, but I think that the essence of the verse may have been better for the President and Mr. Carney to quote. Perhaps they should have said something to the affect of "God doesn't want us talking about work, He wants us to get to work". I think that would have been better.

Application for today? Are you a talker or a doer? Do you merely talk about what you are going to do, or do you do it? Don't be a person that talks a big talk and then doesn't put any action behind it. I believe that God does want us to work. That he does bless the work of our hands, and that we should be more than just talkers. We should be workers.

Search your heart. Shut your mouth. Get to work.

Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

3 Things You Should Do Before You Complain About Anything

Complaints. We all got them. There is a list of things that we can complain about at any given time of the day. What we have. What we don't have. What we want. What we need. Who hurt us. What is wrong. So many things to complain about. Things to worry about. Things that need to be fixed. 

I try not to complain if I can help it. It does not seem to help my situation when I complain in the midst of them. Usually it just makes them less bearable and really annoying for the people around me.

I was talking to a friend yesterday who is going through some stuff, and I started asking some questions about his life to see where he was at in a few areas. He indicated to me that he had never thought about these three areas of his life that directly impact his emotional well being. Therefore, I thought I would share them with you, because perhaps you have never thought about it also. 

Here's the deal- I am a pastor. I believe in God and the power of His word, but I have been serving him long enough that there are few things I have figured out along the way. I know that the way he made me directly influences my ability to deal with every day life. My body is part of the equation. I am sharing these 3 nuggets with you in hope that they can help you also. 

So what are the three areas?

1. Sleep. Dude, you have got to get enough sleep to make it in this world. Life demands so much from you that if you are not well rested when dealing with it, it is going to throw you into such an emotional tail spin that you wont be able to deal with the tiniest of tasks. Have some discipline in your sleep hygiene and make sure that you go to bed at around the same time every day and get the amount of sleep that you need to function. For some people it may be 6, for others, it may be 8. For me, I know if I don't get a consistent 7.5 I am worthless. Even God rested. Get some sleep. 

2. Eat. Seems simple doesn't it? Of course you are eating! But what are you eating? Is it healthy? Are you eating consistently? Do you starve all day and then gorge at the end? Are you restricting your caloric intake to the point that it is making you angry? If you are not eating a consistent healthy diet throughout the day, it affects your mood. Trust me on this. If you are not eating well, it has an effect. Be diligent to eat something, however small, at least every 3 hours or so. 

3. Move. I don't run marathons. I never will. But I know that if I am sitting around in front of a computer screen all day, or sitting in a chair all day that I get cranky. Motion creates emotion. If you are not raising your heart rate on a regular basis, you are going to become depressed and lethargic. You have to get out there! Get up early for a walk. Go to the gym. Ride a bike. Take the stairs. Whatever it takes to get moving, get moving!

What is the point? I am all about believing God for the miraculous, but I am also about operating in this life and this body the way God intended. Often times I find that those small insignificant things that bother us in our lives are minimized when we are doing what we can do to influence our emotions. To control what we can control. 

The truth is if you are tired, hungry and sedentary, it makes everything else in your life seem tedious. Trust me on this. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

If you Celebrated Halloween you are a Devil Worshipper!?!?

It happens every year. The Christians of the world come out in full force against Halloween. I know that my commentary on it is the day after, but I've got such a ridiculous chocolate hang-over its all I can think about this morning. 

I made the decision ( for you Calvinists, I came to the realization of my election) to follow Jesus in August of 1990. Since that time I have been around for 21 Halloweens. Every year, there is a camp of people who 'rise up' against the 'evil' of this holiday and decry the Christians participation in it for its pagan roots and demonic influence. Many of these people appear to believe that people who take part in this holiday are worshipping at the footstool of Satan and becoming one of his minions for a night. 

Now, I don't have the time in this blog to go into the historical record of Halloween or come up with any scriptural references for it or against it, but this I will say:

If you are mad about Halloween there are few more days and a lot more things that you should be upset about and boycotting besides the annual feast of the chocolate. 

Here is the arguments I hear- that I am teaching my children about evil. I am taking part in something highly spiritual. I am supporting the work of the devil. I am part of a day that is wrought with destruction. And of course, my personal favorite- what would Jesus do?

As a Christian, I believe that it is my God-Given right to infect and over take any and all spiritual forces of wickedness in any way shape or form. I am not called to become evil to do this, but am called to bring the light of Christ into every dark corner of the world and spread the love of God into it. 

I was thinking last night as I was sitting in my garage, where were all the trick or treaters? I only had one come by in 1.5 hours. I'll tell you where I think a lot of them were- at all of the Church sponsored trunk or treats. The church has seen this 'evil' holiday as a opportunity to share the Gospel. I know, some of you hardliners will say that we don't have to become evil to share the Gospel, but wearing a Ewok suit and grubbin' on some Junior Mints isn't as evil as every is saying. 

Should we praise Halloween? No. Should we try to make it a holy day? No. Am I saying that it is a Christian holiday? No. But, can we, as Christians infiltrate that day to the point where it loses all of its perceived spiritual power and it becomes a innocuous as it truly is? We can take this day and make a National Christian Candy Outreach day. 

Going down the slippery slope of declaring and decrying will eventually make us all Amish. But, then again, those Amish sinners with the belt buckles and the cellphones are probably in the danger of the pit-fires of hell anyway. 

Heck, we took the pagan day of Ishtar and made it into Easter. (you can google that one). 

I don't love Halloween, but I do love that it is the only day of the year that I can knock on someones door to share the Gospel and they will answer it and that I can invite them to my church for an event and they will come. 

Eat some candy. Live for Jesus. Praise his name. Don't worship the devil. 

be blessed
pastor matt

ps. comments and facebook shares are appreciated!

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Would Jesus Occupy Wall Street?


I got a text from my friend Scott yesterday. He said that CNN was asking viewers on the show if Jesus would occupy Wall Street. 

It is an interesting question, and possibly one that needs to be addressed, but here is where I am coming at this thing this morning- when did the Jesus stamp of approval become the litmus test of whether or not something has value? I know, it was back in the WWJD days. Back when someone made a rubber bracelet and shoved it on any kid that even stood next to a youth group door. It was supposed to be a way to gauge our moral compass I guess. A way to simply understand any question that an individual may have in regards to their life situation. 

Just ask, What Would Jesus Do?

There seems to be some holes in the WWJD camp. For example- Jesus hung out with a bunch of Fishermen, but he never fished. One of his disciples was a physician, but he did not practice medicine. Paul of Tarsus who brought the Gospel to the gentiles made tents, but Jesus was the son of a carpenter. The Bible never says that Jesus made anything out of wood, but many have assumed that since his father was a carpenter, then Jesus was also. 

So can one assume from the Bible that asking would Jesus occupy Wall Street that he wouldn't because he would be too busy at his job? Is that the answer? Are they asking about the post-Cana Jesus who spent most of his time walking around preaching and healing? Or are the asking about the Pre-Cana Jesus who was making benches?

Here's my take- even when Jesus arrived, people wanted him to be to them what they wanted Him to be not who he was. At that time they were asking Jesus "Deliver us from Rome, be our King!". When they found out he wasn't going to do that for them, they crucified Him. 

Jesus never was or will he ever be on any side of a political movement. He never held an office. He never organized a march. He never told people to protest. The call of Jesus was call to personal repentance from Sin and a charge to go and make disciples. It was to draw us closer to the Father, not to encourage us to rally and vote. Sure, there were things that Jesus talked about that influence our moral decision making, but using WWJD as a catch all to make life an easier decision is simplistic and illogical. 

Jesus never rode a rollercoaster. Jesus never drove a car. Jesus didn't have any products from Apple. Jesus never ate hot wings. 

Would Jesus occupy Wall Street is not the question. The question is, will you let Jesus occupy your heart? That is what he is more concerned with. Not who has what and who is doing what. He is most concerned with you and where you are at, and if you are letting him occupy your heart. Do not ask if Jesus would occupy Wall Street. Ask if Jesus is occupying your heart. 

Occupy My Heart Jesus!!

be blessed
pastor matt


Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Lesson From Stacking Wood

The gravy train has been shut down at our house lately. The wife and I have decided over the last few months to stop buying our kids anything that they don't wear or ingest. Basically, now that our kids are getting older, their wants are getting more expensive, and its also a good time for them to start learning some life lessons. 

Its not an easy transition, because our kids are used to eventually wearing us down to the point where we give in to their requests. Its not huge stuff. Its 20 dollars here, 20 dollars there, but it all adds up. They have been doing chores for money for the past year or so, but there has been this 'slush fund' mentality that they have built that they someone how work me over to get something extra in the cart whenever we go out shopping. 

Its done. Those little trouts are going to learn some life lessons no matter how much it hurts them (or me). 

There is a video game my son wants to purchase that comes out in November. He started asking about it a few months ago and I told him I wouldn't buy it for him, but maybe (big maybe) he would get it for Christmas. You would have been amazed to see his little mind making the change over a matter of minutes- he finally realized that if there was something superfluous that he was desiring, he was going to have to make some money on his own to make it happen. 

Immediately he asked if I knew any ways for him to make some money. 

So yesterday he went to stack some wood at a friend of mines house. I had to drive him, and sit there for 2 hours while he did it, but that guy worked for 2 hours stacking wood. I was really proud of him. He didn't complain. He dug in and did some good hard work. He is learning a lot of different life lessons from this experience, but this is the one that I am most excited about- if my son wants something to change in his life, he is going to have to do something about it. 

Did you catch that? If you want your life to change you are going to have to do something about it. 

I know, I'm sure some of you are already thinking, aren't you a pastor? Aren't you supposed to speak words of faith and trust in God? Yes, of course I am. That is what I do- but even the act of Faith is an ACTION. Its requires that we have to get involved in the equation. Even when we begin to trust God it is an action. Its a process that we are involved in that requires some involvement on our part. No, its not entirely up to us, but there is this sense of cosmic interdependence between us and God that exists, but we must move. We must act. We must take part. We cannot sit on the sidelines and merely wait for everything in our life to somehow unfold. 

You have to get out of bed in the morning. 

You have to get dressed. 

You have to stack some wood. 

All that from stacking wood? Yes. Like I said, I sat there for 2 hours watching that kid stack. 

Is there an action that you need to be taking? A process that you need to get involved in that you have been sitting around waiting to happen? Get involved in the process. Yes, pray and believe and ask of God, but realize that no matter what, at some point, you are going to have to get involved at some level in the process. 

Sitting around doing nothing never produced anything. Unless you think nothing is something, then in that case you got something, even though I think its nothing. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Adult Stuck In A Playground Swing For 9 hours! (article included)


Have you ever done something that you wish you hadn't done? I am sure that this guy in this article wishes that he wouldn't have taken the bet against his friends on whether or not he could fit into a child's swing at a playground. He got in there, got stuck, and then his 'friends' left him there for 9 hours to hang in the air! I guess he got back all that time as a kid when he asked his parents if he could stay on the swing for 'one more minute'. He got 9 more hours in fact!

You can read the article here- http://www.timesheraldonline.com/ci_19176380

We have all done stuff that we wish that we had not. I think the difference is that usually what we did does not show up on a news story!

I was reflecting on that article this morning, and I was thinking- what would compel a grown man to try to shove himself into an apparatus that was obviously only meant for a child? The article does not say how large the man was, but I don't think that I could have fit in there, that is for sure. But even if I could, what would be the point? 

I'm guessing it was to get a laugh. 

Ha ha buddy. Ha ha. Its not that funny for him 9 hours later I'm sure. Maybe he shouldn't have tried to be a kid again. Perhaps he has grown up to the point where doing childish things aren't as fun as they used to be. 

 But here's what I was thinking this morning as I was reading this article- often times we do childish things when it comes to our own lives. It may not be soaping up and getting into a swing, but maybe its something different. The way we talk to someone, the way we respond to someone, the attitude we have in a situation. Something childish that comes through in our daily life. 

These two verses came to my mind- Matt 18:3 "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven". and 1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man I put the ways of my childhood behind me".

Two different views. How do we reconcile them? I think we should always have child like faith when it comes to the things of God, but I think in our actions and our demeanor we should move past our childish ways. The things we did as children we need to move past, but the faith we had as children should not change. 

What is the message today? Have child like faith, but don't act like a child when you are an adult. I am sure that you won't be getting into any swing sets anytime soon but I think you can get the point this morning- there is a point when you have to grow up, and if you don't you may find yourself in a situation that you may not like, simply because you made a childish decision. 

Stay a child, but grow up. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What About Those Protesters Anyway?

Have you been watching or reading the news? There are some protests that are going on in the United States right now. I'm not exactly sure what they protests are about, but from what I can tell, it has something to do with money. There are large groups of people that are protesting against other people that have money, and asking them to give their money away. 

They are saying that 1% controls all the money and the other 99% don't have it, so they want it. At least that's what I seem to get out of that whole thing. I'm not exactly sure what they are expecting. Should the billionaires walk out into the street and give cash away, then the people will go home? Then what?

I am sure that some people that will read this blog today will challenge my commentary and declare on moral grounds, that the protesters are right, and that for me to stand up for the rich, I am a conservative right wing whacko. 

Save it. I'm not standing up for either of them. 

Take either side of this 'argument' and you can declare that there is stream of greed. One side has it, the other wants it. Wikipedia defines greed as "an excessive desire to possess wealth, goods, or abstract things of value with the intention to keep it for one's self."

That sounds to me like the definition fits for the nameless people who are sitting there counting their billions, and the people who are standing outside holding a sign. The intention is to keep it for themselves = greed. 

In the book of Proverbs, I found this verse-  Proverbs 28:25 A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the Lord will prosper.

That is my take on this whole thing. I can appreciate that are times that protesting can influence cultural change, and that it has produced results in the past, but when it comes to money, you can say whatever you want- it always comes down to greed.

We are not to trust anyone else but God for our provision. Sure, have a job, get a job, work, but realize that the only way to prosper in this world is to continually trust in God. 

Are you a person who is greedy? Do you complain about what you do not have? Learn to trust God with your provision. Do not waste your time worrying about what someone else has or someone trying to take what you have.

Spend more time trusting God and praying for His provision.  You will have less dissension and more prosperity. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My First Computer I bought Was Mac Plus

My first computer I ever bought was a MacPlus. I got it in 1993 to take to college with me. I loved that computer. It was so simple to use, I had a whopping 4 megabytes (not gigabytes) of RAM and 125 megabyte external hard drive- which people balked at and asked me- "what are you going to do with all that space"?

The MacPlus is gone. As of yesterday- so is its inventor. 

People in my generation grew up on Apple computers. We had them at our schools as kids and played "Oregon Trail" and carried around 5 and half inch floppy disks in our folders. I learned my first things about computers on an apple. I do not own an apple product at this time- but I have a respect for what Apple did, and what they produced. That company did some amazing things. 

What I think was the most amazing thing about Apple is that they created a culture around a product. People who love Apple love Apple and are relentless in its defense. Who would have thought that just by making earphones white instead of the standard black, that you could influence people to buy a product that is 3 times more expensive than the non-apple product. 

Apple did. They created a cult following, and its pretty amazing. All from Steve Jobs garage. Wow. 

Makes me think- we all have an ability to make an impact on the world. Sure, more than likely not a world-renown company that changes the culture of the face of the earth- but we all have some ability to make an impact. 

I was thinking about that yesterday when I was at a funeral- everyone dies and everyone leaves some sort of legacy- the question is- what kind?

Every single day you have an opportunity to impact the world around you. You have the chance to love on people and encourage them. You can make a difference in peoples lives simply by being a friend to them. You don't have to invent a million dollar product to leave a mark. Make a difference in one persons life and you leave a mark. 

Be encouraged with that today. Make a decision to leave a mark on this world through relationships. Love people relentlessly and you'll leave an impact that really matters to the world. Just because everyone in the world doesn't know you doesn't mean you don't matter. 

You matter. Love people and leave a legacy. 

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Apparently Romo Likes Field Goals

Did you watch Monday Night Football last night? It was a game between The Cowboys of Dallas and the Redskins of Washington.  

I'm not sure if you watch football, but our family watches it quite often. It is a fun sport to watch, because it includes these really inspirational sporting actions called "touchdowns". Touchdowns are when the team with the inflated piece of leather runs or throws it across a line at the end of the field. 

For some reason, when this happens, its pretty cool. Someone runs hard and gets across the line. Someone jumps and catches a pass that was thrown. Its the reason people go to football games. To see touchdowns. 

Last night, the Dallas cowboys won the competition over the Redskins with a score of 18. The Redskins posted a score of 16. Here is the interesting part though- the Cowboys did not get one touchdown. All those points we received by kicking the ball through the goal posts and getting field goals. 

For most football fans, it wasn't the most exciting game. Like I said, people like to see touchdowns. 

Here is another component of this sport though- the goal is to have more points than the other team when the time is expired. The truth is that it doesn't really matter where the points came from, the team with the more points wins, plain and simple. 

I was thinking about that this morning through the filter of Faith. Often times I think that people of faith can get discouraged if they are not "touchdown Christians". I think its easy to look at the heroes of the Faith and think that just because you never healed the sick, raised the dead, set free a nation from slavery, wrote a book of the Bible or heard God speak from a burning bush that your life doesn't matter. 

That is not true. Yes there are exciting events that happened and do happen in the lives of people who follow Jesus Christ. But do not worry that you don't have any spiritual touchdowns that everyone cheers and talks about. Understand that the only thing that matters in your walk with God is to finish the race. It makes no difference if it looks pretty or if people write books about you. 

I like the verse from 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith".

Like in football, the only thing that matters is winning. If you keep the faith, you win. That is it. 

Do not harp on the Cowboys today. They won. Do not be hard on yourself today. If you have Faith in Jesus Christ and you live for him that is all that matters. 

Keep the faith. Finish the race. 

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Are You Childish?

I have children. Two of them. Lately is been pretty awesome having them around. They are finally getting to that age when you can have real conversations with them and joke around with them a bit. Like on Sunday, it was raining on the way home from church and one of them asked "Daddy, why does it rain?" and I said "Rain happens when God is crying, its probably because of something you did". We all had a good laugh (I didn't really say that, that's an old SNL Jack Handy quote). 

But seriously, we like to joke around and have fun a lot. 

I was thinking yesterday about how much we can learn from kids and our relationship with God. In Matthew 18:3 it says- "And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Here are some child-like traits that would be great to apply to your relationship with God (this is a non-exhaustive list).

1. Children trust easily. They don't think too much about the why's or the how's. They will do stuff that adults won't because they don't over think things. 

2. Children are obedient. For the most part, Children do what their parents ask (eventually). There is a part of them that knows that disobedience comes at a price. 

3. Children are loving. Most kids have to learn to be mean from someone else. They are naturally loving and accepting. You don't have to be exactly like them to play with them. 

4. Children follow. If there is a leader, kids will follow them. 

5. Children are forgiving. They rarely hold grudges. The person you fought with yesterday is your friend at recess the next day. 

Now I am sure that there are exceptions to these statements, but for the most part I think they are pretty commonly held beliefs. If this isn't how the children are that you know, this is how they should be.

Its also how we should be in our relationship with God. 

Do you trust? Are you obedient? Loving? Do you follow the Lord? Do you forgive?

Take a small lesson from a child today and realize that God desires child-like faith from us for us to be able to see His kingdom. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Are You on The Shore or in The Waves?

When I was in elementary school, my father lived in Hawaii, so my brother and I would go there to visit him a few times a year on the island of Oahu. It was a fantastic place to visit when you are kid, because there are so many beaches, and places to do fun stuff. We would go to beaches with names like Makaha and Makapuu and a beach that we called the "Gold Mine" because it had so many  shells to find on the beach. 

We loved collecting the beautiful shells. I can't even describe the colors that they were and how spectacular they were. They were amazing. 

Upon my initial visit to Hawaii, I remember that I would spend a lot of time on the beach walking up and down in water that was only up to my knees. It was fun, but it didn't take me long to figure out that when you are walking on the beach, you only get to find the type of shells that get left behind by other people (ones that are small, broken or undesirable). Eventually, I figured out that to find the best shells to collect, you had to get into the waves. Not only did I have to get into the waves, I had to get into the deeper water where I couldn't touch. 

It was out in the deepest water that I found the best shells. 

I was reflecting on that this morning and thinking about faith in God. 

Often times I think that our spiritual lives are somewhat like that also. We want to have the great things of God, but we want to stay on the shore where its safe. Where we can touch the ground and not be encumbered by any un-forseen circumstances that may cause us any harm. We want to be safe. 

Faith is not safe. Faith puts you in circumstances where you have to trust God and believe that He is going to take care of you as you are going through something that is uncomfortable or scary. Typically, the situation is not as terrifying as we think it is, its just that we can't touch the bottom of the ocean floor, so we assume it is going to be too difficult. 

The truth is that more often that not, God has given you the ability to swim, and he will be there with you as you do. 

So what to do? Walk by faith! Do not be a person who constantly stands on the shores of life refusing to go somewhere where you have to actually trust and believe. Instead, be a person who trusts God through all circumstances and endeavors. Believe that even though the situations around you may feel like waves crashing over your head, that through it you will find a "Gold Mine" of resources that will bless you beyond anything that you could imagine. 

But you have to get off the shore. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Possibly The Best Video I Have Seen on The Internet In a Long Time

What does it take to get you motivated? Is it the hope of pleasure or the fear of pain? Is it when you read something, or when you hear something? When you see something or you feel something?

Motivation is an interesting thing. Its a word that is thrown around a lot. Its something that we talk about often in varying circles of our life. How many times have I said to myself, 'I'm just not motivated today"?

Its important though. Without any motivation or inspiration, often life can become a dreary drab drag of a day that feels like it will never end. You end up feeling loathsome and depressed and you don't get anything accomplished in your life. 

This should not be so. 

Luckily, I have scoured the Universe and have found the key to all motivation for all people from this point forward. Oddly enough, I have found it in a video on the internet. I do not know the context of this Inspirational speech, or the Television show from which it came. I do know this- if you watch this video you will be utterly and completely motivated for all endeavors for the rest of your life. 

Its the truth. 

There are two things from this video that I would like to draw attention to. 

1. I absolutely love the part when the guy talks about people blaming others because of their lack of success. I think this part is key. Often times people blame their upbringing, their family, an event, a relationship, or something else as the reason why they are the way that they are.  All it is is an excuse. A reason they can use for why they are seemingly unsuccessful. Its not true. Its a lie. You can become anything regardless of your background or experiences. 

2. The battle cry at the end. Honestly, that is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. At first it seems out of context, but the more I reflect on it, it has fantastic context, and here's why- Emotional intensity. In life, regardless of the endeavor, you must have a measure of emotional intensity. This guy has some emotional intensity that is over the top, and in this case appears to have not saved him from being kicked off whatever pointless reality show this clip came from. But I still think it proves a point- be emotionally intense. 

How are you on those two things? Do you blame others? Do you have any emotionally intensity to your goals? 

Here's what you do- Next time you are talking to God, ask Him to help you forgive those people in your life that you have been holding a grudge against so that you can move forward. Declare that you will no longer hold them responsible for your shortcomings. Secondly, ask for inspiration for some emotional intensity. Now, this may not be manifested in such a way as this guy, but you should get some emotions behind what you do. 

Don't blame others. Get emotionally intense. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

</object><div style="padding:5px 0; text-align:center;">See more <a href="http://www.todaysbigthing.com/">funny videos</a> and <a href="http://www.todaysbigthing.com/">TBT</a> at <a href="http://www.todaysbigthing.com/">Todays Big Thing</a>.</div>

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Friday, September 9, 2011

Every Body's Working For The Weekend (Video Included)

I get on the social networking site Facebook every once in a while, and when you are on the site on Fridays there are many people who post about the global significance of it being Friday. 

There are posts like "Its FRIDAY", "Hey everyone, Friday!" and "TGIF" which is my favorite because it thanks God that it is Friday. Many people seem to be very excited that it is Friday and that their workweek has come to an end. 

There was a Music Band named Loverboy that had a song "Working for the Weekend" that came out in 1981 (I was 6 years old). And whenever I hear someone get excited about Friday, for some reason I always hear this song in my head.

I am including the song so that from this point forward you can join me in thinking about this song every Friday for the rest of your life. 

Here's the issue I have with a "Friday Centered" mentality- what this Friday centered mentality produces is a contingent of the American worker that seemingly only enjoys their life two days a week. Monday through Friday are drudgery and Saturday and Sunday are King. (Sunday more so since you get to go to church). 

When someone spends their work week drudging through, waiting for the end of the week, they may miss out on some joy and blessings throughout the week. There are great things that can happen throughout the week if you would look for them. 

First off- thank God for the work of your hands. If you're at a job or you are at home, thank God that you have hands that have the ability to get some work done. There is something intrinsically satisfying to getting something accomplished. "Moving the needle" as I like to say, is a gratifying task in and of itself. 

Secondly, focus on the positive. Work, no matter where, is filled with people. People like you and me who are getting it done. Use this opportunity to connect with other people and share some joy and love. You are with them 8 hrs a day, use it as an opportunity to affect other peoples lives. If you are at home, surround yourself with others in your phase of life and connect with them. 

Last- Praise God for the gift of a day. Here's what I mean- every day ends. If it is good, or it is bad, it ends and that is a good thing. Often times we forget that His mercies are new every morning, and that we can find joy in every single day that we live, not just Fridays. 

Don't just work for the weekend. Live every day to the fullest. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Do You Want A Fruitful Relationship?

I was on the radio last night, and shared these truths on the show, but I thought it would be good to put them down here on the blog for those of you who missed the show, and for future reference.

Relationships are important. They are the what makes this world go around. If you don't know how to make and keep healthy relationships, you will struggle in this life. Here is a list of some things to think about when it comes to relationships. (I acquired this list- it is not wholly mine, but it is still good.)

1. Begin with the guy in the mirror. (Matthew 22:39 – love your neighbour as yourself). We can only love others to the degree that we love ourselves, and we only love ourselves to the degree that we know the love of God.

2. Be a faithful friend. (Prov. 17:17 – a friend loves at all times). We need to love our friends even when they are being unlovable, for it is then that they need our friendship the most.

3. Speak only encouraging words to everyone. (Prov. 18:21 “the power of death and life are in the tongue” & Eph. 4:29). You’ve heard the rhyme, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." That’s not true. Words can wound greater than sticks and stones!

4. Be friendly to everyone you meet. (Prov. 18:24 – he who has friends must be friendly). If you have a real negative, grouchy attitude all the time, you will have a hard time making friends!

5. Practice love everyday. (READ 1 Cor. 13:4-8a). Don’t just say, "I love you." Love is patient, love is kind, love believes the best, etc.

6. Help people in trouble all the time. (Gal. 6:2 – God wants us to share each others troubles & problems).

7. Pray for one another daily. (James 5:16 – pray for one another). Never pass up an opportunity to pray with someone.

8. Pursue peace with all men. (Rom. 12:18 – as much as possible). This is not easy, but this is very important. 

9. Know how to deal with offenses. (Matt. 18:15 - if someone offends you, go and talk to them about it, don’t go and talk to others about it). Jesus said, “Offenses will come,” but its how we deal with it that makes the difference.

10. Forgive one another. (Eph. 4:32 - forgive each other as Christ forgave us). In any relationship, you will have to choose to forgive the other person when they hurt or offend you.

Hope this blesses you as it did me. 

pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

No Blog Today

No Blog today- must use all my brain power to host radio show on KGNW this afternoon from 4-6pm.PST Tune in on 820AM and have a listen!! you can listen to it live streaming on the website if you are not local.

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

If I Can't Go To The Moon, I'm Not Going Anywhere (pic included)


Have you ever had a huge goal? Something that you wanted to do or accomplish or get done? Big or small, goals are good. But there is a dangerous part of goal setting that is important to remember. I call it the "Moon or nowhere" syndrome. 

Let me explain. 

I have come to the realization that I am never going to walk on the moon, and I'm okay with it.  By some estimates, there has been about 105 billion people that have ever lived on this planet, of which 12 people have walked on the moon. 

Not very good odds of me going to the moon based on that statistic. 

Now, at this point, I have a choice to make, I am either going to find an achievable goal that will be somewhat as exhilarating or monumental or I will state that since I cannot go to the moon, I am not going to go anywhere. 

I fell victim to this syndrome a few years back with my workouts. When I was in college, I was very fit and quite consistent with my workouts. I was making great advances in my overall fitness. 

Then I got married, and started eating, and found out that when you have a life and a wife there isn't a lot of time hanging around for weighing your food and going to the gym for 2 hours a day. For a while, because I could not accomplish in the gym what I wanted to, I did nothing. I didn't care what I ate and I didn't do any physical activity.

Let me let you in on a little secret- when you don't care what you eat and you don't do any physical activity it will eventually catch up with you. 

So what do we do? If we can't go to the moon, do we do nothing? Obviously not. I got back into the gym and set some different goals and realized I am not a 20 year old college student anymore. 

The correct mindset to have is to realize that possibly the goal that has been set is too high, therefore a new goal must be set. One that is measureable and achievable. I may not be able to go to the moon, but I can hike a mountain. I may not be able to go into a rocket ship, but I can jump out of a plane. (for the record I do not want to go to the moon, climb a mountain or jump out of a plane). 

What things are you not doing in your life because they seem too far out of your reach? What can you do today that is a more realistic goal? Set a more realistic goal and you will find that you are accomplishing more because you are setting the bar at a height at which you can reach it. Once you reach it, you will end up setting a higher goal. 

Set a goal today. Spiritual, physical, emotional, financial or career. Whatever it is. Set one. 

Be blessed
pastor matt

ps. here is a slick pic of the moon my friend Dmitry took. 

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Friday, August 26, 2011

Oh My Goodness... there is a flaming ball in the sky!!!

For a Seattle morning, it doesn't get better than this. 

We have had a pretty lame summer this year, but the last week has been beautiful. That is, if you think beautiful is a lack of rain and lots of sunshine. It has been quite different than the weather that we have had the rest of the summer.

On days like this, I sleep with my window open in my bedroom, and wake up to the smell of the outside and the coolness of the morning. I find that when it is sunny, and dry and warm, I wake up with a different spirit. 

I wish it weren't that way. 

I am not trying to take the fun out of today- but here's the reality- the dreariness of a cold dark wet morning is looming right around the corner. Ask any Seattlite and they will tell you. Its sunny, but rain is around the corner. 

The truth is that the weather shouldn't dictate my happiness. 

Every day, regardless of weather, should be started positively with a spirit of expectancy. Its a spirit that says "God, I know you are going to do great things today, and I want to be part of it".

I was reading the psalms this morning and found this verse " In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice, in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation" (psalm 5:3). 

The important part of that verse is this- "I lay my requests". I think that is the key to a great day- connecting with God and letting him know your desires for the day. Don't be afraid to talk to him about what is going on or what you need. Because, here is the second part of that verse- "expectation".

Expectation is assurance that something is going to happen. Its not just that you have made your requests to God, its that you expect that He is actually going to act on that request. That great things are going to happen in your day because you have connected with the creator of the Universe, and He will move. 

Have a great day today and every day when you talk to God every morning and expect Him to move. Don't just merely trudge through the day and get by- spend time with God and watch your day flourish regardless of the weather. 

Sunny is good. But its not the only way to have a great day.

Expect God to MOVE!!!

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Computer is Talking to Me

I think computers are pretty smart. Maybe too smart. I'm not saying that we are half a step away from our computers becoming self aware, but they are definitely smarter than the Apple IIe I used back in the day to play Oregon Trail. 

I'm not sure if you have figured this out yet- but your browser for the world wide web 'learns' over time. Yep. If you search for something on google or something like that, your computer has 'cookies' that file away what you search for and then 'they' put forth advertisements that 'they' think you will click on. (you can clean out your cookies by the way). 

Its rather interesting to see what advertisements come up all the time for me- some of which totally apply to me, and some of which do not. 

Disneyland- I see Disneyland advertisements every single day. I am sure there is someone in the home office who is personally sending those because they know "The Krachunis family will eventually come, keep putting those up". The ads say things to me like "its not too late for some summer fun!'.

Netflix- I'm already a customer, but apparently they know I've been searching for alternatives, so they must be trying to keep me.

"Maple Valley Mom Makes $1,734 a month sitting at home"- I have been seeing this one for years. I haven't searched for this one before, but sure, I'd love to make that much money for doing nothing. Haven't clicked yet, but it just may work. 

Cruise Deals- I searched about some cruise stuff a while back and they are still trying to get me. 

Camera Stuff- I am always looking at camera stuff. New lenses, new flashes. All that gear is fun to look at. 

All of these attempts to advertise to me have yet to influence my purchase. Maybe it will overtime, but as of yet, I am holding strong. This is what I will say- 

They are relentless, and they have learned what I like. Or at least what I search for on the internet. 

What's the point? 2 Corinthians 2:11 says "in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes". Satan is somewhat like your web browser. He learns what you like and what you will gravitate towards so he uses it against you. 

Let me explain- as sure as there is a God, there is the Devil. In the spiritual realm, the forces of evil do whatever they can to to try to entice us to stay away from the things of God. They will use whatever they can and do whatever is necessary to pull us away from the Lord. 

We must not be unaware. We must not give in. 

So how do we do that? Be aware that you are being enticed. Pay attention to your 'triggers' that pull you away from God and stay away from them. If there are things that you do or places that you go that pull you away from God, don't do them, or don't go there. Its that simple. 

Its a scheme of the evil one. Be aware of it. Put some simple controls in your life to keep you from those things and you'll find that your spiritual life stays more in tact. 

be blessed
pastor matt

Posted via email from Faith and Victory Church Blog