Do you listen well? I mean do you actually listen when people are talking to you? Most people would say that they do listen, but I think that most people just wait for their turn to talk. They don't really take the time to actually listen to what the other person is saying.
My friend Russ sent me quote earlier this week that I want share with you. Its awesome. "Listening is hearing with the intent to change your mind” (author unknown). Did you read that? That's a powerful statement if you can really wrap your mind around it. It means that when someone is talking to you, you have to be willing to change your mind into their way of thinking, or you are never truly listening.
I don't know why people are so afraid that if they actually allow someone elses thoughts into their consciousness that they run the risk of losing their perspective on the world. If your convictions are that strong, why should you be concerned with an opposing view? People who are good listeners allow the other persons perspective into their mind and then decide whether or not it should stay.
Why is this so important? Because God often uses other people to get you back on track to where you need to be. And if you are not listening when people are talking to you, you could possibly miss out on something that could change your life.
Mind you, there are some people out there that have no idea what they are talking about, so you want to make sure that they are morally grounded. Don't take advice on how to swim from someone who is drowning.
On the other hand, don't be afraid to let someone into your mind that is challenging your way of thinking. It may be possible that you're thinking wrong about something, and it needs to be challenged. Again, if your convictions are that strong, you shouldn't have much to worry about, but at least you will be actually listening to them, and that's a good thing.
People say God doesn't talk. I think sometimes we just don't listen well enough.
Listen up! And be blessed,
Matt of Faith and Victory in Auburn Wa ( shares insights, thoughts and periodic ramblings. This blog address has been somewhat discontinued, to read current blogs, please go to
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Golfing With Tiger Woods
I don't know where my kids come up with this stuff. Yesterday we were on our way to church and my son started in with his interrogation. For those of you with kids, you know what I'm talking about. Its those times when your kids are bored and they start firing off questions that are completely strange. Like right now, my daughter just walked up to me and said, "Dad, how does skin get on your lips?". Like I'm supposed to know or something.
So anyway, yesterday my son asks, "Dad, could you beat Tiger Woods in Golf?". I love my son. How awesome is it that He looks at His Dad with such adoration that I could actually beat Tiger Woods in golf. The reality is that if you know my golf game, I have the same chances of beating Tiger in Golf that I do in beating a Dodge Viper in a foot race.
But do you know what I love about that question though? Kids don't see the world in the same way that adults do. We set limits. We talk ourselves out of it before we try it. We decide before we even try that we will lose. We consider people better than us because they excel at a certain activity. We limit ourselves.
Jesus talked about children quite a bit. He used them for examples of how we should approach and understand God. I think that is because Children are not as jaded as adults are. They see the world differently. In my sons mind, Tiger is a person who golfs, therefore, if my dad Golfs, he should be able to beat him. No limits.
Regress a bit today. Go back to a time in your life when you were a child and you believed a little easier and didn't over think everything. Realize that sometimes the greatest mysteries of the world can be understood if we would come "as little children".
Regress, but still go to work.
So anyway, yesterday my son asks, "Dad, could you beat Tiger Woods in Golf?". I love my son. How awesome is it that He looks at His Dad with such adoration that I could actually beat Tiger Woods in golf. The reality is that if you know my golf game, I have the same chances of beating Tiger in Golf that I do in beating a Dodge Viper in a foot race.
But do you know what I love about that question though? Kids don't see the world in the same way that adults do. We set limits. We talk ourselves out of it before we try it. We decide before we even try that we will lose. We consider people better than us because they excel at a certain activity. We limit ourselves.
Jesus talked about children quite a bit. He used them for examples of how we should approach and understand God. I think that is because Children are not as jaded as adults are. They see the world differently. In my sons mind, Tiger is a person who golfs, therefore, if my dad Golfs, he should be able to beat him. No limits.
Regress a bit today. Go back to a time in your life when you were a child and you believed a little easier and didn't over think everything. Realize that sometimes the greatest mysteries of the world can be understood if we would come "as little children".
Regress, but still go to work.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A Nuclear Bomb Is Going To Drop
At least that's what I thought when I was kid. I grew up in North Seattle, underneath the flight pattern for Sea-Tac. In the early 1980s there was a lot of talk of World War III and nuclear bombs, and as a child, you don't really understand what is going on, you just pick up bits and pieces of what you hear on the news and what adults are talking about.
What did I pick up? Nuclear bombs drop from planes and it is imminent that its going to happen in the US. So I would lay in my bed at night thinking that one of these planes was just about to drop a bomb on me and my house.
Forget the fact that they were all commercial planes, and that the world just doesn't work that way. For me, at that time in my life it was my reality, even though it wasn't grounded in fact. Ask my mother. I worried about alot of pointless things as a child. Things that never happened and had no semblance of even a minute probability. Worrying about Nuclear Holocaust and the arrival of the "Killer Bees" didn't make it happen, or keep it from happening, all it did was give me something to worry about.
I've since grown up a bit. I don't worry like I used to. How did this happen? I came to realize as Jesus said that "who of you can add a single hour to your life by worrying". I finally figured out that a level of prudence is beneficial, but to sit and worry about something that will never happen, or more than likely will not happen does nothing to benefit me or the people around me. I turn all my worries over to the one who can actually do something about it, when I can not.
You should try it if you're a worrier. Turn it over to Him. Tell Him your worries and then move on. You'll find that 99.9% of your worries are usually not grounded in reality and rarely ever happen. Nothing changes when you worry. It only hurts you.
Stop worrying. Turn it over.
What did I pick up? Nuclear bombs drop from planes and it is imminent that its going to happen in the US. So I would lay in my bed at night thinking that one of these planes was just about to drop a bomb on me and my house.
Forget the fact that they were all commercial planes, and that the world just doesn't work that way. For me, at that time in my life it was my reality, even though it wasn't grounded in fact. Ask my mother. I worried about alot of pointless things as a child. Things that never happened and had no semblance of even a minute probability. Worrying about Nuclear Holocaust and the arrival of the "Killer Bees" didn't make it happen, or keep it from happening, all it did was give me something to worry about.
I've since grown up a bit. I don't worry like I used to. How did this happen? I came to realize as Jesus said that "who of you can add a single hour to your life by worrying". I finally figured out that a level of prudence is beneficial, but to sit and worry about something that will never happen, or more than likely will not happen does nothing to benefit me or the people around me. I turn all my worries over to the one who can actually do something about it, when I can not.
You should try it if you're a worrier. Turn it over to Him. Tell Him your worries and then move on. You'll find that 99.9% of your worries are usually not grounded in reality and rarely ever happen. Nothing changes when you worry. It only hurts you.
Stop worrying. Turn it over.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Have you ever had someone put a knife to your throat?
I did. Yesterday. I was walking through the mall.... just kidding. Actually I was at the Chiropractors office. As some of you may know, we were in an accident last week, so we've been doing some physical therapy.
So there I am, on my back on this crazy up and down table and the Doctor pulls out this blunt instrument with a hook on it. Think of a real big butter knife that has an end like a huge eagle talon, except it is blunt. And he says, "I'm just going to stimulate your neck muscle" and I was like, "you're what?"
So he has me lay on my back, turn my head all the way to the left and he proceeds to take that thing and stroke some muscle in my neck. OUCH. I'm laying there thinking, I just met this guy last week, and now I'm on my back, with him taking a hook and jabbing it into my throat.
What he did to me next with his manipulations of my body should not be included in a family blog like this. It was insane. It was painful. Literally, I had tears coming out of my eyes and I was whimpering like a wounded dog.
I said to him "Doc, people have to really trust you, don't they?"
Trust is a special thing. And sometimes we have to trust that there are people around us that know things that we do not know that are doing things to us that in the long run may not seem as though they are helping.
Its somewhat like that in our relationship with God. Sometimes He allows things to happen to us, or lets us go through things that at the time we may not understand. But if you learn to trust Him, you'll find out that no matter how painful, he'll find a way to turn it to good.
Usually, He wont use a hook in your neck either.
Be blessed today.
So there I am, on my back on this crazy up and down table and the Doctor pulls out this blunt instrument with a hook on it. Think of a real big butter knife that has an end like a huge eagle talon, except it is blunt. And he says, "I'm just going to stimulate your neck muscle" and I was like, "you're what?"
So he has me lay on my back, turn my head all the way to the left and he proceeds to take that thing and stroke some muscle in my neck. OUCH. I'm laying there thinking, I just met this guy last week, and now I'm on my back, with him taking a hook and jabbing it into my throat.
What he did to me next with his manipulations of my body should not be included in a family blog like this. It was insane. It was painful. Literally, I had tears coming out of my eyes and I was whimpering like a wounded dog.
I said to him "Doc, people have to really trust you, don't they?"
Trust is a special thing. And sometimes we have to trust that there are people around us that know things that we do not know that are doing things to us that in the long run may not seem as though they are helping.
Its somewhat like that in our relationship with God. Sometimes He allows things to happen to us, or lets us go through things that at the time we may not understand. But if you learn to trust Him, you'll find out that no matter how painful, he'll find a way to turn it to good.
Usually, He wont use a hook in your neck either.
Be blessed today.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Poetic Justice
It was funny yesterday at church. I was talking to someone about the blog and they were telling me how much they've been enjoying it and then they asked, "how do you come up with something to write everyday" and I was like, "I don't know, it just comes to me".
Whats funny is that this morning, and on my walk, I've been struggling with what to write. Is it because of that conversation yesterday? Is it because now there is some sort of expectation because people are actually reading this thing?
But you know what? Even if I couldn't come up with something to write about today that had some sort of quasi-spiritual inspiration, or motivation, I still wrote this blog. Why? because sometimes you do things because you said you were going to do them. Even if you don't feel like it. Even if for a day the luster is gone and you wonder if it even matters.
My goal for the the blog in 2009 was two fold. 1. Do it every day M-F. 2. Grow the readership to 1000 people. One goal I can completely control. One I cannot. So what am I doing? Controlling what I can control and not worrying about the other.
I'm sure you've set out to do goals before, and after a few weeks they lose their excitement and they become work. Most people quit or get tired at this point. Do you know what motivated people do? They dig in and do it because they committed to it.
Wait. Did I just write the blog? Is there some sort of value that can be redeemed from this diatribe?
How bout this: We honor God by keeping our commitments.
There. Done and done.
Be blessed!
Whats funny is that this morning, and on my walk, I've been struggling with what to write. Is it because of that conversation yesterday? Is it because now there is some sort of expectation because people are actually reading this thing?
But you know what? Even if I couldn't come up with something to write about today that had some sort of quasi-spiritual inspiration, or motivation, I still wrote this blog. Why? because sometimes you do things because you said you were going to do them. Even if you don't feel like it. Even if for a day the luster is gone and you wonder if it even matters.
My goal for the the blog in 2009 was two fold. 1. Do it every day M-F. 2. Grow the readership to 1000 people. One goal I can completely control. One I cannot. So what am I doing? Controlling what I can control and not worrying about the other.
I'm sure you've set out to do goals before, and after a few weeks they lose their excitement and they become work. Most people quit or get tired at this point. Do you know what motivated people do? They dig in and do it because they committed to it.
Wait. Did I just write the blog? Is there some sort of value that can be redeemed from this diatribe?
How bout this: We honor God by keeping our commitments.
There. Done and done.
Be blessed!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Lessons from the Doctors Office
We're taking the kids to the doctor this morning. Nothing visibly wrong, just want to make sure that everything is documented from Sunday, that's all. I've got to tell you, I'm not looking forward to it. Why? Because I know that no matter what we're going to have to sit and wait.
Sure, there will be some great copies of Ladies Home Journal and Guns and Ammo to look over. With their bent pages and articles with pages ripped out. More than likely they'll have a television that will be showing a court drama show or the latest installment of The View. But that's not what's going to get me. It will be the waiting. The not knowing. The wondering when I will be able to get on with my day and not sit and wait for someone else to get their job done.
Its frustrating to wait. To wonder and not know what an outcome is going to be. People who know me will tell you, patient is not usually one of the words that people use to describe me. But do you know what? I know right now what I am about to go through and I can make a decision before I get there how I am going to respond.
Its always the same when I go there, so why should I act surprised? I can decide right now,while I'm sitting at the kitchen table, before I've even had my oats, to be patient today. I can choose to not let the wait get to me. I can choose to not get annoyed and take this opportunity to enjoy myself.
The Bible talks about patience as a fruit of the spirit, and for me sometimes its hardest one to pluck from the tree. But I know this- God wants me to be patient, so weather I want to be or not, its something that I need to work towards. I can't just throw my hands in the air and say I'll never change, or that's not something that I can do. I must continue to ask Him to help me grow, to show me areas I can improve and learn to be more patient.
Even if it means a morning in a Doctors office.
Be blessed today.
Sure, there will be some great copies of Ladies Home Journal and Guns and Ammo to look over. With their bent pages and articles with pages ripped out. More than likely they'll have a television that will be showing a court drama show or the latest installment of The View. But that's not what's going to get me. It will be the waiting. The not knowing. The wondering when I will be able to get on with my day and not sit and wait for someone else to get their job done.
Its frustrating to wait. To wonder and not know what an outcome is going to be. People who know me will tell you, patient is not usually one of the words that people use to describe me. But do you know what? I know right now what I am about to go through and I can make a decision before I get there how I am going to respond.
Its always the same when I go there, so why should I act surprised? I can decide right now,while I'm sitting at the kitchen table, before I've even had my oats, to be patient today. I can choose to not let the wait get to me. I can choose to not get annoyed and take this opportunity to enjoy myself.
The Bible talks about patience as a fruit of the spirit, and for me sometimes its hardest one to pluck from the tree. But I know this- God wants me to be patient, so weather I want to be or not, its something that I need to work towards. I can't just throw my hands in the air and say I'll never change, or that's not something that I can do. I must continue to ask Him to help me grow, to show me areas I can improve and learn to be more patient.
Even if it means a morning in a Doctors office.
Be blessed today.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Why It Is Important To Ask.
Some of my family think I'm different. Why? Because I'll ask anyone for anything. Literally.
There have been times when we are in restaurants and I have asked to substitute when it says "no substitutions". One time I looked for the manager in the Home Depot and asked for a price off a cabinet because of a scratch. Two days ago I asked for the manager of the Rack and negotiated a 2 shoe deal that wasn't advertised. I ask for different seating, a lower price, a chance to get something for a deal.
When we were in Ghana, I met the Prime Minister of Papa New Guinea because I asked. Yesterday I asked someone if I could have their truck, and they gave it to me. I'll ask anyone for anything.
I'm not sure where that trait comes from, maybe my mother or something. Maybe its because I figured out a long time ago that if you never ask, you'll never know. I rarely think " I wonder what would have happened if I would have asked", because I ask all the time.
How did I meet my wife? I asked her out. And then I asked her to marry me 2 months later. How did I get the job I wanted in the Army? I asked for it even though it wasn't available at the time. Ask ask ask.
The Bible says "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened".
That's a great verse and completely applicable in our lives as Christians, but sometimes I don't think we ask frequently enough. God wants to hear our requests. Sure, He may not grant them all, but He does want to hear you. It says so in the Bible.
Is there something that you've been afraid to ask for? Something that you'd like to see changed or improved. Try this today- Let God know your request and see what happens. Ask that person for what it is that you need or want and see what happens.
You'll never know if you never ask.
Be Blessed.
Ps. Special shout out to my friend Will Davis. The ultimate asker.
There have been times when we are in restaurants and I have asked to substitute when it says "no substitutions". One time I looked for the manager in the Home Depot and asked for a price off a cabinet because of a scratch. Two days ago I asked for the manager of the Rack and negotiated a 2 shoe deal that wasn't advertised. I ask for different seating, a lower price, a chance to get something for a deal.
When we were in Ghana, I met the Prime Minister of Papa New Guinea because I asked. Yesterday I asked someone if I could have their truck, and they gave it to me. I'll ask anyone for anything.
I'm not sure where that trait comes from, maybe my mother or something. Maybe its because I figured out a long time ago that if you never ask, you'll never know. I rarely think " I wonder what would have happened if I would have asked", because I ask all the time.
How did I meet my wife? I asked her out. And then I asked her to marry me 2 months later. How did I get the job I wanted in the Army? I asked for it even though it wasn't available at the time. Ask ask ask.
The Bible says "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened".
That's a great verse and completely applicable in our lives as Christians, but sometimes I don't think we ask frequently enough. God wants to hear our requests. Sure, He may not grant them all, but He does want to hear you. It says so in the Bible.
Is there something that you've been afraid to ask for? Something that you'd like to see changed or improved. Try this today- Let God know your request and see what happens. Ask that person for what it is that you need or want and see what happens.
You'll never know if you never ask.
Be Blessed.
Ps. Special shout out to my friend Will Davis. The ultimate asker.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Getting Rid of Pain
Some of you may remember the blog from Monday. Our family was in a rollover accident. Its been 3 days, and I have to tell you, already the images and the reality of it all is beginning to wear off.
The first day or so it was quite surreal. I had a bit of trouble falling asleep, and found myself a bit weepy here and there. I guess its just the finality of it all when you take a moment to sit and think about it. We're still sore and have some scrapes and stuff, but we're alive, and that's a good thing.
My hope is not to turn this into the "Victory Blog-Krachunis Family Wreck O9", but I've got to face the reality that this event that happened on Sunday has the ability to have some far reaching spiritual implications if we can learn from it. This is what Jesus did. He took everyday events and used them describe things about God's nature.
What's the nugget then? We're getting better. All of us. The pain and the emotion of it all is wearing off day by day. Its amazing that we have been created in such a way that we are able to go through very traumatic experiences and get over it. Things do get better over time if we are patient and lean on God in the process.
Sometimes when we are going through things, it seems as if the pain will never end, or the heartache will never subside, but it will. It just takes time.
I pray you're not going through something right now, but if you are, be encouraged that there is a hope for a new day. A promise of a new heart and life that realizes that when we hurt, He hurts with us, and will see us through to a place of rest and peace.
be blessed today.
The first day or so it was quite surreal. I had a bit of trouble falling asleep, and found myself a bit weepy here and there. I guess its just the finality of it all when you take a moment to sit and think about it. We're still sore and have some scrapes and stuff, but we're alive, and that's a good thing.
My hope is not to turn this into the "Victory Blog-Krachunis Family Wreck O9", but I've got to face the reality that this event that happened on Sunday has the ability to have some far reaching spiritual implications if we can learn from it. This is what Jesus did. He took everyday events and used them describe things about God's nature.
What's the nugget then? We're getting better. All of us. The pain and the emotion of it all is wearing off day by day. Its amazing that we have been created in such a way that we are able to go through very traumatic experiences and get over it. Things do get better over time if we are patient and lean on God in the process.
Sometimes when we are going through things, it seems as if the pain will never end, or the heartache will never subside, but it will. It just takes time.
I pray you're not going through something right now, but if you are, be encouraged that there is a hope for a new day. A promise of a new heart and life that realizes that when we hurt, He hurts with us, and will see us through to a place of rest and peace.
be blessed today.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Obama Obama Obama
Today's the day. Inauguration day for Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America. I don't need CNN to tell me, I know its a historic day.
There are some people who are very excited about today, and some that are very upset about today. Regardless, its a day that changes the course of the Nation into the hands of the next person who will attempt to guide us in our attempt to be the longest surviving constitutional republic in the history of mankind.
Where do I stand? In my kitchen with my family. In my church with people of faith. At the homes of my family and friends. I stand knowing that my hopes and dreams are not pinned on a politician, a movement, a way of life.
Traumatic events have a way of providing some perspective. Usually people will spend some time reflecting and realizing what is truly important. Its not stuff, its not sports, it not politics. Its being able to freely worship God and love the people who are close to you. No president will ever change that for me.
Enjoy today and the coverage. Its historic. But remind yourself that the greatest part of our nation is not who governs us, but what opportunities we have as Americans.
The Bible says "he who the Son sets free is free indeed". When you know what it truly means to be free, you walk with a different outlook and mindset. You realize that your future is positive and your outlook bright. You exist knowing that through trials and successes that your life is in His hands.
Remind yourself of that freedom today and walk in it. Be excited with the prospect of a new day. Be excited that there is a God that loves you and wants you to be free!
Be Blessed today.
ps. thanks to everyone who sent a note or called. We're all feeling alot better today. Love you all.
There are some people who are very excited about today, and some that are very upset about today. Regardless, its a day that changes the course of the Nation into the hands of the next person who will attempt to guide us in our attempt to be the longest surviving constitutional republic in the history of mankind.
Where do I stand? In my kitchen with my family. In my church with people of faith. At the homes of my family and friends. I stand knowing that my hopes and dreams are not pinned on a politician, a movement, a way of life.
Traumatic events have a way of providing some perspective. Usually people will spend some time reflecting and realizing what is truly important. Its not stuff, its not sports, it not politics. Its being able to freely worship God and love the people who are close to you. No president will ever change that for me.
Enjoy today and the coverage. Its historic. But remind yourself that the greatest part of our nation is not who governs us, but what opportunities we have as Americans.
The Bible says "he who the Son sets free is free indeed". When you know what it truly means to be free, you walk with a different outlook and mindset. You realize that your future is positive and your outlook bright. You exist knowing that through trials and successes that your life is in His hands.
Remind yourself of that freedom today and walk in it. Be excited with the prospect of a new day. Be excited that there is a God that loves you and wants you to be free!
Be Blessed today.
ps. thanks to everyone who sent a note or called. We're all feeling alot better today. Love you all.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
We Rolled Our Minivan On Sunday
No joke. We did. You can see the picture here. It was crazy. We were on our way to church and were going down Highway 18, when we saw an overturned car on the other side of the freeway. Instinctively, we said "Lord, please be with those people" and literally half a second later we were skidding across ice on an overpass at about 60mph towards the shoulder.

I don't remember much. Just the both of us crying out to God and saying "oh Jesus" over and over. We hit the shoulder and rolled the van. It was odd. I've never been through something like this before. We landed right side up, and I looked in the back and the kids were both okay, and Crystal was too. We all looked at each other and were like "wow".

It was surreal. I didn't know what to do or say. I got out and just kind of stood there and looked at everyone and everything. The first thought in my mind? Man, our rates are gonna go up now. Second thought? I'm definitely not going to make to to first service at church. Third thought? Today is my cheat day, and now it looks like we're not going to make it to the donut shop.
There was a few amazing things that happened in the midst of this.
1. We didn't die.
Sounds odd, but people die in stuff like this all the time. We had some cuts, scrapes and bruises, but none of us went to the hospital. God was definitely with us. I keep playing it over in my head. It just seems so crazy that we're all just a little sore.
2. We met some wonderful complete strangers.
Two cars stopped and helped us with immediate medical care and support. They put Crystal and the kids in their car to keep them warm, stayed with us until our van was towed, and then drove us home. What wonderful people. There are still a bunch of great Americans left out there. I even told them, "you guys are definitely making the blog"- Thanks Chris and Kelly.
3. We learned what really has value.
I could care less about the van. I still have the things that matter most to me close to me.
4. Worship songs at church mean alot more after being in a wreck.
After we got home, we cleaned up and got to church for the 11am service. I tell you, when you sing a song that says "my God is mighty to save" it hits a bit closer when 2hours earlier you were skidding and flipping in the minivan. I still preached the sermon in 2nd service too!
Do you remember the blog from Friday? I didn't think I'd be living out what I wrote Friday, Sunday morning. No one plans for this stuff. It just happens. God is good all the time. He really took care of us. Sometimes the most unlikely things happen.
I know this is a different post, but its what happened yesterday. I didn't know what else to write. What can you take from this? Remember- you can go through horrible things and come out on the other side okay. It doesnt mean you wont go through things, it means that God will be with you as you go through them.
I'm loving me some Jesus today. He is so faithful.
Be blessed. Drive safe.
ps. shout out to my boy Jay for preaching at first service on a moments notice. Thanks bro!

I don't remember much. Just the both of us crying out to God and saying "oh Jesus" over and over. We hit the shoulder and rolled the van. It was odd. I've never been through something like this before. We landed right side up, and I looked in the back and the kids were both okay, and Crystal was too. We all looked at each other and were like "wow".

It was surreal. I didn't know what to do or say. I got out and just kind of stood there and looked at everyone and everything. The first thought in my mind? Man, our rates are gonna go up now. Second thought? I'm definitely not going to make to to first service at church. Third thought? Today is my cheat day, and now it looks like we're not going to make it to the donut shop.
There was a few amazing things that happened in the midst of this.
1. We didn't die.
Sounds odd, but people die in stuff like this all the time. We had some cuts, scrapes and bruises, but none of us went to the hospital. God was definitely with us. I keep playing it over in my head. It just seems so crazy that we're all just a little sore.
2. We met some wonderful complete strangers.
Two cars stopped and helped us with immediate medical care and support. They put Crystal and the kids in their car to keep them warm, stayed with us until our van was towed, and then drove us home. What wonderful people. There are still a bunch of great Americans left out there. I even told them, "you guys are definitely making the blog"- Thanks Chris and Kelly.
3. We learned what really has value.
I could care less about the van. I still have the things that matter most to me close to me.
4. Worship songs at church mean alot more after being in a wreck.
After we got home, we cleaned up and got to church for the 11am service. I tell you, when you sing a song that says "my God is mighty to save" it hits a bit closer when 2hours earlier you were skidding and flipping in the minivan. I still preached the sermon in 2nd service too!
Do you remember the blog from Friday? I didn't think I'd be living out what I wrote Friday, Sunday morning. No one plans for this stuff. It just happens. God is good all the time. He really took care of us. Sometimes the most unlikely things happen.
I know this is a different post, but its what happened yesterday. I didn't know what else to write. What can you take from this? Remember- you can go through horrible things and come out on the other side okay. It doesnt mean you wont go through things, it means that God will be with you as you go through them.
I'm loving me some Jesus today. He is so faithful.
Be blessed. Drive safe.
ps. shout out to my boy Jay for preaching at first service on a moments notice. Thanks bro!
Friday, January 16, 2009
In The Unlikely Event of A Water Landing
I'm sure you saw it. The water landing coming out of La Guardia yesterday? Apparently the bird hit some birds and the veteran pilot landed in the Hudson river. From what I read, it appeared as if there were no casualties. Praise the Lord.
I've been on quite a few flights. I've been to 5 continents and about 30 states,and on almost every single one of those flights you here those immortal words: "In the unlikely event of a water landing, please you your seat cushion as a flotation device".
I would say on most of those flights that I was either a. talking or b. reading the sky mall magazine. There is something quite comforting about reading about a 60 sec hot dog and bun cooker than it is to be thinking about what it would be like to be grabbing your seat cushion and heading out the door of the plane into a body of water. But what did we learn today? Sometimes the most unlikely things can actually happen.
Those people on that plane will never sit through a safety briefing on a plane the same ever again. In the back of their minds they will always remember that sometimes, the most unlikely thing can happen.
Is there someone you need to apologize to? Is there someone you need to ask forgiveness from? Is there someone you need to tell that you love them? The Bible says to not let the sun go down while you are still angry, but I think sometimes people think they have forever to make something right with someone else, themselves, or God.
Don't put it off. Do it today. Its unlikely that you won't still have the opportunity tomorrow, but do you want to take that chance? Sometimes the most unlikely events happen.
Have a great weekend. Be blessed.
I've been on quite a few flights. I've been to 5 continents and about 30 states,and on almost every single one of those flights you here those immortal words: "In the unlikely event of a water landing, please you your seat cushion as a flotation device".
I would say on most of those flights that I was either a. talking or b. reading the sky mall magazine. There is something quite comforting about reading about a 60 sec hot dog and bun cooker than it is to be thinking about what it would be like to be grabbing your seat cushion and heading out the door of the plane into a body of water. But what did we learn today? Sometimes the most unlikely things can actually happen.
Those people on that plane will never sit through a safety briefing on a plane the same ever again. In the back of their minds they will always remember that sometimes, the most unlikely thing can happen.
Is there someone you need to apologize to? Is there someone you need to ask forgiveness from? Is there someone you need to tell that you love them? The Bible says to not let the sun go down while you are still angry, but I think sometimes people think they have forever to make something right with someone else, themselves, or God.
Don't put it off. Do it today. Its unlikely that you won't still have the opportunity tomorrow, but do you want to take that chance? Sometimes the most unlikely events happen.
Have a great weekend. Be blessed.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Sin of American Idol
I must confess. I like this show. I'm a American Idol junkie. We've watched every season since the second one. For some reason the newness of it all isn't seeming to wane. I like it just as much as I did the first time I watched it, except I'm not too sure about that new judge, old 'whats her name'.
In my experience, "Idol Watchers" fall into 3 categories.
1. Those who only enjoy the auditions, and stop watching after they are over.
2. Those who only watch the top 20.
3. Those who watch it all.
I'm in group number three. I watch it all, and I've got to tell you, sometimes, its painful. Watching the contestants that cannot sing at all makes my stomach churn. I feel bad for them, because they are on national TV singing and they can't sing.
But do you know what I thought about last night? At least those people are trying. At least they are putting themselves out there and are attempting to achieve their dreams. They may not sound great, or be the next Teddy P or anything, but at least they don't have to live the rest of their life wondering if they could have made it or not. Sadly, most learn they couldn't have, but at least its without regrets.
My point? Try something new today. Something that you've wanted to do but were afraid to try. I'm not saying you need to try out for American Idol, but I'm sure there is some area of your life that you're holding back in.
Wouldn't you rather fail and live with no regrets instead of never trying?
You can be encouraged by at least one person in your endeavor: God. You may be the next big thing that God wants to use to bless someone else. I'm going out on a limb here and saying its probably not going to be for you to be the next American Idol, but you could be a wonderful addition to what God wants to do on this earth.
Remember- He uses people who are available and are willing to put themselves out there.
Be blessed.
In my experience, "Idol Watchers" fall into 3 categories.
1. Those who only enjoy the auditions, and stop watching after they are over.
2. Those who only watch the top 20.
3. Those who watch it all.
I'm in group number three. I watch it all, and I've got to tell you, sometimes, its painful. Watching the contestants that cannot sing at all makes my stomach churn. I feel bad for them, because they are on national TV singing and they can't sing.
But do you know what I thought about last night? At least those people are trying. At least they are putting themselves out there and are attempting to achieve their dreams. They may not sound great, or be the next Teddy P or anything, but at least they don't have to live the rest of their life wondering if they could have made it or not. Sadly, most learn they couldn't have, but at least its without regrets.
My point? Try something new today. Something that you've wanted to do but were afraid to try. I'm not saying you need to try out for American Idol, but I'm sure there is some area of your life that you're holding back in.
Wouldn't you rather fail and live with no regrets instead of never trying?
You can be encouraged by at least one person in your endeavor: God. You may be the next big thing that God wants to use to bless someone else. I'm going out on a limb here and saying its probably not going to be for you to be the next American Idol, but you could be a wonderful addition to what God wants to do on this earth.
Remember- He uses people who are available and are willing to put themselves out there.
Be blessed.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
How To Deal With Haters
Haters. For some of you that aren't from Generation X, allow me a moment to inform you what a hater is. The Urban Dictionary describes a hater as "A person that simply cannot be happy for another person's success. So rather than be happy they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person". You know exactly what I'm talking about don't you?
I'm sure you've met a few haters in your life. People who always seem to come around right after you have a big success or joy in your life. It could be a new relationship, job, promotion, house, or car. They love to come by and pop your balloon and rain on your parade. More than likely you've also experienced the hater who doesn't say it to you, but to someone else behind your back. These are the people who love to erode other people's credibility and attempt to discourage you to enjoy your personal achievement.
How do we deal with them? Do we lash back? Do we take an offensive against their barbs? Do we defend our position and confront them? Sadly, most of these approaches seldom work. Why? Because the haters problem is not your success. The problem is them. They are usually self-loathing half-empty cowards who are so upset with their own condition, their only reprieve is to attack someone else.
My advice? Rest on what the Bible says "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord". I like that. That means I don't have to worry about weather or not I vindicate myself. I live for His glory, so He avenges me. God knows exactly who is doing what and saying what. Therefore, I rest easy because I know that He has my best interests in mind.
Pour 'em a big glass of Haterade and give it over.
p.s. You can also pray for your enemies. The Bible says that too. Thanks for the correction Dale. I'm not saying we shouldn't pray for them as much as I am saying that our immediate response shouldn't be to attack back. The Bible also says On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." These are strong statements about enemies. Pray for them, but realize that God does avenge.
I'm sure you've met a few haters in your life. People who always seem to come around right after you have a big success or joy in your life. It could be a new relationship, job, promotion, house, or car. They love to come by and pop your balloon and rain on your parade. More than likely you've also experienced the hater who doesn't say it to you, but to someone else behind your back. These are the people who love to erode other people's credibility and attempt to discourage you to enjoy your personal achievement.
How do we deal with them? Do we lash back? Do we take an offensive against their barbs? Do we defend our position and confront them? Sadly, most of these approaches seldom work. Why? Because the haters problem is not your success. The problem is them. They are usually self-loathing half-empty cowards who are so upset with their own condition, their only reprieve is to attack someone else.
My advice? Rest on what the Bible says "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord". I like that. That means I don't have to worry about weather or not I vindicate myself. I live for His glory, so He avenges me. God knows exactly who is doing what and saying what. Therefore, I rest easy because I know that He has my best interests in mind.
Pour 'em a big glass of Haterade and give it over.
p.s. You can also pray for your enemies. The Bible says that too. Thanks for the correction Dale. I'm not saying we shouldn't pray for them as much as I am saying that our immediate response shouldn't be to attack back. The Bible also says On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." These are strong statements about enemies. Pray for them, but realize that God does avenge.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Dangers of Wrong Thinking
We've all done it. Uttered the words "Always" "Never" and "Every time". Usually it manifests it self in arguments with a friend or your spouse. It sounds something like "You always do this" or "You'll never understand" or "Every time this happens". They're really bold words if you take a moment to think about them.
Do I always get mad? Do I never eat right? Do I fail every time? Of course not, none of us do, but for some reason the words that we choose to describe ourselves or others becomes, what I like to call "all or nothing thinking". Its dangerous. It tells people around us and ourselves that we are required to be perfect, when that's something that is truly unattainable. Of course we would like perfection from ourselves, or others, but the truth is its just not possible.
We all have bad days, or end up doing something we wish we wouldn't have done, either big or small. But when we choose to make harsh statements that include the words always-never-every it paints us into a very limited corner of perfection that none of us can get out of by ourselves.
I can't remember who said it, but I love that quote "I've figured out two things in this life- there is only one God, and I'm not Him". Now, this doesn't give us the right to hurt people, or choose to do wrong things, but what it can do is put our life into a little bit of perspective.
Give yourself and others around you a break. Realize that God has a plan for their life, and yours and know that when we use the words always-never-every with the people that we love we're not giving them the level of Grace that God extends to us.
Be blessed
Do I always get mad? Do I never eat right? Do I fail every time? Of course not, none of us do, but for some reason the words that we choose to describe ourselves or others becomes, what I like to call "all or nothing thinking". Its dangerous. It tells people around us and ourselves that we are required to be perfect, when that's something that is truly unattainable. Of course we would like perfection from ourselves, or others, but the truth is its just not possible.
We all have bad days, or end up doing something we wish we wouldn't have done, either big or small. But when we choose to make harsh statements that include the words always-never-every it paints us into a very limited corner of perfection that none of us can get out of by ourselves.
I can't remember who said it, but I love that quote "I've figured out two things in this life- there is only one God, and I'm not Him". Now, this doesn't give us the right to hurt people, or choose to do wrong things, but what it can do is put our life into a little bit of perspective.
Give yourself and others around you a break. Realize that God has a plan for their life, and yours and know that when we use the words always-never-every with the people that we love we're not giving them the level of Grace that God extends to us.
Be blessed
Monday, January 12, 2009
How Many Text Messages Do You Send?
Me? I usually send about 5-20 text messages a day. Some days, it might go up to 20-30 depending. I like to send text messages for a few reasons.
1. They are quick. If you want to just get a phone number from someone, you don't have to talk to them for 10 mins when all you need is a phone number.
2. They don't use up your cell phone minutes. If you have an unlimited texting plan, you can text all you want, without soaking up all of your plan minutes.
3. You can do them anywhere, anytime (except while driving in Wa. State). This can get you in trouble sometimes. I was at a Christmas concert my mother was singing in and was texting and she noticed. Not good.
I'm sure there are downfalls of them, such as the level of personal touch that they lack or how they can be easily misunderstood or misconstrued. But, like it or not they have become the "post card" of the 21st century.
Why all this about texting? here's an article that you may find amusing. Its about a kid who sent 14500 text messages in one month. Even for me, that seems like alot.
What's the point? Anything in your life can run the possibility of becoming to excessive. When do you know when something is excessive? When it is controlling you, or alot of your time.
God has created us all with the ability to be fully engaged in something or someone, but if we spend all of our time on one thing, we neglect those other areas that deserve our attention. Prayer, relationships, work, friends, kids, recreation and the like. They are all important, but you cannot only focus on one. We need to have balance in them all.
Except prayer. Do that all the time.
Be balanced and blessed this week, and send me a text if you get a chance.
1. They are quick. If you want to just get a phone number from someone, you don't have to talk to them for 10 mins when all you need is a phone number.
2. They don't use up your cell phone minutes. If you have an unlimited texting plan, you can text all you want, without soaking up all of your plan minutes.
3. You can do them anywhere, anytime (except while driving in Wa. State). This can get you in trouble sometimes. I was at a Christmas concert my mother was singing in and was texting and she noticed. Not good.
I'm sure there are downfalls of them, such as the level of personal touch that they lack or how they can be easily misunderstood or misconstrued. But, like it or not they have become the "post card" of the 21st century.
Why all this about texting? here's an article that you may find amusing. Its about a kid who sent 14500 text messages in one month. Even for me, that seems like alot.
What's the point? Anything in your life can run the possibility of becoming to excessive. When do you know when something is excessive? When it is controlling you, or alot of your time.
God has created us all with the ability to be fully engaged in something or someone, but if we spend all of our time on one thing, we neglect those other areas that deserve our attention. Prayer, relationships, work, friends, kids, recreation and the like. They are all important, but you cannot only focus on one. We need to have balance in them all.
Except prayer. Do that all the time.
Be balanced and blessed this week, and send me a text if you get a chance.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Do Something Small if At all
This is going to be a really quick post today. No editing. No re-reading, just whats going on in the noggin'.
Writing this blog everyday is a decision I made for the new year. Why? Because I really think that it has an opportunity to be a blessing to the people that read it. If you're like me you go online everyday, read some news or sports and then dont really know where to go from there... right? Well hopefully this can be something that you read daily to get you to maybe think a bit differently, or choose to do something a bit differently. To be encouraged to step out in faith and be who God wants you to be!
Here's the nugget for the day- Its 836am. 10 mins ago someone called me and wants to meet for breakfast at 900am. I dont know why, they're just reaching out and need someone to talk to. To be honest, I wasn't planning on this interupption. I just got back from my walk, and was about to do some more exercise and they called. I had a choice- not go and do what I wanted to go, or go and realize that God is going to bless me for being faithful. I'm choosing option two.
I want to share that with you for a reason. Its easy to not want to get interuppted by someone elses issues or wants, but that's not what we're supposed to do. Allow your self to get interuppted and watch how God will bless you.
Another thing- I couldnt do all of the exercise that I wanted, so you know what? I did it for 5 mins. its better than nothing.. isn't it?
839. Gotta go.
Be blessed... and interrupted.
Writing this blog everyday is a decision I made for the new year. Why? Because I really think that it has an opportunity to be a blessing to the people that read it. If you're like me you go online everyday, read some news or sports and then dont really know where to go from there... right? Well hopefully this can be something that you read daily to get you to maybe think a bit differently, or choose to do something a bit differently. To be encouraged to step out in faith and be who God wants you to be!
Here's the nugget for the day- Its 836am. 10 mins ago someone called me and wants to meet for breakfast at 900am. I dont know why, they're just reaching out and need someone to talk to. To be honest, I wasn't planning on this interupption. I just got back from my walk, and was about to do some more exercise and they called. I had a choice- not go and do what I wanted to go, or go and realize that God is going to bless me for being faithful. I'm choosing option two.
I want to share that with you for a reason. Its easy to not want to get interuppted by someone elses issues or wants, but that's not what we're supposed to do. Allow your self to get interuppted and watch how God will bless you.
Another thing- I couldnt do all of the exercise that I wanted, so you know what? I did it for 5 mins. its better than nothing.. isn't it?
839. Gotta go.
Be blessed... and interrupted.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Fight at Chuck E. Cheese
I'm floored. It seems as though common decency has gone the way of the do-do bird. I found this article today and was amazed. THESE ARE ADULTS!Not KIDS at a CHUCK E. CHEESE. Utterly amazing that it would come to this. I wish I could say that its a random event, but if you're in a metropolitan city, I'm sure you see stuff like this all the time.
What happened to please and thank you? What happened to the golden rule? What happened to can you use some help with that? Why don't people put away their shopping carts anymore? Am I the only person in America who thinks this way?
I saw a bumper sticker before, I'm sure you've seen it also- Practice Random Acts of Kindness. I'm changing that slogan starting today. The new slogan is "Practice A Deliberate Lifestyle of Kindness". Random acts apparently aren't working. People need to start making it a point to be deliberate in being kind to each other.
Its really no different than it was 2000 years ago. People back then were still mean and self-serving. You have a choice though. You don't have to be that way. You can break the cycle and choose to be kind and nice to other people. Here's a great thing about this change- You'll feel better and you'll be honoring God in the process. God shows His kindness to us, we should extend it to others also.
Here's to being kind-
Be blessed
What happened to please and thank you? What happened to the golden rule? What happened to can you use some help with that? Why don't people put away their shopping carts anymore? Am I the only person in America who thinks this way?
I saw a bumper sticker before, I'm sure you've seen it also- Practice Random Acts of Kindness. I'm changing that slogan starting today. The new slogan is "Practice A Deliberate Lifestyle of Kindness". Random acts apparently aren't working. People need to start making it a point to be deliberate in being kind to each other.
Its really no different than it was 2000 years ago. People back then were still mean and self-serving. You have a choice though. You don't have to be that way. You can break the cycle and choose to be kind and nice to other people. Here's a great thing about this change- You'll feel better and you'll be honoring God in the process. God shows His kindness to us, we should extend it to others also.
Here's to being kind-
Be blessed
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Don't be crippled by fear
I did something yesterday that I have been thinking about for a long time- I emailed my blog to a bunch of people after I posted it. Seems like an easy task, but for me, it really wasn't. It was for one reason: Fear.
Its fearful to put yourself out there. To not know what response you're going to get, or how people are going to respond. The unknown is fearful, and it is something that can cripple you or keep you from trying something new, or reaching out to someone. People that know me would probably be surprised to know that I even thought twice about emailing out my blog, but it really was a step of faith.
I think that this happens to alot of people in a lot of different situations. We think about doing something that could change our life, or someone Else's, we play out the scenarios in our heads and then decide to not do it. Usually, its because of fear. I like what the bible says about fear-For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Yesterday was amazing. I got positive responses from people about the blog and the earth did not fall off its axis.
What are you holding back on? What have you been thinking about doing that you need to do? Make that phone call, apply for that job, make a life change. The creator of the universe has given you everything you need for life, but if you're constantly gripped by the fear of the unknown, you're never going to experience the fullness of life.
Be Blessed today. Try something new. You'll like it.
Its fearful to put yourself out there. To not know what response you're going to get, or how people are going to respond. The unknown is fearful, and it is something that can cripple you or keep you from trying something new, or reaching out to someone. People that know me would probably be surprised to know that I even thought twice about emailing out my blog, but it really was a step of faith.
I think that this happens to alot of people in a lot of different situations. We think about doing something that could change our life, or someone Else's, we play out the scenarios in our heads and then decide to not do it. Usually, its because of fear. I like what the bible says about fear-For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Yesterday was amazing. I got positive responses from people about the blog and the earth did not fall off its axis.
What are you holding back on? What have you been thinking about doing that you need to do? Make that phone call, apply for that job, make a life change. The creator of the universe has given you everything you need for life, but if you're constantly gripped by the fear of the unknown, you're never going to experience the fullness of life.
Be Blessed today. Try something new. You'll like it.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I Hate Cancer
I'm going to visit someone in the Hospital today. They have cancer and had surgery last night. I'm a pastor. This is what Pastors do. They go and visit people when they are in the hospital. Its not my favorite part of my calling, but I feel privileged that I am able to do it.
I hate cancer. Its a disease that seems to be affecting more and more people's lives every year. I am sure that there is someone in your life that has been affected by cancer like I have been affected. I pray all the time that Cancer would be gone from the face of the earth. That it would stop stealing people's lives.
If you're anything like me, You probably have asked the cosmic question "why does God allow this"?. Here are the three most theological words someone can utter: I DON'T KNOW. I wish knew, but I don't. I can't explain it, theologize it, or understand it. What I do know is that it doesn't change the fact that there is still a God in heaven that loves me. This earth is what it is, but it is not my home. One day, I will leave this place, the means by which I do not know. Its not my journey to understand it all, or be able to explain it all. I know God knows, and for me, that's enough.
You may not have cancer, but I'm sure there is something in your life you wish wasn't the way it is. You may be able to change it, or not. But be encouraged in this- God has not forgot about you. You may be going through something, but He is walking with you. As the scripture says "yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death- thou are with me". It never said you wouldn't walk through anything, it says that as you walk through it, He would be there with you. Holding your hand. Guiding you.
Be blessed today
I hate cancer. Its a disease that seems to be affecting more and more people's lives every year. I am sure that there is someone in your life that has been affected by cancer like I have been affected. I pray all the time that Cancer would be gone from the face of the earth. That it would stop stealing people's lives.
If you're anything like me, You probably have asked the cosmic question "why does God allow this"?. Here are the three most theological words someone can utter: I DON'T KNOW. I wish knew, but I don't. I can't explain it, theologize it, or understand it. What I do know is that it doesn't change the fact that there is still a God in heaven that loves me. This earth is what it is, but it is not my home. One day, I will leave this place, the means by which I do not know. Its not my journey to understand it all, or be able to explain it all. I know God knows, and for me, that's enough.
You may not have cancer, but I'm sure there is something in your life you wish wasn't the way it is. You may be able to change it, or not. But be encouraged in this- God has not forgot about you. You may be going through something, but He is walking with you. As the scripture says "yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death- thou are with me". It never said you wouldn't walk through anything, it says that as you walk through it, He would be there with you. Holding your hand. Guiding you.
Be blessed today
Monday, January 5, 2009
What To Do About Regrets
Regrets. We all have them. Things we wish we would have either done or not done. I think its natural to have regrets, especially if you're a person that attempts to improve in an area of your life.
This is the first full week of 2009. More than likely you've spent some time over the past week or so reflecting on 2008 and discovering that you may have some regrets in your life from 2008. Here's the greatest advice I can give you in this area: GET OVER IT. Literally and figuratively. I know, its kind of thoughtless to say something like "get over it" but if you think about it, its what you exactly need to do. You cannot live your life dwelling on the past or spending eternity thinking about what could have been. Decide today to start anew and 'forget that which is behind you'.
You probably had some fitness goals you didn't meet, or some financially goals that you forgot about. Spiritual goals anyone? What did you set out to do in 2008 that you didn't accomplish? Choose today to forget about the failures of 2008 and decide that they will not hold you back for 2009.
Did you know that this year could be the best year of your life? That you can experience God, and accomplish what plans he has for your life in a way that you never dreamed of? Here's a clue- you have to let Him do it, and its impossible if you're constantly dwelling on something from your past that you cannot change. Ask Him to forgive you from your failures, and move on.
Regrets. They're a part of all of our lives, but we don't have to let them control us.
Here's to a great 2009!
This is the first full week of 2009. More than likely you've spent some time over the past week or so reflecting on 2008 and discovering that you may have some regrets in your life from 2008. Here's the greatest advice I can give you in this area: GET OVER IT. Literally and figuratively. I know, its kind of thoughtless to say something like "get over it" but if you think about it, its what you exactly need to do. You cannot live your life dwelling on the past or spending eternity thinking about what could have been. Decide today to start anew and 'forget that which is behind you'.
You probably had some fitness goals you didn't meet, or some financially goals that you forgot about. Spiritual goals anyone? What did you set out to do in 2008 that you didn't accomplish? Choose today to forget about the failures of 2008 and decide that they will not hold you back for 2009.
Did you know that this year could be the best year of your life? That you can experience God, and accomplish what plans he has for your life in a way that you never dreamed of? Here's a clue- you have to let Him do it, and its impossible if you're constantly dwelling on something from your past that you cannot change. Ask Him to forgive you from your failures, and move on.
Regrets. They're a part of all of our lives, but we don't have to let them control us.
Here's to a great 2009!
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