Merry Christmas! Its Christmas Eve and the US Government appears to have passed legislation on Healthcare. Inevitably, this legislation is going to mean a tax increase for someone, somewhere. Legislation like this doesn't make money, it costs money, and well, someone is going to have to pay for it. Guess who it is? Y-O-U. So, tomorrow morning when you wake up, go ahead and thank your senator for the gift. But, kind of like when your kids buy you something for Christmas, you get the gift from them, but you pay for it also.
As I'm sitting here writing this blog, I can't help but think of the political times of 2000 years ago on the first Christmas. People back then want to be delivered from the political establishment of the time. They wanted a savior from their political oppression. The hope was that God would send someone to reestablish the throne of the King of Israel and rule. As the prophets had foretold- that 'the government will rest on his shoulders'.
When Jesus was born, I believe that was the excitement of His birth for some, because their mindset was that his arrival meant deliverance from political oppression. As time went on, and He lived his life, it became clear that the deliverance that He provided, was not from the political regimes in the form of an overthrow of the government.
The deliverance that Jesus provided was to reconcile man to God, and to provide us with the guidance to overthrow the government through our lifestyle of love and peace.
Who Jesus was and is was not who the people wanted him to be. They wanted something different. This Christmas, I'm sure that there are still people today that want Jesus to be something different to them than what He actually is- a Savior from our sins.
Here's the deal- there are many people out there that seem to believe that Jesus came as Santy Clause to hand out gifts to the good girls and boys, and coal (Hell) to all the bad girls and boys. They spend their days attempting to impress and court the big gift giver in the sky, believing that God sent His son Jesus to come and be our spiritual butler- to give us what we want when we want it. This is not the case.
Yes, God does answer prayer. Yes Jesus came to make our lives more abundant. But the celebration that we have today that commemorates His birth is largely centered around one primary mission- God sent His son into the world to pay the penalty of the sins of humanity so that we could have relationship with God once again.
That's the meaning of Christmas. No trees. No lights. No figgy pudding. God sent a Savior for us, so that we could spend eternity with Him.
Thank you God for sending us your Son. Today we thank you for that gift. We receive Him as our King and allow his government to rule our lives.
Merry Christmas
Matt of Faith and Victory in Auburn Wa ( shares insights, thoughts and periodic ramblings. This blog address has been somewhat discontinued, to read current blogs, please go to
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Gauntlet of Fire- Wal-Mart Christmas Week
If you are a glutton for pain and punishment- I'd like to make a recommendation- go to a retail store anytime between now and 10pm Thursday. It seems as though everyone in North America has waited until the final 48 hours of shopping time, to go and get some Christmas presents.
I can't blame them. Some people don't get paid til the end, or don't have time til the end, or some people just procrastinate. Whatever it is, they are out there in droves.
We live by a walmart- I shop there. I know, its a big massive retailer that takes out the little guy and is ruining America. I'd go get socks and light bulbs at the 'local guy' but the only 'local guy' around me is Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Fred Meyer, or Costco, so I'm kinda stuck here. I gotta get what I need.
Last night I needed something for today, so I decided to head out there to get it with my Father in law. Now, I'm an optimist, I had some visions of what it may be like inside of the store, with three fourths of the town there shopping. I had seen that commercial on TV that showed WalMart having all those check stands open, so I figured it would be okay.(FYI- 70% of checkstands closed).
Then reality hit- as I was pulling into the parking lot, parking farther from the door than I had ever parked, it hit me. It is going to be an absolute zoo in there.
There were a few emotional options that I could choose before going into the store-
a. Get annoyed, angry, and frustrated with the sea of ungrateful consumers snarling at their fellow man while buying presents to celebrate the birth of our Savior.
b. Decide BEFORE I went into the store to laugh it off and realize that it was just going to busy and take a while to get through there.
I chose b. What's the nugget? I'm sure you're already seeing it. We all have the capacity when going into situations to choose our attitude BEFORE we go into it. To take a moment to think about what we are doing, where we are going, and how it is going to effect us.
When we choose our attitude before the situation, we have the ability to better enjoy our selves, have less stress, and get less angry.
Is there a situation that you need to choose your attitude before you go into it? A family celebration or work issue that is coming up? Choose your attitude before and you will find that things go a whole lot better.
Be blessed
I can't blame them. Some people don't get paid til the end, or don't have time til the end, or some people just procrastinate. Whatever it is, they are out there in droves.
We live by a walmart- I shop there. I know, its a big massive retailer that takes out the little guy and is ruining America. I'd go get socks and light bulbs at the 'local guy' but the only 'local guy' around me is Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Fred Meyer, or Costco, so I'm kinda stuck here. I gotta get what I need.
Last night I needed something for today, so I decided to head out there to get it with my Father in law. Now, I'm an optimist, I had some visions of what it may be like inside of the store, with three fourths of the town there shopping. I had seen that commercial on TV that showed WalMart having all those check stands open, so I figured it would be okay.(FYI- 70% of checkstands closed).
Then reality hit- as I was pulling into the parking lot, parking farther from the door than I had ever parked, it hit me. It is going to be an absolute zoo in there.
There were a few emotional options that I could choose before going into the store-
a. Get annoyed, angry, and frustrated with the sea of ungrateful consumers snarling at their fellow man while buying presents to celebrate the birth of our Savior.
b. Decide BEFORE I went into the store to laugh it off and realize that it was just going to busy and take a while to get through there.
I chose b. What's the nugget? I'm sure you're already seeing it. We all have the capacity when going into situations to choose our attitude BEFORE we go into it. To take a moment to think about what we are doing, where we are going, and how it is going to effect us.
When we choose our attitude before the situation, we have the ability to better enjoy our selves, have less stress, and get less angry.
Is there a situation that you need to choose your attitude before you go into it? A family celebration or work issue that is coming up? Choose your attitude before and you will find that things go a whole lot better.
Be blessed
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I Was In The Army With a Bear Hunter
I was stationed in Egypt for a year when I was in the US Army. While stationed there, I met a bunch of people. One of the guys that I met while I was there was a guy who was in my unit named John.
By his own admission, he told me that he thought he was funny looking. Not really overly obscure looking, but to him, he thought that he was a bit different to others. His torso was longer than his legs, so he walked a bit different. He talked through his teeth. His voice was kind of squeaky, and didn't sound so pleasing to your ears.
I remember we were sitting outside talking and he was telling me about how he would go on vacation by himself all the time. He told me that he didn't have alot of friends, so when it came time to go on leave, he would just go by himself and have some adventure without any friends.
He explained to me that when he was on vacation by himself that he would take on the persona or life story of someone interesting every time he would be somewhere. One time, when on vacation, he would told people that his full time job was a bear hunting expedition leader in Alaska. That it was his job to take people out and go hunt bear.
As we were sitting there talking, I asked him why he did that and he explained it to me. "You know Matt, I'm a funny looking guy with a squeaky voice who talks through his teeth" he said. "I'm a guy in the Army with a really uninteresting job. Who wants to hang out with that guy? Everyone wants to hang out with a bear hunter". The reason that John took on another persona was that he didn't like who he was and he wanted people to like him.
I can identify with that. I want people to like me, and at times throughout my life, I've done or said things that I normally wouldn't do, thinking that it would make people like me. Wearing certain clothes, saying certain things, going places I normally wouldn't go, and doing things I normally wouldn't do. Basically doing whatever it took to get them to like me. I didn't tell people I was a bear hunter, but I wasn't true to myself, that's for sure.
Here's what I found out though- usually, the people who liked me the most were the ones who liked me when I was being myself, not someone who I thought they wanted me to be. People can sniff out when people are not being themselves, and when they do, they don't like it.
Are you true to yourself? Do you try to be someone who you are not to try and impress someone? Do you compromise what you are to get people to like you?
Here's what the Bible says- that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. God made me the way he wanted to make me for a reason. I may not look like everyone else, sound like everyone else, or be like everyone else, but that has to be for a reason, because that's the way God made me.
Be yourself today. Don't try to be who people want you to be, but the person that God created you to be. You might sound funny, look funny and walk differently, but that's who you are.
You don't have to be a bear hunter to get people to like you.
By his own admission, he told me that he thought he was funny looking. Not really overly obscure looking, but to him, he thought that he was a bit different to others. His torso was longer than his legs, so he walked a bit different. He talked through his teeth. His voice was kind of squeaky, and didn't sound so pleasing to your ears.
I remember we were sitting outside talking and he was telling me about how he would go on vacation by himself all the time. He told me that he didn't have alot of friends, so when it came time to go on leave, he would just go by himself and have some adventure without any friends.
He explained to me that when he was on vacation by himself that he would take on the persona or life story of someone interesting every time he would be somewhere. One time, when on vacation, he would told people that his full time job was a bear hunting expedition leader in Alaska. That it was his job to take people out and go hunt bear.
As we were sitting there talking, I asked him why he did that and he explained it to me. "You know Matt, I'm a funny looking guy with a squeaky voice who talks through his teeth" he said. "I'm a guy in the Army with a really uninteresting job. Who wants to hang out with that guy? Everyone wants to hang out with a bear hunter". The reason that John took on another persona was that he didn't like who he was and he wanted people to like him.
I can identify with that. I want people to like me, and at times throughout my life, I've done or said things that I normally wouldn't do, thinking that it would make people like me. Wearing certain clothes, saying certain things, going places I normally wouldn't go, and doing things I normally wouldn't do. Basically doing whatever it took to get them to like me. I didn't tell people I was a bear hunter, but I wasn't true to myself, that's for sure.
Here's what I found out though- usually, the people who liked me the most were the ones who liked me when I was being myself, not someone who I thought they wanted me to be. People can sniff out when people are not being themselves, and when they do, they don't like it.
Are you true to yourself? Do you try to be someone who you are not to try and impress someone? Do you compromise what you are to get people to like you?
Here's what the Bible says- that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. God made me the way he wanted to make me for a reason. I may not look like everyone else, sound like everyone else, or be like everyone else, but that has to be for a reason, because that's the way God made me.
Be yourself today. Don't try to be who people want you to be, but the person that God created you to be. You might sound funny, look funny and walk differently, but that's who you are.
You don't have to be a bear hunter to get people to like you.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Do You Live In The Happiest State? (List Incl.)
Well, it looks like my wife has been right all along. Apparently the sunnier states in America are higher on the list of happiest states. She has always said that its gloomy up here in Washington state, and according to this list, she appears to be right.
You can view the article about it here.
Here was the top 10
1. Louisiana- Even after Hurricane Katrina?
2. Hawaii- I guess pineapples and beaches can't even get you the top spot.
3. Florida- The land of football and Disneyworld.
4. Tennessee- What's in Tennessee? Graceland and Country Music?
5. Arizona- One of the current worst housing markets and tons of retirees.
6. South Carolina- The "hey, at least we're not North Carolina" state.
7. Mississippi- The state that we all loved to spell as kids.
8. Montana- The twelve people that live there were excited to make the list.
9. Alabama- Ever since Forrest Gump they've all been happy, especially in Greenbough.
10. Maine- I think its because they are so far away from everyone.
Here's what was surprising to me that didn't make the list- California- I thought all that money and fame brought happiness? And also no Texas? I thought that everything is bigger in Texas, but not the happy people.
I was most surprised to see that Louisiana is the happiest state. Even with all of that turmoil that Hurricane Katrina brought. What that tells me is that through adversity and destruction, you can still come out of it and still be happy.
It brings me to think about my own life- how happy am I? What is my happiness connected to? Is it connected to my family, stuff, my job? If all of those things are going well, does that mean that I will be happy?
The big question is- does happiness depend on something external, or something internal. Can I choose happiness despite my circumstances?
Here's the Victory Blog nugget for the day- You don't have to live in Louisiana to be happy today, or any day for that matter. You can be happy any day of your life if you decide to be happy. No matter what may come your way, or what you are going through you can choose to be happy.
I realize that this is a concept that may be hard to grasp for some people who have lived their lives believing that circumstance determines happiness. The truth is that happiness is a decision, its not a by-product of surroundings.
God has created us all with a mind that has the ability to choose happiness. To choose contentment. To choose to focus on the blessings that are not of this world but are of the heavens. The blessings that you cannot touch and the happiness that cannot be bought. The happiness that can only be found in God alone.
Choose happiness today. Regardless of where you live.
You can view the article about it here.
Here was the top 10
1. Louisiana- Even after Hurricane Katrina?
2. Hawaii- I guess pineapples and beaches can't even get you the top spot.
3. Florida- The land of football and Disneyworld.
4. Tennessee- What's in Tennessee? Graceland and Country Music?
5. Arizona- One of the current worst housing markets and tons of retirees.
6. South Carolina- The "hey, at least we're not North Carolina" state.
7. Mississippi- The state that we all loved to spell as kids.
8. Montana- The twelve people that live there were excited to make the list.
9. Alabama- Ever since Forrest Gump they've all been happy, especially in Greenbough.
10. Maine- I think its because they are so far away from everyone.
Here's what was surprising to me that didn't make the list- California- I thought all that money and fame brought happiness? And also no Texas? I thought that everything is bigger in Texas, but not the happy people.
I was most surprised to see that Louisiana is the happiest state. Even with all of that turmoil that Hurricane Katrina brought. What that tells me is that through adversity and destruction, you can still come out of it and still be happy.
It brings me to think about my own life- how happy am I? What is my happiness connected to? Is it connected to my family, stuff, my job? If all of those things are going well, does that mean that I will be happy?
The big question is- does happiness depend on something external, or something internal. Can I choose happiness despite my circumstances?
Here's the Victory Blog nugget for the day- You don't have to live in Louisiana to be happy today, or any day for that matter. You can be happy any day of your life if you decide to be happy. No matter what may come your way, or what you are going through you can choose to be happy.
I realize that this is a concept that may be hard to grasp for some people who have lived their lives believing that circumstance determines happiness. The truth is that happiness is a decision, its not a by-product of surroundings.
God has created us all with a mind that has the ability to choose happiness. To choose contentment. To choose to focus on the blessings that are not of this world but are of the heavens. The blessings that you cannot touch and the happiness that cannot be bought. The happiness that can only be found in God alone.
Choose happiness today. Regardless of where you live.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Blog Block Monster Attacks Again
Its happened once again. It doesn't happen too often, but for some reason this morning I have a bit of "blog-block". My good friend Chad will probably call me this morning and bust my chops about it and say that writing a blog about not having anything to write about is not writing a blog. Whatever Chad. You're more than welcome for a guest appearance of writing this blog if you think you can hack it.
I'm not sure why the block this morning. I'm not overly concerned with much. I know that Christmas is about a week away, the in-laws are coming Monday, I'm officiating a wedding Saturday, we've got a big Christmas eve service coming up. Not really sure here, but there might be a bit on my mind.
I was thinking about writing about forgiveness since that's what I preached about last night, but that's a pretty deep subject that I don't think I could tackle in a few paragraphs. I was going to write about a guy from Pittsburgh who robbed a bank wearing a Steelers sweatshirt that I thought was rather fitting. For a moment today may have been a blog about my dreams of snow for next week that clearly aren't going to materialise.
Here's a blog nugget for you today however so small- smile as much as you can today. More often than you think you should. You will find that people in stores and such will look at you funny because you do it so much, but that's okay. I do it all the time and people think I'm a weirdo, but the people that do receive it receive it well.
You can be an ambassador of Christmas joy over the next 7 days.
Be blessed. Throw me some grace. Love to all.
I'm not sure why the block this morning. I'm not overly concerned with much. I know that Christmas is about a week away, the in-laws are coming Monday, I'm officiating a wedding Saturday, we've got a big Christmas eve service coming up. Not really sure here, but there might be a bit on my mind.
I was thinking about writing about forgiveness since that's what I preached about last night, but that's a pretty deep subject that I don't think I could tackle in a few paragraphs. I was going to write about a guy from Pittsburgh who robbed a bank wearing a Steelers sweatshirt that I thought was rather fitting. For a moment today may have been a blog about my dreams of snow for next week that clearly aren't going to materialise.
Here's a blog nugget for you today however so small- smile as much as you can today. More often than you think you should. You will find that people in stores and such will look at you funny because you do it so much, but that's okay. I do it all the time and people think I'm a weirdo, but the people that do receive it receive it well.
You can be an ambassador of Christmas joy over the next 7 days.
Be blessed. Throw me some grace. Love to all.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I Got Honked At Again Yesterday
It happened again. I got honked at yesterday.
I was coming from Maple Valley late afternoon yesterday after meeting a guy to sell him something I had put on craigslist (old subwoofer). I was in the SUV with the kids, and had just got done with the meeting.
Our new SUV is slick, but with a few slight issues. One of which is that when you close the rear door, if you don't slam it, the sensor tells you that it is open, and the lights stay on in the cab. Its frustrating, because you usually don't realize that it isn't fully closed until you are driving and the things beeps at you. Then you have to pull over, and open and close the back real hard to get it to close.
So I'm driving, and I'm about to turn into this business (turn signal on), and then I decide to go one more driveway to this car wash and pull into there.
That's when it happened. This Ford F150 lays out the horn on me- hoooooooooooonnnnnnkkkkkkkk. It must have lasted at least 3 seconds.
My first reply? "whatever dude, looks like your horn works". So I pull into the car wash, hop out, re-close the back, and I'm on my way.
That's when it happened. Traffic was so that within about 3 minutes, I was now behind the guy that honked at me. This is so rare that this happens. How often are you immediately behind the person that just honked at you? I was excited.
Payback. I was warming up my arm for a full blast fest on this guy. So sweet. So perfect. So wonderful. Such a great opportunity to get back at someone who just honked at me.
Then that little voice of the Holy Spirit started nagging at me. Man, I hate it when that happens. I had this great plan for honk revenge and the spirit of the Lord has to march in and start convicting me with all these Bible verses about turning the other cheek, and considering it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds. It was quite annoying.
So what did I do? Ab-so-lute-ly nothing. Nada. I pulled up behind the guy at the light and asked the kids what flavored Icees they wanted from the AMPM. Was it easy? No. Truth be told even a few hours after the incident I still wanted to go back and honk at that guy. Get him back. Make him feel like I felt. Rub it in his face. Honk at him longer and louder.
Can I get a witness?
Here's the deal- we all get hurt. We all get messed with, and the natural response is revenge. But that's not God's ideal. God's ideal is for us to allow him to avenge. Him to take care of it. Him to settle the score.
I'm waiting to see if the big horn from the sky is going to vindicate me. I'm not sure when or if he will, but that's the part of being a Christian that I still seem to be learning 19 years after becoming a follower of Christ. Knowing that he settles my scores, not me.
Is there something you need to let go? A vindication that you need to let him handle? Let it go today. Give it up. Its not easy to do, but its the right thing to do.
Be blessed
I was coming from Maple Valley late afternoon yesterday after meeting a guy to sell him something I had put on craigslist (old subwoofer). I was in the SUV with the kids, and had just got done with the meeting.
Our new SUV is slick, but with a few slight issues. One of which is that when you close the rear door, if you don't slam it, the sensor tells you that it is open, and the lights stay on in the cab. Its frustrating, because you usually don't realize that it isn't fully closed until you are driving and the things beeps at you. Then you have to pull over, and open and close the back real hard to get it to close.
So I'm driving, and I'm about to turn into this business (turn signal on), and then I decide to go one more driveway to this car wash and pull into there.
That's when it happened. This Ford F150 lays out the horn on me- hoooooooooooonnnnnnkkkkkkkk. It must have lasted at least 3 seconds.
My first reply? "whatever dude, looks like your horn works". So I pull into the car wash, hop out, re-close the back, and I'm on my way.
That's when it happened. Traffic was so that within about 3 minutes, I was now behind the guy that honked at me. This is so rare that this happens. How often are you immediately behind the person that just honked at you? I was excited.
Payback. I was warming up my arm for a full blast fest on this guy. So sweet. So perfect. So wonderful. Such a great opportunity to get back at someone who just honked at me.
Then that little voice of the Holy Spirit started nagging at me. Man, I hate it when that happens. I had this great plan for honk revenge and the spirit of the Lord has to march in and start convicting me with all these Bible verses about turning the other cheek, and considering it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds. It was quite annoying.
So what did I do? Ab-so-lute-ly nothing. Nada. I pulled up behind the guy at the light and asked the kids what flavored Icees they wanted from the AMPM. Was it easy? No. Truth be told even a few hours after the incident I still wanted to go back and honk at that guy. Get him back. Make him feel like I felt. Rub it in his face. Honk at him longer and louder.
Can I get a witness?
Here's the deal- we all get hurt. We all get messed with, and the natural response is revenge. But that's not God's ideal. God's ideal is for us to allow him to avenge. Him to take care of it. Him to settle the score.
I'm waiting to see if the big horn from the sky is going to vindicate me. I'm not sure when or if he will, but that's the part of being a Christian that I still seem to be learning 19 years after becoming a follower of Christ. Knowing that he settles my scores, not me.
Is there something you need to let go? A vindication that you need to let him handle? Let it go today. Give it up. Its not easy to do, but its the right thing to do.
Be blessed
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Its 10am. Why Not Have A Drink?
Today is my wife's birthday. I wont tell you how old she is today, but she's nudging up towards the big four O pretty fast. We're about to give her a couple of her presents before she starts the day, but I wanted to write the blog before we do.
The phenomenon of celebrating the day of our birth is quite humorous to me at times. Some people don't really worry that much about it, while others take it very seriously and make a huge deal out of it. I've seen both ends of the spectrum.
I remember one time that Crystal and I were out to breakfast at that restaurant down at Pike's Place Market where Tom Hanks had breakfast in Sleepless in Seattle. We were sitting by the window having omelets, and were near the bar. As we were enjoying ourselves, we couldn't help but overhear this guy on his cell phone in the bar.
He was calling everyone he knew to tell them it was his birthday, he was at the bar having some drinks (at 10am), and wanted everyone to come down and join him. After all, it was his birthday.
To be honest, it was quite painful to listen to. It was clear from hearing our end of the conversation that not many, or close to no one was coming down to this bar on this morning to come have some drinks with this guy and celebrate his birthday. Pretty sad.
Here's what I think was going on though- it was a day for this guy to feel special when every other day of the year he didn't feel special. Every other day of the year he was just a normal day, but this day it was all about him and he wanted everyone to join in with celebrating him. He wanted to have at least one day when he could feel special.
I think we can all identify with that guy. Don't we all want to feel special? Don't we all want people to pay attention to us and love on us? Its normal to want to feel special in a world full of people. To have one day that is about us.
But here's what I think that guy and a lot of people forget- we are special. Every day. Not just one day a year. Why? Because we can celebrate our day of birth every day because the fact that we are alive means that God has a purpose for our lives.
When we remember that it was God who created us and brought us into this world, we are reminded of our intrinsic value and how much he loves us. When we remember that, we can feel special every day, not just our birthday.
So, Happy Birthday Crystal, and Happy Birthday to you!
Be blessed
The phenomenon of celebrating the day of our birth is quite humorous to me at times. Some people don't really worry that much about it, while others take it very seriously and make a huge deal out of it. I've seen both ends of the spectrum.
I remember one time that Crystal and I were out to breakfast at that restaurant down at Pike's Place Market where Tom Hanks had breakfast in Sleepless in Seattle. We were sitting by the window having omelets, and were near the bar. As we were enjoying ourselves, we couldn't help but overhear this guy on his cell phone in the bar.
He was calling everyone he knew to tell them it was his birthday, he was at the bar having some drinks (at 10am), and wanted everyone to come down and join him. After all, it was his birthday.
To be honest, it was quite painful to listen to. It was clear from hearing our end of the conversation that not many, or close to no one was coming down to this bar on this morning to come have some drinks with this guy and celebrate his birthday. Pretty sad.
Here's what I think was going on though- it was a day for this guy to feel special when every other day of the year he didn't feel special. Every other day of the year he was just a normal day, but this day it was all about him and he wanted everyone to join in with celebrating him. He wanted to have at least one day when he could feel special.
I think we can all identify with that guy. Don't we all want to feel special? Don't we all want people to pay attention to us and love on us? Its normal to want to feel special in a world full of people. To have one day that is about us.
But here's what I think that guy and a lot of people forget- we are special. Every day. Not just one day a year. Why? Because we can celebrate our day of birth every day because the fact that we are alive means that God has a purpose for our lives.
When we remember that it was God who created us and brought us into this world, we are reminded of our intrinsic value and how much he loves us. When we remember that, we can feel special every day, not just our birthday.
So, Happy Birthday Crystal, and Happy Birthday to you!
Be blessed
Friday, December 11, 2009
What's That HUM? Come ON! Can I get some help?
I'm a bassaholic. What do I mean? I love the rumble and boom of a good woofer. I've been that way since Jr. High. I know, its dorky, but honestly, I could care less what people think. For some people its loud exhaust, or loud guitar. I've met people that get excited about scrap booking shears, and counter top mixers. Everyone has their thing. Mine- bass. Deep rumbling bass.
I used to satisfy that need with my two 12 inch woofers I had in the back of my sedan. Most people didn't know I had King Kong in the trunk. They just figured me for a mild-mannered pastor. Alas, when I was rolling down the freeway I would be booming!
Since we got rid of the sedan, I've had to satisfy my cravings elsewhere and have now turned to my home theatre system. I just built a new sub woofer for it, and hooked it up this week. I was sooooo excited, until when I plugged it in, I got a really loud hum coming from it. Come to find out, it appears I have some sort of ground loop problem or something within my system. I wont bore you with the details, but will say this- something I wanted to work that I envisioned a certain way isn't working as I had expected.
Sound familiar? Haven't you had that same issue with something? You hope and dream about how something is going to work and when it doesn't, you're a bit frustrated.
Here's the odd part for me- usually I get pretty amped up about this stuff (pun intended). It typically annoys me to no end to want to get something to work and then it doesn't. Here's what I'm trying with my current debacle. I'm not taking it that seriously. Why? because in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter.
Sure. i want things around me to work and to go well, but here's what I am realizing little by little in this thing called life. I can CHOOSE how I am going to RESPOND. I don't have to get mad, or frustrated, or upset. Yes, I'm going to continue to try and fix whatever I can, but I'm not going to let it consume me. I'm just going to roll with it and allow it to take its course.
Here's my prayer for today- "Lord, help me to grow. Help me to be a more patient person. Father, when things happen in my life that I cannot control, help me to stay calm and honor you with my actions. It wont be easy, but help me through your power and peace. Amen".
That's where I'm at today. If that's you, then go ahead and borrow it. We will see how it goes.
Have a great weekend.
I used to satisfy that need with my two 12 inch woofers I had in the back of my sedan. Most people didn't know I had King Kong in the trunk. They just figured me for a mild-mannered pastor. Alas, when I was rolling down the freeway I would be booming!
Since we got rid of the sedan, I've had to satisfy my cravings elsewhere and have now turned to my home theatre system. I just built a new sub woofer for it, and hooked it up this week. I was sooooo excited, until when I plugged it in, I got a really loud hum coming from it. Come to find out, it appears I have some sort of ground loop problem or something within my system. I wont bore you with the details, but will say this- something I wanted to work that I envisioned a certain way isn't working as I had expected.
Sound familiar? Haven't you had that same issue with something? You hope and dream about how something is going to work and when it doesn't, you're a bit frustrated.
Here's the odd part for me- usually I get pretty amped up about this stuff (pun intended). It typically annoys me to no end to want to get something to work and then it doesn't. Here's what I'm trying with my current debacle. I'm not taking it that seriously. Why? because in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter.
Sure. i want things around me to work and to go well, but here's what I am realizing little by little in this thing called life. I can CHOOSE how I am going to RESPOND. I don't have to get mad, or frustrated, or upset. Yes, I'm going to continue to try and fix whatever I can, but I'm not going to let it consume me. I'm just going to roll with it and allow it to take its course.
Here's my prayer for today- "Lord, help me to grow. Help me to be a more patient person. Father, when things happen in my life that I cannot control, help me to stay calm and honor you with my actions. It wont be easy, but help me through your power and peace. Amen".
That's where I'm at today. If that's you, then go ahead and borrow it. We will see how it goes.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I'm Going to Eat Donuts for Every Meal and Sleep In
Most of you know by now, I have a love of donuts. A deep passionate love for the frosted fried leavened bread of heaven. I could honestly eat donuts every single day. Sometimes twice a day.
There is this donut shop in Auburn that I drive by frequently, and when I do, its a battle within my mind to not go in there. To be honest, there are times when I go out of my way to drive by it to have the excuse that "I just happened to be in the area". Lets be honest, whats the harm of an occasional fritter or twist?
The longer I live the more I realize that there is a constant war within my body and mind between doing what I should do, and doing what I want to do. The Apostle Paul wrote about this in the book of Romans when he said, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do".
What do I mean? I don't really want to eat donuts everyday. I know that they are not good for me. They don't benefit my health all that much and I really don't need the extra calories.
It seems that if its not donuts, its something else. There always seems to be a struggle between what I know is best for me and what I want to do. I want to sleep, I know I should get up. I want to watch TV, I know I should read my Bible. I want to spend time alone, I should spend some time with my kids. I want to eat a bag of cookies, I should be eating a bag of vegetables. I don't want to help that person and be inconvenienced. Its a constant never ending struggle to stay on the side of the 'shoulds' instead of the side of the 'wants'.
Here's the reality- I can't live my life as a selfish, sleeping in, TV watching, loner who eats donuts every meal. Its not beneficial for me or anyone else. I must choose to do the right thing and keep moving towards things that are better for me, not worse for me.
Do you struggle with doing the things that you know you should be doing? Ask God today to empower you to be a person to make good decisions that move you in the direction that He wants for you that help you get closer to His ideal for your life.
You will find that when you allow Him into your life he will help empower you to be a person that doesn't give in to every selfish whim or un-beneficial desire. He will help you to be a person who makes good decisions, reaches goals and accomplishes great things for His kingdom.
Make good decisions today.
Be blessed
There is this donut shop in Auburn that I drive by frequently, and when I do, its a battle within my mind to not go in there. To be honest, there are times when I go out of my way to drive by it to have the excuse that "I just happened to be in the area". Lets be honest, whats the harm of an occasional fritter or twist?
The longer I live the more I realize that there is a constant war within my body and mind between doing what I should do, and doing what I want to do. The Apostle Paul wrote about this in the book of Romans when he said, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do".
What do I mean? I don't really want to eat donuts everyday. I know that they are not good for me. They don't benefit my health all that much and I really don't need the extra calories.
It seems that if its not donuts, its something else. There always seems to be a struggle between what I know is best for me and what I want to do. I want to sleep, I know I should get up. I want to watch TV, I know I should read my Bible. I want to spend time alone, I should spend some time with my kids. I want to eat a bag of cookies, I should be eating a bag of vegetables. I don't want to help that person and be inconvenienced. Its a constant never ending struggle to stay on the side of the 'shoulds' instead of the side of the 'wants'.
Here's the reality- I can't live my life as a selfish, sleeping in, TV watching, loner who eats donuts every meal. Its not beneficial for me or anyone else. I must choose to do the right thing and keep moving towards things that are better for me, not worse for me.
Do you struggle with doing the things that you know you should be doing? Ask God today to empower you to be a person to make good decisions that move you in the direction that He wants for you that help you get closer to His ideal for your life.
You will find that when you allow Him into your life he will help empower you to be a person that doesn't give in to every selfish whim or un-beneficial desire. He will help you to be a person who makes good decisions, reaches goals and accomplishes great things for His kingdom.
Make good decisions today.
Be blessed
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I'm Buying Crystal a Fire Extinguisher or a Vacuum (video clip included)
I'm not the best gift giver in the world. I know it. I don't know why, but I just can't wrap my mind around what is the best gift to give to someone. Most of my gift ideas are either way too expensive, or way too practical. I can't seem to find that happy medium in the middle.
I found a news story today that I think I just might go with for this season- the head of FEMA suggests that for Christmas gifts we should buy our loved ones something practical for disaster preparedness. I'm all for it. Nothing says "The Savior of the World has come to us" like a collapsible ladder in case of a fire. You can read the article here
What's the big deal with gifts anyway? I don't understand how a gift became the shining example of how much you love or care for someone. Sure, its nice to give someone something, but I don't think that its the culmination of a loving relationship.
Here's another idea- how about a dual bag vacuum? There is a great video of a Man who did this. You can watch it here.
I love my wife. Tremendously. The reality is that I would buy her everything in the world if I could. I just don't like the expectation of "as we honor the arrival of the Christ child" that we have to buy a gift that shows how much we love someone. I love my wife everyday.
Here's my rant for the day- we need to spend more time loving people not trying to buy them gifts to show them that we love them. We show people we love them every time we see them by how we speak, interact and serve them. You have a choice to show the people around you how much you love them every day. It doesn't have to happen on the morning of December 25th.
I would think that most people would appreciate people being a loving person, not trying to act loving by buying them something to make up for their social shortcoming throughout the year.
Go and love on someone today. When we love each other, we honor God. Look them in the eyes and tell them that you appreciate them. Love them for who they are, not for what they do for you, or what they give you. What you will find is that more than often people will appreciate your love more than your gifts. Then when you do give them a gift it will be an extension of your love, not your attempt to be loving.
Be Blessed today.
I found a news story today that I think I just might go with for this season- the head of FEMA suggests that for Christmas gifts we should buy our loved ones something practical for disaster preparedness. I'm all for it. Nothing says "The Savior of the World has come to us" like a collapsible ladder in case of a fire. You can read the article here
What's the big deal with gifts anyway? I don't understand how a gift became the shining example of how much you love or care for someone. Sure, its nice to give someone something, but I don't think that its the culmination of a loving relationship.
Here's another idea- how about a dual bag vacuum? There is a great video of a Man who did this. You can watch it here.
I love my wife. Tremendously. The reality is that I would buy her everything in the world if I could. I just don't like the expectation of "as we honor the arrival of the Christ child" that we have to buy a gift that shows how much we love someone. I love my wife everyday.
Here's my rant for the day- we need to spend more time loving people not trying to buy them gifts to show them that we love them. We show people we love them every time we see them by how we speak, interact and serve them. You have a choice to show the people around you how much you love them every day. It doesn't have to happen on the morning of December 25th.
I would think that most people would appreciate people being a loving person, not trying to act loving by buying them something to make up for their social shortcoming throughout the year.
Go and love on someone today. When we love each other, we honor God. Look them in the eyes and tell them that you appreciate them. Love them for who they are, not for what they do for you, or what they give you. What you will find is that more than often people will appreciate your love more than your gifts. Then when you do give them a gift it will be an extension of your love, not your attempt to be loving.
Be Blessed today.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Do You Need An Excuse to Eat Pizza?
I love pizza. Most people do. There was this great pizza place by my house when I was a kid called Pizza and Pipes that we used to go to all the time. It had good cheap pizza and a huge pipe organ that you could listen to while you were eating your pizza. My sister and my brother both worked there at different times, but now its been replaced by a Blockbuster video store. How sad.
Well, that love of pizza continues into my adult life. I have 3 places that I eat pizza from on a regular basis, one of which is Papa Johns pizza. Personally, I think that PJ is that greatest chain pizza that you can buy. That garlic sauce that comes with it is succulent. Its a bit more expensive than other pizzas, but man is it sure good.
About a week a week ago, in Lakewood Washington, a man walked into a coffee shop and killed four police officers at point blank range. Its been a pretty devastating blow to the communities around here. Those deaths affected many families and in response, tonight and tomorrow, in the Puget Sound Region, the Papa Johns in the continues of King, Pierce and Kitsap are having a fundraiser. Those 42 Papa Johns have agreed to donate one hundred percent of the profits from the sales of those two nights to benefit the families of the slain officers.
How great is that? Way to go Papa Johns! As if I needed another excuse to eat pizza. Seriously though, I wanted to pass this on to you readers in the Puget Sound region so that you would know to go and eat some pizza tonight or tomorrow.
I understand that some of you blog readers outside the region may feel a bit short-changed by this regionally specific blog today. Do not let your hearts be trouble. The Victory Blog will be back in full swing tomorrow. Use today as an opportunity to reflect on the Goodness of God. The ways that He blesses you and the love that He brings.
Be Blessed
Well, that love of pizza continues into my adult life. I have 3 places that I eat pizza from on a regular basis, one of which is Papa Johns pizza. Personally, I think that PJ is that greatest chain pizza that you can buy. That garlic sauce that comes with it is succulent. Its a bit more expensive than other pizzas, but man is it sure good.
About a week a week ago, in Lakewood Washington, a man walked into a coffee shop and killed four police officers at point blank range. Its been a pretty devastating blow to the communities around here. Those deaths affected many families and in response, tonight and tomorrow, in the Puget Sound Region, the Papa Johns in the continues of King, Pierce and Kitsap are having a fundraiser. Those 42 Papa Johns have agreed to donate one hundred percent of the profits from the sales of those two nights to benefit the families of the slain officers.
How great is that? Way to go Papa Johns! As if I needed another excuse to eat pizza. Seriously though, I wanted to pass this on to you readers in the Puget Sound region so that you would know to go and eat some pizza tonight or tomorrow.
I understand that some of you blog readers outside the region may feel a bit short-changed by this regionally specific blog today. Do not let your hearts be trouble. The Victory Blog will be back in full swing tomorrow. Use today as an opportunity to reflect on the Goodness of God. The ways that He blesses you and the love that He brings.
Be Blessed
Friday, December 4, 2009
How To Fix Something Really Fast
We took out our Christmas stuff this week. Tree, decorations, and lights. There were quite a bit of lights in two separate boxes. Some for outside, some for inside. As I took them the boxes, I plugged them in and found out that about half of them were not working.
I'm sure you're not surprised. Somehow those strings of lights go into the box working, and then during the year, some little gnome goes up in the attic and makes them stop working. Its crazy.
It presented me a dilemma- either go and buy new lights, or try to fix the broken ones that I had. Now, I'm not sure if you've ever tried to repair a string of lights, but its no quick task. Typically it involves plugging in the set, and then taking one light bulb and going down the line swapping it out repeatedly. If you've ever done that task, you can agree is arduous and boring. The worst part is that there is no guarantee it will work.
There wasn't a lot of hope for the traditional fix from me. That sounded like a lot of work, and downright boring to spend that much time working on that. No thank you. Then I remembered this thing my brother showed me last year- this magical 'gun' that you can use to repair Christmas lights. Have you seen it? Its amazing. Basically, you unplug the light bulb and then shove that little receptacle into the gun and pull the trigger over and over.
I don't have any idea how that thing works, but somehow that little string of broken lights starts to work. The process takes all of about 2 mins, if that. It is utterly and completely amazing. Its fast, its quick, and saves a ton of money from having to buy new strings of lights.
As I was standing in my garage last night fixing these strings of lights, I couldn't help but think about the power of God. See, you need to understand me a bit- I like things to be done fast, not slow. So whether its Christmas lights or popcorn, I want it done the quickest way.
Sometimes I think that people don't realize how quickly God can fix things if they will let Him. Sure, you can go it alone and get frustrated and mad. The other option is to allow Him to do the work for you, fix it quicker and better than you ever could.
Are you trying to do things the old way with your own strength? or have you discovered the power of God in your life to be able to repair your life in a way that is powerful, magical and expedient? Believe Him today. Draw from His fixing power to light up your life. It will amaze you His ability to fix the broken things of your life if you will let him.
Be blessed
I'm sure you're not surprised. Somehow those strings of lights go into the box working, and then during the year, some little gnome goes up in the attic and makes them stop working. Its crazy.
It presented me a dilemma- either go and buy new lights, or try to fix the broken ones that I had. Now, I'm not sure if you've ever tried to repair a string of lights, but its no quick task. Typically it involves plugging in the set, and then taking one light bulb and going down the line swapping it out repeatedly. If you've ever done that task, you can agree is arduous and boring. The worst part is that there is no guarantee it will work.
There wasn't a lot of hope for the traditional fix from me. That sounded like a lot of work, and downright boring to spend that much time working on that. No thank you. Then I remembered this thing my brother showed me last year- this magical 'gun' that you can use to repair Christmas lights. Have you seen it? Its amazing. Basically, you unplug the light bulb and then shove that little receptacle into the gun and pull the trigger over and over.
I don't have any idea how that thing works, but somehow that little string of broken lights starts to work. The process takes all of about 2 mins, if that. It is utterly and completely amazing. Its fast, its quick, and saves a ton of money from having to buy new strings of lights.
As I was standing in my garage last night fixing these strings of lights, I couldn't help but think about the power of God. See, you need to understand me a bit- I like things to be done fast, not slow. So whether its Christmas lights or popcorn, I want it done the quickest way.
Sometimes I think that people don't realize how quickly God can fix things if they will let Him. Sure, you can go it alone and get frustrated and mad. The other option is to allow Him to do the work for you, fix it quicker and better than you ever could.
Are you trying to do things the old way with your own strength? or have you discovered the power of God in your life to be able to repair your life in a way that is powerful, magical and expedient? Believe Him today. Draw from His fixing power to light up your life. It will amaze you His ability to fix the broken things of your life if you will let him.
Be blessed
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Jesus Christ Reports For Jury Duty In Birmingham
This week in Birmingham Alabama, a lady showed up for jury duty who had legally changed her name to Jesus Christ. When her name was called, it caused such a ruckus that she was released from jury duty. You can read about it by clicking here
Wow. I am amazed. For a few reasons. Seriously? A woman changed her name to Jesus Christ? Its not so much that its a woman, because I think that even if it were a man who had changed his name, I would be equally surprised. To change your name to the savior of the universe is a pretty tall order. Can you imagine how people would respond to you if you messed up just the tiniest little bit?
"Um, excuse me Jesus, but I was really expecting a little better from you".
"Yea, Jesus, would it be possible for you to show up on time for work next time?"
"You know Jesus, I've been meaning to talk to you about your attitude problem".
Or how would it sound if it were your name?
"Hello, this is Jesus Christ, may I speak to Harold please?"
"Well its a pleasure to meet you! My name is Jesus Christ, but you can just call me Jesus"
There are endless situations! If you're name was Jesus Christ, people would expect perfection from you at all times. I figure if you have the guff to change your name to the savior, you should start acting like one. Word of advice- don't change your name to Jesus Christ, it would be way to complicated.
Here's the spin though- if I were on trial, I'll tell you who I would want on my Jury, and that would definitely be Jesus Christ. Not this woman named JC, the actual King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus of Nazareth who is the Christ.
This is how I know that woman wasn't truly Jesus, because this is what Jesus would have done. He would have gone to the judge, and taken the penalty for the crime that person committed. Jesus would take the blame and punishment for something He didn't do. Because well, that's what Jesus did on the cross. He took the penalty for the things we did wrong.
Remind yourself of two things today-
1. You are not Jesus. Do not try to be Him. Try to be like Him. Mold your life to live as He lived, not to actually become Him. We don't need another Savior.
2. You want Jesus on your side when you're in trouble. Don't kick him off the Jury. Unless you're in Birmingham and its a lady named Jesus. More than likely that person isn't all there.
Be blessed.
Wow. I am amazed. For a few reasons. Seriously? A woman changed her name to Jesus Christ? Its not so much that its a woman, because I think that even if it were a man who had changed his name, I would be equally surprised. To change your name to the savior of the universe is a pretty tall order. Can you imagine how people would respond to you if you messed up just the tiniest little bit?
"Um, excuse me Jesus, but I was really expecting a little better from you".
"Yea, Jesus, would it be possible for you to show up on time for work next time?"
"You know Jesus, I've been meaning to talk to you about your attitude problem".
Or how would it sound if it were your name?
"Hello, this is Jesus Christ, may I speak to Harold please?"
"Well its a pleasure to meet you! My name is Jesus Christ, but you can just call me Jesus"
There are endless situations! If you're name was Jesus Christ, people would expect perfection from you at all times. I figure if you have the guff to change your name to the savior, you should start acting like one. Word of advice- don't change your name to Jesus Christ, it would be way to complicated.
Here's the spin though- if I were on trial, I'll tell you who I would want on my Jury, and that would definitely be Jesus Christ. Not this woman named JC, the actual King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus of Nazareth who is the Christ.
This is how I know that woman wasn't truly Jesus, because this is what Jesus would have done. He would have gone to the judge, and taken the penalty for the crime that person committed. Jesus would take the blame and punishment for something He didn't do. Because well, that's what Jesus did on the cross. He took the penalty for the things we did wrong.
Remind yourself of two things today-
1. You are not Jesus. Do not try to be Him. Try to be like Him. Mold your life to live as He lived, not to actually become Him. We don't need another Savior.
2. You want Jesus on your side when you're in trouble. Don't kick him off the Jury. Unless you're in Birmingham and its a lady named Jesus. More than likely that person isn't all there.
Be blessed.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
We Put Up The Lighted Idol To The god of Materialism Last Night
I did a little gooogling about the History of the Christmas tree and there is quite a bit of controversy regarding that little green bush that we decorate every year. Some say its a pagan symbol. Some say its a Christian symbol. Some just say its a tree.
We put up the lighted idol to the god of materialism last night- our Christmas tree. At least, that's what some would call it. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but to us, it is a tradition that we do in our family to recognize that it is time for reflection of the season Christmas.
The pagan vs. Christian debate can be brought up in regards to many things in our society. There are some people that believe that Christians shouldn't associate with or be a part of anything that is not explicitly Christian. To them, putting up a lighted tree in their home is akin to erecting a place of worship to the god of Mammon.
Here's what I think- You can put a poster on your wall that says "Jesus is Lord" or you can erect a silver pole and perform feats of strength. What I believe matters most, is WHY you're doing it. Whats the motivation behind it? I think that it is just as easy to erroneously put a cross over your door and think that its going to protect your family, as it is to put a lighted tree in your living room and not think about what Christmas really means.
I know its early in the season, but I want to encourage you today to start to reflect about what this season truly means. I think its important because with every light, every cookie, every song, if we don't reflect or think about it, this season can be rather meaningless.
Here's what Christmas is all about- the arrival of Jesus. The child who came into this world to reconcile people to God. That's it. The arrival of Jesus is an announcement that we will eventually no longer be enemies of God.
Think about that this month. Think about how glorious it is we have a God who sent us a savior in His son Jesus. If we spend a bit more time reflecting on that this month, everything we do will have a bit more meaning, because we will be reflecting on what truly matters. Not trees, presents and snow, but the arrival of the King of Kings.
Be blessed
We put up the lighted idol to the god of materialism last night- our Christmas tree. At least, that's what some would call it. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but to us, it is a tradition that we do in our family to recognize that it is time for reflection of the season Christmas.
The pagan vs. Christian debate can be brought up in regards to many things in our society. There are some people that believe that Christians shouldn't associate with or be a part of anything that is not explicitly Christian. To them, putting up a lighted tree in their home is akin to erecting a place of worship to the god of Mammon.
Here's what I think- You can put a poster on your wall that says "Jesus is Lord" or you can erect a silver pole and perform feats of strength. What I believe matters most, is WHY you're doing it. Whats the motivation behind it? I think that it is just as easy to erroneously put a cross over your door and think that its going to protect your family, as it is to put a lighted tree in your living room and not think about what Christmas really means.
I know its early in the season, but I want to encourage you today to start to reflect about what this season truly means. I think its important because with every light, every cookie, every song, if we don't reflect or think about it, this season can be rather meaningless.
Here's what Christmas is all about- the arrival of Jesus. The child who came into this world to reconcile people to God. That's it. The arrival of Jesus is an announcement that we will eventually no longer be enemies of God.
Think about that this month. Think about how glorious it is we have a God who sent us a savior in His son Jesus. If we spend a bit more time reflecting on that this month, everything we do will have a bit more meaning, because we will be reflecting on what truly matters. Not trees, presents and snow, but the arrival of the King of Kings.
Be blessed
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Back From the Break- Have I got a Story For You.
Hey- I hope you had a great break over the weekend and you took some time to reflect and be thankful for the blessings in your life. Our family took the time to drive to Idaho and spend some time with my grandparents. It was a wonderful visit.
I've never been a black Friday shopper. Its not my thing. I don't even enjoy regular shopping, so why would I subject myself to abuse on the most shopped day of the year?
Well, being the wonderful husband that I am, I agreed to go with my wife to the 'doorbuster' at Toys r Us. It opened at midnight on Thanksgiving Day. Quite early, or late depending on your point of reference. The reason we were going there, was that we wanted to buy a present for our son that was about 40 dollars cheaper during the sale.
It was Thanksgiving day, it was a toy store, and we were in Spokane Washington, so we figured that there wouldn't be anyone there. We decided to drive over near the store a bit early, grab a cup of coffee and sit in our vehicle and wait for the doors to open.
When we arrived at the store, there was a sea of people that extended farther than my eyes could see. They were all the way down the multi-store building and around the corner. Literally, there must have been over 1000 people waiting in this line. We were amazed.
We parked our vehicle and sat and looked at the line and thought, 'do we really want to go and wait in that line'? It was enormous, and the reality was that even if we waited in the line, we would not have a guarentee of getting what we wanted. Honestly, I was so surprised that there were this many people lined up in the middle of the night at a toy store.
We waited to see what was going to happen at midnight when the doors opened. What happened angered me. Right at midnight, as the line started to move, dozens of people came out from the darkness and attempted to push their way to the front of the line.
You should have heard the screams of the people in line. We were in a closed vehicle and it was loud. They were mad that these people were cutting, and so was I. I hadn't even waited in the line and I thought that it was lame what those people were doing. I can appreciate that they didn't want to wait in that line. I was right there with them. I didn't want to wait in that line either. It was long. It was cold. It looked painful.
As we sat there, we were wondering what we were going to do. Wait or go. Wait or go. I wont go into extended detail because I don't want to divulge our benevolent friends, but this is what I will say- We didn't get in that line. Didn't get out of the vehicle, and God made a way for us to get that present for our Son.
Its amazing how the Lord works to bless us. Someone called us while we were sitting there and we told them what we were doing and they went online and bought us that present for our son so we wouldn't have to wait in that line. It was so surprising. So amazing. So unexpected.
As we were driving away, I couldn't help but think of those line jumpers. I wondered if they realized that God blesses people. That you don't have to crowd someone else, or cut in a line because of fear of not getting what you want.
I know God knows where I am and what I'm doing. It was awesome to receive a tangible blessing without having to crowd a line, or wait in a line with a crowd.
Allow the Lord to bless you this season. Don't get worried. Don't get angry. Don't push to the front of the line. Put your hopes and dreams in His hands no matter how big or small and watch what he does. You'll be surprised.
Have a blessed week.
I've never been a black Friday shopper. Its not my thing. I don't even enjoy regular shopping, so why would I subject myself to abuse on the most shopped day of the year?
Well, being the wonderful husband that I am, I agreed to go with my wife to the 'doorbuster' at Toys r Us. It opened at midnight on Thanksgiving Day. Quite early, or late depending on your point of reference. The reason we were going there, was that we wanted to buy a present for our son that was about 40 dollars cheaper during the sale.
It was Thanksgiving day, it was a toy store, and we were in Spokane Washington, so we figured that there wouldn't be anyone there. We decided to drive over near the store a bit early, grab a cup of coffee and sit in our vehicle and wait for the doors to open.
When we arrived at the store, there was a sea of people that extended farther than my eyes could see. They were all the way down the multi-store building and around the corner. Literally, there must have been over 1000 people waiting in this line. We were amazed.
We parked our vehicle and sat and looked at the line and thought, 'do we really want to go and wait in that line'? It was enormous, and the reality was that even if we waited in the line, we would not have a guarentee of getting what we wanted. Honestly, I was so surprised that there were this many people lined up in the middle of the night at a toy store.
We waited to see what was going to happen at midnight when the doors opened. What happened angered me. Right at midnight, as the line started to move, dozens of people came out from the darkness and attempted to push their way to the front of the line.
You should have heard the screams of the people in line. We were in a closed vehicle and it was loud. They were mad that these people were cutting, and so was I. I hadn't even waited in the line and I thought that it was lame what those people were doing. I can appreciate that they didn't want to wait in that line. I was right there with them. I didn't want to wait in that line either. It was long. It was cold. It looked painful.
As we sat there, we were wondering what we were going to do. Wait or go. Wait or go. I wont go into extended detail because I don't want to divulge our benevolent friends, but this is what I will say- We didn't get in that line. Didn't get out of the vehicle, and God made a way for us to get that present for our Son.
Its amazing how the Lord works to bless us. Someone called us while we were sitting there and we told them what we were doing and they went online and bought us that present for our son so we wouldn't have to wait in that line. It was so surprising. So amazing. So unexpected.
As we were driving away, I couldn't help but think of those line jumpers. I wondered if they realized that God blesses people. That you don't have to crowd someone else, or cut in a line because of fear of not getting what you want.
I know God knows where I am and what I'm doing. It was awesome to receive a tangible blessing without having to crowd a line, or wait in a line with a crowd.
Allow the Lord to bless you this season. Don't get worried. Don't get angry. Don't push to the front of the line. Put your hopes and dreams in His hands no matter how big or small and watch what he does. You'll be surprised.
Have a blessed week.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
How To Have An Attitude of Gratitude
Tomorrow is thanksgiving. A day that we as a nation set aside to be thankful. Make no mistake. Tomorrow is a religious holiday, and here is why- if you're not thankful to God for what you have, or what has happened in your life, who are you thankful towards?
I am very thankful this year. God has richly blessed our family, and our ministry and I have no complaints.
For some reason, people seem to start to struggle with this time of year. I think that it is natural to take a mental inventory of where you are at, and for some people it can be a bit painful. This can be a time of year with pain and regret.
Pain and regret can be natural emotions when you have been through a challenging time in life. There is truly only one way to be thankful in the midst of trials and circumstance- we must focus on what we have, not on what we do not have. It is a fruitless exercise to take a mental inventory of what you don't have. It is very beneficial to think about what you do have.
If you're reading this blog- you have eyes. That is something to be thankful for. If you can read this- it means you can read, that is something to be thankful for. There. Two things you can be thankful for, that you can read, and that you have eyes, now you're on your way.
Here's an exercise that I want to encourage you to take this year. Take a few moments and sit down and write the most mundane things that you can think of to be thankful for. Take that list, and pray it to God. Tell him that you are thankful for those things. Thank him that he has blessed you with those things.
Thanksgiving isn't about turkey and pie. Its about the realization that there is a Creator that has blessed us and taking the time to be thankful for it.
Be blessed this Thanksgiving.
I am very thankful this year. God has richly blessed our family, and our ministry and I have no complaints.
For some reason, people seem to start to struggle with this time of year. I think that it is natural to take a mental inventory of where you are at, and for some people it can be a bit painful. This can be a time of year with pain and regret.
Pain and regret can be natural emotions when you have been through a challenging time in life. There is truly only one way to be thankful in the midst of trials and circumstance- we must focus on what we have, not on what we do not have. It is a fruitless exercise to take a mental inventory of what you don't have. It is very beneficial to think about what you do have.
If you're reading this blog- you have eyes. That is something to be thankful for. If you can read this- it means you can read, that is something to be thankful for. There. Two things you can be thankful for, that you can read, and that you have eyes, now you're on your way.
Here's an exercise that I want to encourage you to take this year. Take a few moments and sit down and write the most mundane things that you can think of to be thankful for. Take that list, and pray it to God. Tell him that you are thankful for those things. Thank him that he has blessed you with those things.
Thanksgiving isn't about turkey and pie. Its about the realization that there is a Creator that has blessed us and taking the time to be thankful for it.
Be blessed this Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Global Warming is a LIE?
Big news from the Washington Times today. It appears as if some documents have leaked from some big-time climate change think tank/scientific research outfit. Apparently the documents show that these scientists have 'cooked the books' so to speak to make the data appear more in favor of global warming happening. It also may show that these scientists suppressed data that contradicted their hypothesis in regards to global warming. You can read the article by clicking here
This a pretty fresh article, so I'm sure that there is going to be stir in the public realm about it. Or maybe not, it may just fall into relative obscurity and just be the 'soup du jour'.
It raises some questions though-
1. How much trust do we put in scientists that affect our public policy?
2. How do ensure that there is public debate from both sides of the issue?
Most people would probably conclude if you've known me long enough that I lean a little to the right more than the left. I'm no scientist. I don't have "An Inconvenient Truth" on my netflix list. But I am a guy that has a bit of common sense.
I can be in Los Angeles and taste the pollution in the air and think- "this isn't good". I can watch the trailers full of garbage going to the landfill in King County and wonder if some of that stuff could be recycled. I think about the impact of trash in our seas and contaminates being put into our waterways and streams. I'm not an anti-environmental guy.
But I do care about the truth. I care about fear tactics being used as a means to divert my tax dollars to causes that aren't truly causes. I care that people put more faith in a guy in a white lab coat than they do in Almighty God.
I don't know if the world is getting hotter or colder. I don't know if we're going to kill ourselves with our Styrofoam cups. But I do know this- the Bible declares that "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together" (Col 1:17). What does that mean?
It means that God created the earth and knows how this thing is running. He's holding the thing together so we shouldn't be too worried about it. Now, does it mean that we should run out and start burning coal in our fireplaces and take out our emissions standards?
No. But we would do better to put a bit more trust in the Word of God and his ability to take care of us and this world that He created.
Yes, there are things that Humans do to affect the earth and its systems. But here's the deal- if this is true, its deplorable that these guys skewed the data and cooked the books to make it seem as if something was true that was not.
Trust God today. Believe that He is taking care of us and His creation. Thank Him for his provision and His creation. Put more trust in Him in all areas of your life.
Be blessed today.
This a pretty fresh article, so I'm sure that there is going to be stir in the public realm about it. Or maybe not, it may just fall into relative obscurity and just be the 'soup du jour'.
It raises some questions though-
1. How much trust do we put in scientists that affect our public policy?
2. How do ensure that there is public debate from both sides of the issue?
Most people would probably conclude if you've known me long enough that I lean a little to the right more than the left. I'm no scientist. I don't have "An Inconvenient Truth" on my netflix list. But I am a guy that has a bit of common sense.
I can be in Los Angeles and taste the pollution in the air and think- "this isn't good". I can watch the trailers full of garbage going to the landfill in King County and wonder if some of that stuff could be recycled. I think about the impact of trash in our seas and contaminates being put into our waterways and streams. I'm not an anti-environmental guy.
But I do care about the truth. I care about fear tactics being used as a means to divert my tax dollars to causes that aren't truly causes. I care that people put more faith in a guy in a white lab coat than they do in Almighty God.
I don't know if the world is getting hotter or colder. I don't know if we're going to kill ourselves with our Styrofoam cups. But I do know this- the Bible declares that "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together" (Col 1:17). What does that mean?
It means that God created the earth and knows how this thing is running. He's holding the thing together so we shouldn't be too worried about it. Now, does it mean that we should run out and start burning coal in our fireplaces and take out our emissions standards?
No. But we would do better to put a bit more trust in the Word of God and his ability to take care of us and this world that He created.
Yes, there are things that Humans do to affect the earth and its systems. But here's the deal- if this is true, its deplorable that these guys skewed the data and cooked the books to make it seem as if something was true that was not.
Trust God today. Believe that He is taking care of us and His creation. Thank Him for his provision and His creation. Put more trust in Him in all areas of your life.
Be blessed today.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sooooo Angry I Could Just SPIT!
There are times in my life that I get exceptionally angry. Very quickly. It usually comes out of no where and rises up when I least expect it. It usually happens when I am frustrated, or inconvenienced or some other benign thing that sets me off.
It doesn't happen that often, but it happens. Just like last night.
Let me share with you a classic example of this- last night I needed to make some copies for something. They were color. I was putting them in a binder. They needed to look nice.
I spent a few hours on this thing, emailed them to the office supply store by my house and asked for them to call me when they were done. When they were done, my daughter and I went there, picked them up, stopped by the store and bought some lunchables, and came home.
When I got to my office, I realised that my cursory glance at my copies were not sufficient enough to notice that my copies were done wrong. I wont go into great detail, but basically, I needed each page separate, and four of the pages had been duplexed, with the opposite side upside down, so they were worthless to me.
I got really angry. Really fast. Things like that frustrate me to no end. Frustrated because the copy girl didn't double check her work. Frustrated because I didn't double check it when I was there. Frustrated because I had to go out again when it was 8pm and I wanted to start watching football. Frustrated because I was burning gas to drive back.
I called them and told them I was coming back to get my copies re-done.
I got in my SUV, and was steaming the whole way there. I ran scenarios in my head and what I was going to say to that girl, and how I was going to swipe my arm across the counter and scream "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! I WANT THE MANAGER!!!". Literally, I envisioned myself plowing my truck through the front door of the store, copies in hand, screaming about my 4 pages of incorrect copies.
When I came through the front door of the store, I took a deep breath, and walked up to the counter, and the girl who messed up my copies that ruined my entire existence turned around and smiled at me. "Oh, are you the one that called?. I am so sorry this happened"
I looked at her and thought about my frustration and how I was going to respond.
"That's okay" I said. "No one died. Its an honest mistake, we all make them from time to time".
I stood there for about 2 mins while she made my copies, I smiled. Took them and drove home. Less angry. Less frustrated. Less worried that I would have made a complete jerk of myself at the copy center that I frequent.
It is possible to get angry and not explode. Its possible to be frustrated and not take it out on someone else. Its not easy, but it is possible. I think that people don't realize at times that everyone gets angry, its just how you deal with it that is the issue.
The Bible says that anger is inevitable, but when you are angry, not to sin. Let that be an encouragement to you today. If you get angry take a moment to think about where you are, what you are doing and why you are angry and then do what I do when I'm mad.
Absolutely nothing. Just smile, swallow your pride, and thank God that you have another day to live. Taking your anger out on someone else does nothing but hurt them.
Be Blessed
It doesn't happen that often, but it happens. Just like last night.
Let me share with you a classic example of this- last night I needed to make some copies for something. They were color. I was putting them in a binder. They needed to look nice.
I spent a few hours on this thing, emailed them to the office supply store by my house and asked for them to call me when they were done. When they were done, my daughter and I went there, picked them up, stopped by the store and bought some lunchables, and came home.
When I got to my office, I realised that my cursory glance at my copies were not sufficient enough to notice that my copies were done wrong. I wont go into great detail, but basically, I needed each page separate, and four of the pages had been duplexed, with the opposite side upside down, so they were worthless to me.
I got really angry. Really fast. Things like that frustrate me to no end. Frustrated because the copy girl didn't double check her work. Frustrated because I didn't double check it when I was there. Frustrated because I had to go out again when it was 8pm and I wanted to start watching football. Frustrated because I was burning gas to drive back.
I called them and told them I was coming back to get my copies re-done.
I got in my SUV, and was steaming the whole way there. I ran scenarios in my head and what I was going to say to that girl, and how I was going to swipe my arm across the counter and scream "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! I WANT THE MANAGER!!!". Literally, I envisioned myself plowing my truck through the front door of the store, copies in hand, screaming about my 4 pages of incorrect copies.
When I came through the front door of the store, I took a deep breath, and walked up to the counter, and the girl who messed up my copies that ruined my entire existence turned around and smiled at me. "Oh, are you the one that called?. I am so sorry this happened"
I looked at her and thought about my frustration and how I was going to respond.
"That's okay" I said. "No one died. Its an honest mistake, we all make them from time to time".
I stood there for about 2 mins while she made my copies, I smiled. Took them and drove home. Less angry. Less frustrated. Less worried that I would have made a complete jerk of myself at the copy center that I frequent.
It is possible to get angry and not explode. Its possible to be frustrated and not take it out on someone else. Its not easy, but it is possible. I think that people don't realize at times that everyone gets angry, its just how you deal with it that is the issue.
The Bible says that anger is inevitable, but when you are angry, not to sin. Let that be an encouragement to you today. If you get angry take a moment to think about where you are, what you are doing and why you are angry and then do what I do when I'm mad.
Absolutely nothing. Just smile, swallow your pride, and thank God that you have another day to live. Taking your anger out on someone else does nothing but hurt them.
Be Blessed
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Spend Your Time With Positive People
I used to work for a Fortune 500 company from about 2004-2007. It was a great job and I had a ton of fun working there. I probably would have stayed a lot longer had I not been called into full-time ministry. While I was there, I met a lot of great people who have become lifelong friends.
One of these guys is named Anthony. He lives in Spokane. While I was working at the old company, he and I would talk on the phone periodically and encourage one another in our job, and talk about our shared challenges. When I would travel to the area to visit family, he and I would go and get some breakfast together.
Now we talk on the phone on average about once a week. I have to tell you, this guy Anthony is one of the most encouraging guys that I know. He bleeds positivity and passion. When you're around this guy you can't help but smile and feel better about yourself. I am so glad that he's my friend.
Yesterday he really had some encouragement over the phone for me. He just called to, as I like to say, "love on me". Am I being self-centered here? No, I'm being honest. I like it when positive people call me and encourage me. It makes me feel valued and prompts me to continue to do great things in my life. It spurs me to good works. I really appreciated the call.
Thanks Anthony.
Here's a part of my life that you may not know- I have a rather large contingent of positive people that stay in constant contact with. From Seaside California to Pennsylvania, From DC to Tupelo Mississippi and all points in between. I have figured out that the more positive people that I have in my life, the happier I am and the more I get accomplished.
Who do you surround yourself with? Who do you have in your life that is positive and encourages you to be a better you? I'm not talking about people who just tell you what you want to hear, but those people who know your best and your worst. The people who love you no matter what and challenge you to be the best you that you can be.
If you don't have at least 5, start looking for them. Call them and encourage them to be all they can be, and watch what happens. Your life will be filled with a richness and vitality that you may have never experienced before. Your life will become a conduit of God's love and encouragement to all those around you and you'll reap the benefits of it.
Be blessed today
ps. Yes I love all my other positive people too! Today was just about Anthony!!! (especially you Chad- I know you're going to call me and say "what's up with that?")
One of these guys is named Anthony. He lives in Spokane. While I was working at the old company, he and I would talk on the phone periodically and encourage one another in our job, and talk about our shared challenges. When I would travel to the area to visit family, he and I would go and get some breakfast together.
Now we talk on the phone on average about once a week. I have to tell you, this guy Anthony is one of the most encouraging guys that I know. He bleeds positivity and passion. When you're around this guy you can't help but smile and feel better about yourself. I am so glad that he's my friend.
Yesterday he really had some encouragement over the phone for me. He just called to, as I like to say, "love on me". Am I being self-centered here? No, I'm being honest. I like it when positive people call me and encourage me. It makes me feel valued and prompts me to continue to do great things in my life. It spurs me to good works. I really appreciated the call.
Thanks Anthony.
Here's a part of my life that you may not know- I have a rather large contingent of positive people that stay in constant contact with. From Seaside California to Pennsylvania, From DC to Tupelo Mississippi and all points in between. I have figured out that the more positive people that I have in my life, the happier I am and the more I get accomplished.
Who do you surround yourself with? Who do you have in your life that is positive and encourages you to be a better you? I'm not talking about people who just tell you what you want to hear, but those people who know your best and your worst. The people who love you no matter what and challenge you to be the best you that you can be.
If you don't have at least 5, start looking for them. Call them and encourage them to be all they can be, and watch what happens. Your life will be filled with a richness and vitality that you may have never experienced before. Your life will become a conduit of God's love and encouragement to all those around you and you'll reap the benefits of it.
Be blessed today
ps. Yes I love all my other positive people too! Today was just about Anthony!!! (especially you Chad- I know you're going to call me and say "what's up with that?")
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
When I Grow Up I Want to be a NINJA!
I don't take martial arts. I never have. Sure, I've yelled out a "hiyaaa" and kicked in the air before, but I've had no formal training. Unless you count watching Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee movies. If that is formal training, I would obviously be considered a black belt.
Martial arts are really popular. Lots of people are involved with them for the fitness benefits or self defense training. I know a few people who do it, and it looks like my son may start doing it soon.
In my understanding, the culmination of training that anyone can attain to be is to be a Ninja. Sure, I may not know much about the arts, but as far as I can figure out, if you're a Ninja, you're a real bad mamma jamma. Smoke screens, throwing stars, all of it. You're a force to be reckoned with.
Here's the deal though- much like the Sasquatch or the Loch Ness monster, I think the Ninja lives in relative obscurity because no one has ever seen one. That is part of thier mystique and intrigue though. You fear that which you cannot see.
Interesting story from Seattle. Apparently there are Ninjas among us. You can read the story here. A Ninja was impaled on a fence he was trying to get over while involved in some sort of Ninja like mission.
I don't think this guy was an actual Ninja. Call me crazy, but I think he was probably some guy who had a little too much of grandpas cough medicine and was trying to be a Ninja, not actually in the act of performing Ninja duties.
On some level, I bet that guy wishes he was a Ninja. Halloween is over, he's not roaming around in split toed shoes and samurai sword on his back unless he actually wants to be Ninja. People who don't want to be Ninjas sit at home and watch Kung Fu movies and talk about Ninjas, they don't go out and dress up like them.
Here's the nugget- haven't we all at some time wished that we were someone different or that we possessed some special skill that no one else had? Haven't you ever day-dreamed as you were in your car and thought "what would it be like to be a_____". Of course, we all have. The difference is that most of us never go past the thought phase. We just let it sit in our minds. We don't act on it or do anything about it.
I'm a bit impressed by this guy. Why? Because he actually was willing to put himself out there to try to become what he wanted to become. He didn't sit around and talk about being a Ninja. He went out and tried to be a Ninja. It may have involved some alcohol and some poor decisions, but you have to applaud the guy for his efforts how ever misdirected or odd.
Who do you want to be? What part of your life are you holding back because of fear of failure or the ridicule of your peers?
Be willing to step out of your personal comfort zone today and make steps and improvements to become that which you believe God is calling you to become. It may not be a Ninja, but maybe it is someone that you know is inside of you, that just hasn't came out yet.
Martial arts are really popular. Lots of people are involved with them for the fitness benefits or self defense training. I know a few people who do it, and it looks like my son may start doing it soon.
In my understanding, the culmination of training that anyone can attain to be is to be a Ninja. Sure, I may not know much about the arts, but as far as I can figure out, if you're a Ninja, you're a real bad mamma jamma. Smoke screens, throwing stars, all of it. You're a force to be reckoned with.
Here's the deal though- much like the Sasquatch or the Loch Ness monster, I think the Ninja lives in relative obscurity because no one has ever seen one. That is part of thier mystique and intrigue though. You fear that which you cannot see.
Interesting story from Seattle. Apparently there are Ninjas among us. You can read the story here. A Ninja was impaled on a fence he was trying to get over while involved in some sort of Ninja like mission.
I don't think this guy was an actual Ninja. Call me crazy, but I think he was probably some guy who had a little too much of grandpas cough medicine and was trying to be a Ninja, not actually in the act of performing Ninja duties.
On some level, I bet that guy wishes he was a Ninja. Halloween is over, he's not roaming around in split toed shoes and samurai sword on his back unless he actually wants to be Ninja. People who don't want to be Ninjas sit at home and watch Kung Fu movies and talk about Ninjas, they don't go out and dress up like them.
Here's the nugget- haven't we all at some time wished that we were someone different or that we possessed some special skill that no one else had? Haven't you ever day-dreamed as you were in your car and thought "what would it be like to be a_____". Of course, we all have. The difference is that most of us never go past the thought phase. We just let it sit in our minds. We don't act on it or do anything about it.
I'm a bit impressed by this guy. Why? Because he actually was willing to put himself out there to try to become what he wanted to become. He didn't sit around and talk about being a Ninja. He went out and tried to be a Ninja. It may have involved some alcohol and some poor decisions, but you have to applaud the guy for his efforts how ever misdirected or odd.
Who do you want to be? What part of your life are you holding back because of fear of failure or the ridicule of your peers?
Be willing to step out of your personal comfort zone today and make steps and improvements to become that which you believe God is calling you to become. It may not be a Ninja, but maybe it is someone that you know is inside of you, that just hasn't came out yet.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Would You Rather Pay 80 Dollars? Or 21?
Crystal and I go to the gym together. Usually, we try to go at least 3 days a week together. Its fun to go together, and an encouragement for me, when I don't feel like going, because she will always go.
Yesterday, we drove up to our gym, and the parking lot was completely empty except for one car. As we drove up, I recall saying "this doesn't look good". As we drove up the door, the lady from the front desk of the gym came out and shared with us that our membership at that gym had been bought up by the gym across the street.
It wasn't exactly what we were expecting for a Monday morning. We liked that gym. It was a great place to work out.
I have to be honest though. When I had the choice between the two gyms, I really wanted to join the other one, not the one I joined. The other gym has a pool, a sport court, a lot more machines, and a lot more room in general. In addition, they had a lot more price too. To join that other gym was about 35 dollars a month, the one I joined was 20 dollars a month.
Here's where it gets fun. About 6 weeks ago, after Crystal had joined and we were paying about 40 dollars a month for the both of us, they were running a special. If we paid 200 dollars, they would reduce the price of our membership to 21 dollars a month for the both of us, with no price increase for life. Great deal that got even better when that new gym bought our membership- they are going to honor that price at the new gym.
Are you doing the math? We're now members of the gym that I really wanted to join originally, for about 75% less than what we should be actually paying. We should be paying 80 bucks and we're paying 21.
Well, you know me. Praise the LORD! How awesome is it that this happened? Am I going to go so far as to say that the Lord of the universe brokered a huge business deal just so his son and daughter could get the desires of their heart for a reduced rate? No, I wont say that he DID, but I will say that He COULD have.
Why do I believe that? Because I know that God loves me. I like what Jesus said in the book of Matthew "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
That's a great verse. It shares the true heart of God is that he likes to bless people. And yesterday, Crystal and I got a huge blessing in the form of a reduced price gym membership.
Look for these blessings in your own life. Realize that the Lord is looking for ways to bless you, and if you look for them, you will see them. He's trying ever means possible to bless you and tell you that He loves you.
Be blessed today
Yesterday, we drove up to our gym, and the parking lot was completely empty except for one car. As we drove up, I recall saying "this doesn't look good". As we drove up the door, the lady from the front desk of the gym came out and shared with us that our membership at that gym had been bought up by the gym across the street.
It wasn't exactly what we were expecting for a Monday morning. We liked that gym. It was a great place to work out.
I have to be honest though. When I had the choice between the two gyms, I really wanted to join the other one, not the one I joined. The other gym has a pool, a sport court, a lot more machines, and a lot more room in general. In addition, they had a lot more price too. To join that other gym was about 35 dollars a month, the one I joined was 20 dollars a month.
Here's where it gets fun. About 6 weeks ago, after Crystal had joined and we were paying about 40 dollars a month for the both of us, they were running a special. If we paid 200 dollars, they would reduce the price of our membership to 21 dollars a month for the both of us, with no price increase for life. Great deal that got even better when that new gym bought our membership- they are going to honor that price at the new gym.
Are you doing the math? We're now members of the gym that I really wanted to join originally, for about 75% less than what we should be actually paying. We should be paying 80 bucks and we're paying 21.
Well, you know me. Praise the LORD! How awesome is it that this happened? Am I going to go so far as to say that the Lord of the universe brokered a huge business deal just so his son and daughter could get the desires of their heart for a reduced rate? No, I wont say that he DID, but I will say that He COULD have.
Why do I believe that? Because I know that God loves me. I like what Jesus said in the book of Matthew "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
That's a great verse. It shares the true heart of God is that he likes to bless people. And yesterday, Crystal and I got a huge blessing in the form of a reduced price gym membership.
Look for these blessings in your own life. Realize that the Lord is looking for ways to bless you, and if you look for them, you will see them. He's trying ever means possible to bless you and tell you that He loves you.
Be blessed today
Friday, November 13, 2009
I am a VERY Important Man.
There are times that I get a little too full of myself. Or I should say, that I think more highly of myself than I ought. Its a thought that thinks "if it weren't for me, things wouldn't get done, or wouldn't get done in the correct way"
It takes a special event to constantly remind me who is in charge.
I'm a pastor, and obviously, as a pastor I want to see God's church grow. I try to do this by the way we structure our church, and what we do there, and how we set it up. We do outreaches, and events, and I spend a inordinate amount of time thinking about how to grow the church.
And then every once in a while, God lets me know who is getting it done. I'll give you a hint- it ain't the 6 foot 5 big headed dude in the front.
This last Sunday we had about a dozen visitors at our church. You may not realize what that means, but for our church our size, that's a huge number. You hope and pray for that amount. It was real exciting to see those people show up.
Here's the deal though- they just showed up. We didn't invite them, didn't do an outreach, didn't do a mailer. Nothing. They just came in off the street because they wanted to be at church.
There are two big things to learn from this for me.
1. God brought them in.
2. I didn't bring them in.
As I grow as a follower of Jesus and pastor, I begin to see more and more how He is the one that is running the show and not me. Yes I help out a bit here and there and do what I am told, but in the end, Its his deal. He's the one that makes it happen and makes sure that its getting done.
What's the nugget? I'm learning that I should give credit where credit is due, and learn that its not up to me. That when I give my hopes and dreams into the dream giver, he is more able to influence the end result and get glory for it. When I get out of the way, His plans are more easily accomplished.
Is there an area of your life that you are not allowing him to influence? A place that you re not allowing him to get in? Step back, let Him move and watch what happens. He'll move in those areas of your life if you will let him.
Be blessed
It takes a special event to constantly remind me who is in charge.
I'm a pastor, and obviously, as a pastor I want to see God's church grow. I try to do this by the way we structure our church, and what we do there, and how we set it up. We do outreaches, and events, and I spend a inordinate amount of time thinking about how to grow the church.
And then every once in a while, God lets me know who is getting it done. I'll give you a hint- it ain't the 6 foot 5 big headed dude in the front.
This last Sunday we had about a dozen visitors at our church. You may not realize what that means, but for our church our size, that's a huge number. You hope and pray for that amount. It was real exciting to see those people show up.
Here's the deal though- they just showed up. We didn't invite them, didn't do an outreach, didn't do a mailer. Nothing. They just came in off the street because they wanted to be at church.
There are two big things to learn from this for me.
1. God brought them in.
2. I didn't bring them in.
As I grow as a follower of Jesus and pastor, I begin to see more and more how He is the one that is running the show and not me. Yes I help out a bit here and there and do what I am told, but in the end, Its his deal. He's the one that makes it happen and makes sure that its getting done.
What's the nugget? I'm learning that I should give credit where credit is due, and learn that its not up to me. That when I give my hopes and dreams into the dream giver, he is more able to influence the end result and get glory for it. When I get out of the way, His plans are more easily accomplished.
Is there an area of your life that you are not allowing him to influence? A place that you re not allowing him to get in? Step back, let Him move and watch what happens. He'll move in those areas of your life if you will let him.
Be blessed
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sneezing 12,000 Times a day? (Video incl.)
Did you catch this video? Here is a girl who is sneezing about 8-9 times a minute. You can check out the video here. Its quite interesting.
The story is that she started sneezing after having a sleepover at some one's house, and then couldn't stop. If you watch the video, you can see that the medical editor from the Today show raises the question of whether or not the girl is actually having a medical condition or a psychological condition.
Obviously I don't know if she is having a medical or a psychological condition. Here's what I do know- either voluntary or involuntary, that is certainly a bunch of sneezing. What is my opinion? I think it started medically and probably turned into a psychological thing. Why do I think this? Because I believe on some level everyone wants to be known (blog writers) and feel as though they are special.
Most people do not want to live in obscurity devoid of any sort of connection with their fellow humans. You may say that either you or someone else you know doesn't seem to care who knows them or if they know someone else, but those people still must interact with the world.
You go shopping, you go to work, you go out to get the mail. And here's the kicker- someone is always watching you. You may not know them, but they notice you. In a store, on the street, at the Starbucks. You may not interact with them verbally, but they notice you.
What's my point? People will go to what ever measure necessary to feel as though they are being noticed. Dye the hair, pierce the face, or sneeze incessantly. The cry of their heart is 'I want to be noticed-because I want to feel valued'.
The Bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Jesus said that the hairs on our heads are number. God knows us. Who we are and where we are. He is intimately involved in your daily life. He loves you.
Do you feel as though you live in obscurity? Do you feel unnoticed or unloved? Take a moment today and think about the fact that there is a God that knows and loves you. As you walk around today remind yourself of it and you will notice Him moving in your daily life. He values you.
You don't need to sneeze 12,000 times a day to get noticed or feel special.
Be blessed
The story is that she started sneezing after having a sleepover at some one's house, and then couldn't stop. If you watch the video, you can see that the medical editor from the Today show raises the question of whether or not the girl is actually having a medical condition or a psychological condition.
Obviously I don't know if she is having a medical or a psychological condition. Here's what I do know- either voluntary or involuntary, that is certainly a bunch of sneezing. What is my opinion? I think it started medically and probably turned into a psychological thing. Why do I think this? Because I believe on some level everyone wants to be known (blog writers) and feel as though they are special.
Most people do not want to live in obscurity devoid of any sort of connection with their fellow humans. You may say that either you or someone else you know doesn't seem to care who knows them or if they know someone else, but those people still must interact with the world.
You go shopping, you go to work, you go out to get the mail. And here's the kicker- someone is always watching you. You may not know them, but they notice you. In a store, on the street, at the Starbucks. You may not interact with them verbally, but they notice you.
What's my point? People will go to what ever measure necessary to feel as though they are being noticed. Dye the hair, pierce the face, or sneeze incessantly. The cry of their heart is 'I want to be noticed-because I want to feel valued'.
The Bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Jesus said that the hairs on our heads are number. God knows us. Who we are and where we are. He is intimately involved in your daily life. He loves you.
Do you feel as though you live in obscurity? Do you feel unnoticed or unloved? Take a moment today and think about the fact that there is a God that knows and loves you. As you walk around today remind yourself of it and you will notice Him moving in your daily life. He values you.
You don't need to sneeze 12,000 times a day to get noticed or feel special.
Be blessed
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Blood Blood Bright Red Blood!
I remember in basic training when I was in the US Army and we learned how to use bayonets for the first time. All of us soldiers were standing around a platform as the Drill Sergeant talked to us.
"How many of you joined the Army for college money raise your hand" he said.
About half or more of the people there raised their hands.
"Well today, you're going to learn how to kill" was his reply.
The process of affixing a bayonet to the end of your M16 is a rather simple task, but what it means to the soldier is not simple at all. When you 'fix bayonets' it means that you have either a. ran out of ammo or b. you are about to be in very close quarters combat. Either of these options is not really an exciting prospect for anyone.
After fixing our bayonets, the Drill Sergeant would yell "what makes the green grass grow?" and we would reply " Blood Blood Bright Red Blood!". For the new soldier in basic training, the thought of using a bayonet, when you joined for college money, is quite startling I'm sure.
Here's the deal- whether people like it or not, our country was formed with the blood of the patriots that have fought in our numerous wars. Its horrible to think about the scores of people who have died in our nations wars, but important to remember that it is their sacrifice that has directly provided the freedoms that we have today.
The thought of blood being the price to pay for someones freedom is a kind of macabre. But the reality is that sometimes it is only through death that actual freedom and progress can be made. I know that the peace-nics don't accept or understand this notion, but history has proven it true.
I wish there were another way for resolution in diplomacy devoid of blood and death, but when you look at where we've come from, I'm not sure if it would have been possible.
Today I am reminded of the most powerful sacrifice and bloody death ever experienced. It was the death of Jesus of Nazareth on a cross. His bloody death was an act of service for all humanity. His blood provided a way to freedom and a payment for our sins. It was sad. It was bloody. It was necessary.
Yes, death and blood are scary and sad, but I thank God for the sacrifice of those young men and women who have provided my freedoms today. I honor them, and their families for what they have given.
I will never desecrate their name, Dishonor our flag, or forget what they have done.
Thank you
"How many of you joined the Army for college money raise your hand" he said.
About half or more of the people there raised their hands.
"Well today, you're going to learn how to kill" was his reply.
The process of affixing a bayonet to the end of your M16 is a rather simple task, but what it means to the soldier is not simple at all. When you 'fix bayonets' it means that you have either a. ran out of ammo or b. you are about to be in very close quarters combat. Either of these options is not really an exciting prospect for anyone.
After fixing our bayonets, the Drill Sergeant would yell "what makes the green grass grow?" and we would reply " Blood Blood Bright Red Blood!". For the new soldier in basic training, the thought of using a bayonet, when you joined for college money, is quite startling I'm sure.
Here's the deal- whether people like it or not, our country was formed with the blood of the patriots that have fought in our numerous wars. Its horrible to think about the scores of people who have died in our nations wars, but important to remember that it is their sacrifice that has directly provided the freedoms that we have today.
The thought of blood being the price to pay for someones freedom is a kind of macabre. But the reality is that sometimes it is only through death that actual freedom and progress can be made. I know that the peace-nics don't accept or understand this notion, but history has proven it true.
I wish there were another way for resolution in diplomacy devoid of blood and death, but when you look at where we've come from, I'm not sure if it would have been possible.
Today I am reminded of the most powerful sacrifice and bloody death ever experienced. It was the death of Jesus of Nazareth on a cross. His bloody death was an act of service for all humanity. His blood provided a way to freedom and a payment for our sins. It was sad. It was bloody. It was necessary.
Yes, death and blood are scary and sad, but I thank God for the sacrifice of those young men and women who have provided my freedoms today. I honor them, and their families for what they have given.
I will never desecrate their name, Dishonor our flag, or forget what they have done.
Thank you
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Apparently The 8 Days Wasn't Enough
You may recall the blog I wrote last week that talked about my experience with the 12 dozen donuts and how it played in to our first church service. I also shared how our church was looking at the opportunity to purchase a building and our attempt at raising 1.5 million dollars in 8 days time. You can read the blog here and the website here
Here's the update- we're a bit shy of the 1.5. Actually, we're about 1.498 shy of the 1.5. The well laid plan appears by all measures to have failed miserably. Or has it?
The hope of 88000 donors has manifest itself with about a solid 30 or so. To me, that says, that there are at least 30 people who strongly believe that this plan could work, and that they believe that it shall.
Its quite encouraging actually. We've gotten donations from people whom we don't even know for a project they believe has value. It pretty great.
Why am I telling you this? Well, I think its important that I am honest with you about what happened last week. I also think that its important to also share with you that we're not giving up on this yet. Have you ever heard that phrase 'there is more than one way to skin a cat'?. That phrase means that you can get to a goal a bunch of different ways.
I'm not exactly sure where we're going to go from here or how its going to happen. Just because this hasn't worked at the speed at which I had hoped, doesn't mean that its over. It is still completely possible for this to happen. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I usually don't give up that easily.
Maybe you're not a part of what we're doing and that's okay. Here's the nugget for you to chew on- don't give up easily. Just because you try something for a week or a month and you don't get the desired results doesn't mean that its not going to happen. Sometimes some of the greatest accomplishments of our lives are wrought with repeated episodes of tragic failure. You accomplish nothing if you give up every time an attempt doesn't go your way.
Keep trying. Keep moving forward. Keep praying. The God of this universe loves you and has created you with unlimited abilities to be able to affect this world for him. Don't give up easily.
I'm going to prayer. I'm going ask for some direction and see where we go from here. I'm open to suggestions or feedback.
Be blessed
Here's the update- we're a bit shy of the 1.5. Actually, we're about 1.498 shy of the 1.5. The well laid plan appears by all measures to have failed miserably. Or has it?
The hope of 88000 donors has manifest itself with about a solid 30 or so. To me, that says, that there are at least 30 people who strongly believe that this plan could work, and that they believe that it shall.
Its quite encouraging actually. We've gotten donations from people whom we don't even know for a project they believe has value. It pretty great.
Why am I telling you this? Well, I think its important that I am honest with you about what happened last week. I also think that its important to also share with you that we're not giving up on this yet. Have you ever heard that phrase 'there is more than one way to skin a cat'?. That phrase means that you can get to a goal a bunch of different ways.
I'm not exactly sure where we're going to go from here or how its going to happen. Just because this hasn't worked at the speed at which I had hoped, doesn't mean that its over. It is still completely possible for this to happen. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I usually don't give up that easily.
Maybe you're not a part of what we're doing and that's okay. Here's the nugget for you to chew on- don't give up easily. Just because you try something for a week or a month and you don't get the desired results doesn't mean that its not going to happen. Sometimes some of the greatest accomplishments of our lives are wrought with repeated episodes of tragic failure. You accomplish nothing if you give up every time an attempt doesn't go your way.
Keep trying. Keep moving forward. Keep praying. The God of this universe loves you and has created you with unlimited abilities to be able to affect this world for him. Don't give up easily.
I'm going to prayer. I'm going ask for some direction and see where we go from here. I'm open to suggestions or feedback.
Be blessed
Friday, November 6, 2009
I Was Stationed At Fort Hood as a Mental Health Counselor
I'm not sure if you saw the news yesterday. There was a shooting at Fort Hood. A guy opened fire on post, and killed 12 people, and wounded 30+ others. Scary stuff. I was a mental health counselor in the Army, and this guy was a psychiatrist. He was at Ft. Hood, I was at Fort Hood. I was stationed there for 3 years. I know exactly where all of that stuff went down.
There are tons of layers to this story. Lots to talk about. Tons to wonder about, and very many questions.
At first glance, its easy to draw a connection to this man's religion and job and wonder where did both of those systems go wrong? Some may say he was crazy, and acted impulsively, but news reports state that he gave away a lot of stuff that morning to people in his apartment complex. What am I saying? Regardless of his job, his religion or his motives. He didn't trip and fall with a gun in his hand. He planned it.
At some point either yesterday or sometime before he planned on going down to the Army post, guns in hands and taking out his fellows soldier with whom he had served.
I'm in a tough spot here. He's a Muslim mental health professional who swore to defend all enemies both foreign and domestic. Put in charge of leading soldiers, caring for their emotions, and serving his country. How can I assimilate all of this info, and be true to the Lord, my country and myself?
It's not easy that's for sure. Here's what I can come up with- hurting people hurt people. Whether its bullets or words, people who are in emotional pain lash out and hurt people. You do it, and I do it. We hurt people. The difference is that we don't load up the minivan with Glocks and ammo and head out to the workplace.
I can't unravel his motives or his intentions. I don't know him. I wasn't there. I can guess and Monday morning quarterback the thing, but I can't say with any degree of certainty what was exactly going on.
I'm going to pray for the families of the fallen soldiers today. I'm going to pray for the shooters family. I'm lastly going to pray for him. I'm going to pray that the Lord will help me to forgive him, as He has forgiven me.
What do you think? Post some comments.
Be blessed.
There are tons of layers to this story. Lots to talk about. Tons to wonder about, and very many questions.
At first glance, its easy to draw a connection to this man's religion and job and wonder where did both of those systems go wrong? Some may say he was crazy, and acted impulsively, but news reports state that he gave away a lot of stuff that morning to people in his apartment complex. What am I saying? Regardless of his job, his religion or his motives. He didn't trip and fall with a gun in his hand. He planned it.
At some point either yesterday or sometime before he planned on going down to the Army post, guns in hands and taking out his fellows soldier with whom he had served.
I'm in a tough spot here. He's a Muslim mental health professional who swore to defend all enemies both foreign and domestic. Put in charge of leading soldiers, caring for their emotions, and serving his country. How can I assimilate all of this info, and be true to the Lord, my country and myself?
It's not easy that's for sure. Here's what I can come up with- hurting people hurt people. Whether its bullets or words, people who are in emotional pain lash out and hurt people. You do it, and I do it. We hurt people. The difference is that we don't load up the minivan with Glocks and ammo and head out to the workplace.
I can't unravel his motives or his intentions. I don't know him. I wasn't there. I can guess and Monday morning quarterback the thing, but I can't say with any degree of certainty what was exactly going on.
I'm going to pray for the families of the fallen soldiers today. I'm going to pray for the shooters family. I'm lastly going to pray for him. I'm going to pray that the Lord will help me to forgive him, as He has forgiven me.
What do you think? Post some comments.
Be blessed.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Its Never Too Late To Do It.
I got a call from a friend of mine from High School yesterday. We weren't the closest of friends in High School, but we knew each other well, and spent some time together while in school.
We lost touch after high school, and didn't reconnect until the Facebook craze hit a few years ago.
Its been nice getting re-acquainted on FB, and seeing each others families and staying in touch. Earlier this year, we were able to connect at a Mariners game because we were both face booking while we were on FB, on our phones. How fun is that?
I got a call from them yesterday. They wanted to share with me that they had been baptised at their church, and given their life to Jesus.
It was the greatest honor that they had called me from Spokane to share with me what had happened. I was so encouraged by the call. It was great to hear what had happened, and what an impact it is having on their life.
"you finally understand why everyone thought I was a weirdo in High School now don't you?" I said, over the phone.
"Yeah, the peace I have right now is indescribable." They said. " I guess its one of those things that until you experience it, you can't understand it or explain it".
I was in tears. To see a Friend of mine that I have known since high school grow spiritually is an exciting thing, and here is why- most adults don't open themselves up to the things of God. Any church statistic guy will tell you that if you don't impact them by High School, there is little hope for change.
I, on the other hand disagree. God is still in the business of changing lives. He still moves the hearts of many, and saves the souls of all who would accept his free gift.
If you've got someone in your life that you're hoping to come to Christ, keep praying. If you don't know God at this point, don't be afraid to find out what its all about.
He still moves.
Be blessed
We lost touch after high school, and didn't reconnect until the Facebook craze hit a few years ago.
Its been nice getting re-acquainted on FB, and seeing each others families and staying in touch. Earlier this year, we were able to connect at a Mariners game because we were both face booking while we were on FB, on our phones. How fun is that?
I got a call from them yesterday. They wanted to share with me that they had been baptised at their church, and given their life to Jesus.
It was the greatest honor that they had called me from Spokane to share with me what had happened. I was so encouraged by the call. It was great to hear what had happened, and what an impact it is having on their life.
"you finally understand why everyone thought I was a weirdo in High School now don't you?" I said, over the phone.
"Yeah, the peace I have right now is indescribable." They said. " I guess its one of those things that until you experience it, you can't understand it or explain it".
I was in tears. To see a Friend of mine that I have known since high school grow spiritually is an exciting thing, and here is why- most adults don't open themselves up to the things of God. Any church statistic guy will tell you that if you don't impact them by High School, there is little hope for change.
I, on the other hand disagree. God is still in the business of changing lives. He still moves the hearts of many, and saves the souls of all who would accept his free gift.
If you've got someone in your life that you're hoping to come to Christ, keep praying. If you don't know God at this point, don't be afraid to find out what its all about.
He still moves.
Be blessed
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Did I Ever Tell You About The Dozen Donuts?
I'm sure a few of you have heard this story before, but to prove a point, I'll tell it again.
6.5 years ago when we started our church, we had big dreams. There were only 6 adults that came together to start the church, but we believed that the Lord was in it, and wanted us to do it.
As the day for our first service was rapidly approaching, we went around the neighborhood and passed out fliers. We sent out emails. We invited everyone we knew. We had rented a school, and were ready for day one.
Personally, I was expecting a miracle. Much like going to to the lake to feed the birds, when you throw out the seed, they come from everywhere to eat what you're throwing out. We bought 12 dozen donuts and made 100 cups of coffee for our first service. We set up 100 chairs. We got there early to make sure that parking wouldn't be an issue for the masses that were about to descend on our worship service.
I was pumped. My faith was high. I was excited to see God move in a powerful way. I figured that we could make a huge impact in our community. I had a strong spirit of expectancy.
No one showed up for our first service. No one. Well, if you count the Janitor we had to pay from the school district to be there at the school, we had one person. But they were sitting in their office playing solitaire or something.
I don't remember what we did with those 12 dozen donuts. I'm sure I ate a few of them. I do remember this though- even though the initial response wasn't what I had expected, I rested on the fact that God had called us, and we were walking in his will.
What's the application?
For you- there may be times in your life when you attempt great things that they don't immediately manifest themselves in the way that you had hoped. Do not lose faith in these times. God is faithful. He will do what He said he would do. These are times to build your faith.
For me- right now I'm in one of those times. The unconventional uncommon building fund is moving and growing, but not at the pace that I had expected. The donations are coming in. We're moving in the right direction. I know that God is going to bring it to pass.
I have learned over the past few years that even though God may not move on my timeline, he always shows himself faithful. Every single time. I praise Him and thank Him for it. Just because the fund isn't where I (emphasis on I), expected, doesn't mean its not happening. We're on His timeline.
Be blessed today. Believe God for big things.
6.5 years ago when we started our church, we had big dreams. There were only 6 adults that came together to start the church, but we believed that the Lord was in it, and wanted us to do it.
As the day for our first service was rapidly approaching, we went around the neighborhood and passed out fliers. We sent out emails. We invited everyone we knew. We had rented a school, and were ready for day one.
Personally, I was expecting a miracle. Much like going to to the lake to feed the birds, when you throw out the seed, they come from everywhere to eat what you're throwing out. We bought 12 dozen donuts and made 100 cups of coffee for our first service. We set up 100 chairs. We got there early to make sure that parking wouldn't be an issue for the masses that were about to descend on our worship service.
I was pumped. My faith was high. I was excited to see God move in a powerful way. I figured that we could make a huge impact in our community. I had a strong spirit of expectancy.
No one showed up for our first service. No one. Well, if you count the Janitor we had to pay from the school district to be there at the school, we had one person. But they were sitting in their office playing solitaire or something.
I don't remember what we did with those 12 dozen donuts. I'm sure I ate a few of them. I do remember this though- even though the initial response wasn't what I had expected, I rested on the fact that God had called us, and we were walking in his will.
What's the application?
For you- there may be times in your life when you attempt great things that they don't immediately manifest themselves in the way that you had hoped. Do not lose faith in these times. God is faithful. He will do what He said he would do. These are times to build your faith.
For me- right now I'm in one of those times. The unconventional uncommon building fund is moving and growing, but not at the pace that I had expected. The donations are coming in. We're moving in the right direction. I know that God is going to bring it to pass.
I have learned over the past few years that even though God may not move on my timeline, he always shows himself faithful. Every single time. I praise Him and thank Him for it. Just because the fund isn't where I (emphasis on I), expected, doesn't mean its not happening. We're on His timeline.
Be blessed today. Believe God for big things.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
This Might Be The Craziest Thing I've Done
Some people think I'm a little bit different. I don't really classify myself as a guy who marches the the beat of a different drum. I would probably classify myself as more of a person who is not afraid to do something that other people wouldn't do over the fear of looking stupid.
Why is that? I'm not exactly sure, but I think it probably rests somewhere in my mind between the adrenaline rush of doing something different, and the fear of long-term regret for not doing something.
Let's look at the facts- I joined the US army without discussing it with people. I met and married my wife of 11 years in 5 months time. She and I and 2 families started a church in a school 6 years ago. I quit a job where I was making six figures to go full time in the ministry.
I've been doing the crazy thing for a while.
Here's the quickest way I can describe what I'm currently doing- as of Sunday, I have asked four people to donate $18 dollars to go towards a 1.2 Million dollar building that our church wants to buy. I also asked them to find 4 more people to give $18 who will ask four more and so on. This will go down to the 8th level and raise 1.5 million dollars in 8 days.
I know. Its crazy. Its not normal, but like most other things in my life, if I've prayed about it, I feel the Lord is prompting me to do it, I'm going to do it and not worry about it.
Crazy eh? You can check out the whole thing on our website- here. It outlines how it works, and why we're doing it.
As of last night, the goal was to be at $320 dollars. We were at $320.03. If the daily goal indicator is a sign of the process working, it appears as though it may be moving the right direction. Awesome.
Why am I sharing this with you my blog readers? Of course it is always to prove a point from scripture that can bless you in some way.
At the top of that web page you'll see a scripture. 2 Cor 5:13 If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God. I think its a great scripture for this endeavor. And for you also. What's the application? You can do crazy things that are of God, and not of God. You can do things that are out of the ordinary that bless no one, or don't even get close to honoring God.
But if you are doing something for the sake of the Gospel, and people perceive that you are out of your mind, its okay. God will honor you for putting yourself out there and bless you for it.
Most people think you're out there anyway. Just do something for the Lord and really throw them for a loop.
Be blessed.
ps. If you want to be a 'crazy person' with this, send me an email and I'll share with you how it works.
Why is that? I'm not exactly sure, but I think it probably rests somewhere in my mind between the adrenaline rush of doing something different, and the fear of long-term regret for not doing something.
Let's look at the facts- I joined the US army without discussing it with people. I met and married my wife of 11 years in 5 months time. She and I and 2 families started a church in a school 6 years ago. I quit a job where I was making six figures to go full time in the ministry.
I've been doing the crazy thing for a while.
Here's the quickest way I can describe what I'm currently doing- as of Sunday, I have asked four people to donate $18 dollars to go towards a 1.2 Million dollar building that our church wants to buy. I also asked them to find 4 more people to give $18 who will ask four more and so on. This will go down to the 8th level and raise 1.5 million dollars in 8 days.
I know. Its crazy. Its not normal, but like most other things in my life, if I've prayed about it, I feel the Lord is prompting me to do it, I'm going to do it and not worry about it.
Crazy eh? You can check out the whole thing on our website- here. It outlines how it works, and why we're doing it.
As of last night, the goal was to be at $320 dollars. We were at $320.03. If the daily goal indicator is a sign of the process working, it appears as though it may be moving the right direction. Awesome.
Why am I sharing this with you my blog readers? Of course it is always to prove a point from scripture that can bless you in some way.
At the top of that web page you'll see a scripture. 2 Cor 5:13 If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God. I think its a great scripture for this endeavor. And for you also. What's the application? You can do crazy things that are of God, and not of God. You can do things that are out of the ordinary that bless no one, or don't even get close to honoring God.
But if you are doing something for the sake of the Gospel, and people perceive that you are out of your mind, its okay. God will honor you for putting yourself out there and bless you for it.
Most people think you're out there anyway. Just do something for the Lord and really throw them for a loop.
Be blessed.
ps. If you want to be a 'crazy person' with this, send me an email and I'll share with you how it works.
Friday, October 30, 2009
In the SUV
Crystal is driving, we are on our way to a conference in seattle. I'm writing this blog on my phone. I know there are some of you who read this every day, so I didn't want you to come here, and have it be empty.
I don't have a ton of time- but wanted to make sure that you know this- wherever you are, right now, know this- the God who created you, loves you, and wants to bless you. Rest on that this weekend.
Blessings to all
Have a great weekend
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I Absolutely Hate Watching the News
Have you watched the local evening news lately? I don't watch it but once a month or so. When ever I do, I get depressed. Here is usually the rundown of the local news in Seattle.
1. Someone got shot.
2. There was a fire.
3. There was a traffic accident.
4. A child got abducted.
5. Someone got caught doing something and now we're going to run their name into the ground.
6. The weather.
7. Sports.
8. One last story that lasts 15 seconds and is probably about some community garden that exists somewhere you've never heard of.
Its annoying. Where's the good news? Where's the positivity? As Michael Moore said, "if it bleeds, it leads". True, but very very sad.
I get most of my news from the Internet, and the local paper. It seems you can find more of it and less of the sensationalism that way. But even in that medium there exists a problem- what news they will share, how they will cover it, and how it can be found.
Take for example this story here. Its a story about how the US economy grew in the 3rd quarter, which indicates that the recession that we have been in since 2007 is now unofficially over.
Folks, this is great news for America. We've been in an economic slump since 2007 and for the first time the indicators are showing a turn around.
Your phone should be ringing off the hook. You should be getting text messages from your friends. Every news organization right now should have it as their lead story.
Do you remember a few months back when that one entertainer guy who sang songs and was a little odd, died unexpectedly? They sure covered that story didn't they? For weeks they covered that story.
What's the nugget? The world isn't always as bad as the media tries to make it. Sensationalism and negativity seem to run the show. Find ways to find good news and see how much difference it makes in your day. Talk to your friends and co-workers about the good stuff that is going on, not the negative stuff.
Here's what will happen- you will feel better and so will those around you. You won't dwell on those things that you cannot control or change, but will have a renewed sense of optimism.
I've used this verse before, but it illustrates a point once again- Phil 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Be blessed
1. Someone got shot.
2. There was a fire.
3. There was a traffic accident.
4. A child got abducted.
5. Someone got caught doing something and now we're going to run their name into the ground.
6. The weather.
7. Sports.
8. One last story that lasts 15 seconds and is probably about some community garden that exists somewhere you've never heard of.
Its annoying. Where's the good news? Where's the positivity? As Michael Moore said, "if it bleeds, it leads". True, but very very sad.
I get most of my news from the Internet, and the local paper. It seems you can find more of it and less of the sensationalism that way. But even in that medium there exists a problem- what news they will share, how they will cover it, and how it can be found.
Take for example this story here. Its a story about how the US economy grew in the 3rd quarter, which indicates that the recession that we have been in since 2007 is now unofficially over.
Folks, this is great news for America. We've been in an economic slump since 2007 and for the first time the indicators are showing a turn around.
Your phone should be ringing off the hook. You should be getting text messages from your friends. Every news organization right now should have it as their lead story.
Do you remember a few months back when that one entertainer guy who sang songs and was a little odd, died unexpectedly? They sure covered that story didn't they? For weeks they covered that story.
What's the nugget? The world isn't always as bad as the media tries to make it. Sensationalism and negativity seem to run the show. Find ways to find good news and see how much difference it makes in your day. Talk to your friends and co-workers about the good stuff that is going on, not the negative stuff.
Here's what will happen- you will feel better and so will those around you. You won't dwell on those things that you cannot control or change, but will have a renewed sense of optimism.
I've used this verse before, but it illustrates a point once again- Phil 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Be blessed
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I Was Picking a Lock Last Night
Last night was a great night.
There is a woman in our church who needed to move. It was kind of unexpected, she needed to get out of her house by the end of this week. She is a newly single mother of 4 kids, who understandably is a bit overwhelmed with the whole thing. I asked her how the church could help, and she said she really needed some help with moving some stuff.
So on Sunday, I made a quick announcement to the church about needing help, and sent out a text on Tuesday to come and help. Last night about 12 people showed up on a Tuesday night, in the dark, to help another person move.
As a pastor, there aren't many tangible indicators that you can use to surmise the spiritual health of your church, but last night I sure saw one. A bunch of men and women with trucks and cars showing up to help someone they didn't know that well. Just because she was in need. It was awesome.
There were old guys and young guys. Married and single. Kids. Even a pregnant lady carrying some small boxes. No complaints. No grumbling. No arguments.
There was one problem- when we got to her new house, the garage was locked without a key. We had to call a locksmith to come and open it. I held the flashlight for the locksmith and learned how to pick a lock. Cool stuff. I'm not sure how I'll use it in the future, but it was pretty cool.
What's the nugget? There still is love in this world. There is still community. I saw it last night and it was awesome.
There are people out there who say that the church is outdated, and that there is no use for it today. Those people think that the church is not needed. There are tons of great things about the church that exist, and last night I saw the love, care and community of it, and I was encouraged by it.
Be blessed.
There is a woman in our church who needed to move. It was kind of unexpected, she needed to get out of her house by the end of this week. She is a newly single mother of 4 kids, who understandably is a bit overwhelmed with the whole thing. I asked her how the church could help, and she said she really needed some help with moving some stuff.
So on Sunday, I made a quick announcement to the church about needing help, and sent out a text on Tuesday to come and help. Last night about 12 people showed up on a Tuesday night, in the dark, to help another person move.
As a pastor, there aren't many tangible indicators that you can use to surmise the spiritual health of your church, but last night I sure saw one. A bunch of men and women with trucks and cars showing up to help someone they didn't know that well. Just because she was in need. It was awesome.
There were old guys and young guys. Married and single. Kids. Even a pregnant lady carrying some small boxes. No complaints. No grumbling. No arguments.
There was one problem- when we got to her new house, the garage was locked without a key. We had to call a locksmith to come and open it. I held the flashlight for the locksmith and learned how to pick a lock. Cool stuff. I'm not sure how I'll use it in the future, but it was pretty cool.
What's the nugget? There still is love in this world. There is still community. I saw it last night and it was awesome.
There are people out there who say that the church is outdated, and that there is no use for it today. Those people think that the church is not needed. There are tons of great things about the church that exist, and last night I saw the love, care and community of it, and I was encouraged by it.
Be blessed.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Don't Fall Victim To This Common Disease
I eat fast food every once in a while. I'm sure that most people do, or have at some point. Its not the best culinary choice, but it is usually cheap, quick and convenient, so its hard to complain about it.
As the process goes, you drive your car up, and wait for your turn to go to the ordering microphone. (Usually this contraption is either too loud, or too quiet for either you or the other person on the end. Someone ends up yelling, or not hearing each other).
The process begins when you order- without seeing the person on the other end, with never knowing a thing about them, you can usually surmise something about their emotional condition based on how they sound on that speaker. You can tell if they are happy to be there, or if they are upset to be there. It totally and completely evident from the way they come across that speaker. Every time.
Most of us would agree that working at a fast-food window is not the culmination of most people's career dreams. Its usually an entry-level or temporary job while waiting to get promoted or move to another job. Or, its the only job that person can get at that time. Whatever it is, I think most people agree that its not a dream job.
But here's the point- in the midst of this job, this fast paced, must get everything 100% correct 100% of the time, thankless customer service nightmare, people still are happy to be working there. They are genuinely cordial and welcoming. They are chipper and positive in their work. They smile and connect with the hundreds of people they meet every day.
What's the secret? They haven't fallen prey to the disease of "I'll be happy when". Its a debilitating disease that alot of people fall prey too. It can happen if you're rich or poor, at a good job or a bad job. In a good relationship or a bad relationship. If you have something, or you don't. People allow themselves to get in a mindset that they think they will be happy later on. Not right now.
This guy Paul in the Bible talked about this idea when he wrote a letter to a church in Philipi. He told that church that no matter what happened to him that he could do everything through the strength that he found in power of the Lord. Paul knew that it wasn't circumstance that dictated his happiness. Paul knew he could be anywhere, go through anything, and still be ok.
Don't fall victim to the "I'll be happy when" disease today. Realize that no matter where you are, no matter what you are going through, you can have joy. You can have peace. You can be nice to people and be positive. Right now. Not later. Not when that one thing changes about your life.
Be blessed
As the process goes, you drive your car up, and wait for your turn to go to the ordering microphone. (Usually this contraption is either too loud, or too quiet for either you or the other person on the end. Someone ends up yelling, or not hearing each other).
The process begins when you order- without seeing the person on the other end, with never knowing a thing about them, you can usually surmise something about their emotional condition based on how they sound on that speaker. You can tell if they are happy to be there, or if they are upset to be there. It totally and completely evident from the way they come across that speaker. Every time.
Most of us would agree that working at a fast-food window is not the culmination of most people's career dreams. Its usually an entry-level or temporary job while waiting to get promoted or move to another job. Or, its the only job that person can get at that time. Whatever it is, I think most people agree that its not a dream job.
But here's the point- in the midst of this job, this fast paced, must get everything 100% correct 100% of the time, thankless customer service nightmare, people still are happy to be working there. They are genuinely cordial and welcoming. They are chipper and positive in their work. They smile and connect with the hundreds of people they meet every day.
What's the secret? They haven't fallen prey to the disease of "I'll be happy when". Its a debilitating disease that alot of people fall prey too. It can happen if you're rich or poor, at a good job or a bad job. In a good relationship or a bad relationship. If you have something, or you don't. People allow themselves to get in a mindset that they think they will be happy later on. Not right now.
This guy Paul in the Bible talked about this idea when he wrote a letter to a church in Philipi. He told that church that no matter what happened to him that he could do everything through the strength that he found in power of the Lord. Paul knew that it wasn't circumstance that dictated his happiness. Paul knew he could be anywhere, go through anything, and still be ok.
Don't fall victim to the "I'll be happy when" disease today. Realize that no matter where you are, no matter what you are going through, you can have joy. You can have peace. You can be nice to people and be positive. Right now. Not later. Not when that one thing changes about your life.
Be blessed
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Boy In The Balloon.... buffoon?
I'm sure you've been seeing it over the news the past week or so. The boy in the hot air balloon. If you didn't here's the quick synopsis- last week a man frantically called 911 and said that his 6 year old son had entered a compartment to a weather balloon and was now floating away.
A massive hysteria ensued. Police, military, and the FAA were all involved to help this defenseless boy who was apparently was floating his way to eternity. It was tragic, scary and a media circus event. Which is amazing, except as of now, it appears that the whole thing was a hoax.
The boy was hiding in his attic. His dad told him to hide there, and then the dad called 911. There is talk of the dad being brought up on charges for perpetuating this hoax. What do I think? I'm not sure if charges is the way to go.
Turns out that this dad had high hopes of a reality show and a movie deal, and he thought that this hoax would be a way to plunge him into the limelight. Well, he sure is in the limelight now.
Here's what I think was/is going on in this man's mind. Like many people, he is probably plagued with feelings of worthlessness, and loneliness. In his mind, he thought that this media notoriety would somehow solve his feelings of self pity. He was willing to go to extreme lengths to go from being a nobody to a somebody. To go from obscurity to notoriety.
Isn't there a little bit of that in us all? A thought or a feeling that no one knows were alive, or cares about us? That our life is lived and no one seems to notice?
You have value. You matter. Do you know why you have value and you matter? Because the God who created the universe created you, and He says that he loves you. He loves you and knows exactly where you are, what you are doing, and the things that are going on on in your life.
Try this today- instead of sticking yourself or your child into a weather balloon, sit down and say this to yourself- God loves me. You will be amazed at the power that exists in those words. When you realize that you are cherished by Him, it helps you to see that your life, your existence does matter. Even if you're not on a reality show.
A massive hysteria ensued. Police, military, and the FAA were all involved to help this defenseless boy who was apparently was floating his way to eternity. It was tragic, scary and a media circus event. Which is amazing, except as of now, it appears that the whole thing was a hoax.
The boy was hiding in his attic. His dad told him to hide there, and then the dad called 911. There is talk of the dad being brought up on charges for perpetuating this hoax. What do I think? I'm not sure if charges is the way to go.
Turns out that this dad had high hopes of a reality show and a movie deal, and he thought that this hoax would be a way to plunge him into the limelight. Well, he sure is in the limelight now.
Here's what I think was/is going on in this man's mind. Like many people, he is probably plagued with feelings of worthlessness, and loneliness. In his mind, he thought that this media notoriety would somehow solve his feelings of self pity. He was willing to go to extreme lengths to go from being a nobody to a somebody. To go from obscurity to notoriety.
Isn't there a little bit of that in us all? A thought or a feeling that no one knows were alive, or cares about us? That our life is lived and no one seems to notice?
You have value. You matter. Do you know why you have value and you matter? Because the God who created the universe created you, and He says that he loves you. He loves you and knows exactly where you are, what you are doing, and the things that are going on on in your life.
Try this today- instead of sticking yourself or your child into a weather balloon, sit down and say this to yourself- God loves me. You will be amazed at the power that exists in those words. When you realize that you are cherished by Him, it helps you to see that your life, your existence does matter. Even if you're not on a reality show.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
How to Catch A Rat
Its been a long process, but we figured out somehow that we had a rat living underneath our shed in the back yard.
Crystal had seen something during the summer, I had seen something last fall. Ranger had chased something one night. And then, I saw a small little hole that had been dug in the dirt under the wooden foundation of the shed, and I knew- there was a rat under our shed.
I don't know what it is about rats, but the seem so nasty and germ infested to me. I think if I had a bunny living under my shed I would put out carrots and try to pet it, but rats are completely different. They gross me out.
Sunday night, I decided to put the trap out. I put it out around 730pm and by 915, I heard the snap and knew that something triggered it. I went out, and sure enough, there was a big ol rat out there. Probably weighed about 1.5 lbs. It was gross, but at least I got him out from underneath my shed.
I wonder how long he was living there? Is there any more under there? Here's a big question, if I hadn't got him, would he have established a colony and then infiltrated my house?
The whole idea of rats is just disgusting.
Do you know whats interesting though? There are people out there that have rats living in their houses and don't even care? I'm not talking about pets, I'm talking about rat infested homes, that people don't do anything about.
It always baffles my mind- people who have vermin or junk in their house that they let pile up that they never get rid of. Worse yet, it baffles me that there are people out there that allow other things to infest their minds, and allow thoughts to take root in their minds that have no business being there.
Here's a rat infested thought to get out of your mind today- negativity.
That is a 'rat' that shouldn't be living in your mind. The creator of this universe did not create you to live your life with a negative mindset. God is good. He desires good things for your life. He may be trying to bless you, but because of negativity, you may be missing it.
It may take some time, or drastic measures to catch that rat, but do what it takes to get it, trap it, kill it, and get rid of it and quit being negative.
Negative thoughts are like rats. If you don't kill one, they multiply and will eventually consume you. Sure, negativity may not be your issue, but I'm sure there is some other rat that you need to get rid of. Spend some time in prayer and discover what that thing is, and get rid of it.
Be blessed
Crystal had seen something during the summer, I had seen something last fall. Ranger had chased something one night. And then, I saw a small little hole that had been dug in the dirt under the wooden foundation of the shed, and I knew- there was a rat under our shed.
I don't know what it is about rats, but the seem so nasty and germ infested to me. I think if I had a bunny living under my shed I would put out carrots and try to pet it, but rats are completely different. They gross me out.
Sunday night, I decided to put the trap out. I put it out around 730pm and by 915, I heard the snap and knew that something triggered it. I went out, and sure enough, there was a big ol rat out there. Probably weighed about 1.5 lbs. It was gross, but at least I got him out from underneath my shed.
I wonder how long he was living there? Is there any more under there? Here's a big question, if I hadn't got him, would he have established a colony and then infiltrated my house?
The whole idea of rats is just disgusting.
Do you know whats interesting though? There are people out there that have rats living in their houses and don't even care? I'm not talking about pets, I'm talking about rat infested homes, that people don't do anything about.
It always baffles my mind- people who have vermin or junk in their house that they let pile up that they never get rid of. Worse yet, it baffles me that there are people out there that allow other things to infest their minds, and allow thoughts to take root in their minds that have no business being there.
Here's a rat infested thought to get out of your mind today- negativity.
That is a 'rat' that shouldn't be living in your mind. The creator of this universe did not create you to live your life with a negative mindset. God is good. He desires good things for your life. He may be trying to bless you, but because of negativity, you may be missing it.
It may take some time, or drastic measures to catch that rat, but do what it takes to get it, trap it, kill it, and get rid of it and quit being negative.
Negative thoughts are like rats. If you don't kill one, they multiply and will eventually consume you. Sure, negativity may not be your issue, but I'm sure there is some other rat that you need to get rid of. Spend some time in prayer and discover what that thing is, and get rid of it.
Be blessed
Friday, October 16, 2009
Why Can't Anything Be Easy?
Crystal decided yesterday that she was going to to paint our bathroom. There was some of that green mildew junk growing above the shower, that seems to never go away, so the answer is Kilz and new paint!
Here's the issue- the mildew grows because of excess moisture in the bathroom, that is compounded by our broken fan that is in there. We've been in our house for five years, and never fixed it since we've moved in. Since she started painting, I thought it best that we should replace the fan.
I went to my place, the Home Depot, and found a "Bath Fan Upgrade Kit" that only cost about 25 dollars, and had a logo on the box that said, and I quote, "upgrade your fan in 10 mins!". You can probably tell where this blog is going already.
3 hours and 3 trips back to home depot, and I finally got that fan installed. It was not easy to say the least, nor did it take 10 mins. It took ten minutes for me to open the box, and sit at the kitchen table and read through those "english" instructions that they provided. It was not fun. It didn't help that my son kept coming into the bathroom and into the attic and repeatedly asking me, "why don't you call a repair man, Dad?"
That's a great question Gabe. Next time, I just may do that.
Here's what occurred to me though- as I was driving back to Home Depot for the third time, I thought to myself- I can either get mad about this, or just roll with it.
The Bible says in Romans chapter 12 that we transform ourselves by the renewing of our minds. That means, we have to think about things differently.
I have to tell you, I did that yesterday, and I was quite proud of myself. I usually get really upset and in a tizzy when that stuff happens, and yesterday, it rolled off my back.
I encourage you to try it next time you are in a situation that usually gets you angry or frustrated. Think about it, and choose to not get upset or angry and watch how much easier it is. The negative emotion doesn't help. Looking and thinking about it differently does.
Be blessed. Have a great weekend.
Here's the issue- the mildew grows because of excess moisture in the bathroom, that is compounded by our broken fan that is in there. We've been in our house for five years, and never fixed it since we've moved in. Since she started painting, I thought it best that we should replace the fan.
I went to my place, the Home Depot, and found a "Bath Fan Upgrade Kit" that only cost about 25 dollars, and had a logo on the box that said, and I quote, "upgrade your fan in 10 mins!". You can probably tell where this blog is going already.
3 hours and 3 trips back to home depot, and I finally got that fan installed. It was not easy to say the least, nor did it take 10 mins. It took ten minutes for me to open the box, and sit at the kitchen table and read through those "english" instructions that they provided. It was not fun. It didn't help that my son kept coming into the bathroom and into the attic and repeatedly asking me, "why don't you call a repair man, Dad?"
That's a great question Gabe. Next time, I just may do that.
Here's what occurred to me though- as I was driving back to Home Depot for the third time, I thought to myself- I can either get mad about this, or just roll with it.
The Bible says in Romans chapter 12 that we transform ourselves by the renewing of our minds. That means, we have to think about things differently.
I have to tell you, I did that yesterday, and I was quite proud of myself. I usually get really upset and in a tizzy when that stuff happens, and yesterday, it rolled off my back.
I encourage you to try it next time you are in a situation that usually gets you angry or frustrated. Think about it, and choose to not get upset or angry and watch how much easier it is. The negative emotion doesn't help. Looking and thinking about it differently does.
Be blessed. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Why Does It Take So Long For An Answer to Prayer?
My wife Crystal and I used to live in Texas. We bought our first house there. It cost us 42K, had 3 bedrooms and had a mortgage payment of about $365. Our address was 209 Easy Street. Yep. We were literally living on Easy Street. Based on that house payment, it was probably the easiest street we will ever live on.
Thinking back to that time, we didn't have a whole lot of money. I was in the US Army and I think we were probably making about $1300 dollars a month, which looking back is not much money at all. During those times, I remember how we would pray for provision in our house. That God would take care of us, and that we would be able to pay our bills.
I can also remember how back then we really wanted a new vehicle.
I know, it seems excessive, but it was really the desire of our hearts to have a different vehicle than the one we had at the time. The one we had was OK, but it wasn't the one that we truly wanted.
One day, I think it may have been a Saturday, we went to a new car dealership and looked at new vehicles. This was in 1998 before kids or anything, which matters, because I remember us sitting in that vehicle by ourselves, holding hands, and praying that God would bless us with that vehicle.
After we had prayed, since we couldn't afford that vehicle, we went home. For a really long time I prayed and wondered if we would get that thing. I know, this has nothing to do with my happiness, or my ability to live, or my salvation, but I'm proving a point here. Stick with me.
Here's my point. It doesn't matter what we pray for, its hard to wait for the answer. It truly doesn't matter what it is, because if we prayed for it, its important to us, and therefore important to God. And sometimes, it seems as if the answer to our prayer is never going to come. Ever. Can you identify with this?
Well last night on my drive home it occurred to me. I was driving the vehicle that Crystal and I had prayed for back in 1998. We had gone to the Chevrolet dealer, and sat in an brand new 1998 Chevy Suburban, and prayed that God would bless us with one. 11 years later, I'm driving a 2004 GMC Yukon (which is really a Suburban) which is a better vehicle than the one we prayed for.
Yes, it took 11 years for that prayer to be answered, but God did answer it. He gave us the desires of our heart. It may not have been on our timeline, or when we wanted it, but he did answer our prayer.
Sometimes it takes the trivial to reveal the spiritual. Your prayer may not be for a SUV, but something else. Wait. God will answer that prayer. It may take time, but sooner or later, He will answer.
Thinking back to that time, we didn't have a whole lot of money. I was in the US Army and I think we were probably making about $1300 dollars a month, which looking back is not much money at all. During those times, I remember how we would pray for provision in our house. That God would take care of us, and that we would be able to pay our bills.
I can also remember how back then we really wanted a new vehicle.
I know, it seems excessive, but it was really the desire of our hearts to have a different vehicle than the one we had at the time. The one we had was OK, but it wasn't the one that we truly wanted.
One day, I think it may have been a Saturday, we went to a new car dealership and looked at new vehicles. This was in 1998 before kids or anything, which matters, because I remember us sitting in that vehicle by ourselves, holding hands, and praying that God would bless us with that vehicle.
After we had prayed, since we couldn't afford that vehicle, we went home. For a really long time I prayed and wondered if we would get that thing. I know, this has nothing to do with my happiness, or my ability to live, or my salvation, but I'm proving a point here. Stick with me.
Here's my point. It doesn't matter what we pray for, its hard to wait for the answer. It truly doesn't matter what it is, because if we prayed for it, its important to us, and therefore important to God. And sometimes, it seems as if the answer to our prayer is never going to come. Ever. Can you identify with this?
Well last night on my drive home it occurred to me. I was driving the vehicle that Crystal and I had prayed for back in 1998. We had gone to the Chevrolet dealer, and sat in an brand new 1998 Chevy Suburban, and prayed that God would bless us with one. 11 years later, I'm driving a 2004 GMC Yukon (which is really a Suburban) which is a better vehicle than the one we prayed for.
Yes, it took 11 years for that prayer to be answered, but God did answer it. He gave us the desires of our heart. It may not have been on our timeline, or when we wanted it, but he did answer our prayer.
Sometimes it takes the trivial to reveal the spiritual. Your prayer may not be for a SUV, but something else. Wait. God will answer that prayer. It may take time, but sooner or later, He will answer.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My Mom Should Have Gone To Jail? (here I go on my soapbox)
As I child, my brother and I would say "bad words". I didn't know what they meant, or why they were bad, I just knew they bad, because my older brother said they were. We would sometimes sit in his upstairs bedroom, and use them. Over and over and over. Who knows what the reason was, we just did it.
That was until those words somehow leaked from our mouths outside the confines of our elevated sanctuary. Come to find out, our mother didn't like those words. At all. Do you know what she did? She washed our mouth out with soap.
Now, being the progressive society that we were at the time, there was this fantastic new invention that made the washing of hands more convenient. It was called liquid soap. This was the kind of soap we had. It was called Dial soap. And my mother figured that the most best way to apply the use of this industrial marvel was to place it on our toothbrushes, and use it to hand our our punishment.
Here's the best part- when your mother is brushing your teeth for you, while the brush is covered in liquid soap, it can jab the inside of your mouth quite a bit. So not only do you get the experience of your mouth being 'washed out', you also get some slight breakage of the skin that also gets to enjoy this disinfecting pleasure. Added bonus- days later our toothbrushes would still taste like soap, so you would remember what happened long after the punishment had been administered.
I'm not sure if you've noticed- but as of yet, I'm not a axe wielding felon who swears like a sailor. It seems this experience didn't ruin me or a person, or have any long lasting damage (except for one- I cannot, to this day, smell Dial soap and not think of those days). My mom did what a parent should do, punish kids with dirty little mouths. It taught me and my brother respect, and a host of other things. I'm pretty sure that neither of us ever went to a job interview and said, "Hey, how the bleep are you? I'm here for my bleeping job interview".
Apparently a parent in Miami did not elude the authorities as my mother did. You can read her story here Some mom went to jail for using soap on her kid.
Seriously? As if society didn't have enough problems, we've taken yet another parenting tool out of the arsenal. No more spanking, no more sent to bed without dinner, and now now soap?
Here's the nugget for the day- and I'll choose my words wisely because if not, some government organization will probably be on my porch by lunchtime.
God loves us, and wants us to love our kids. He doesn't want us to beat them senseless or to hurt them. But, at the same time, if you are a parent, you must realize, and help your child realize that you are the parent, and they are the child. Allowing your children to run all over you in the long run is a plan for disaster.
I don't remember many 'long talks' from my mom. I do remember what dial tastes like, and I don't swear that much. There is nothing wrong with a little discipline now and then. It was good for me in the long run.
Be blessed, and thanks Mom.
That was until those words somehow leaked from our mouths outside the confines of our elevated sanctuary. Come to find out, our mother didn't like those words. At all. Do you know what she did? She washed our mouth out with soap.
Now, being the progressive society that we were at the time, there was this fantastic new invention that made the washing of hands more convenient. It was called liquid soap. This was the kind of soap we had. It was called Dial soap. And my mother figured that the most best way to apply the use of this industrial marvel was to place it on our toothbrushes, and use it to hand our our punishment.
Here's the best part- when your mother is brushing your teeth for you, while the brush is covered in liquid soap, it can jab the inside of your mouth quite a bit. So not only do you get the experience of your mouth being 'washed out', you also get some slight breakage of the skin that also gets to enjoy this disinfecting pleasure. Added bonus- days later our toothbrushes would still taste like soap, so you would remember what happened long after the punishment had been administered.
I'm not sure if you've noticed- but as of yet, I'm not a axe wielding felon who swears like a sailor. It seems this experience didn't ruin me or a person, or have any long lasting damage (except for one- I cannot, to this day, smell Dial soap and not think of those days). My mom did what a parent should do, punish kids with dirty little mouths. It taught me and my brother respect, and a host of other things. I'm pretty sure that neither of us ever went to a job interview and said, "Hey, how the bleep are you? I'm here for my bleeping job interview".
Apparently a parent in Miami did not elude the authorities as my mother did. You can read her story here Some mom went to jail for using soap on her kid.
Seriously? As if society didn't have enough problems, we've taken yet another parenting tool out of the arsenal. No more spanking, no more sent to bed without dinner, and now now soap?
Here's the nugget for the day- and I'll choose my words wisely because if not, some government organization will probably be on my porch by lunchtime.
God loves us, and wants us to love our kids. He doesn't want us to beat them senseless or to hurt them. But, at the same time, if you are a parent, you must realize, and help your child realize that you are the parent, and they are the child. Allowing your children to run all over you in the long run is a plan for disaster.
I don't remember many 'long talks' from my mom. I do remember what dial tastes like, and I don't swear that much. There is nothing wrong with a little discipline now and then. It was good for me in the long run.
Be blessed, and thanks Mom.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Guns, Shootouts, and the FBI
We had chili dogs for dinner last night. It was Monday Night Football, so we had a few friends over to watch the game and enjoy some chow. It was an exciting game to watch. Man, those chili dogs were good. Crystal made the chili with black beans. Its really good that way.
I think it must have been the chili dogs, but I had some crazy dreams last night.
In my dream, I was in a hotel and somehow it came under attack. Probably from terrorists or something, I don't really remember. What I do remember is this, is that there was a wounded FBI agent who gave me his gun to defend the attack. In my dream, he handed me the gun with one round left. And I was like, "dude, do you have an extra clip?". And then he remembered that he had an extra magazine, so he gave it to me.
I never had to use the gun in my dream. But I did end up running through bushes, and chasing bad guys, and seeing old friends from college. It was one of those dreams that seems so vivid that it is real. When you wake up and for a minute, you think that was what happened in your life.
Obviously I wasn't in a shootout, or with the FBI, but it was a real vivid dream. It got me thinking this morning- why is it that we have such vivid far fetched dreams in our sleep, but when it comes to daily reality, most people don't allow themselves to dream big. We may think about things, but we rarely dream outside of the attainable.
Its safer to dream small, because then you have less of a chance of failing, or being let down. But I don't think that's the best recipe for success. When we dream big, we expand our possibilities and open the door to opportunities and blessings that we may have otherwise not been able to achieve.
Some people may not agree with this theological point, but this is what I believe- God wants to bless us. To do good to us, and not evil. How that manifests in every one's lives may not be exactly the same. But the truth remains- he wants to bless us.
Dreams can be part of that. An area of our life where we think big and hope for great opportunity. If we don't allow ourselves to 'go there' sometimes, we may run the risk of not getting there, because we don't open the door to it in our minds. Meaning, we can be the roadblock to blessings because we don't think that it is possible.
Its okay to think big, dream big, hope big and believe big. God owns it all, has it all, and blesses all, but we have to be open to it. If we don't dream or believe big, it may never happen.
Dream big
I think it must have been the chili dogs, but I had some crazy dreams last night.
In my dream, I was in a hotel and somehow it came under attack. Probably from terrorists or something, I don't really remember. What I do remember is this, is that there was a wounded FBI agent who gave me his gun to defend the attack. In my dream, he handed me the gun with one round left. And I was like, "dude, do you have an extra clip?". And then he remembered that he had an extra magazine, so he gave it to me.
I never had to use the gun in my dream. But I did end up running through bushes, and chasing bad guys, and seeing old friends from college. It was one of those dreams that seems so vivid that it is real. When you wake up and for a minute, you think that was what happened in your life.
Obviously I wasn't in a shootout, or with the FBI, but it was a real vivid dream. It got me thinking this morning- why is it that we have such vivid far fetched dreams in our sleep, but when it comes to daily reality, most people don't allow themselves to dream big. We may think about things, but we rarely dream outside of the attainable.
Its safer to dream small, because then you have less of a chance of failing, or being let down. But I don't think that's the best recipe for success. When we dream big, we expand our possibilities and open the door to opportunities and blessings that we may have otherwise not been able to achieve.
Some people may not agree with this theological point, but this is what I believe- God wants to bless us. To do good to us, and not evil. How that manifests in every one's lives may not be exactly the same. But the truth remains- he wants to bless us.
Dreams can be part of that. An area of our life where we think big and hope for great opportunity. If we don't allow ourselves to 'go there' sometimes, we may run the risk of not getting there, because we don't open the door to it in our minds. Meaning, we can be the roadblock to blessings because we don't think that it is possible.
Its okay to think big, dream big, hope big and believe big. God owns it all, has it all, and blesses all, but we have to be open to it. If we don't dream or believe big, it may never happen.
Dream big
Friday, October 9, 2009
If You Say it, Mean It.
This must be a week of commerce for me. First the locksmith blog, and now this.
You may recall I bought a 2004 GMC Yukon a few weeks ago. The transmission, in my opinion was acting a little weird in the shift from 1st to 2nd gear, so I decided that I should take it in.
I should come clean here- I am not the most trusting guy when it comes to auto shops. I know that they can really take advantage of people at times. I know that there are really good ones out there, but there are also one's who 'see you comin'.
Here's what I did. I started looking on the Internet for transmission shops and calling around. You can usually get a pretty good read on someone just by the tone of the voice and how they deal with you. I was in outside sales for 4 years. I know the drill. I can tell when I am getting the sell.
That's how I felt when I called a national transmission chain store. I felt like the guy wanted to sell me a new transmission over the phone without even looking at my truck. So I kept looking and found a website for a little mom and pop in Auburn. What sparked my fancy? It had one of those little Christian fishes on the site.
Now, to most people, they either don't see it, or don't care, but for me. That fish means alot. That symbol represents the persecution and torture of early Christians and the secret symbol that they would use to communicate to each other that they were followers of Jesus Christ.
So here's what I said to the guy over the phone before I brought in my truck.
"hey, I noticed you guys have one of those Christian fishes on your website, are you a Christian?"
"Yes, we sure are" He replied.
"Good" I said. "Because I am a pastor, and you are going to answer to God for how you service my transmission".
I left it at that. He agreed that he would take care of me.
You might think that's a bit harsh, but here's my thought- don't say you're a Christian, or have a Christian fish if you don't mean it. Don't market me or put a little fish on your site if its only an attempt to garner some business from the Christian people of the world.
If you say you're a Christian. You should mean it. Its no easy statement. It means alot, if you own a transmission shop, or not.
Be blessed today. If you say it, mean it.
You may recall I bought a 2004 GMC Yukon a few weeks ago. The transmission, in my opinion was acting a little weird in the shift from 1st to 2nd gear, so I decided that I should take it in.
I should come clean here- I am not the most trusting guy when it comes to auto shops. I know that they can really take advantage of people at times. I know that there are really good ones out there, but there are also one's who 'see you comin'.
Here's what I did. I started looking on the Internet for transmission shops and calling around. You can usually get a pretty good read on someone just by the tone of the voice and how they deal with you. I was in outside sales for 4 years. I know the drill. I can tell when I am getting the sell.
That's how I felt when I called a national transmission chain store. I felt like the guy wanted to sell me a new transmission over the phone without even looking at my truck. So I kept looking and found a website for a little mom and pop in Auburn. What sparked my fancy? It had one of those little Christian fishes on the site.
Now, to most people, they either don't see it, or don't care, but for me. That fish means alot. That symbol represents the persecution and torture of early Christians and the secret symbol that they would use to communicate to each other that they were followers of Jesus Christ.
So here's what I said to the guy over the phone before I brought in my truck.
"hey, I noticed you guys have one of those Christian fishes on your website, are you a Christian?"
"Yes, we sure are" He replied.
"Good" I said. "Because I am a pastor, and you are going to answer to God for how you service my transmission".
I left it at that. He agreed that he would take care of me.
You might think that's a bit harsh, but here's my thought- don't say you're a Christian, or have a Christian fish if you don't mean it. Don't market me or put a little fish on your site if its only an attempt to garner some business from the Christian people of the world.
If you say you're a Christian. You should mean it. Its no easy statement. It means alot, if you own a transmission shop, or not.
Be blessed today. If you say it, mean it.
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